Progress Map, Draw a Search – WordPress Plugin (Add-ons)

Progress Map, Draw a Search is an extension of Progress Map WordPress Plugin.

This extension adds two powerful search tool to your map.

This search tool will allow users to search exactly where they’re interested by drawing one or multiple polygons/areas on the map. Once drawn, users will have the possibility to edit and/or delete an existing area in order to change the results displayed on the map.

This search tool will allow you to split your map into different search areas. All predefined areas will be displayed on the map as a dropdown list that will help users to get locations by selecting the areas they’re interested with. When used with the search tool “Draw a map search”, users will have the possibility to edit and/or delete the selected predefined areas in order to refine the results displayed on the map.

There are other features that i’ll let you discover yourself by trying the demo. Enjoy & have fun!

To use this plugin, you must install “Progress Map WordPress Plugin v4 or upper”!