Tag: writer

  • Varese – Easy & Non-public WordPress Wpblog Theme (Weblog / Journal)

    Varese – Easy & Non-public WordPress Wpblog Theme (Weblog / Journal)


    Varese is a Clean & Personal WordPress Blog Theme.
    Fully responsive design displays beautifully across desktop, mobile and all devices.
    Easy installation allows you to start post blogs immediately after the activation. Theme supported Customizer which allows you to customize and change design of your blog.
    Perfect choice for your personal blog, corporate blog, marketing blog, authority blog or any type of creative blog.

    If you like Varese, please don’t forget to rate it!!
    Thank You !


    • Minimal & Clean Design
    • Fully Responsive Design
    • Featured Post Slider
    • Instagram Footer
    • Variety of post formats
      • Post Image
      • Post Audio
      • Post Video
      • Post Slide
    • Pages
      • About Me
      • Contact Me
    • Theme Options Powered
    • 1 click import all demo
    • Sticky Menu
    • Lazyload
    • MailChimp Support (Ajax Newsletter)
    • Custom Widgets
      • About Me Widget
      • Latest Posts Widget
      • Socials Widget
      • Instagram Widget
      • Newsletter Widget
    • Child Theme Support
    • Support for Contact Form 7
    • Validate HTML5 Code
    • Easy To Customize
    • Works with WP 4.0+
    • FAST Support & Updates
    • And Much Much More…

    Changle log

    Ver 1.0.0
    Initial release

    Need support?

    Head over to our dedicated support email xalothemes@gmail.com

    Thanks for checking out Varese!

    Feel free to contact us with any questions or comments you may have you’re the reason we’re here! We love any and all constructive feedback and even folks dropping in just to say hello.

  • Odrin – Ebook Promoting WordPress Theme for Writers and Authors (Company)

    Odrin – Ebook Promoting WordPress Theme for Writers and Authors (Company)

    Odrin is a modern and beautifuly crafted WordPress theme for book authors and writers. With an elegant page flipping effect, WooCommerce support, many shortcodes and prebuild templates specifically created toward book writers and authors, it’s the perfect package for selling and presenting your book.

    Odrin Description
    Odrin Description
    Odrin Description

    More Features

    • WordPress 4.8+ Ready
    • Fully Responsive
    • Built with Bootstrap 3
    • Extremely Easy to Setup
    • Elegant Page Flip Effect
    • Multiple 1 Click Demo Installs – copyrighted images not included
    • 10 Pre-Build Page Templates
    • Unyson Page Builder & Shortcodes
    • Upcoming Book Page
    • WooCommerce Support
    • About Me Widget
    • Image Widget
    • Mailchimp Newsletter Widget
    • Popular Posts Widget
    • Social Media Widget
    • Twitter Feed Widget
    • Full Width Page Option
    • Accordion Shortcode
    • Blockquote Shortcode
    • Book Image Shortcode
    • Featured Books Shortcode
    • Mailchimp Newsletter Shortcode
    • Content Slider Shortcode
    • List Shortcode
    • Recent Books Shortcode
    • Upcoming Book Shortcode
    • + More Shortcodes
    • SEO Optimized
    • Clean & Minimalistic Design
    • 700+ Google Fonts
    • WPML Support and Translation Ready – *.pot file included
    • Custom CSS Field
    • ET Line Iconset
    • Free Updates
    • Documentation & Theme Support


    Support covers getting setup, trouble using any features, and bug fixes. Send your questions via the Support tab of the theme. We’ll do everything we can to help, as far as it’s a core theme feature.

    Subsolar Designs Subscription

  • Asna Non-public Weblog (Weblog / Journal)

    Asna Non-public Weblog (Weblog / Journal)

    Welcome to Asna theme, the blogger’s delight!
    Home Variants:
    Asna comes with 4 variants of home page-each one more beautiful and functional than the other! Choose your pick and design your site like a pro. Since everything is drag and drop, without writing a single line of code, you can configure the pages easily!
    Asna comes with an About Me page that could be used creatively to showcase yourself as a blogger. There are many other pages like My Gallery and My Shop for displaying your portfolios and online sales feature. You can sell anything you fancy in Asna theme and easily collect money as it is WooCommerce enabled.
    Asna offers different styles of posts loaders like infinite scroll option and Load more option apart from pagination options. Create your blog posts with flair and engrossing content that makes compelling reading.

