Tag: zoom

  • iPages – Flipbook PDF Viewer For WordPress (Media)

    iPages – Flipbook PDF Viewer For WordPress (Media)


    [lite version]

    Create Realistic Responsive HTML5 Flipbook

    iPages Flipbook PDF Viewer is a lightweight and rich-feature WordPress plugin helps you create great interactive digital HTML5 flipbooks. With this plugin you are able to easily make media books for your site that empower publishers and bloggers to create more engaging content. It provides an easy way for you to convert static PDF documents or image sets into the online magazine, interactive catalogs, media brochures or booklets in minutes. The plugin can be deployed easily and runs on all modern browsers and mobile devices.



    • 3 render book modes – two & one page flip, swipe
    • 2 data sources – PDF & images or mix each other
    • 2 themes – light & dark theme included
    • Markers – add images, stickers, links or text to any page
    • Multiple instances – create as many items as you want in the same page
    • Thumbnails – the side panel with page miniatures
    • Outline – bookmarks and external links
    • Keyboard navigation – arrows can be used for the book navigation
    • Multilevel zoom – scale books pages to make better look
    • Share – share a link with friends
    • Fullscreen – you can toggle from the normal state to fullscreen and back
    • Download – allow to download PDF document
    • Progressive Loading PDF – load the PDF in chunks for a better experience
    • JSON config – load parameters from an external file
    • AJAX saving – save your config without page reloading
    • Progress bars – informing about loading status
    • Powerful interface – over 100 options
    • Code editors – add extra css styles or js code with syntax highlighting
    • Customization – create you own theme instead default
    • Help via email

    [thank you]


    The license of this plugin is for one website. If you want to use the plugin on another websites you need to purchase licenses for each.

    Sources and Credits

    Version 1.0.0 21/08/2018

    - First release

  • Visible Composer Add-on – Nature jQuery FlipBook (Add-ons)

    Visible Composer Add-on – Nature jQuery FlipBook (Add-ons)

    PDF to Flipbook

    You can create a book directly from the PDF file. Pdf file is automatically converted to jpg files. See here video tutorial.

    JPG to Flipbook

    You can upload all your pages at once – no need to add each page separately. See here video tutorial.

    Manually adding pages

    You can also add pages separately ( you can make also text in wysiwyg editor ). See here video tutorial.


    Right to left flpibook for eastern countries.

    All Features:

    • flipbook is based on the library turn.js 3rd release. Library “turn.js 3rd release” is not included. You need to download it separately here.This library is free to personal use. If you need for commercial use – here you can buy license “3rd release”.Cost of License “turn.js 3rd release” is 45$ for five domains ( 9$ per domain).
    • pdf support ( you can create a book directly from the PDF file , Pdf file is automatically converted to jpg files )
    • support multiple file upload ( you can upload all your pages at once – no need to add each page separately )
    • works on the iPad,iPhone etc. ( no Flash Player needed )
    • support for tags in WYSIWYG editor:
    • – heading – h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6
      – paragraph – p
      – link – a
      – list – ul,li
      – img and float right and left for image
      Pages in Flipbook does not have support for all the html characters.
      New characters html will be added with new updates.

    • reverse flip book for the eastern countries (right to left)
    • insert scripts in section head – only subpages where is the shortcode flipbook
    • you can disable / enable individual icons in the admin panel
    • icon fullScreen ( only works under FF and Chrome )
    • you can change the zoom to double click the mouse
    • you can change the zoom step for zoomIn and for zoomOut
    • you can enable / disable deeplinking (string at the end of the browser’s address)
    • youtube videos are shown on a layer above book
    • responsive design
    • unlimited number of pages in flipbook
    • lazy loading ( if you have a lot of pages – book will load faster, Example 1: If the current page is 8-9 – then are loaded only pages 8-9, 10-11 and 6-7 ; Example 2: If the current page is 1 – then are loaded only pages 1,2,3,4,5,6 )
    • you can create an unlimited number of flipbooks on one theme
    • double pages
    • show all pages
    • excellent tools to zoom
    • and other…

    Video tutorials:

    Installation and import content
    Create book from pdf file
    Create book from images
    Manually adding pages

    See my other Books:



    • turn.js 3rd release

      Library “turn.js 3rd release” is not included. You need to download it separately here.
      This library is free to personal use. If you need for commercial use – here you can buy license “3rd release”.


