Tag: wordpress auction plugin

  • WordPress Public sale Plugin (Auctions)

    WordPress Public sale Plugin (Auctions)

    AuctionDX is a powerful, all-in-one auction plugin for WordPress that is compatible with all properly-coded WordPress Themes. You can use it to setup a full-fledged auction site for any auction type( Standard, Fixed and Penny) and manage listings, invoices, feedback, payments , right from your Auction Dashboard.

    AuctionDX’s auctions run the same way as the auctions on eBay. Let users put up anything on sale! Right from online courses, event tickets and ebooks to physical products – Auction DX has got you covered. Users can buy and sell almost anything using this intuitive auction platform.

    1. Auction Management

    1. Buy and Sell I tems : Allows users to register, login and list their items. AuctionDX is integrated with PayPal and Authorize.Net – users can choose either of these two options to pay for their listings.Users can buy items from other sellers as well – buying and selling, both are possible through this auction plugin.
    2. Digital Downloads : If you are looking to put up your latest ebook, kit or course on sale, you can make use of this plugin’s digital downloads feature. Using this feature, you can deliver the full material with a single download link through the dashboard itself. The digital download option is made available to the winner as soon as the auction ends.
    1. 3 Auction Styles ( Standard/Penny/Fixed Listings ) : AuctionDX supports 3 styles of auctions – Standard Auction, Penny Auction and Fixed Price Auctions. Charging people for bidding becomes possible with Penny Auctions – You can use AuctionDX to setup penny auctions as well. This will require that users have some minimum balance in order to participate in penny auctions.
    2. Listings Status ( Pending/Active ) : If you are allowing users to put up their items on auction for free, their listings will become visible as soon as they submit. This is possible with the free mode feature. Otherwise all the listings are in the pending state until the payment is made.
    3. Rerunning Auctions : Allows users to relist their auctions. You can choose to get paid for rerunning such auctions. You can restrict the number of items that can be relisted.
    4. SEO Friendly : The tiles of the listings use the item name – this naturally helps in getting organic traffic as people are looking for these keywords.


    2. Payment O ptions & Management

    1. Pay P al and Authorize.net : Supports both PayPal and Authorize.net
    2. Internal Invoicing : The winnng bidder is notified about winning the auction and an invoice containing the PayPal link to make the payment is delivered automatically.
    3. Seller Paypal Integration : By default, a user has to submit his PayPal email id before submitting a listing. This PayPal id is sent to the winning bidder(s) when the auction is over. Winners can make a payment at this id.
    4. Sidebar Featured : Users can choose to feature their listings on the sidebar. You have an option to charge people for this feature.
    5. Featured Listings : You can charge people to showcase the listings on the main auction page.
    6. Draft Listings : Users don’t have to complete the full listing in one go – they can save it as a draft and return to it later.
    7. Transaction Process :When a Buyer buys a listing, he is presented with a step by step transaction process.
    • Buyer wins listing
    • Seller sends Invoice
    • Buyer Pays Invoice
    • Seller ships item
    • Complete with a check status to ensure a proper transaction


    3. Search Managemen t

    1. Category Search : Search using categories is a handy feature for looking for a number of relevant items together.
    2. Advanced Search : Keyword and tag-based searches are also possible.
    3. Quick Search Widget : There’s a search widget in the sidebar to offer a quick search option.

    4. Add & Display options

    1. Watch Listing : Users can favorite listings. A user will be notified when such a listing is about to end.
    2. New Listings : Displays all the new listings.
    3. Most Active listings : Displays the listings with the maximum number of bids and views.
    4. Ending Soon Listings : Displays the listings that are about to get over.
    5. Just Ended Listings : Displays the listings that have just got over.
    6. Feature Listings : There are several ways in which a user can promote his listing – Featured, Sidebar Featured , Category Featured and more. You can choose to charge users for picking any of these options.
    7. Buy Now : Users can add a direct buy button to their listings. You can offer this as a free or paid feature.
    8. Member Profiles : All the user profiles are visible to the whole community. So, a member can view all the other members’ usernames, avatars, location and more.
    9. Reserve Price : Users can add a Reserve Price to their listing. You can choose to charge for this feature.
    10. Buyer/Seller Feedback : A listings’ feedback is available to all the buyers and sellers on the auction site itself. Users may choose to consider this feedback before buying.
    11. Picture Gallery : Users can choose this option if they want to add a full image gallery to their listing.
    12. Fraud Report : Users can report listings if they seem fishy. But as the site admin, you can choose to enable or disable this feature. A notification will be sent to you if a listing is reported.
    13. Youtube Video : Users can add Youtube videos too about their auction listings.


    5. Social Connect Integration

    1. Internal Email : Users can email each other with Auction DX’s internal email feature. Users get a popup notification when a new email arrives while they are on the auction site.
    2. Internal Listing Alerts : Users receive automatic updates about the latest listings .


    6. Shipping Options

    1. Payment Shipping Editor : Users can add their shipping options here.


    7. Robust Admin Panel

    1. Multisite Compatible : AuctionDX works great even in a Multsite Setup
    2. Custom Categories : You can restructure the category structure to meet your needs. This will be helpful if you are creating a niche-specific auctions site.
    3. Category Order : You can decide the order in which the categories appear.
    4. Email Templates : You can edit the default email template.
    5. Fees Active/Inactive : As mentioned above, there are several features in AuctionDX that you can choose to charge a user for. You can decide which features you want to make available as premium and which ones as free. You have absolute control over deciding the fee structure.
    6. Fees Defined/Setup : You can decide how to base your fee structure – on a percentage or fixed basis. You can setup the amount scale and the price too.
    7. Currency Settings : You can choose the currency that appears on your auction site. By default, Auction DX uses Dollar ($).
    8. Timezone Settings : Setting the right timezone can avoid a lot of confusion. But be sure to pick the right timezone as it can be done just once.
    9. Max File Size Limits : You can use this feature to set the max file size limit – You can avoid your server from getting loaded with this feature.
    10. Max Gallery Limits : Users can add photo galleries to their listings – You can decide the number of photos that can be added to such galleries.
    11. Number of Items : You can decide the number of items that should appear on a page.
    12. IP Address : You can view users’ IP Addresses.
    13. Standard/Fixed Auctions : Let users create Standard or Fixed auction listing types. You can offer one or both of these styles.
    14. Bid Increment Settings : Decide how the bids increment throughout the site for different listings.
    15. Auction Management : You can manage all the auctions from your admin area directly using this section.
    16. Auction Listing Stats : The number of users, auctions, invoices processed are all available through this section.
    17. User Management : You can fully manage all the users on your auction site under this section.
    18. Invoice Management : All the invoices that have been processed on your auction site are available in this section.
    19. Accounting Management : This section lets you can see how much money the listings are making for you.
    20. Bid Management : You can access all the bids that are happening on the different listings within your auction site under this section.

    AuctionDX offers a multitude of features, yet the admin panel is neat and highly intuitive.

    If you want to setup an auction site using WordPress, AuctionDX is the only plugin that you’ll ever need!