Tag: wordpress plugin

  • FAQ Revolution – WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    FAQ Revolution – WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    FAQ Revolution tries improving the classical qusetion-to-static-answer scheme by introducing a choice-based system. Features a great search system allowing custom keywords definition and brings also a Knowledge-base section for your site. Everything focusing on SEO!



    Features list

    • FAQ system:
      • FAQ subjects categorization with optional child-subject
      • Optional image for first-level subjects
      • Standard question-to-answer FAQ
      • Choice-based FAQ. Each FAQ note could bring to a custom text, a predefined text or a new question
      • Each FAQ node may have an associated photogallery with lightbox
      • Each FAQ node may have associated Knowledge-base articles or associated external links
      • Each FAQ has got a standalone page, to be better indexed by search engines
      • FAQ search helper, manually defining custom keywords to help users find the right answer
      • Custom FAQ sorting (by default are sorted alphabetically)
      • Theme template choice for FAQ pages

    • FAQs search & display shortcode:
      • (optional) forced subject selection
      • (optional) forced child-subject selection
      • (optional) “search mode”, to show FAQs only after a textual search
      • Complete deeplink system over each action (in targeted pages using a single searchbox)
      • Elementor and Visual Composer native integration

    • Knowledge-base section:
      • Knowledge-base tags, grouping articles and to optionally be shown at the end of the article
      • Article tags archive (using your theme’s template)
      • Theme template choice for KB articles

    • External links database: record links to be attached to FAQ nodes
    • Base-URL control over FAQs, KB and KB tags
    • Complete control over font sizes and colors
    • Customizable fixed texts
    • 100% translatable, WPML or Polylang ready
    • Dev-friendly API to fetch or search FAQs

    Why should it be a revolution?

    A relevant part of the web is about questions & answers.
    Just think about it: how many times you search for answers?

    It’s up to websites answering in the best way possible and give users what they are searching for. Normally FAQ systems are composed by collapsible accordions containing static text, but are they really efficient?

    FAQ revolution inherits LCweb support site’s experience (serving more than 37.000 customers since 2015) and makes a step further, introducing new concepts such as semantic search helper and choice-based FAQs.

    Plus, it adds a real knowledge-base section to your website. You can link articles as well as external links to each FAQ, creating an unbeatable user experience!

    Choice-based FAQs​

    Static answers can’t be efficient with questions involving many variables  or leading to sub-questions. Here’s where choice-based FAQs makes the difference: giving users targeted answers to their questions!

    Through an intuitive buider you can shape-up your cases tree, analyzing user’s situation. Just as you were talking face to face! 

    Each answer may end with a custom or predefined text… or you can also continue querying the user to better understand its situation.

    As you can see in this demo, each answer may also contain a photogallery and links leading to inherent pages. Everything has been thought to give the best answer in the easiest way possible.

    FAQs search helper​

    What really makes the difference is how efficiently you can give users what they are searching for and, in most cases, different users won’t use the same keywords.

    By default FAQ Revolution considers FAQ’s title and description, however this might not be enough. Here’s where search helper comes handy:

    You can specify extra words to be matched by the plugin, helping different people finding the same answer.

    Users education above all.
    Teached users won’t have trivial questions and will enjoy  your services!

    However is also important to have a clean and exhaustive site’s section explaining how things work. FAQ Revolution automatically creates this section!

    You just have to focus on articles creation, maybe tagging them to be quickly grouped!

    Sometimes you may also want to insert external references to existing web pages: the plugin also brings a links database section meant to keep them in the cleanest and quickest way possible!

    WP builders integration

    The whole plugin is designed to give you the maximum SEO score over FAQs and KB articles. Each FAQ has also got its own page you can include into sitemaps to be quickly indexed.

    FAQ Revolution gives you the complete control over FAQ, KB and tags URL: this means you can also set their base-URL along with their slug.

    Finally, deeplink: you may have multiple “FAQ search” pages where each search step is deeplinked, allowing direct links to be made on the fly!

    WP builders integration

    Stop wondering what hides behind complex shortcodes and start using real-time previews! They are the state-of-the-art of modern wordpress page building, speeding up development.

    The plugin natively integrates with Elementor and Visual Composer, to give you the best user experience available today on wordpress.