    Key Features:

    Single Click Import:

    If you like our demo content, simply download and use it as your own using the single click demo import. Once done, customize it by embossing your logo and off you go in displaying your own customization and content from your site!


    Remember, engrossing content on your site is the key. How do you create content that lets your visitor stay on your site for a longer time? In Asna theme, we have incorporated the Slider Revolution Plugin. Therefore, creating content using the animated content creation tool, would ensure your site will have an edge over the other sites.

    No coding needed:

    The drag and drop page builder makes everyone a designer without the coding know-how! The power of visual composer is integrated into Asna Theme. Create pages quickly with few clicks in few minutes with the help of Visual Composer and custom Asna shortcodes.

    Slider Revolution:

    Slider Revolution is an innovative, responsive WordPress Slider Plugin that displays your content the beautiful way. Whether it’s a Slider, Carousel or even a whole Front Page, the visual, drag & drop editor will let you tell your own stories in no time! Build Modern & Mobile-Friendly Presentations. It’s easier than you think.

    Visual Composer:

    The Visual Composer makes designing of a site into a simple drag and drop affair that everyone would simply love to get their hands on. Using the WYSIWYG-what you see is what you get-interface, it is a piece of cake to design your website like a professional!

    Visual Composer Ultimate Addon:

    Asna includes Visual Composer premium add-on elements like Icon boxes, model Popups, Info Box, Interactive Banner, Flip Box and Info List & Counter. Best of all, it provides a Font Icon Manager allowing users to upload/delete custom icon fonts. Create Parallax, Video Backgrounds, Row effects, CSS3 animations, icon fonts and much more easily!


    Kirki is the ultimate toolkit for theme developers using the WordPress Customizer. Asna theme lets you take advantage of its advanced features and flexibility. Simply by abstracting the code, it is easy for everyone to design beautiful and meaningful UI.
    In addition, you can easily add configurations for your projects. The ease with which you could do is the most useful part of Kirki. It helps you save time which is great! Create you panels and sections. Customize and add fields with ease.


    WooCommerce is a free eCommerce plugin that allows you to sell anything, beautifully. Built to integrate seamlessly with WordPress, WooCommerce is the world’s favorite eCommerce solution that gives both store owners and developers complete control. The WooCommerce Plugin would enable you to sell online and receive payments in multiple currencies as soon as your site is configured!

    Contact Form 7:

    Using contact form 7 design as many forms with an unlimited number of input row fields in your form. You can design your own forms and limit spam and increase conversion. When you are running a site, there may be different requirements for forms to be configured from time to time. Contact Form 7 handles all.

    Designthemes Blog Addon:

    A simple WordPress plugin designed to implements blog features of themes designed by DesignThemes.

    WP Clean Up:

    This Plugin helps to clean up the WordPress database. It does the job by removing “revision”, “draft”, “auto draft”, “moderated comments” ,”spam comments”, “trash comments”, “orphan post meta”, “orphan comments meta”, “orphan relationships”, and “dashboard transient feed”. WP Clean Up enables you to optimize your WordPress database without the need of coding by phpMyAdmin.

    YITH WC Wishlist:

    This Wishlist is one of the most useful features of an e-commerce. On one side, it encourages users to come back, allowing products tracking they consider interesting until the purchase step. Furthermore, if users share their Wishlist to friends through social networks — this will enhance the sales apart from promoting your online business. Thanks to YITH WooCommerce Wishlist you could achieve all this.

    Instagram Feeds:

    Using this Plugin, display beautifully all your Instagram posts as clean, customizable, and responsive Instagram feeds. A great tool for social connectivity.

    Post Duplicator:

    This plugin is helpful in creating an exact duplicate of a selected post. It is a very useful Plugin that supports Custom post types, along with custom taxonomies and custom fields. However, comments are not copied to the new post.

    Akismet Antispam:

    Akismet anti spam is used by millions as Akismet offers the best protection from spammers. Protect your blog from spam using Akismet which keeps your site protected even while you sleep! It is simple to get started with Akismet. Just activate the Akismet plugin and set up your API key in Akismet Settings. Simple, right?

