wordpress Sensible Content material Gallery (Add-ons)

Item Description:

The DP Smart Content Gallery lets you display posts / pages and social network content in a grid layout


  • Display a gallery of content from
    different sources

    • WP posts, categories, tags and
    • Custom Links
    • Twitter
    • Twitter Hashtag
    • Facebook Pages
    • Google+ Profiles
    • Instagram
    • Instagram Hashtag
    • Delicious
    • Flickr
    • Flickr Hashtag
    • Tumblr
    • Youtube
    • Youtube Search
    • Dribbble
    • Pinterest
    • Vimeo
  • Allows to sell ads
    – You can add an advertise space to let users contact you through a form with the URL that they want to display. This feature has the option to see a preview of the ad, which uses the URL’s Open Graph meta tags.
  • Display the Gallery as a widget.
  • Multi-site Support.
  • WPML Support.

  • Cross Browser Support.


To use a Twitter account or hashtag you need the API Credentials.

Instructions to get the Credentials

  1. Add a new Twitter application
  2. Fill in Name, Description, Website, and Callback URL (don’t leave any blank) with anything you want
  3. Agree to rules, fill out captcha, and submit your application
  4. Click the button “Create my access token” and then go to the OAuth tab.
  5. Copy the Consumer key, Consumer secret, Access token and Access token secret into the fields of the plugin admin panel.
  6. Click the Save Settings button

For Instagram accounts and hashtags you need to create an App and get the client ID.

Instructions to get the client ID

  1. Register an app at http://instagram.com/developer/
  2. You will find the client ID in http://instagram.com/developer/clients/manage/

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