Tag: wordpress media

  • Media Grid – Advanced Filters add-on (Add-ons)

    Media Grid – Advanced Filters add-on (Add-ons)

    Note: this is an add-on. You must have at least Media Grid v6.1 to use it.

    Your contents, discoverable in a click

    Media Grid is an incredible system to show your contents and now you have another tool, dramatically improving user experience: unlimited filters!

    Single or multi option and also numeric ranges: your items won’t be lost anymore in your grids and visitors will get exactly what they are searching for in few clicks.

    Filters are composed by sections: each section may have an associated icon.
    Then there are section options: also them may have icons. Obviously sections are freely sortable during filters setup.

    Each section can be also integrated in the powerful Media Grid deeplinking system: your complex filters will be sharable!

    But there’s more: Advanced Filters add-on is natively integrated into WooCommerce and automatically turns attributes and product price into sections.

    What does it mean? For example you will be able to filter products by price range!

    4 filters position + 3 options layout + summary bar

    grid filters builder

    Advanced filters add-on adapts to your contexts.
    Totally responsive, you can place them on four different positions:

    On top Top button Left side Right side

    Each filter can have a different position.
    There are also three ways to display single and multi option fields for each filter:

    Dropdown Inline blocks Options list

    But there’s even more: is also possible to place a summary bar on top of grid items.
    Chosen filters will be summarized and can be removed on the fly, to have an unbeatable user experience!

    Check out the live demo to see how it works!

    Automatic Updates

    To use a premium plugin often means having to update it manually: losing time and teaching customers additional procedures.

    Forget it. You can now seamlessly update LCweb plugins directly from WordPress!


    Please note “options list” mode is available only for side filters


    You can find the changelog here

  • WordPress Media Supervisor – The Best WordPress Media Supervisor Plugin (Media)

    WordPress Media Supervisor – The Best WordPress Media Supervisor Plugin (Media)

    WP Media Manager is one of the incredible and best premium wordpress media libarary plugin which is extremely useful for folder management. This plugin is easy to use and also allows you to organize your thousands of media files with folder management functionlality. Simply use drag and drop method to insert the media files into folders or sub folders.
    A standout amongst the most needed media WordPress plugin. Easy way to utilize with drag and drop methods and also permits you to sort out your a large number of images in folders and subfolders. A Media Manager enhance the WordPress default media manager by adding a folder media manager.

    The plugin has an advanced features with Drag and Drop Media Files and Folders,Multiple Folders Creation, Ordering & Filtering Options, 3 Inbuilt Responsive Gallery Beautiful Themes : Grid, Masonary , Slider/Carousal, Duplicate Media Files Options and many more.
    With WP Media Manager plugin, you can create unlimited folder hierarchy.

    It is a fully responsive plugin. It is an easy-to-use WP Media Library plugin with an intuitive drag and drop interface. No coding skill required!

    • Drag and Drop Media Files and Folders – Simply Drag’n drop media files to organizing files, images in folders or subfolders. Even drag folders into another destination folder to create its sub folders in a most easiest way.
    • Multiple Folders Creation & Deletion – Create multiple folders with sub folders in a more easy method. Rename specific folder name, delete options available.
    • Media Files Ordering & Filtering Options -Feature to add multiple custom filter options such as add custom size and weight.
      – Enable/ Disable Filter options on media library toolbar.
    • 3 Inbuilt Responsive Gallery Beautiful Themes – Awesome Gallery Themes Within Media Gallery: Grid , Masonry and Slider/Carousal with many slider customization options

    • Easily Duplicate Media Files – Duplicate your media files with any mime types easily from media library itself.
    • Gallery Slider Shortcode From Folders – Configure multiple options for gallery slider layout on wordpress editor shortcode implementation.
    • Single File Design Customization Options
      – Enable/Disable single PDF file designing options with custom options.
      – Show beautifully embed PDF file layout by setup single file options for pdf files type.
    • Lightbox Extension
      • Enable/disable Lightbox
      • 5 PrettyPhoto Lightbox themes
      • Animation Speed
      • Slideshow Speed
    • Import Categories -Easily import all categories and implement it on folder management.
    • Import All Server Folders and Media – A very useful tools available to import a massive amount of media from a ftp server folders, sub folders in your WordPress media library directly.
    • Download Folder In Zip – Feature to download specific folder in zip format.
    • General Settings:
    • Create Folders:

    Lifetime Dedicated Support

    – You can find us anytime when you have some queries, problems or with any valuable suggestions for plugin or us. You can find us through following ways:

    Constant Free Upgrades

    – Not fixed on dates, but we assure you to provide you new updates and feature upgrade in the plugin at regular basis.