  • Visible Composer Add-on – Elegant jQuery FlipBook (Add-ons)

    Visible Composer Add-on – Elegant jQuery FlipBook (Add-ons)

    See also Visual Composer Addons Bundle:

    See my other Books:


    • flipbook is based on the library turn.js 3rd release. Library “turn.js 3rd release” is not included. You need to download it separately here.This library is free to personal use. If you need for commercial use – here you can buy license “3rd release”.Cost of License “turn.js 3rd release” is 45$ for five domains ( 9$ per domain).
    • works on the iPad,iPhone etc. ( no Flash Player needed )
    • support for tags in WYSIWYG editor:
    • – heading – h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6
      – paragraph – p
      – link – a
      – list – ul,li
      – img and float right and left for image
      Pages in Flipbook does not have support for all the html characters.
      New characters html will be added with new updates.

    • reverse flip book for the eastern countries (right to left)
    • insert scripts in section head – only subpages where is the shortcode flipbook
    • you can disable / enable individual icons in the admin panel
    • icon fullScreen ( only works under FF and Chrome )
    • you can change the zoom to double click the mouse
    • you can change the zoom step for zoomIn and for zoomOut
    • you can enable / disable deeplinking (string at the end of the browser’s address)
    • responsive design
    • the flipbook does not show all the page – only 7 pages is displayed / loaded
      ( It really improves the performance )
    • you can create an unlimited number of flipbooks on one theme
    • unlimited number of pages to flipbook
    • double pages
    • show all pages
    • excellent tools to zoom
    • and other…



    • turn.js 3rd release

      Library “turn.js 3rd release” is not included. You need to download it separately here.
      This library is free to personal use. If you need for commercial use – here you can buy license “3rd release”.

  • Visible Composer Add-on – Unique jQuery FlipBook (Add-ons)

    Visible Composer Add-on – Unique jQuery FlipBook (Add-ons)

    See also Visual Composer Addons Bundle:

    See my other Books:


    • flipbook is based on the library turn.js 3rd release. Library “turn.js 3rd release” is not included. You need to download it separately here.This library is free to personal use. If you need for commercial use – here you can buy license “3rd release”.Cost of License “turn.js 3rd release” is 45$ for five domains ( 9$ per domain).
    • works on the iPad,iPhone etc. ( no Flash Player needed )
    • support for tags in WYSIWYG editor:
    • – heading – h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6
      – paragraph – p
      – link – a
      – list – ul,li
      – img and float right and left for image
      Pages in Flipbook does not have support for all the html characters.
      New characters html will be added with new updates.

    • reverse flip book for the eastern countries (right to left)
    • two techniques show flipbook:
      – shortcode – you can put flipbook anywhere in content ( page, post, custom post etc)
      – template – you can add flipbook as an independent template in the whole browser window, the advantage is that it is 100% working with all theme ( no conflict with css styles etc…. )
    • insert scripts in section head – only subpages where is the shortcode flipbook
    • you can disable / enable individual icons in the admin panel
    • icon fullScreen ( only works under FF and Chrome )
    • you can change the zoom to double click the mouse
    • you can change the zoom step for zoomIn and for zoomOut
    • you can enable / disable deeplinking (string at the end of the browser’s address)
    • youtube videos are shown on a layer above book
    • responsive design
    • the flipbook does not show all the page – only 7 pages is displayed / loaded
      ( It really improves the performance )
    • you can create an unlimited number of flipbooks on one theme
    • unlimited number of pages to flipbook
    • double pages
    • show all pages
    • excellent tools to zoom
    • and other…



    • turn.js 3rd release

      Library “turn.js 3rd release” is not included. You need to download it separately here.
      This library is free to personal use. If you need for commercial use – here you can buy license “3rd release”.

