eView WordPress Plugin (Add-ons)

A plugin for viewing content of private paths (directories) embedded inside an iframe. It allows to control who can see the content (registered users only, guests) and specify for each user what path is shown. The plugin exports a short code to enable embedding the eView in any page.


  • show content of private paths inside the admin panel for registered users
  • shortcode to embed eView iframe in any WordPress page
  • per user settings of private path
  • global setting of private path
  • straightforward use
  • simple configuration
  • keep private content out of webserver directory
  • no need for .htaccess rules to deny access to private path
  • serve resources linked from html files (css files, javascript files, images,
  • list all the files inside a directory and provide links to access them
  • auto-discover index.html or index.htm inside a directory and display it
  • clean code easy to extend

Supported Operating Systems:

It is known to work on Linux, MacOS, FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD.

Not developed for Windows, but should be easy to adapt.

Sample use cases:

  • show private documents only to registered users
  • show the documentation of provided services only to registered users

Quick getting started guide:

  • let’s consider that ‘alice’ is a registered user (subscriber) on your WordPress site and she should get access to the content of the directory ’/site/user-content/alice/’. In the directory there is a file ‘index.html’ that should be presented first to alice.
  • go to Admin Panel=>Users=>alice
  • scroll down the user profile page and locate the ‘eView Plugin Attributes’ section
  • in the field ‘eView Show Path’ add ’/site/user-content/alice/’
  • in the field ‘eView Show Index’ add ‘index.html’
  • save the user profile
  • when alice logs in, she can access Admin Panel=>eView=>Show to view the content of ‘index.html’ file from directory ’/site/user-content/alice/’
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