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  • Open Beacon MP4 Conversion and Compression with FFmpeg Professional (Media)

    Open Beacon MP4 Conversion and Compression with FFmpeg Professional (Media)

    Demo Screenshot

    Open Beacon MP4 Conversion and Compression With FFmpeg Pro

    is a plugin that converts and compresses video files to the popular
    MP4 format using the powerful FFmpeg tool. It also offers direct support to
    customers at every stage of the process – installation, FFmpeg
    configuration and general usage.  It serves as an alternative
    for WordPress users to cumbersome video conversion and compression software
    that is currently available.  Not only is it easy to setup
    and easy to use, it taps into the way people already use WordPress by
    conveniently storing files in the WordPress Media Library for future use
    in posts.

    Why OB MP4 CC?

    OB MP4 CC Pro was created to solve three major problems:

    • CONTROLLING HOW YOUR VIDEO IS DISPLAYED, PRESENTED AND INTERACTED WITH. We at Open Beacon believe that self-hosted video has great value because the way viewers watch and interact with can be controlled and thus, you are able to control your brand. There are no ads placed on top of your video nor is you video associated with videos that may tarnish your brand – or even WORSE, competitors getting attention off of your video! The plugin thus makes sure that the process of placing your video on your WordPress site is as easy as possible. Self-hosting also helps with presenting your video with a player of your choosing. You also get no SEO credit on video sharing sites which means that video sharing platforms can create awareness about you but do not drive traffic to your site.
    • CONVERTING VIDEO IS DIFFICULT. This plugin takes the burden out of converting video to standard MP4 format. You just upload your video and it is converted for you.
    • BANDWIDTH PROBLEMS FOR SELF-HOSTED VIDEO. Good FFmpeg compression settings mean that your video can be as small as possible and still be high quality; because of this, the issue of bandwidth is mitigated.


    Open Beacon MP4 Conversion and Compression With FFmpeg Pro only
    works for WordPress 3.6 and later versions.

    Key features

    • Compress existing MP4 files
    • Convert and Compress FLV and MOV files to the MP4 file format
    • Direct and quick support throughout plugin lifecycle
    • Comprehensive and informative user input validation
    • Store processed files in the WordPress Media Library for use in your posts
    • Processed files can be saved locally and used for further purposes
    • Adjustable FFmpeg conversion speed and compression quality inputs
    • Automatic FFmpeg detection. If not detected, the input path can be entered easily
    • Automatic detection of maximum file size php.ini settings
    • HTML5 compressed file playback

    How it works

    This is a plugin that works completely on the WordPress backend. Conversion
    and compression involves the uploading of a video. It is then
    converted and compressed by FFmpeg in the WordPress background and stored
    in the WordPress Media Library. As a result of the video being stored
    in the WordPress Media Library, it can be used in posts. The plugin
    also has a custom post type – OB MP4 ConComp. Through this custom post
    type, features like playback and download exist to view and store your
    processed video locally.

    Intuitive installation and functionality

    Installation of the plugin is a straightforward affair: activate the
    “Open Beacon MP4 Conversion and Compression Pro” plugin and then go to
    “OB MP4 ConComp Central”. Tap the “Settings” tab to configure FFmpeg.
    That is it, you are done with installation and can start converting
    and compressing on the “Central” tab.