  • Mega Zoom & Pan Picture Viewer WP Plugin (WordPress)

    Mega Zoom & Pan Picture Viewer WP Plugin (WordPress)

    What is Mega Zoom & Pan Image Viewer WordPress Plugin

    The Mega Zoom & Pan Image Viewer WordPress Plugin plugin is a great image viewer and navigator with a full responsive layout for displaying large images. It is a powerful tool prepared to showcasing products (high resolution product images, e.g. clothes, cars, technical schemes etc), displaying maps, and any other images, with its zoom, pann, dragging, navigation controls, scrollbar, zoom buttons, and highly customizable markers / hotsposts.

    It is mobile optimized running great on iOS (iPad,iPhone), Android and Windows mobile and desktop mobile devices and of course it works on every modern browser and older browsers like IE7 or IE8. Follow the links to view this demos. Watch demo running om IOS or Watch demo on Android

    Mega Zoom & Pan Image Viewer WordPress Plugin

    Tons of options (check them out in our live preview).

    Fully Responsive & Mobile Optimized (Smartphones & Tablets).

    Three available display types: responsive / fixed, fullscreen and lightbox.

    The possibility to set the start zoom factor and maximum zoom factor.

    Complete control buttons bar with buttons (optional).

    The control buttons bar can be positioned top or bottom.

    All buttons are optional and can be easily removed if one or more are not needed.

    The order of buttons can be set as you wish.

    The buttons geometry (spacing and position) can be set individually offering fine tune control.

    Optional navigational arrow buttons button for rotating the object.

    Optional zoom in/zoom out buttons plus scrollbar.

    Optional hide/show markers/hotsposts button.

    Hide / show controller button.

    Hyperlink button for creating a hyperlink in the menu.

    Info window button for showing a detailed custom made window which supports unlimited html content.

    Customizable buttons tooltips, the buttons tooltips text can be modified with ease based on the presented product type (please note that the buttons tooltips are optional).

    Awesome markers / hotspots support! Three hotspots types (link, small info window and detailed info window) allowing to display information about the product on specific regions. Once created a hotspot can be added on more then one image.

    Easy to use and install and configure.

    Optional fullscreen button.

    Fast CSS3 & JavaScript engine with fall back on CSS1 for older browsers like IE7 or IE8 (exceptional performance!).

    The markers / hotspots can be of any size or shape and they can vary, for example if you want to add three link type hotspots each of them can have a different size or graphics, this applies to all markers/hotspots types.

    Built in tool for finding the correct position of the marker / hotspot on an image .

    Gestures events support for IOS (ipad and iphone) the image can be zoomed with two fingers.

    Navigator window (optional).

    Customizable custom right click menu (optional).

    Keyboard support (optional).

    Mouse wheel support.

    The zoom factor can be set allowing to fine tune the level of zoom, this way the image can be zoomed as much as you like .

    Customizable rotation speed while dragging.

    Customizable slideshow rotation speed.

    Customizable rotation speed while the right or left buttons are pressed and hold.

    Five awesome skins along with the .psd files included (check them out in our live previews).

    Many others features, all of them are explained in details in the documentation files.

    Tags: andorid, crop, hotspot, image, image zoomer, ipad, jquery, landmark, map viewer, pan, resize, responsive, scale, touch, zoom

  • Mega Zoom & Pan Picture Viewer (Pictures and Media)

    Mega Zoom & Pan Picture Viewer (Pictures and Media)

    What is Mega Zoom & Pan Image Viewer?

    The Mega Zoom & Pan Image Viewer plugin is a great image viewer and navigator with a full responsive layout for displaying large images. It is a powerful tool prepared to showcasing products (high resolution product images, e.g. clothes, cars, technical schemes etc), displaying maps, and any other images, with its zoom, pann, dragging, navigation controls, scrollbar, zoom buttons, and highly customizable markers / hotsposts.