    Regenerate Thumbnails:

    Regenerate Thumbnails lets you regenerate the thumbnails for your image attachments. This is particularly useful if you’ve changed any of your thumbnail dimensions. Or had changed to a new theme with different featured post image dimensions. You can either regenerate the thumbnails for all image uploads, individual image uploads, or specific multiple image uploads.


    Traffic is the lifeblood of any website. Jetpack is the ultimate tool to analyze traffic and it comes with SEO Tools to analyze your site. Using Jetpack, grow your WordPress site securely. Jetpack also gives you free themes, image tools, related content, and site security in an all in one convenient bundle. Keep your WordPress site secure and increase traffic. Analyze your site statistics and engage your readers by automatic sharing on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Reddit, and Whatsapp posts.

    Monster Widget:

    The Monster widget helps in consolidating all the 13 core widgets into a single widget enabling theme developers to create multiple instances with ease. It is a widget that allows for quick and easy testing of multiple widgets.

    Shortcodes galore:

    Asna theme offers a plethora of shortcodes to configure your modules like tabs, accordions, buttons, and tooltips. The shortcodes offered in Asna is mind boggling. Well, almost every conceivable need has been analyzed and these shortcodes have been included. All the requirements of your site for Blockquotes, Buttons & Lists, Carousel, Columns, Contact Info, Content Shortcodes, Custom Posts, Fancy Boxes, Icon Boxes, Image With Caption, Miscellaneous, Number Counter, Pricing Table, Progress Bar, Tabs & Toggles, Team, Testimonials, Carousel Testimonials, Timeline and Typography.


    With more than 600+ Google webfonts and the FontAwesome icons, you can set any color or size on your site and design your pages at will. You will become a professional designer by adding Google Fonts with typography field. In addition, you could add tooltips to help your users.

    Legendary Support:

    Using the extensive documentation, knowledge base and video tutorials you can get any clarification you may require about Asna theme, 24/7.
    Go for Asna theme, the delightful blogger’s theme!

    Note: Images used in the demo are not included for download, these images are copyrighted, if you are planning to use the photos we can provide the links to buy a license.

  • Azumi – Dependent Wpblog Theme (Blogging / Journal)

    Azumi – Dependent Wpblog Theme (Blogging / Journal)


    Azumi is a clean persional blog WordPress theme. You can use Azumi to build any kind of blog like fashion, travel, flower, handmade product, clothing, furniture, jewelry, accessories or any other. Azumi comes with many custom particles that bring the features that you need for news display, videos, gallery showcase and article writing.

    Beside that, we have a dedicated support center for all of your support needs. It includes our Documentation, Email and Skype support for any questions you have. We usually get back to you within 12-24 hours. (except weekend and holiday seasons which might take longer). Don’t hesitate to contacting us if you have any question or need any assist.


    Easy to customize: Theme Options powered by WordPress’ Customizer, you can change the logo image, logo text, slogan, social links, footer….without knowledge program. You can also change entire font of website based on Google fonts library. (With one our plugin)

    Responsive Design: This means that you only need one theme for the desktop, tablet, smartphone and other mobile devices.

    Unlimited color: This means that you can change color for primary color, link color, text color

    Page template and Post fomats: This theme supports 5 post formats (video, gallery, audio, quote, link) and some page templates.

    Sticky navigation: This mean your users can access the menu at any time while experiencing your website.

    HTML5 Base Template: We used HTML5 in Our Templates to make elegant, modern and SEO friendly website that would be fully functional & represents awesome typography.

    Custom widgets: This theme included 6 widgets: About widget (for display blog owner info ); Last posts (with 2 styles); Post sliders (with 2 mode: slideshow, carausel); Comment with avatar; News flash; Instagram. These widgets are included so many options.

    Quick translate: You can translate this theme to your language, it’s easy..

    One-Click-Import: Allows you to install this theme with all sample data like our demo, just one click.

    No Framework: We do not use the framework, they are often bloated with unnecessary features and have many security vulnerabilities.

  • Malar Female Blogging Theme (Wpblog / Journal)

    Malar Female Blogging Theme (Wpblog / Journal)

    Welcome to Malar theme, an exquisite feminine theme.
    Malar theme empowers the women entrepreneurs, artists, writers, and bloggers. A simple theme without any frills, Malar is the ultimate choice for designing your personal websites. Every inch a professional looking theme, Malar is suitable for artists, painters, writers and other professional bloggers.