    Your style, your colors

    As per LCweb’s philosophy, each font and color can be managed, perfectly adapting to every website!

    Obviously the plugin is completely responsive: perfect on any device.

    100% Multilanguage

    FAQ Revolution is also completely translatable on both front and back ends.

    You will be able to localize it creating your .po file, using WPML or Polylang!

    API Functions

    Do you have a support system and want to integrate FAQs search?

    You can count on two dev-oriented PHP functions to query and search them!


    Please note that, at the moment, deeplink can’t be used in more than a language.



    See the changelog here—>

  • gfCalendar (Forms)

    gfCalendar (Forms)

    gfCalendar is plugin connects your Gravity Form on your WordPress site to your Google calendar DIRECTLY without any other extra services. Through the settings of the plugin, you can easily define the dates when bookings can be made, the duration of the time slots. As the calendar is powered by AJAX, the availability of the booked slots will be updated instantly.

    Can be used for : Lawyers, Salons, Mechanic, Cleaning services, Doctors, Spas, Personal trainers, Private Lessons or Trainings, Escape rooms, Courses, Conferencies and all other businesses that want visitors to their sites to schedule in-person appointments.


    gfCalendar required Gravity Form and Google calendar account.

    gfCalendar has features:

    • Set you availability through Google Calendar
    • All bookings received and plugin settings are stored in your database and your Google Calendar
    • Reservation minimum and maximum time limits can be customized as you wish
    • Supports multiple Google calendars (must be own by the same google account)  if using each in different form
    • Calendar events become free slots, ready to be booked
    • Customize Business Hours
    • Use Email notifications of Gravity forms
    • An opportunity to use form values in the created event of the Google calendar
  • Woocommerce Quick Cart For WPBakery Page Builder (eCommerce)

    Woocommerce Quick Cart For WPBakery Page Builder (eCommerce)


    – Woocommerce Quick Cart For WPBakery Page Builder allow you will create a quick cart page with your style for visual composer.

    – This plugin allow users to see Cart page in popup on any pages you want. (The view in the popup is the style you created the template).


    – Easy to use.

    – Create a page quick view shopping cart page with your style ( with WPbakery Page Builder).

    – 2 type different create Quick Cart Page:

    + Create with Widget ( with button, button text, template use for quick cart)…

    + Create with Menu settings( with icon, position icon, animation popup, template use for quick cart)…

    – Extend the Visual Composer, work fine with the VC update.

    – Include Depth Modal and Scrolling Notification extension.

    – Popup support any kind of content (use WPbakery Page Builder).

    – Compatible with latest jQuery and latest WordPress.

    – Free update in the future.

    + And more…. Would you like to use it?

    user_login: quickcart
    pass: quickcart

    You can see that in more detail

    Video demo: Here



    08/02/2018: (version 1.0)

    - Version 1.0 Initial Release 
  • Ninja Forms Google Spreadsheet Addon (Forms)

    Ninja Forms Google Spreadsheet Addon (Forms)

    Add your Ninja Forms data to Google Spreadsheets whenever user submits a form on your site.

    You can add it to any number of forms on your site with no restrictions.

    Submitted data is added as a new row in the select sheet within Spreadsheet, allows mapping to form fields to sheet headers so that only selective data is added to sheet.

    Demo Knowledgebase Support

    Best Support, Easy to Use, Free Lifetime Updates


    -Option to select the Spreadsheet to which new row of data will be appended.

    -Option to select the Sheet within Spreadsheet.

    -Option to map form fields with Sheet headers.

    -Use on any number of forms.

    -Different forms can send data to different sheets.


    Version 3.0 (2 Aug 2018)
    -Initial Version
  • Zuz Live Web Phone Call & Chat Support Plugin for WordPress (Utilities)

    Zuz Live Web Phone Call & Chat Support Plugin for WordPress (Utilities)

    Zuz Live Web Phone Call & Chat Support Plugin for wordpress lets you monitor and connect with visitors on your website via Web Phone Call & Live Chat. Best for sites with customer support & sales.

    You never have to pay for live chat software again

    Tired of paying a monthly subscription for every agent you have?
    Cancel your current subscription and switch to Zuz Live Web Phone Call & Chat Support Plugin.