    The thinking behind OB MP4 CC Pro

    Over the past 10 years, the stunning rise of video on the internet as a way to communicate and disseminate ideas has made it a platform that EVERYONE has needed to get familiar with and master. With this rise, came incredible tools like FFmpeg and video file formats like MP4, that has become the de facto video format on the web. FFmpeg is a powerful open source video conversion, compression and streaming tool used by top services like YouTube and Facebook. Because of the current zeitgeist, it is important to use video on your site to interact with you visitors in ways that they can relate to and understand. Communicating in a standard way using the MP4 video format and making sure those videos are small in size but good in quality is therefore absolutely imperative.

    Open Beacon MP4 Conversion and Compression combines WordPress with FFmpeg to easily convert files from the popular FLV and MOV file formats to the even more popular MP4 file format. Existing MP4 files can be radically compressed without any perceptible loss in video quality. In short, Open Beacon MP4 Conversion and Compression is what any WordPress aficionado needs if they want to use FFmpeg.


    This plugin is designed to work with FFmpeg – without it, it cannot function.

  • JWPlayer 7 for wordpress (Media)

    JWPlayer 7 for wordpress (Media)

    JWPlayer is The most-used and fastest loading video player on the web , lets users create the best video experiences for viewers on the web, mobile, and OTT devices. so JWPlayer 7 HTML5 and Flash Video Player for WP enables you to configure all jwplayer features such as the css skins , also it’s very easy to embed audio and video playlists content through your WordPress website.

  • International Gallery – Overlay Supervisor add-on  (Add-ons)

    International Gallery – Overlay Supervisor add-on (Add-ons)

    Note: this is an add-on. You must have at least Global Gallery v4.0 to use it.

    Overlay Manager does just what its name suggests: lets you create and manage unlimited overlays!
    Many elements to mix, unlimited colors, hundreds of different possible combinations.

    Full size layers, split ones, icons, shapes, corner layers, crossing layers, angular slices, buttons, textual blocks, image effects.
    Everything has been created to set your creativity free to create what you like most: from hover behaviors, to CSS3 animations and easings!

    Textual blocks bring also the ability to use image descriptions directly in galleries! without worrying about length.
    Overlay Manager auto-shortener script always manages to adjust everything according with image sizes, fitting everything in the best way possible.

    But how is complex and tricky to setup all these things?
    Not at all, every productive step has been studied to be done with the maximum ease.

    Once you install the add-on, twelve preset overlays will be ready to be used or customized.
    Check your changes or what you are building without losing time with a live preview.

    Finally choose which overlay to use directly in Global Gallery shortcode wizard: you can use a different overlay for each gallery, collection and carousel!

    How are you creative?

    Think about mixing elements, adding colors, hover effects and maybe a bit of custom css. The Overlay Manager framework is ready to satisfy your needs!
    And you, what amazing overlay will you create for your website?

    Check the examples!

    Walkthrough videos

    To make this add-on easy for everyone there are videos explaining each step necessary to use it:

  • Aviary for WordPress (Media)

    Aviary for WordPress (Media)

    This plugin brings in WordPress all the power of Aviary for editing your images.
    Aviary is currently the best tool for image editing, it’s plenty of tools and effects similar to Instagram.

    Intranet sites: be sure the images you want to edit are accessible via internet as Aviary has to download the image to apply the modifications.

    Video preview


    • enhance: Autocorrect your photo with one of four basic enhancements.
    • effects: Choose from a variety of effects and filters for your photo.
    • frames: Choose from a variety of frames to apply around your photo.
    • stickers: Choose from a variety of stickers you can resize and place on your photo.
    • orientation: Rotate and flip your photo in one tool.
    • focus: Adds a selective linear or radial focus to your photo.
    • resize: Resize the image using width and height number fields.
    • crop: Crop a portion of your photo. Add presets via API. Fixed-pixel cropPresets perform a resize when applied.
    • warmth: Adjust the overall image color temperature.
    • brightness: Adjust the overall image brightness.
    • contrast: Adjust the overall image contrast.
    • saturation: Adjust the overall image saturation.
    • sharpness: Blur or sharpen the overall image in one tool.
    • colorsplash: Use a smart brush to colorize parts of your photo which becomes grayscale otherwise.
    • draw: Add doodle overlays with a brush.
    • text: Add custom, resizable text.
    • redeye: Remove redeye from your photo with a brush.
    • whiten: Whiten teeth with a brush. (Not supported in IE7-IE8)
    • blemish: Remove skin blemishes with a brush.
  • HTML5 Video Gallery WP Plugin (Media)

    HTML5 Video Gallery WP Plugin (Media)

    WordPress 3.7 compatible

    HTML5 Video Gallery with a cool ‘Live playlist’ feature could be used as video gallery, video player or any kind of video showcase. New layout includes Thumbnail Wall with optional Lightbox!

