[Up to 2.02] Contains 1 .po file and 1 .mo file.

As of September 23rd 2014, 6,229 strings have been translated to French for you and I keep updating them with each major Jobify and premium plugins updates!

Most importantly, absolutely no Google translation or bot, everything has been translated by me (natural french speaker).

Check the demo here: http://afrijobber.com/sn

Jobify and all Wp-Job Manager translation into French. Please note: you must buy Jobify on themeforest.net and also the Wp-job manager bundle containing 10 plugins for the best result because some plugins aren’t provided in the archive.

this is great for you if you bought or plan to buy the jobify theme and want to operate in a french market? Look no further, I spent a lot of time translating myself without using any google translate or anything like that.

What I translated for you:
Jobify Theme
WC Paid Listings
Simple Paid Listings
Resume Manager
Job Tags
Job Alerts
Indeed Integration
Apply with LinkedIn
Application Deadline

Want me to install everything for you and optimize everything to match your site? simply contact me on my profile page or email me at trainingdk89 at gmail.com!