Tag: wordpress google map

  • UTD Google map – Customizable Google Maps for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    UTD Google map – Customizable Google Maps for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    “UTD Google Map”.
    We chose Google Maps functions and turned them into an excellent plugin. Now you can use them with maximum availability, simplicity and convenience. Thanks to our plugin in just 5 minutes you can create a unique design and functionality map for your website.

    • 1 000 000 + variants of customization;
    • Responsive;
    • Mobile friendly;
    • All browsers support;
    • Full screen mode;
    • Ready themes;
    • Custom themes;
    • GPS location mode;
    • Custom Popup;
    • Easy customization for every elements;
    • Support of the Russian and English languages and Manual;
    • Plugin provide support of adding of a card in a widget and implementation through the built-in text editor;
    • Show centered map in the place of a location;
    • Search of the place by the address or coordinates;
    • Map Scale (minimum., maximum for initial scale);
    • Complete Customization of all elements of the map (roads, waters, relief and other elements);
    • Show of a traffic;
    • Opportunity to show or hide map controls;
    • Stylization Setup;
    • Opportunity to show or hide any elements of a map;
    • Opportunity to select a ready template of a map;
    • Opportunity to generate an own unique template for a map and to add it in the Json format;
    • Installation of markers to the address or coordinates;
    • Use of the built-in markers for your map;
    • Opportunity to load an own unique markers;
    • Opportunity to animate a marker;
    • Opportunity to Remove pop-up to a marker;
    • Possibility of creation of your own unique styles for your pop-up;
    • Opportunity to adding the image in the pop-up;
    • Opportunity to get the position for the image in the pop-up;
    • Possibility of an output of the image in an original size, also you can contain the image in the pop-up or specify to the image the maximum sizes;
    • Opportunity to change a standard button of closing the pop-up having replaced it with beforehand loaded or you can upload the own unique button of closing the pop-up;
    • Opportunity to show or hide the closed button;
    • Opportunity to change background color the pop-up;
    • Opportunity to change size for a pop-up;
    • Specify a shadow for a container the pop-up;
    • Opportunity to add the border, customize the color and border radius for the pop-up;
    • Opportunity to edit the text by means of the built-in text editor;
    • Opportunity to create and set up under the unique styles:
      – Polylines
      – Poligones
      – Rectangles
      – Circles
      All these elements can be created in read seconds having specified to the cursor on the map. You can change color, the size, transparency and many other styles for these elements;
    • Geolocation can display position of the users on the map;
    • Possibility of Import and Export of settings of a plugin;
  • wordpress Google Maps – Map Plugin for WordPress (Utilities)

    wordpress Google Maps – Map Plugin for WordPress (Utilities)

    The Elfsight Team proudly presents to you a brand-new app – Google Maps plugin for your WordPress website. We hope that you’ll give it a warm welcome and love it just as much as we do!

    It is a simple, functional and fully customizable tool that makes it so much easier for your people to find you! What makes this plugin an absolute must-have for any website, is the ease of installation, and the simplicity of use. Install this amazing WordPress plugin to save your time, and spare yourself and your customers and employees lots of effort and trouble!

    • Install this amazing Google Maps plugin in just 55 seconds
    • Let your customers and real-life visitors find you with no trouble at all
    • Help your visitors get to your location
    • Makes it easy to share your full contact info along with your working hours with your site’s visitors
    • 20+ predefined icon types AND the option of creating your custom icon
    • Set your map’s style and appearance to fit your website’s unique design

    Complete Features List

    • Allows to set up an unlimited number of location markers
    • Allows to set up a unique marker for each location
    • Allows you to choose from 20+ predefined location markers, or set up an unlimited number of custom markers
    • Info window complete with all the information you need to display – your address, website link, email, phone number and working hours
    • The easiest ever mechanism of calculating and displaying directions
    • 2 predefined marker animation types
    • Customizable and mobile-responsive map size
    • Allows to calculate the center of your map automatically, or set it manually
    • Customizable zoom
    • 4 predefined map types to give your map the exact look you need
    • 4 predefined map layers
    • Easy-to-use controls
    • 4 predefined color schemes and the option of setting your own custom colors.

    How to add Google Map to a WordPress website

    Adding a Google Map to your WordPress website with our fantastic plugin takes less than a minute. All you need to do is configure the settings in your WordPress admin panel, get the installation code, paste it to the required part of your website, and you’re done!