    Place multiple instances of video player in post, page, sidebar in text widget or theme.

    All demo examples included in the download package for easy setup.

    Note:Volume cannot be adjusted with javascript on mobile IOS. This is a restriction from Apple. You need to adjust the volume with physical button the actual phone.

    Check this on your mobile phone (tested on IOS and Android):


    • HTML5 video with flash fallback for older browsers
    • Youtube support (video id, playlist id)
    • Load local single videos (mp4/ogv/webm), XML playlist, Folder of videos, Database playlist, Youtube videos.
    • Optional automatically generated video thumbnails and description for Youtube
    • You can use your own thumbnails and video info for youtube as well.
    • Thumbnail position bottom / right / grid layout / wall layout ( new! )
    • Playlist scroll buttons or jScrollPane
    • Customizable grid playlist (number of rows, numer of columns, spacing.. etc)
    • Wall layout features ( new! )
      • Customizable wall layout into line, grid…etc (style wall thumbnails with your own css into anything you want)
      • Optional Prettyphoto attached to videos
      • Optional links attached to videos
      • Empty video click actions (run your own actions on video click)
      • Callback returns selected video number
    • ‘Live preview’ feature is optional (automatically play video on playlist item rollover).
    • Playlist supports simple image thumbnails instead
    • Optional video autoplay
    • Optional random play
    • Optional video looping
    • Optional auto advance to next video
    • Optional auto hide controls
    • Optional description
    • Optional auto open description
    • Optional player logo with link
    • Set video volume
    • Load new playlist on runtime with public API
    • Real html5 fullscreen video (in supported browsers)
    • Public API methods available
      • Play media
      • Pause media
      • Next media
      • Previous media
      • Load media or playlist
      • Destroy media
      • Toggle playlist (grid layout)
      • Toggle description
      • Set volume
    • Callbacks
      • Component setup done
      • Playlist end
      • Item triggered (number returned), very usefull for wall layout!

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    HTML5 Video & Image Background Intro

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    JQuery Stack Banner Slideshow with Captions

    jQuery Slice Banner Slideshow with Captions

    HTML5 Audio Player With Playlist WordPress Plugin

  • Aviary for WordPress (Media)

    Aviary for WordPress (Media)

    This plugin brings in WordPress all the power of Aviary for editing your images.
    Aviary is currently the best tool for image editing, it’s plenty of tools and effects similar to Instagram.

    Intranet sites: be sure the images you want to edit are accessible via internet as Aviary has to download the image to apply the modifications.

    Video preview


    • enhance: Autocorrect your photo with one of four basic enhancements.
    • effects: Choose from a variety of effects and filters for your photo.
    • frames: Choose from a variety of frames to apply around your photo.
    • stickers: Choose from a variety of stickers you can resize and place on your photo.
    • orientation: Rotate and flip your photo in one tool.
    • focus: Adds a selective linear or radial focus to your photo.
    • resize: Resize the image using width and height number fields.
    • crop: Crop a portion of your photo. Add presets via API. Fixed-pixel cropPresets perform a resize when applied.
    • warmth: Adjust the overall image color temperature.
    • brightness: Adjust the overall image brightness.
    • contrast: Adjust the overall image contrast.
    • saturation: Adjust the overall image saturation.
    • sharpness: Blur or sharpen the overall image in one tool.
    • colorsplash: Use a smart brush to colorize parts of your photo which becomes grayscale otherwise.
    • draw: Add doodle overlays with a brush.
    • text: Add custom, resizable text.
    • redeye: Remove redeye from your photo with a brush.
    • whiten: Whiten teeth with a brush. (Not supported in IE7-IE8)
    • blemish: Remove skin blemishes with a brush.
  • HTML5 Video Gallery wordpress Plugin (Media)

    HTML5 Video Gallery wordpress Plugin (Media)

    WordPress 3.7 compatible

    HTML5 Video Gallery with a cool ‘Live playlist’ feature could be used as video gallery, video player or any kind of video showcase. New layout includes Thumbnail Wall with optional Lightbox!

