Columns Creator % Top rate wordpress Plugin (Add-ons)

This plugin creates content that can be ordered and inserted in any page / post through their shortcodes. Themeforest have themes whose content are built for that specific theme, with this plugin you can extend those themes without you inserting html codes on wordpress editor. It was created to allow easy content creation and ordering though theme columns / blocks, and each column / block can have their specific editor. If need each column/block can have their specific javascript or css code.


  • Order content
  • Organized content and quickly created
  • Javascript Editor
  • Cascade Stylesheet Editor
  • HTML Editor
  • Visual Editor
  • 4 Shortcodes
  • Works on any theme
  • Content Builder
  • Produces Valid HTML codes
  • For beginners and advanced users
  • Easy to use and create
  • Can be used to insert css to the meta head on your theme and javascript

Note: The content generated on the demo site (sliders, etc.) was created with this plugin.

username: demo
password: demo

Proudly powered by WordPress | Theme: Wanderz Blog by Crimson Themes.
Decoration sticker
Decoration sticker
Decoration sticker