    Variety of Home Pages

    Malar offers a choice of 4 home pages each one of which would make a magnificent impression on your visitors. Creating amazing content using Malar theme is a piece of cake, as Malar theme comes with the Slider Revolution Plugin integrated into the theme.
    Apart from 4 home pages, Malar also offers the standard About Us page named as Know Me, a gallery page for your portfolios, and the WooCommerce shop page to house your products for online sales. Naturally, you will be able to sell online and receive payments in multiple currencies.
    Malar theme also offers the infinite scroll option and load more option in your posts.
    If you have voluminous blog posts, these options would come in handy for better navigation.

    Key Features of Malar Theme

    Malar theme comes integrated with free as well as premium Plugins enabling you to save a whopping $56!

    Malar Theme’s Plugins:

    Single Click Import:

    Using the single click demo import, you would be able to download all the demo content and use it as your own after adding your logo and customizing it to suit your requirements.


    Create engrossing content and display on your pages at will! Everything is simply the drag and drop affair using the power of Visual Composer. Engrossing content on your site is the key. How to build contents that let your visitor stay on your site for a longer time? In Malar theme, the Slider Revolution Plugin is integrated. Creating content using these animated content creation tools, would ensure your site will have an edge over the other sites.

    Slider Revolution:

    Slider Revolution is an innovative, responsive WordPress Slider Plugin that displays your content the beautiful way. Whether it’s a Slider, Carousel, Hero Scene … even a whole Front Page. The visual, drag & drop editor will let you tell your own stories in no time! Build Modern & Mobile-Friendly Presentations. It’s easier than you think.

    Visual Composer:

    The Visual Composer makes designing of a site into a simple drag and drop affair that everyone would simply love to get their hands on. Using the WYSIWYG-what you see is what you get-interface, it is a piece of cake to design your website like a professional!

    Visual Composer Ultimate Addon:

    Includes Visual Composer premium add-on elements like Icon boxes, model Popups, Info Box, Interactive Banner, Flip Box, Info List & Counter. Best of all, it provides a Font Icon Manager allowing users to upload/delete custom icon fonts. Parallax, Video Backgrounds, Row effects, CSS3 animations, icon fonts and much more!

    No coding needed:

    The drag and drop page builder makes everyone a designer without the coding know-how! The power of visual composer is integrated into Malar Theme. Create pages quickly with few clicks in few minutes with the help of Visual Composer and custom Malar shortcodes.


    Kirki is the ultimate toolkit for theme developers using the WordPress Customizer. Malar theme lets you take advantage of its advanced features and flexibility. Simply by abstracting the code, it is easy for everyone to design beautiful and meaningful UI.

    Save Time:

    It helps you save time which is great! Create you panels and sections. Customize and add fields with ease. In addition, you can easily add configurations for your projects. The ease with which you could do is the most useful part of Kirki. It helps you to automatically create CSS from your fields. All this in real time while you preview the changes via the customizer’s preview instantly. Using the automatic post-Message scripts creation! You will become a professional designer by adding Google Fonts with typography field. In addition, you could add tooltips to help your users.

    Akismet Antispam:

    Akismet anti spam is used by millions as Akismet offers the best protection from spammers. Protect your blog from spam using Akismet which keeps your site protected even while you sleep! It is simple to get started with Akismet. Just activate the Akismet plugin and set up your API key in Akismet Settings. Simple, right?

    Contact Form 7:

    Using contact form 7 design as many forms with an unlimited number of input row fields in your form. You can design your own forms and limit spam and increase conversion. When you are running a site, there may be different requirements for forms to be configured from time to time. Contact Form 7 handles all.


    The WooCommerce Plugin would enable you to sell online and receive payments in multiple currencies as soon as your site is configured! WooCommerce is a free eCommerce plugin that allows you to sell anything, beautifully. Built to integrate seamlessly with WordPress, WooCommerce is the world’s favorite eCommerce solution that gives both store owners and developers complete control. With endless flexibility and access to hundreds of free and premium WordPress extensions, WooCommerce now powers 30% of all online stores — more than any other platform. Sell anything, anywhere With WooCommerce, you can sell both physical and digital goods in all shapes and sizes, offer product variations, multiple configurations, and instant downloads to shoppers, and even sell affiliate goods from online marketplaces.

