ACF Entrance Kind with Visible Composer Integration (Add-ons)


Advanced Custom Fields is a powerfull plugin to create fields for posts or custom post types, but to make a form using Advanced Custom Fields you need to hook WordPress and make extra php coding.

With ACF Front Form you can make Front end Forms with Advanced Custom Fields using WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) or shortcode, without extra coding or hooking to use acf_form() function, just add a shortcode with all needed paramerters and your form is ready to use.


  1. Make Front end forms without coding
  2. Full acf_form() function support
  3. Adds required Advanced Custom Fields headers and scripts ( acf_form_head() and acf_enqueue_uploader() )
  4. Use [acf_front_form] to call acf_form() function with all settings
  5. Full Integration with Visual Composer
  6. Whether or not to create all table, thead, tfoot, tr, td tags with given texts
  7. Translation ready


ACF Front Form uses functions of Advanced Custum Fields version 5.6.7
You can get the free version on GitHub



  • English
  • French


Version 1.0

- Adds required Advanced Custom Fields headers and scripts ( acf_form_head(), acf_enqueue_uploader(), inline JS )
- Use [acf_front_form] to call acf_form() function with all settings
- Full Integration with Visual Composer
- Whether or not to create all table, thead, tfoot, tr, td tags with given texts