    Support for the Google Maps plugin

    Those of you who have been with us for a while, already know that we never leave our people out in the cold. We love all of our customers, both regular and new, and we’re always ready to answer your questions and to help you in every way we can. If you find out that your WordPress Google Maps plugin has stopped working, our friendly and professional support team is there for you, to provide any help you require. Just expect an answer from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. CET, Monday through Friday.

  • QT Locations: Interactive Responsive Google Maps wordpress Plugin (Media)

    QT Locations: Interactive Responsive Google Maps wordpress Plugin (Media)

    QT Places: Plugin Description

    QT Places is an elegant and versatile WordPress plugin to display custom Google maps.

    After the installation, a new post type called “Places” will appear in your WordPress menu, and you can immediately start adding new places.

    Places categories

    Places have their own taxonomy, called “Place Category”. With this feature, you can easily create maps to display only one or few selected categories of places.

    Unlimited versatility

    You can add Map capabilities to any existing post type, including normal posts, pages, or any custom post type added by other themes or plugins.

    You can also use any other existing taxonomy to create the map filters, and to display specific selected categories of posts.

    Usage inspiration:

    For example, you can create a map of your travel articles, and use the blog categories as filters: for the visitors will be easy and fast to browse your articles based on the country or city.

    Or for instance, for your site of recipes, you can create a world or country map with the recipes of each region, and use the ingredients as filters.

    Another useful example, is a map of all the shops of a big franchise, allowing the customer to easily find the closest sales point.

    Or, you can do all these things at the same time!

    Instead, you can have in the same page a map of places, a map of posts, and a map of pages or portfolios.

    Super responsive

    Tested on iPhone and Android, you can also specify a custom height for the mobile version.

    Easy shortcode button

    Create maps of every post type you want
    You can add map capabilities to any existing post type, standard like posts or pages, or “custom” like portfolio. In the following example you can see a map displaying the custom post type Portfolio. Very useful for example for a building company, a shop franchise, a worldwide recipes map, a tour guide, a tourism blog, a travel agency and more!

    Discover more:

  • Responsive Google Maps (Utilities)

    Responsive Google Maps (Utilities)

    A responsive Google map that allows multiple markers per map and multiple maps per page. Includes fullscreen view and marker clustering. No API key required. Easy simple setup. No long complex shortcodes to generate by hand. As simple as creating a map, quick add a location, copy the simple shortcode to the page you want the map on, and you’re done.


    • WordPress 3.5 or later
    • jQuery (included with WordPress)

    Compatible With

    • Chrome
    • FireFox
    • Safari
    • Opera
    • IE 7+

    Features Include

    • Responsive map
    • Multiple locations on one map
    • Multiple maps per page
    • Upload your own marker icons
    • Fullscreen view
    • Custom navigation colors
    • Direction to and from anywhere
    • Custom infowindow content (you can even add pictures)
    • Categorize locations
    • No API key needed (unless you want to)
    • Global and per map options
    • Display location and map pages as individual pages
    • Quick add of locations from map page
    • Different map types (roadmap, satellite, hybrid, and terrain)
    • Enable/disable user location
    • Auto zoom and fit
    • Custom default marker icon or standard Google maker icon
    • Custom map sizes
    • Easy shortcodes
    • Enable/disable several different map controls
    • Works on secure(https) and non-secure(http) sites
    • Weather & cloud layer
    • Panoramio layer with image filter by ID or tag


    Map with several options

    Map with Panoramio layer filtered by tag

    Map with weather and cloud layers

    Change log

    1.0.3 - 2013/10/24
    * Added map weather layer with additional options
    * Added map cloud layer
    * Added map Panoramio layer with additional options
    * Added map centering on window resizing to make more responsive
    * UI improvements / Cleaned up options
    * Fixed issue with json_encode() having two parameters
    1.0.2 - 2013/10/18
    * Added custom color to map navigation bar
    * Added enable/disable fullscreen
    * Added enable/disable reset map button
    * Added enable/disable auto fit map button
    * Added more marker images
    * Bug fixes
    1.0.1 - 2013/10/15
    * Removed namespacing and made everything class based
    * Removed PHP 5.3 or higher requirement
    1.0 - 2013/09/16
    * Initial Release