    It is mobile optimized running great on iOS (iPad,iPhone), Android and Windows mobile and desktop mobile devices and of course it works on every modern browser and older browsers like IE7 or IE8. Follow the links to view this demos. Watch demo running om IOS or Watch demo on Android

    What is Mega Zoom & Pan Image Viewer main features:

    Tons of options (check them out in our live preview).

    Easy to use and install adn configure.

    Fully Responsive & Mobile Optimized (Smartphones & Tablets).

    Three available display types: responsive / fixed, fullscreen and lightbox.

    The possibility to set the start zoom factor and maximum zoom factor.

    Complete control buttons bar with buttons (optional).

    The control buttons bar can be positioned top or bottom.

    All buttons are optional and can be easily removed if one or more are not needed.

    The order of buttons can be set as you wish.

    The buttons geometry (spacing and position) can be set individually offering fine tune control.

    Optional navigational arrow buttons button for rotating the object.

    Optional zoom in/zoom out buttons plus scrollbar.

    Optional hide/show markers/hotsposts button.

    Hide / show controller button.

    Hyperlink button for creating a hyperlink in the menu.

    Info window button for showing a detailed custom made window which supports unlimited html content.

    Customizable buttons tooltips, the buttons tooltips text can be modified with ease based on the presented product type (please note that the buttons tooltips are optional).

    Awesome markers / hotspots support! Three hotspots types (link, small info window and detailed info window) allowing to display information about the product on specific regions. Once created a hotspot can be added on more then one image.

    Optional fullscreen button.

    Fast CSS3 & JavaScript engine with fall back on CSS1 for older browsers like IE7 or IE8 (exceptional performance!).

    The markers / hotspots can be of any size or shape and they can vary, for example if you want to add three link type hotspots each of them can have a different size or graphics, this applies to all markers/hotspots types.

    Built in tool for finding the correct position of the marker / hotspot on an image .

    Gestures events support for IOS (ipad and iphone) the image can be zoomed with two fingers.

    Navigator window (optional).

    Customizable custom right click menu (optional).

    Keyboard support (optional).

    Mouse wheel support.

    The zoom factor can be set allowing to fine tune the level of zoom, this way the image can be zoomed as much as you like.

    Customizable rotation speed while dragging.

    Customizable slideshow rotation speed.

    Customizable rotation speed while the right or left buttons are pressed and hold.

    Five awesome skins along with the .psd files included (check them out in our live previews).

  • Customizable custom right click menu (optional). Below there is an image to ilustrate this.
  • Detailed Documentation included!.

    Examples files for each skin and display type included, this way the html can be copy and pasted into your html page!.

    Many others features, all of them are explained in details in the documentation files.

    BUY ALL OUR PRODUCTS IN A MEGA BUNDLE WITH A 90% DISCOUNT!!! THIS IS A LIMITED OFFER SO HURRY UP AND GRAB IT!!! : https://codecanyon.net/item/fwd-mega-bundle/19117054

    Tags: zoomer, crop, responsive, image, hotspot, ipad, jquery, landmark, map viewer, pan, resize, responsive, scale, touch, zoom, android

  • Cursor Zoomer (Photography and Media)

    Cursor Zoomer (Photography and Media)

    This zooming Plugin is an easy way to show details on a small image by hovering cursor over it. Users do not need to click anything – they just move their cursor over the image to actual size at same html-block! Easy to understand and easy to customize.

    Includes 3 style:
    • simple zoomer;
    • slider zoomer with arrows;
    • multi-image zoomer.
    Some sample graphics you see in preview are NOT included
    in the download.

  • Cursor Zoomer (Photography and Media)

    Cursor Zoomer (Photography and Media)

    This zooming Plugin is an easy way to show details on a small image by hovering cursor over it. Users do not need to click anything – they just move their cursor over the image to actual size at same html-block! Easy to understand and easy to customize.

    Includes 3 style:
    • simple zoomer;
    • slider zoomer with arrows;
    • multi-image zoomer.
    Some sample graphics you see in preview are NOT included
    in the download.

