Crowdfunding Starter (Miscellaneous)

What is it

The Best Kickstarter for starting your own Fundraising Website.

With this script you can make money with donations of users. Users has to buy digital coins before they can donate projects. You get a fee for every successful funded project. The ultimate solution to earn money and help making the world a better place

Why do you need it

Because why should you pay hundreds of dollars for a Crowdfunding script to start your own Kickstarter or Indigogo website if you can have it for almost free.

Also, if you need the best script for creating your fundraising or crowdfunding website, invite fundraisers, donors and backers from the crowd to help fund member’s project(s), this script is a must have. It is a platform where people from around the world can post projects to raise funds from crowds of investors. Our Crowdfunding Starter is an advanced and innovative fundraising / crowdfunding platform that lets fundraisers raise funds from the crowd, also known as a crowdfunding website, or crowdfunding platform. It is up to you what kind of fundraising model you want for your project or website and how the fee is calculated.

And because it provide you the best features you need for a strong website like:

Flexible Funding Models: Crowdfunding Starter funding model can be set up as per your requirement. All or nothing (the Kickstarter way).
Standalone Software: Coded in PHP 5 with our advanced structure. It does not require any 3rd party installation such as Magento, Joomla or WordPress.
SEO Friendly Design: Crowdfunding Starter comes loaded with On-Page SEO and marketing modules, saving you thousands of dollars you would otherwise have to spend with other ready made cheap Fundraising Website Scripts.
Customize it your way: This Crowdfunding Starter is 100% customizable. All updates are free forver, be it an addition of new features, new design UI or alteration requirement, we will be happy to help.

Why investors are pouring millions into Crowdfunding Websites?

Entrepreneurs biggest hurdle is finding funding for startups and business expansion. It is increasingly difficult to find bank loans or Venture Capital and more and more Entrepreneurs opt for online crowdfunding, where money is raised in smaller amounts from multiple backers and equity is not lost. This can not only help a new business survive but crowdfunding can help explore consumer acceptance of their product and further opportunities for growth and expansion. It is clear that your smartest move would be to launch a crowdfunding platform like Crowdfunding Starter.

Valid on all browser

Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Internet Explorer (8+)

See how it work

Login with the demo admin account

username: demo
password: password

Note: some parts are disabled in the demo but it will give you a good impression.

Accept Payments

Crowdfunding Starter integrates seamlessly with Stripe and PayPal.

This allowing you to accept payments from your users. The is no hard configuration just login and change your account details.

You decide how much to charge. You will earn the price of this script in no time.

Ultimate Administrator Portal

You can manage everything. Users, projects, categories, pages, payment settings, database settings, cronjobs, media files, news articles, finance information and many many more.

Everything is integrated in the easy to use admin portal. Of course you can create new admin moderators if you like.

Oh and by the way, everything is Extremely lightweight so your users has the best experience you can ever wish.

Encourage Visitors to your websites

If you want to convert your site traffic to money, then this script is the right one!


Rich-text CMS to manage content with SummerNote
Attractive admin dashboard
Classification: means categorize your projects
Payment gateway
Commission management
Staff Management
User Management
General Management
Comments and Reviews
Browse by category
Projects Filters and sorting
Rewards for funding projects
Backers can comment on the projects
Post unlimited projects
Project video and description
Project Image
On-page SEO
Email Verification
Social Media Integration
Auto mailers
Set Goal or Target
Create news articles
Stripe and PayPal as payment systems
Strong stratistics for analytics
Strong stratistics for analytics
Setup cronjobs to automate your life
Send newsletters and marketing campaigns
Manage your finance and income
Full Admin Panel
Create Admin Moderators if you like
SEO URLS and extreme lightweight coded
Responsive and tested on tv, desktop and mobile
Very simple and clean cod
User Guide Documentation
Cross-browsing – The plugin works in all modern browsers.

Final words

The script includes the full source with documentation.
The highly requested version of the Crowdfunding Starter script puts the power of fundraising into an easy to use script.

Change log

November 18, 2016,  Version 1.14

- [NEW] Add fee to donations
- [Bug Fix] Withdrawals amount Panel admin (Mark as paid)
- [NEW] User’s country in profile
- [NEW] Set maximum funding goals
- [NEW] Integrated lazy cronjobs

November 15, 2016,  Version 1.13

- [Bug Fix] Enable / disable SEO links
- [Bug Fix] Fixed bug with withdrawal amount
- [NEW] Truncate text in the story of the campaign
- [Bug Fix] Number/ Amount Goal / Limits
- [NEW] Add search function

November 1, 2016,  Version 1.12

- [Bug Fix] Image uploader
- [Bug Fix] Number/Amount Goal
- [Improved] Improved text editor description
- [NEW] Change Footer style
- [NEW] Show name user in Admin Dashboard

October 26, 2016,  Version 1.11

[Bug Fix] Username error en RegisterController
[NEW] Add Categories in filters
[NEW] Dropzone integrated

October 23, 2016,  Version 1.10

[NEW] Add Wysiwyg editor SummerNote
[NEW] Add Login and Sign Up
[NEW] Add Categories
[NEW] Add Stripe Payment
[NEW] Add Withdrawals
[NEW] Admin can set fee for each donation
[NEW] Add Maximum amount for Campaing
[NEW] Admin can pay directly to the users PayPal account (withdrawal of funds)

October 22, 2016,  Version 1.09

- Fixed: Updated to the new code standards.
- Fixed: Flip boxes not working when added inside advanced carousel on mobile phones.
- Fixed: Info list causing descriptions not aligned in the center of adjacent icons.
- Fixed: Appear animation breaking for some users.
- Lots of minor bug fixes and browser compatibility fixes.

Just follow a few simple steps and your done. You dont know much about coding and webhosting? No problem. Everybody can set this up.

Our documentation has screenshots, video tutorials and very clean information how to manage each part of the website. For the developers we also added the code structure part for custom changes.