    Regenerate Thumbnails:

    Regenerate Thumbnails lets you regenerate the thumbnails for your image attachments. This is particularly useful if you’ve changed any of your thumbnail dimensions. Or had changed to a new theme with different featured post image dimensions. You can either regenerate the thumbnails for all image uploads, individual image uploads, or specific multiple image uploads.

    YITH WC Wishlist:

    This Wishlist is one of the most useful features of an e-commerce: on one side, it encourages users to come back, allowing products tracking they consider interesting until the purchase step. On the other, if users share their Wishlist — to friends, or through social networks — this will enhance the sales and will help the promotion of you online business. Thanks to YITH WooCommerce Wishlist you could achieve all this.

    Designthemes Core Features Plugin:

    A simple WordPress plugin designed to implement core features of DesignThemes. Version 1.0 of this Plugin is integrated into the themes by DesignThemes. You designing of the layout and pages become a lot simpler with this Plugin.

    Designthemes Blog Addon:

    A simple WordPress plugin designed to implements blog features of themes designed by DesignThemes

    Shortcodes galore:

    Malar Theme offers a plethora of shortcodes to configure your modules like tabs, accordions, buttons, and tooltips. The shortcodes offered in Malar Theme is mind boggling. Well, almost every conceivable need has been analyzed and these shortcodes have been included. All the requirements of your site for Blockquotes, Buttons & Lists, Carousel, Columns, Contact Info, Content Shortcodes, Custom Posts, Fancy Boxes, Icon Boxes, Image With Caption, Miscellaneous, Number Counter, Pricing Table, Progress Bar, Tabs & Toggles, Team, Testimonials, Carousel Testimonials, Timeline and Typography.


    With more than 600+ Google webfonts and the FontAwesome icons, you can set any color or size on your site and design your pages at will.

    Legendary Support:

    Using the extensive documentation, knowledge base and video tutorials you can get any clarification you may require about Malar Theme, 24/7.


    Images used in the demo are not included for download, these images are copyrighted, if you are planning to use the photos we can provide the links to buy a license.

  • Simply Me Ingenious Portfolio WordPress Theme (Ingenious)

    Simply Me Ingenious Portfolio WordPress Theme (Ingenious)

    Just Me is WordPress theme for creatives, photographers, designers, bloggers, resume, portfolio & vCard. It has attractive modern layout based on fullscreen and colorful design. No coding knowledge is required which makes this template very easy to modify. It can be used for business personal, or showing your portfolio.


    1. Horizental & Vertical One Page Parallax.
    2. Two Variant Header.
    3. 9 Variant Slider
    4. Visual Composer
    5. One click installation
    6. Compatible with contact form 7
    7. Fully Responsive & retina ready
    8. Seo friendly
    9. Bootstrap components compatible
    10. Fontawesome
    11. Parallax background
    12. Dedicated Support
    13. Unlimited Color Schemes
    14. HTML5 & CSS3 Powered
    15. Cross browser compatible
    16. Very Clearly Documentation

    Change Log

    - Initial Release
  • MINI – Minimal Wpblog WordPress Theme (Blogging / Journal)

    MINI – Minimal Wpblog WordPress Theme (Blogging / Journal)

    We are happy to introduce the all new Blog theme – Mini Blog from Designthemes. Mini Blog theme comes with 3 delightful variations of default blog, feminine blog and travel blog. Each variant comes with its own about and contact pages. So whatever be your choice, whether default blog theme, feminine or travel, Mini Blog will fit in admirably. As name says its a Minimal Blog perfectly complements the needs to be classic and fast theme with essential blogging features. Take the case of a pure blog theme with its complex news or magazine layout. Not to mention your videos and different types of articles. Mini Blog is the best fit for you blog site!

    Whether you need a website for simple blogging, a all feminine theme or travel related blog, Mini Blog is the perfect choice. Go for Mini Blog, the 3 in 1 theme!

    Let us go over Mini Blog’s key features:

    To begin with, Mini Blog is responsive and retina ready so that your site will load in any device quickly. In this increasingly finicky world of nano seconds, delay in loading could be disastrous. Rest assured about your news site loading in any device.