  • Simple 360° Product Viewer (Media)

    Simple 360° Product Viewer (Media)

    Easy 360° Product Viewer it?s a a rich-feature and unique tool with a fully responsive layout which allows to display a large number of images from different angles of a 2D or 3D product offering control over the layout in the way that pleases you most, allowing the user to rotate, pan or zoom the images. Additionally it has an awesome feature called deep zooming, when the image is zoomed it can be viewed in great detail by loading a more detailed version of the image this way allowing the usage of high resolution images without compression.

    Easy 360° Product Viewer is mobile optimized running great on iOS (iPad,iPhone), Android and Windows8 mobile devices and of course it works on every modern browser and older browsers like IE7 or IE8. We have tested it on IPAD3 and on a SAMSUNG GALAXY S3(android) and it runs great on both devices, follow the links to view this demos. Watch demo running on IPAD (IOS) or Watch demo running on Samsung Galaxy S3 (android)


    Tons of options (check them out in our live preview).

    Easy to use and install (just upload your set of images and the Easy 360° Product Viewer will do the rest).

    Fully Responsive & Mobile Optimized (Smartphones & Tablets).

    Fast CSS3 & JavaScript engine with fall back on CSS1 for older browsers like IE7 or IE8 (exceptional performance!).

    Support for a large number of images without losing performance.

    Deep zooming, when the image is zoomed it can be viewed in great detail by loading a more detailed version of the image this way allowing the usage of high resolution images without compression (optional feature).

    The possibility to start at a specific image once all images are loaded.

    Complete control buttons bar with buttons.

    The control buttons bar can be positioned top or bottom.

    All buttons are optional and can be easily removed if one or more are not needed.

    The order of buttons can be set as you wish.

    The buttons geometry (spacing and position) can be set individually offering fine tune control.

    Rotation button for rotating the object.

    Pan button for panning of the object.

    Left and right buttons for rotating the object left or right.

    Zoom in/out buttons plus scrollbar.

    Slideshow button for play or pause automatic rotation of the object.

    Hyperlink button for creating a hyperlink in the menu.

    Info window button for showing a detailed custom made window which supports unlimited html content.

    Customizable buttons tooltips, the buttons tooltips text can be modified with ease based on the presented product type (please note that the buttons tooltips are optional).

    Awesome markers / hotspots support! Three hotspots types (link, small info window and detailed info window) allowing to display information about the product on specific regions. Once created a hotspot can be added on more then one image.

    The markers / hotspots can be of any size or shape and they can vary, for example if you want to add three link type hotspots each of them can have a different size or graphics, this applies to all markers/hotspots types.

    Built in tool for finding the correct position of the marker / hotspot on an image .

    Gestures events support for IOS (ipad and iphone) the image can be zoomed with two fingers.

    Navigator window (optional).

    Customizable custom right click menu (optional).

    Keyboard support (optional).

    Mouse wheel support.

    The zoom factor can be set allowing to fine tune the level of zoom, this way the image can be zoomed as much as you like

    Customizable rotation speed while dragging.

    Customizable slideshow rotation speed.

    Customizable rotation speed while the right or left buttons are pressed and hold.

    Five awesome skins along with the .psd files included (check them out in our live previews)..

    Detailed Documentation included!.

    Examples files for each skin and display type included, this way the html can be copy and pasted into your html page!.

    Many others features, all of them are explained in details in the documentation files.

    What our clients are saying:

    Version 1.1 Release Date 12.02.2017

    • Added the option to disable the mousewheel zoom on machines that are using a mouse.
    • Improved resizing logic and added an extra parameter for autoscale.

