Tag: wordpress plugin

  • Everest Evaluation – Consumer and admin evaluation plugin for WordPress (Utilities)

    Everest Evaluation – Consumer and admin evaluation plugin for WordPress (Utilities)

    Everest Review is the simple utility plugin with multiple features for you to display reviews for your posts, pages, and various custom post types faster and simpler..

    This Plugin allows you to insert your review inside your posts or pages. You can also take review from the site visitor and display with many other multiple customization option to change to fit the layout of the site along with responsive design.

    Create unlimited review template! Create and assign template to multiple page for multiple actions through elegant and useful setting in the plugin. Select from 5 beautiful pre-designed layout and 5 different review form layout along with multiple review display design option for your own review theme.

    Everest Review is very handy to makes your website’s accessibility higher with more user engagement than ever before.

    Add review power to your website, get Everest Review now!

    Full feature lists

    5 Elegant Review Template Layouts

    – 5 different beautiful and sleek template for admin and user review design to choose from.

    5 Review Form Template Layouts

    – 5 different template for review form to choose from.

    Unlimited Numbers of Review in the Site

    – unlimited number of review in your site. There is no limit in the number of reviews, review form you can use in your site.

    Page Wise Configurable Review

    – define each individual review section such as admin review section, user review section and user review form in either order or display either one.for particular page, just select a reviews, review form for your page or leave one work for all through single setting.

    Fully Responsive and Touch Friendly

    – Mobile ready menu template designs. Responsive and touch friendly to support user review from smaller devices too.

    Custom Design

    – You can configure the review template layout along with type of review design. 7 different review designs and custom design options to choose from. Various editable components for custom template are listed below:

    • Background Color
    • Review color
    • Review Header Color
    • Review Inner Header Color
    • Typography
    • Font Size
    • And many more

    Shortcode Ready

    You can define to review to be displayed either above or below the content and you can also define shortcode to display in either position around the page/post content.

    – You also can upload your own custom image icon.

    – Or you can also set custom icon if the icon you are looking for is not available in icon set using custom input field.

    Sortable Review Form Template with other customizable options

    – You can sort the order easily for the review form in the plugin while creating/editing the to custom order along with ability to design the custom options to custom design the form layout.

    Easy Review Builder

    You don’t have to be expert or know the code to work with the template using and integrating it into the site.

    Filter and Pagination Option

    – You can filter the user reviews and paginate the user reviews as you wish with simple ajax load more just by manipulating few setting in backend.

    Different Review Types

    -You can choose among 7 different review types.

    • Plain Square
    • Plain Circular
    • Simple Bar
    • Striped bar
    • Spiral
    • Star
    • Slider

    Additional Options

    • Spam blocking through Google ReCaptcha
    • Privilege for logged in/logged out user to be allowed to submit review
    • Easy customizable user reviews
    • Ajax review form submission
    • Admin alert on form submission
    • Infinite parameter per review
    • Responsive Layout
    • User Friendly backend Interface

    Translation Ready

    – Easily translatable plugin with .pot file for multilingual support for plugin backend.

    WordPress Compatible

    – Tested with multiple themes and WordPress versions

    Lifetime Dedicated Support

    – You can find us anytime when you have some queries, problems or with any valuable suggestions for plugin or us. You can find us through following ways:

    Constant Free Upgrades

    – Not fixed on dates, but we assure you to provide you new updates and feature upgrade in the plugin at regular basis.

    Some Major Change logs


    No changes yet.

    Customer Feedback

    Customer Feedback

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    Check out our other great plugins

  • CQPIM Undertaking Administration – Reporting Add-On (Add-ons)

    CQPIM Undertaking Administration – Reporting Add-On (Add-ons)

    CQPIM Project Management – Reporting Add-On

    This add-on for the CQPIM Core plugin enables you to generate reports from CQPIM Core data and display on screen as well as export in various formats (PDF, CSV, Excel, Print, Copy)

    The plugin requires CQPIM Core v3.2.2 or higher.

    Getting Started

    To install the plugin, first make sure you have CQPIM 3.2.2 or higher. Upload the zip file through WordPress and Activate the plugin.


    This is a zero configuration plugin, which means once it is installed it can be used straight away. The Reporting section can be found in the CQPIM Core admin menu.

    Which reports are available?

    • Project Time
    • Project Income
    • Project Income / Expenses (Requires Expenses Add-On)
    • Team Member Time Entries
    • Team Member Expenses (Requires Expenses Add-On)
    • Income
    • Income by Client
    • Expenses (Requires Expenses Add-On)
    • Income / Expenses (Requires Expenses Add-On)
    • Sales Tax Total
    • Secondary Sales Tax Total
    • Supplier Spending (Requires Expenses Add-On)

    How does it work?

    The reporting add-on has been designed to be as easy to use as possible. Everything can be run from one page.

    Simply select a report type, and an item if required (eg. a specific Project or Team Member).

    Choose an optional date range and hit Generate Report.

