Ultimate Row Background Visual Composer Addon is one of the futuristic addon of Visual composer to make your wordpress website development way too easy yet creative and modern

It have tons of modern functionalities and lots of versatile options.

Addon is divided in to three layers, which will be used to make millions of different layouts.

DEEP LAYER This is foundation layer of row with all classic and modern options.

  1. Blank (This Layer will be disappeared.)
  2. Solid Color
  3. Gradient Color
  4. Animated Background Color
  5. Creative Background Image
  6. Creative Background Video
  7. Image Gallery with effects

MIDDLE LAYER This is the middle layer of our row section with lots of creative and unique options.

  1. Canvas Effects
  2. Add Modern Mouse Hover Parallax Layer
  3. Auto Moving Layer
  4. Modern Image Effect

TOP LAYER This is the Top Most Layer of your row background, Which helps to look your content better.

  1. Normal Color
  2. Gradient Color
  3. Texture Image

Please take a look at our other Visual composer addons too.

For any kind of support or queries feel free to contact us on support@posimyth.com