    Place multiple instances of video player in post, page, sidebar in text widget or theme.

    All demo examples included in the download package for easy setup.

    Note:Volume cannot be adjusted with javascript on mobile IOS. This is a restriction from Apple. You need to adjust the volume with physical button the actual phone.

    Check this on your mobile phone (tested on IOS and Android):


    • HTML5 video with flash fallback for older browsers
    • Youtube support (video id, playlist id)
    • Load local single videos (mp4/ogv/webm), XML playlist, Folder of videos, Database playlist, Youtube videos.
    • Optional automatically generated video thumbnails and description for Youtube
    • You can use your own thumbnails and video info for youtube as well.
    • Thumbnail position bottom / right / grid layout / wall layout ( new! )
    • Playlist scroll buttons or jScrollPane
    • Customizable grid playlist (number of rows, numer of columns, spacing.. etc)
    • Wall layout features ( new! )
      • Customizable wall layout into line, grid…etc (style wall thumbnails with your own css into anything you want)
      • Optional Prettyphoto attached to videos
      • Optional links attached to videos
      • Empty video click actions (run your own actions on video click)
      • Callback returns selected video number
    • ‘Live preview’ feature is optional (automatically play video on playlist item rollover).
    • Playlist supports simple image thumbnails instead
    • Optional video autoplay
    • Optional random play
    • Optional video looping
    • Optional auto advance to next video
    • Optional auto hide controls
    • Optional description
    • Optional auto open description
    • Optional player logo with link
    • Set video volume
    • Load new playlist on runtime with public API
    • Real html5 fullscreen video (in supported browsers)
    • Public API methods available
      • Play media
      • Pause media
      • Next media
      • Previous media
      • Load media or playlist
      • Destroy media
      • Toggle playlist (grid layout)
      • Toggle description
      • Set volume
    • Callbacks
      • Component setup done
      • Playlist end
      • Item triggered (number returned), very usefull for wall layout!

    You might be interested in…

    HTML5 Video & Image Background Intro

    HTML5 Audio Player With Playlist

    JQuery Stack Banner Slideshow with Captions

    jQuery Slice Banner Slideshow with Captions

    HTML5 Audio Player With Playlist WordPress Plugin

  • Aviary for WordPress (Media)

    Aviary for WordPress (Media)

    This plugin brings in WordPress all the power of Aviary for editing your images.
    Aviary is currently the best tool for image editing, it’s plenty of tools and effects similar to Instagram.

    Intranet sites: be sure the images you want to edit are accessible via internet as Aviary has to download the image to apply the modifications.

    Video preview


    • enhance: Autocorrect your photo with one of four basic enhancements.
    • effects: Choose from a variety of effects and filters for your photo.
    • frames: Choose from a variety of frames to apply around your photo.
    • stickers: Choose from a variety of stickers you can resize and place on your photo.
    • orientation: Rotate and flip your photo in one tool.
    • focus: Adds a selective linear or radial focus to your photo.
    • resize: Resize the image using width and height number fields.
    • crop: Crop a portion of your photo. Add presets via API. Fixed-pixel cropPresets perform a resize when applied.
    • warmth: Adjust the overall image color temperature.
    • brightness: Adjust the overall image brightness.
    • contrast: Adjust the overall image contrast.
    • saturation: Adjust the overall image saturation.
    • sharpness: Blur or sharpen the overall image in one tool.
    • colorsplash: Use a smart brush to colorize parts of your photo which becomes grayscale otherwise.
    • draw: Add doodle overlays with a brush.
    • text: Add custom, resizable text.
    • redeye: Remove redeye from your photo with a brush.
    • whiten: Whiten teeth with a brush. (Not supported in IE7-IE8)
    • blemish: Remove skin blemishes with a brush.