    • Web Based Phone Calls
      Users can call you directly beside text chat without any cost. (Web to Web Calls)
    • Typing Preview
      Find out what your customer is typing before they even send their message.
    • Typing Indicator
      Display a typing indicator as soon as an agent or visitor starts typing.
    • Emoji Support
      Add some fun to your chats with emojis.
    • Offline Messages
      Not online? No problem! Let your users send you an offline message
    • No 3rd party connections
      The plugin uses your own website as its server for ui; Firebase Live Database.
    • Customizable UI
      Make Zuz Live Widget Color fit with your current theme.
    • Complete Visitor Info
      Track visitor Location, current visiting page, screen resolution, online/offline/idle status and more
    • Admin Panel
      Users List, Chat & Calls History

    Live Demo

    Visit Demo Site or Click the above live preview button to check the Zuz live phone call & chat system before purchase.

    Frontend: https://demos.zuz.host/live/
    Admin: https://demos.zuz.host/live/wp-admin/
    Username: demo
    Password: demo123

  • Tiva Team Slider For WordPress (Interface Elements)

    Tiva Team Slider For WordPress (Interface Elements)


    Tiva Team Slider For WordPress is plugin which help you to manage and display your team members on carousel slider with many layouts.

    Tiva Team Slider

    Management your team members on admin site:

    Tiva Team Slider Admin

    With many layouts and options, you can customize your team slider easily.

    Tiva Team Slider

    You can put your team slider everywhere in your website via widget or shortcode.

    Tiva Team Slider

    Why choose Tiva Teamn Slider For WordPress ?

    • Display your team members friendly on slider.
    • Very easy to integrate into your website.
    • Many layouts (8) to choose.
    • Many options to customize.
    • Fully responsive.

    See demo of Tiva Team Slider For WordPress here

    If you like our product, please don’t forget to review and rate it . We will support you as soon as possible.

    This product use Owl Carousel to develop (http://www.owlcarousel.owlgraphic.com).


    Version 1.0 (14 Jul 2018)
        - Initial release.

    Follow us on :


  • Projectopia WP Project Management – ULTIMATE VERSION (Utilities)

    Projectopia WP Project Management – ULTIMATE VERSION (Utilities)

    Projectopia Ultimate – WordPress Project Management Plugin

    Projectopia Ultimate is our fully featured Project Management Solution, incorporating our Projectopia Core Plugin and all add-on plugins for a single price point.

    Projectopia Ultimate features the latest versions of the following plugins –

    Projectopia Ultimate will also be updated to include all future add-ons in the same package, so when we release a new add-on, it will be included in free future updates to the Projectopia Ultimate plugin!

    Please ensure that your environment meets the requirements for each of our plugins, you can see a list of requirements for each item by clicking the links above.


    The Ultimate plugin contains Projectopia Core and all available add-ons. Unzip your download and install Projectopia Core, and then install each add-on from the Add-Ons folder in the download.

  • i-Search Pro (Utilities)

    i-Search Pro (Utilities)

    i-Search Pro – Live Search Plugin

    i-Search Pro changes the way of WordPress Search. It’s full WooCommerce compatible. Provide Live search results in milliseconds. Log not found search queries for a better SEO. Add extra search terms to your posts. Include almost everything in your search results.

    • Lightweight: i-Search is only 30KB of javascript snippet for your visitors.
    • Own algorithm: i-Search will index your site and build his own algorithm to provide high-speed search results. Search queries in 10.000 Products and over 18.000 tags are provided in milliseconds.
    • Logging: i-Search will log every not found search query and provide the administrator a better post/page/product optimization.
    • Search tags: Like WP own post tags you can add extra search terms to your posts.
    • Did you mean strings: The administrator can add for every not found search query a ‘Did you mean’ string.
    • Popularity index: i-Search will create a ‘popularity index’ based on users search queries and clicks. The search results are ordered by the popularity index.
    • Popular searches: Never say ‘Nothing found’ to your visitors! i-Search will show today’s popular search strings instead of ‘Nothing found’.
    • Many settings: You have many options in the admin settings. Take a look to the admin panel. (Username: demo PW: demo)
    • Filters: You are no longer restricted to the creators choice. With intelligent filters, you are now able to show in the suggestions your own choices like SKU, Author… any information you want.
    • Tabs: Don’t dump your visitors with mixed types of posts. i-Search provide you “TABs” in the suggestions for a better user experience.
    • Templates: i-Search have 2 templates. 1. is a clean template and 2. is an advanced template with more information.
    • Mobile fallback: i-Search detects mobile browsers and do a fallback to the clean template to provide a better user experience on mobile devices.
    • Spam Protection: i-Search can detect spammers and disable logging for spammers.
    • No need for coding: i-Search (if enabled in the settings) hooks automatically to WordPress search fields. Or easily by adding a shortcode you can add i-Search anywhere.
    • Replace the WP search engine: WordPress looks only in the post title and post excerpt for search results. But with i-Search, you can add search tags and bypass the WP search engine (if enabled in the settings) to provide better search results and in High-Speed.
    • Takes care of your server: i-Search creates the images by the selected size on the fly (if not exists) and deletes the old images (created by i-Search) if you change the image dimensions. Most of the plugins leave the images on your server. Images you never need but take serious size on your server.


