Power Ad allows you to display AdPress Ads on any website with HTML and JavaScript. Without Power Ad, you can only display and run AdPress campaigns on the WordPress blog in which AdPress is installed. Power Ad changes this. You can now display the Ads on any website, whether they are a WordPress blog or even a static HTML website.

PowerAd generates a HTML/JavaScript code to display campaigns. This means your campaign (and Ads) can display simply by adding this snippet to your HTML page. No server side language is required. The same functionality and features of AdPress are all available.


  • Run any AdPress campaign on any website using an HTML/JavaScript snippet.
  • Generates the HTML/JS snippet for you.
  • You can allow/restrict domains to display Ads from your AdPress install.
  • All AdPress features and functionality are supported.
  • Logs the requests details to PowerAd.
  • Internationalization Ready.