    Your chosen report will be displayed underneath the Report Generation form.

    You can change the Items per Page, and you can export the report in various formats by clicking on one of the export buttons.

  • CQPIM Mission Administration – Reporting Add-On (Add-ons)

    CQPIM Mission Administration – Reporting Add-On (Add-ons)

    CQPIM Project Management – Reporting Add-On

    This add-on for the CQPIM Core plugin enables you to generate reports from CQPIM Core data and display on screen as well as export in various formats (PDF, CSV, Excel, Print, Copy)

    The plugin requires CQPIM Core v3.2.2 or higher.

    Getting Started

    To install the plugin, first make sure you have CQPIM 3.2.2 or higher. Upload the zip file through WordPress and Activate the plugin.


    This is a zero configuration plugin, which means once it is installed it can be used straight away. The Reporting section can be found in the CQPIM Core admin menu.

    Which reports are available?

    • Project Time
    • Project Income
    • Project Income / Expenses (Requires Expenses Add-On)
    • Team Member Time Entries
    • Team Member Expenses (Requires Expenses Add-On)
    • Income
    • Income by Client
    • Expenses (Requires Expenses Add-On)
    • Income / Expenses (Requires Expenses Add-On)
    • Sales Tax Total
    • Secondary Sales Tax Total
    • Supplier Spending (Requires Expenses Add-On)

    How does it work?

    The reporting add-on has been designed to be as easy to use as possible. Everything can be run from one page.

    Simply select a report type, and an item if required (eg. a specific Project or Team Member).

    Choose an optional date range and hit Generate Report.

    Your chosen report will be displayed underneath the Report Generation form.

    You can change the Items per Page, and you can export the report in various formats by clicking on one of the export buttons.

  • CQPIM Undertaking Administration – Suppliers & Bills Add-On (Add-ons)

    CQPIM Project Management – Suppliers & Expenses Add-On

    This add-on for the CQPIM Core Plugin enables you to add suppliers and expenses within CQPIM.

    The plugin requires CQPIM Core v3.2.1 or higher.

    Getting Started

    To install the plugin, first make sure you have CQPIM 3.2.1 , or higher. Upload the zip file through WordPress and Activate the plugin.

    To configure the plugin, go into the CQPIM Settings page and click on the Suppliers / Expenses tab.


    • Manage your suppliers through CQPIM and track monthly spending with suppliers


    • Track expenses from team members
    • Assign expenses to projects to show profit after costs
    • Force admin authorisation of expenses
    • Upload receipts / invoices to expenses


    The plugin has a feature that can be activated which requires team members to request admin authorisation on expenses, or just those that are over a certain value. If this feature is active, the use raising the expense will be prompted to request authorisation.

    This will send an email to any user who has permissions set to be able to authorise expenses and will provide a link for them to view the expense and authorise / decline it.

    How does it tie in with CQPIM Core?

    The plugin affects several parts of the core plugin. On the admin dashboard, it will add a new data set to the income graph that also shows expenses per month, so that you can see total profit per month at a glance.

    It adds a metabox to the team member admin page that shows their expenses and a graph to see monthly spending.

    Because expenses can be assigned to projects, it will show new metaboxes in each project that display linked expenses and will also add those expenses to the Project Financials table to show profit after expense deductions.

  • Undertaking Supervisor PRO (Utilities)

    Undertaking Supervisor PRO (Utilities)

    From organizing, deadlines, task prioritizing, team based assignments, chopping down work to the minimal bits and getting the work done with detailed progress reports – Everything is possible with Project Manager.

  • Venture Supervisor PRO (Utilities)

    Venture Supervisor PRO (Utilities)

    From organizing, deadlines, task prioritizing, team based assignments, chopping down work to the minimal bits and getting the work done with detailed progress reports – Everything is possible with Project Manager.

  • Easy Pricing Tables For Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Easy Pricing Tables For Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Simple Pricing Tables allows user to create pricing tables for your website in easy way. You can quickly add features to your different plans, choose a color (as well as many other options) and display your price table anywhere using Visual Composer.It adds pricing plans to your site in just few clicks with really simple interface.


    • 3 Pre Made Styles
    • Custom Colors
    • Unlimited Icons
    • 100% Responsive
    • Customizable Options
    • Unlimited Contrast
    • Easy and Fastest to Setup
    • All Major browser supported
    • 24/7 Support
    • Support within 12 hours


    • Title
    • Short Description
    • Description Listing
    • Custom Colors
    • External Linking
    • Unlimited Currency
    • Icons
  • Cornerstone Addon – Development Bars Final DZS (Add-ons)

    Cornerstone Addon – Development Bars Final DZS (Add-ons)

    Zoom Progress Bars Intro – top

    Zoom Progress Bars is the perfect tool to create custom progress bars to your wishing .