    Ease of customization:

    Visual Composer is Builtin Mini Blog theme as the standard drag and drop pagebuilder using which designing your page layouts becomes a piece of cake without coding knowhow. Customize your site like a professional and get moving to launch your site quickly.


    The power of WooCommerce is integrated in your theme so that you can start selling online as soon as your site is ready. Launch your online sale of your magazines, news subscription and others effortlessly. 3 blog template styles: The blog templates are the gateways to engrossing content presentation. When the layout chosen is appropriate to your segment, half the job of presentation is over. Blog templates come in 3 styles. The classic, the minimal and the overlay.

    3 styles of Paginations:

    Mini Blog offers different styles of pagination as well. The pagination option could be different for each style like infinite scroll, load more or pagination style.

    Blog Column layouts:

    Mini theme offers 5 different blog detail pages, with category & Tag Color Selection. You could use each one according to the need of the type of blog you are running. The Standard type for displaying the information below the image. The second option is the Info Within Image. You could also have the Info Over Image – Bottom Left as well as the Info Over Image – Vertically Center and finally the Info Above Image option. Each section has a different appeal. Use it the way you fancy!

    Slide Menu with Categories:

    Mini blog theme offers another novel feature of the categories. The categories are displayed on the right side as a vertical menu and you can click on the different types of category you have assigned for your portfolios.


    Mini blog offers many widgets on the page using which you can configure you pages according to your emphasis on various factors. Apart from the standard meta options, as a news blogging site you may require headlines and tabbed posts using which you can display most of your headlines and post titles appropriately. Social Media: The widgets for Instagram, Flickr and Twitter provided where in you could display your images and posts and streams of these social media. The social media icons have been separately provided for connecting to your social media.

    The Ads widgets:

    You could earn from your site and monetize your site through these ads widgets. They could be placed in different segments in various sizes for ad banners.

    The search widget:

    The search window may be placed anywhere, to locate a particular news, text string or any other information you are looking for quickly instead of wading through the site.

    Admin Panel:

    Mini Blog theme comes with the powerful Buddha Panel using which you can customize your pages in a jiffy. Whether you want to change your logo, edit the header, footer or the social media connectivity, easily achieve it using the Buddha Panel.


    Mini Blog supports Right to left languages. Therefore, the theme would support those languages needing RTL support.


    Mini Blog theme is supported our legendary support team who would respond to your tickets, email and phones. Besides there is 24/7 knowledge base support, comments, forums and video tutorials so as to clear your queries and doubts.

    MINI comes with attractive 3 demos

    1. MINI Blog
    2. MINI Feminine
    3. MINI Travel

    Note :

    Images used in the demo are not included for download, these images are copyrighted, if you are planning to use the photos we can provide the links to buy license.

  • CeraMag – Lifestyles & Type Journal Theme (Wpblog / Journal)

    CeraMag – Lifestyles & Type Journal Theme (Wpblog / Journal)




    CeraMag is a life & style magazine and blog theme with clean and modern look.

    Pre-designed Demos

    Import one of 12 pre-designed demos by simple clicks. More demos are coming. Features and design elements in different demos can be combined.

    Flexible Customization

    With 110+ options in Customizer, you can easily style your site layout and look. All options have been well structured and nicely styled.

    Great Social Experience

    CeraMag provides 2 positions for displaying social share buttons: sticky by post side and after content. And we have built-in Instagram and Facebook widgets to add into sidebar or footer.

    Stylish Design

    Choose suitable and beautiful layout and style for you content. CeraMag offers many style choices for your homepage, archives and single article.


    • 6 different layouts for Top Slider on homepage.
    • Unique designed Features Sections for showing featured posts.
    • 2 header styles with unlimited color choices. And supports mega menu.
    • Sticky site header and sticky sidebar.
    • Sticky post navigation bar on single post. With 2 color options.
    • Boxed or Fullwidth Site Layout
    • 3 options for Sidebar Layout: No Sidebar / Left Sidebar / Right Sidebar.
    • Supports 6 Post formats:

      • Standard
      • Gallery
      • Video
      • Audio
      • Quote
      • Link
    • 2 header styles for single post: Normal & Large. With 3 options for sidebar layout. Can be applied to each post individually.
    • Set different layout for each archive type: Category, Author, Tags, Search…
    • Loads of options. Easy to customise and live preview with Customizer.
    • Responsive design. Retina ready.
    • 9 Custom widgets:

      • Profile widget (About Me)
      • Selected categories with background image
      • Posts List
      • Posts Tabs
      • Featured Posts Slider
      • Ad Banner
      • Instagram Feed
      • Facebook
      • Social Icons
    • Custom styling for “MailChimp for WordPress” plugin to create your newsletter subscription form
    • Support Contact Form 7
    • Fullwidth Instagram Feed in footer
    • Social icons in site header, footer and sidebar
    • Post Sharing, Like button, View count and Related Posts recommendation
    • Google Fonts
    • Unlimited Colors
    • Fullscreen popup search screen with 2 styles: Default / Simple
    • 4 widget areas: Sidebar and 3 Footer Columns
    • Show/Hide elements
    • Translation ready. .pot file included.
    • RTL languages support
    • Compatibility with modern browsers
    • Built with HTML5 and CSS3. SCSS files include.
    • Detailed offline & online documentation included.
    • 5-star support

    Any Problem?

    Please feel free to contact us if you encounter any issue. When you need our support, or would love to report a bug, or request new features, or want to ask any question, please:


    Images used in the demo site are not included in the download package. You can find them on Unsplash.com


    Version 1.0.1 – May 19th, 2017

    * New: Options to hide Post Like & Pinterest button on featured images in posts list
    * New: Options to choose which post meta items to show in single post header
    * New: 6 New demo data for importing
    * Fixed: Post format issue in recent posts section on 404 page
    * Fixed: Customizer small issues for WordPress v4.6.x
    * Fixed: Minor CSS bugs

    Version 1.0 – May 19th, 2017

    * Initial Public Release.
  • BLOGR – WordPress Theme for Unique Bloggers (Wpblog / Journal)

    BLOGR – WordPress Theme for Unique Bloggers (Wpblog / Journal)

    BLOGR is a awesome personal wordpress blog theme for special writers and content marketer. BLOGR gives you incredible design style that has made it totally different from other blog theme in themeforest. You will care so much for your readers & your writing career.

    Thank you to all of our valued customers because of your trust and love to us; We appreciate your great ratings.

    Main Features of BLOGR:

    • Theme built especially for Blogger
    • Responsive Design which adapts to mobile devices (iPhone, iPad)
    • Blog post support various content including photo, gallery, video, souncloud etc.
    • Footer support sidebar & widgets
    • Unlimited Categories and Posts Pages
    • Video content support Vimeo, Youtube
    • Social media Profiles Support
    • Extensive Theme Documentation
    • Free Updates and Support
    • Demo Content Included
    • 600+ Google fonts
    • Font Awesome
    • SEO friendly Mark-up
    • 2 Menus
    • 3 Home Pages
    • 404, Search and Archive pages
    • Slider
    • Short-code Generator (Build Short-codes easily using our UI)
    • Responsive Design
    • Build with Bootstrap 3.3.6
    • Build with less
  • BLOGR – WordPress Theme for Different Bloggers (Wpblog / Journal)

    BLOGR – WordPress Theme for Different Bloggers (Wpblog / Journal)

    BLOGR is a awesome personal wordpress blog theme for special writers and content marketer. BLOGR gives you incredible design style that has made it totally different from other blog theme in themeforest. You will care so much for your readers & your writing career.

    Thank you to all of our valued customers because of your trust and love to us; We appreciate your great ratings.

    Main Features of BLOGR:

    • Theme built especially for Blogger
    • Responsive Design which adapts to mobile devices (iPhone, iPad)
    • Blog post support various content including photo, gallery, video, souncloud etc.
    • Footer support sidebar & widgets
    • Unlimited Categories and Posts Pages
    • Video content support Vimeo, Youtube
    • Social media Profiles Support
    • Extensive Theme Documentation
    • Free Updates and Support
    • Demo Content Included
    • 600+ Google fonts
    • Font Awesome
    • SEO friendly Mark-up
    • 2 Menus
    • 3 Home Pages
    • 404, Search and Archive pages
    • Slider
    • Short-code Generator (Build Short-codes easily using our UI)
    • Responsive Design
    • Build with Bootstrap 3.3.6
    • Build with less