    BUY ALL OUR PRODUCTS IN A MEGA BUNDLE WITH A 90% DISCOUNT!!! THIS IS A LIMITED OFFER SO HURRY UP AND GRAB IT!!! : https://codecanyon.net/item/fwd-mega-bundle/19117054

  • Straightforward 360° Product Viewer wordpress Plugin (Media)

    Straightforward 360° Product Viewer wordpress Plugin (Media)

    What is Easy 360° Product Viewer WordPress Plugin


    Easy 360° Product Viewer it’s a a rich-feature and unique wordpress plugin with a fully responsive layout which allows to display a large number of images from different angles of a 2D or 3D product offering control over the layout in the way that pleases you most, allowing the user to rotate, pan or zoom the images. Additionally it has an awesome feature called deep zooming, when the image is zoomed it can be viewed in great detail by loading a more detailed version of the image this way allowing the usage of high resolution images without compression.
    Easy 360° Product Viewer is mobile optimized running great on iOS (iPad,iPhone), Android and Windows mobile and desktop mobile devices and of course it works on every modern browser and older browsers like IE7 or IE8. Follow the links to view this demos. Watch demo running om IOS or Watch demo on Android

    Easy 360° Product Viewer WordPress Plugin main features:

    Tons of options (check them out in our live preview).
    Easy to use and install (just upload your set of images and the Easy 360° Product Viewer WordPress Plugin will do the rest).
    Fully Responsive & Mobile Optimized (Smartphones & Tablets).
    Fast CSS3 & JavaScript engine with fall back on CSS1 for older browsers like IE7 or IE8 (exceptional performance!).
    Support for a large number of images without losing performance.
    Support for unlimited number of images, the 360 viewer can manage any number of images this makes it unique because it can rotate or navigate any type of product it dosen’t have to be a 3d product.
    Deep zooming, when the image is zoomed it can be viewed in great detail by loading a more detailed version of the image this way allowing the usage of high resolution images without compression (optional feature).
    Drag and spin (optional), the sensitivity / speed for this option can be customized.
    Lazy rotation (optional), this option is limiting the rotation between the first and last image, if the viewer reaches the first or last image the product can’t be rotated it can only be rotated between the first and last image, it is useful if you don’t have a complete 360° product.
    The possibility to start at a specific image once all images are loaded.
    Complete control buttons bar with buttons (optional).
    The control buttons bar can be positioned top or bottom.
    All buttons are optional and can be easily removed if one or more are not needed.
    The order of buttons can be set as you wish.
    The buttons geometry (spacing and position) can be set individually offering fine tune control.
    Rotation button for rotating the object.
    Pan button for panning of the object.
    Left and right buttons for rotating the object left or right.
    Zoom in/out buttons plus scrollbar.
    Slideshow button for play or pause automatic rotation of the object.
    Hyperlink button for creating a hyperlink in the menu.
    Info window button for showing a detailed custom made window which supports unlimited html content.
    Shortcode generator.
    Slideshow autoplay(optional).
    Customizable buttons tooltips, the buttons tooltips text can be modified with ease based on the presented product type (please note that the buttons tooltips are optional).
    Awesome markers / hotspots support! Three hotspots types (link, small info window and detailed info window) allowing to display information about the product on specific regions. Once created a hotspot can be added on more then one image.
    The markers / hotspots can be of any size or shape and they can vary, for example if you want to add three link type hotspots each of them can have a different size or graphics, this applies to all markers/hotspots types.
    Built in tool for finding the correct position of the marker / hotspot on an image .
    Gestures events support for IOS (ipad and iphone) the image can be zoomed with two fingers.
    Navigator window (optional).
    Customizable custom right click menu (optional).
    Keyboard support (optional).
    Mouse wheel support.
    The zoom factor can be set allowing to fine tune the level of zoom, this way the image can be zoomed as much as you like
    Customizable rotation speed while dragging.
    Customizable slideshow rotation speed.
    Customizable rotation speed while the right or left buttons are pressed and hold.
    Five awesome skins along with the .psd files included (check them out in our live previews)..
    API complete API for all buttons, this methods can be called outside the viewer, we have included an example as reference and explain how to use the API in the documentation.
    Detailed Documentation included!.
    Examples files for each skin and display type included, this way the html can be copy and pasted into your html page!.
    Many others features, all of them are explained in details in the documentation files.

    Video tutorial:

    <iframe src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/W7qWa52k-nE” width=”100%” height=”450” frameborder=”0” allowfullscreen></iframe>