    Zoom Progress Bars Features

    • HTML5 technology – Zoom Progress Bars uses the latest html5 and css3 features
    • fully responsive – looks great from mobile to HD
    • skin builder – build your own skin in minutes, create multiple skins and all will be remembered
    • SCSS Powered – easy for developers to modify
    • Retina-ready – graphics generally use svg, vectors and font icons so it displays crisp on retina devices
    • easy install – purchase, download the zip, read the docs
    • iPhone / iPad optimized – this gallery has been optimized for Apple touch devices
    • Android optimized – this component has been tested on Android 4.0 and works awesome
    • developer / SASS powered – this component’s CSS has been built on top of SASS which means SASS users will have an easy time modifying the skins. For non-SASS users it’s no problem either because CSS files ( generated by SASS ) are provided
    • compatible with all major browsers, including IE – compatible from IE11 to Edge, Chrome, Safari and Firefox

    Other Great Plugins


  • iLive – WordPress Reside Chat Make stronger Plugin (Utilities)

    iLive – WordPress Reside Chat Make stronger Plugin (Utilities)


    iLive is an intelligent WordPress live chat plugin. This plugin will work in any wordpress site which need a customer sales and support system through live chat.

    New plugin is always best and feature rich

    1. Automatic chat search and suggestion to operator
    2. Automatic chat reply and greetings
    3. Unlimited operator / Support manager can be added
    4. Unlimited customer can chat.
    5. Each operator can chat unlimited customer at a time. (Currently 50 set. you can choose any number)
    6. Each operator can transfer chat to other operator / department
    7. Chat request from client to operator maintain online, busy, offline queue logic. i.e when first chat request comes from customer it search for online operator who is not busy and select randomly. If all are busy then it select any busy operator and the operator can answer in a seperate chat tab.
    8. 3 way notification, sound, browser tab text change and color change when chatting with multiple customer in different tab.
    9. Completely responsive front end. Tested with all apple device and android device.
    10. Unlimited theme color and text color.
    11. 3 type background. Color, images, patther and transparent chat box
    12. Chat session control. So browsing website will not lost the current chat history.
    13. Offline message system
    14. Seperate chat history and searchable unique query database.
    15. Auto chat history database cleanup system. in case your site becomes heavy.
    16. Chat speed control from option panel
    17. Operator image can be shown
    18. Ajax technology. Works all the browser including IE7, IE8, IE9+ and safari, chrome, firefox, opera etc.

    Why intelligent?

    Click below and watch for close understanding.

    The main logic of this auto search and suggest based live chat plugin is that in each company there are finite number of client unknown query. Client question is not unlimited. So the operator currently have to type all the common answer over and over again. This is a wasting of time and bad customer service

    With this plugin all the common question and answer will be saved in a database. In each client request the auto search system will suggest the matching question and answer to the operator. Operator just need to click to the matching question to answer client request. This can certainly improve customer service.

    Matching query can also be searched from built in search system. Operator can also add and edit chat history to database.

    Live Demo Note:

    Please visit Demo Site or click the above live preview button to check the chat system before purchase. You will need to login to see the demo. For operator – Username1: operator1 and Password1: Operator_1 or Username2: operator2 and Password2: Operator_2 or Username3: operator3 and Password3: Operator_3 and For Customer – Username1: customer1 and Password1: Customer_1 or Username2: customer2 and Password2: Customer_2 or Username3: customer3 and Password3: Customer_3 or sign up to create new account. You can use 3 different account and logging in from 3 different browser like chrome, firefox, opera, safari from the same computer to check the chat system or can use different computer as well. When login as operator you need to go wordpress dashboard and open iLive operator chat panel.

    Auto search & suggest with multi chat

    Online, Busy, Offline Queue Logic

    Unlimited theme color and style

    Complete responsive front end

    iLive options panel


    • This Plugin works with WordPress powered websites only
    • jQuery 1.7 or newer is required. WordPress 3.4+ already uses jQuery 1.8.3 by default if your theme not deregister it and loads old one.

    ** Version 1.0.0 - August 17th, 2017 **
    - Initial Release
  • Scroll Popup Notifications For Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Scroll Popup Notifications For Visible Composer (Add-ons)


    – Scroll Popup Notifications for visual composer lets you add the popup notifications to your pages/posts/products/ other. Notifications are shown on page load, when scrolling the page to a certain length, the popup is displayed under the icon. You will customize content display popup by Visual Composer.
    – There are 2 options for popup notification display : All page (show all page) or Custom (page, post, product, other,..)…You just select the display template corresponding to the option you choose….


    – Option settings :
    + Option to set width of popup.
    + Option to set background of popup.
    + Option to set border of popup.
    + Option to set position of the popup.
    + ….
    – Extend the Visual Composer, work fine with the VC update.
    – Include Depth Modal and Scrolling Notification extension.
    – Popup support any kind of content (use visual composer).
    – Optional popup window background, text color, background color , width.
    – Multiple notification, you can add a unique notification for posts or pages or products or another.
    – Compatible with latest jQuery and latest WordPress.
    – Free update in the future.

    username: popup
    password: popup

    Video Demo

    Video demo: Here


    Version 1.0 Initial Release