Tag: Wordpress seo plugin

  • Keyword SEO Rank Tracker – WordPress SERP Rank Tracker (SEO)

    Keyword SEO Rank Tracker – WordPress SERP Rank Tracker (SEO)

    You do keyword research. But the stats only shows you the search volume, CPC, Difficulty.
    You need more. You need to know the position of your keyword, the ranking. Is it a good position? Which top?
    Say hello to the new keyword ranking tracker
    CP SEO Keyword Tracker is a WordPress plugin to check rank of keyword on Google with your URL. You can keep following close on your position
    The plugin allows you to gather a list of keyword andregain all of keyword rankings by entering your URL and keyword
    You will understand deeply and clearly where your keyword is standing
    Improving Your Keyword Rankings With CP SEO Keyword Tracker Plugin
    • Check ranking keyword in your url and content
    • Distributing positon of keyword
    • The flow of keyword
    The Biggest Functionality Features Of CP Seo Keyword Tracker
    CP SEO Keyword Tracker is an advanced WordPress plugin that let you to quickly and easily track the keyword in few clicks. There are are too mnay features to list here, so here are the core features:
    Track keyword ranking on Google
    CP SEO Keyword Tracker can track keyword rankings on Goolge with detail information like estimated visit, keyword flow, keyword position distribution, etc
    Multi platforms check
    The one of a kind feature that only CP SEO Keyword tracker is to check the rank of the keyword on many platform on Facebook, Youtube, and so on as long as your keyword is on there.
    Ranking graph will be generated for each keyword being tracked.
    Detail tracking for every post in your site
    Keyword tracker is not only a WordPress ranking tracker plugin but also penetrates each post to indicate the main keyword or making a list of keywords.
    Analyzing the keyword real time
    It updates keyword rank positions in real time
    Generating ranking reports
    You can export data on daily, monthly or even anually reports. It’s up to you.
    The plugin will let you know how ranking is going? Up or Down with rank change. Then leading to estimated visits. It also permits to dowload these reports as Excel.
    Auto notification
    Anything changes on ranking of keyword, an auto email will be sent to you. Your will handle and solve the problem on time.
    In addiion, CP SEO Keyword Tracker will send you a daily email with each position transition up or down.
    Speed up your database
    CP SEO Keyword Tracker is light: To save your database, you can save the information wherever you want. So the plugin will run at ease.
    Multi – Language supported
    CP SEO Tracker is supported in many languages. You can use the plugin for local language or any language (depeding on your target market)
    Variant Users
    CP SEO Keyword Tracker is super easy to use. It is a sleek SEO plugin that is built for online marketer, SEO manager and so on. No matter you are a professional user or beginner, you can use CP SEO Keyword Tracker comfortably.
    Measure success keyword
    The estimated visits let you know how many traffic you will get
    With the detail stats, it is easy to monitor and evaluate your tactic. Does it work well? Is there anything to adjust to go on the right track?
    Competitors on your hands
    You can put competitors’ URLs and CP SEO Keyword Tracker will analyze their keywords.
    Learning the ranking of their keywords, you will have a better strategy to compete them wherever they are.
    You will have understand them deeply and clearly.
    Technical Features

  • Copyscaper – Run Your Posts Via Copyscape Right away in Your WordPress Dashboard (search engine optimisation)

    Copyscaper – Run Your Posts Via Copyscape Right away in Your WordPress Dashboard (search engine optimisation)

    This plugin harnesses the Copyscape API and lets you check for plagiarism directly in your WordPress dashboard. Keep track of articles that pass or fail, so your editors and writers can go back and review them for duplication. You can also give permission to editors and writers to run a plagiarism check and keep track of Copyscape results directly in WordPress’ Post page.

    Most blog owners are concerned with plagiarism. If you hire outside writers for your blog, you should be checking for plagiarism. Copyscape is the #1 plagiarism checker that finds any duplication across the Internet. It can even check to find if someone is copying your articles without your knowledge.

    Copyscaper takes care of this so that you don’t need to copy and paste text from your writer’s documents into the Copyscape interface. Instead, check for plagiarism directly in your dashboard, and flag each article so that you know it’s already been checked. No more checking articles multiple times. Copyscaper keeps track of whether an article passes or fails.

    It’s also useful when you have writers that upload directly to WordPress. You can either check the articles yourself or give editors and writers permission to check as they upload files.

  • WordPress website positioning Tracker (search engine optimisation)

    WordPress website positioning Tracker (search engine optimisation)

    Monitor Essential SEO Metrics to better optimize your websites.

    If you are ONLY doing link building or totally obsessed with traffic analytics, its time to FOCUS on how well your websites are optimized for search engines. You need to track the MOST IMPORTANT SEO metrics that directly impact our traffic.

    Sources and Credits

  • Simple HTML Dom
  • Google Pagerank API
  • Google Webpage Speed API
  • Alexa API