Tabsy Tabbed Widgets Add-on (Add-ons)

Tabsy is a free smart responsive wordpress tabs plugin that is designed to fit on every container width beautifully.

Being able to insert wordpress contents, images and shortcodes are one of the best handy features you can utilize by the use of this amazing plugin.

Tabbed sections on a website can be very convenient. They allow you to break up a lot of information and put it into one small space. Readers are less overwhelmed that way and therefore more likely to hang around and check out what you have to offer. – from wpmudev blog post

Tabsy + Tabbed Widgets

So you are looking for Tabbed Widget Plugin that can display any available widgets on your site in a responsive way and you cannot find any good one? Well you can stop searching now! You’ve successfully found Tabsy, now you won’t be limiting your sidebar tabs to Popular, Recent, Comments and Tags Tabs only. You can now add any (yes any!) tabbed widgets such as Bio, Products, Genesis or Thesis Widgets, Social Sharing, Meta, Archives and much more, add any widget you want using this amazing brand new add-on! It will not only be responsively display but smartly responsive which means the tabs will automatically turn into responsive view if the tabbed content doesn’t fit your sidebar container, pretty amazing right?

SiteOrigin Page Builder + Tabsy Tabbed Widgets

Are you using SiteOrigin Page Builder on your site and you want to easily add Tabs on your contents? Well widgetized plugins cannot be completed without SiteOrigin compatibility I suppose, so I’ve made sure that it’s working perfectly on this 5-star page builder. Go ahead the try this add on and you’ll be amazed how it turns out to be a great widget addition!

Easy Steps to Get Started!

What are you waiting for? Get it now!

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