Are living Chat – Guests extension (Add-ons)

Screets LC – Visitors Extension

This extension allows you to get more information about your visitors in your chat console automatically. It is simple and very useful extension if you’d like to know your visitors os/browser name/version, browser language, country name and even local-time.

(!) You need Live Chat plugin (Complete or Unlimited) to use install this extension.

We have removed private visitor information from LC (i.e. storing IP addresses) because of privacy policy issues our customers faced before. Now you can purchase this item separately as long as it is OK to collect/store your visitors information.

What you get about your visitors?

  • IP address
  • Country flag and name
  • Browser name, version and language
  • Operation system name and version
  • Local time of visitor. For instance, if the visitor is in Spain, you will know what time it is in Spain right now

Which visitors?

You will collect information of both new visitors and returning visitors. The data will be stored in your Firebase project just like your chat data.


Visitors extension requires with PHP 5.4 or higher and supports PHP 7 and HHVM. It is compatible with the PSR-4 autoloading standard and follows PSR-1 and PSR-2 coding style.