Ultimate Media Gallery for WordPress is a powerful multimedia gallery player for your website with lots of adjustable features.
It support self hosted video, audio and image files and many other external video services like Youtube, Vimeo, Daily Motion, Wistia, audio services like Soundcloud, Podcasts, social feeds like Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, Flickr etc…
Using wordpress admin you can create unlimited number of playlists and players. Playlist media can be mixed together with any kind of media type so you can show video, audio and image files in the same playlist.
This plugin can be added into any post or page using shortcodes.
Features and options:
- Highly customizable
- Easy style with basic css
- Responsive and mobile friendly layouts
- Font Awesome Library icons
- Content sources:
- Self hosted video, audio, images
- Youtube
- Vimeo
- DailyMotion
- Wistia
- Google Drive media
- Podcast
- Soundcloud
- Media folder (automatically load folder of video / audio / image files into playlist)
- Social feeds
- Facebook
- Tumblr
- Instagram
- Flickr
- Custom content (any HTML, iframe etc..)
- Mixed playlists (mix different media in same playlist)
- Vertical or horizontal playlist
- Multiple plugin instances in same page support
- Features:
- Subtitles for all media (srt / vtt)
- Start / end time
- Playback speed
- Range (loop playback between specified range)
- Aspect ratio (original / fit-inside / fit-outside)
- Media end action (next / loop / rewind)
- Multiple playback qualities
- Google Analytics
- Download option
- Embed window
- Keyboard navigation (pause/play, mute/unmute, next, previous)
- Social share (facebook, twitter, tumblr, google plus)
- API methods available
- Play media
- Pause media
- Toggle playback
- Next media
- Previous media
- Set volume
- Toggle mute
- Seek
- Seek forward / backward
- Get current time
- Get duration
- Get load progress
- Toggle playlist
- Toggle embed
- Toggle description
- Toggle random
- Toggle loop
- Toggle fullscreen
- Set subtitle
- Set playback quality
- Set playback rate
- Set range
- Destroy media
- Destroy playlist
- Sort playlist
- Load media / playlist
- add Track(s) to playlist
- remove Track(s) from playlist
- Callbacks available
- Setup done
- Playlist start load
- Playlist end load
- Playlist item enabled
- Playlist item disabled
- Playlist item click
- Media request
- Media start
- Media play
- Media pause
- Media end
tags: multimedia gallery, social feed, instagram, video playback, audio player, youtube, vimeo, wistia, daily motion, soundcloud, rss, image slider, flickr
Updates / Changelog
VERSION 1.0 [25.07.2017]
- first release