    With i-Search you can analyse your customers search queries (Not found search results). Do you know what your customers searched for and maybe not found it?

    You will be able to know it with i-Search. Optimize your products keywords based on i-Search analyse table.

  • Projectopia WP Project Management – WooCommerce Add-On (Add-ons)

    Projectopia WP Project Management – WooCommerce Add-On (Add-ons)

    Projectopia Project Management – WooCommerce Add-On

    This add-on for the Projectopia Core plugin enables you to generate clients and projects from pre-defined templates when a user completes a WooCommerce order.

    The plugin requires Projectopia Core v4.0.7 or higher.

    Getting Started

    To install the plugin, first make sure you have Projectopia Core v4.0.7 or higher. Upload the pto-woocommerce.zip file through WordPress and Activate the plugin.


    Once installed you can begin to create your product links. Click on the WooCommerce link in the Projectopia Admin Menu. Choose a Product and a Milestone / Task Template and select which Team Members should be added to the generated project. You can add as many Product links as you wish.

    Orders that contain more than one linked product will apply the templates for each linked product in the list.

    That’s it, you’re ready to start selling your products!

    How does it work?

    The WooCommerce add-on has been designed to be as easy to use as possible. Everything can be run from one page.

    When an order is created in WooCommerce, the plugin checks if any of the products on the order match up to the links created in Projectopia WooCommerce.

    If they do, then the plugin checks if the email address on the order is already in the system as a PTO Client. If it isn’t then a client will be created, if it is then the resulting project will be assigned to the existing client.

  • Auto post on (Timeline, Story, Album) to instagram – WordPress Social Networking Plugins (Social Networking)

    Auto post on (Timeline, Story, Album) to instagram – WordPress Social Networking Plugins (Social Networking)


    Auto post on (Timeline, Story, Album) to instagram, you can be used to automatically publish Instagram photos or videos to your Instagram profile every time you create a post ( click Post now) Using this plugin, you can automatically generate posts based on a set of predefined rules.


    + Create auto post/schedule on Timeline to instagram (with caption , auto comment, auto like).

    + Create auto post/schedule on Story to instagram (with caption , auto comment, auto like).

    + Create auto post/schedule on Album to instagram (with caption , auto comment, auto like).

    + Auto post with content (Photo, Video, Caption, Auto comment, Auto like post).

    + And more…. Would you like to use it?

    Test Plugin

    username: autopost
    password: test

    Video demo


    How it works?

    – To do post automatically, you must first login account and password with the instagram in the “settings” menu.

    – To see list auto post you access in the “List post” menu.

    – Add a new post, you to in the “Add post” menu ….You can be used to automatically publish Instagram photos or videos to your Instagram profile every time you create a post ( click Post now) Using this plugin, you can automatically generate posts based on a set of predefined rules.

    These rules can generate posts from:

    1/ Select type post : timeline, story, album.

    2/ Select photo/image (Timeline & Story only allows use one photo or video. With Album you must use more than 1 file).

    3/ if you use schedule post, you must select schedule time – schedule after (number time – selected) hours created (when click Schedule the post).

    4/ You can “auto comment” after auto post/schedule.

    5/ You can “auto like” after auto post/schedule.

    Note: You can preview the post before “Post Now” or “Schedule the post” (by clicking the preview icon on the right).



    05/20/2018: (version 1.0.0)