Replace your copyright images in your WordPress Themes automatically in three clicks.
The plugin automatically searches for the images, measures the dimensions and generates placeholder images, replaces them in your WordPress Theme beautifully.
No need to spend hours creating placeholder images in different sizes.
Imagine you have used 100 + copyright images in your WordPress theme. And you have to replace the images with placeholders one by one manually.
Save time. Just install the plugin. Search and replace with three clicks.
Key features
- Automatically finds the dimension of the image and replaces with a placeholder of the same size.
- Ajax based batch processing. So it can work even in servers with low memory
- Allows you to control the number images to be processed per batch
- Bakckup your original images automatically before replacing them with placeholders
System Requirements
- PHP 5.5 +
- Imagick or GD extension for PHP enabled (Most servers will have this by default). Xampp, Mamp, Wamp all have this pre-installed.
- 20/01/2017
Initial release