Tag: win

  • Win Wheel For WordPress (Utilities)

    Win Wheel For WordPress (Utilities)

    Win Wheel For WordPress is a visitor engagement plugin, it’s main purpose is to make collecting mails and releasing coupons into a fun and easy game for your visitors, more fun means more conversions :-)


    – 8 customizable slices & win prizes
    – Collect email from visitor before they spin
    – Configurable spin outcome
    – Custom wheel graphics
    – GPU accelerated
    – 100% server side controlled

    Anti-cheat Engine:

    – Spin limiter based on IP, cookies or email
    – Easily set max spins per user & cool off time
    – reCAPTCHA support
    – Logs all data of every spin ever

  • TotalContest Professional – Responsive WordPress Contest Plugin (Types)

    TotalContest Professional – Responsive WordPress Contest Plugin (Types)

    TotalContest WordPress contest plugin

    TotalContest is a powerful WordPress plugin dedicated to run and manage contests on your website. It was engineered to give full control over the contest by providing many features and options with optimized performance and easy interface.

    Live demo

    TotalContest WordPress contest plugin frontend demo

    User Friendly, Mobile-first, SEO Friendly and Customization in TotalContest WordPress contest plugin.

    Custom fields, design, log, multimedia, limitations, performance, integration, popular services, extensibility and compatibility in TotalContest WordPress contest plugin.

    Translations of TotalContest WordPress contest plugin.

    Purchase TotalContest Now!

    Purchase TotalContest Pro regular license with 6 months of free support.

    Purchase TotalContest Pro extended license with 12 months of premium support.

    Store in TotalContest WordPress contest plugin: Templates and extensions.

    Demonstrations of TotalContest WordPress contest plugin.

    Photo contest created with TotalContest WordPress contest plugin.

    Video contest created with TotalContest WordPress contest plugin.

    Audio contest created with TotalContest WordPress contest plugin.

    Text or essay contest created with TotalContest WordPress contest plugin.

    Knowledge base and support center of TotalContest WordPress contest plugin.

    Try it yourself!

    TotalContest WordPress contest plugin frontend demo

    Find us on

    Follow MisqTech on Envato.

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    Purchase TotalContest Now!

    Purchase TotalContest Pro regular license with 6 months of free support.

    Purchase TotalContest Pro extended license with 12 months of premium support.


    User Friendly

    You can easily run your contest in a minute. It’s built with an easy user interface on both back office and front end.




    You will have many options to have different styles for your contest, and of course, responsive and mobile friendly.


    SEO Friendly

    Search Engine Optimization is a an important factor to consider. Thus, your contest will be search-engine friendly to get more search traffic.



    Do you need “Terms of contest” or “Thank you” page? We have got your back! With multiple customization settings, you have the control.


    Custom Fields

    Collecting additional information from voters has never been that easy. With our unique 5 different field types, you can collect everything.



    Get full details about each and every submission, vote or even an attempt with details statistics and logging mechanisms available.



    TotalContest was developed with performance in mind, many techniques were used to minimize and optimize server resources usage.



    Allow contestants to use popular services such YouTube and SoundCloud to enter the contest.



    Totalcontest integrates your contests everywhere like with a short code, widget or even a direct link.



    The extensibility of TotalContest allows developers to make a step further to suit your needs.



    Help us translate TotalContest to your language.

    • Arabic
    • English

    Knowledge Base

    The knowledge base cover every aspect of TotalContest functionality and provide a step-by-step tutorials ang guides to get started with TotalContest in almost no time.

    Customer Support

    Customer support is our most important priority that’s why ~70% of reviews are about support quality. We take this responsibility very seriously.

    Change log

    Version 1.0.0
    • First release! “Hello World” says TotalContest.
  • Plugin Actions Factors For Sngine (Add-ons)

    New system of points for you socialnetwork, invite for points, refer link, infinite points

    Sngine 2.3 Supported

    What is Sngine 2+?

    Sngine v2+ is a Social Network Platform is the best way to create your own social website or online community. Launch it in just 1 minute with ultimate features. It’s easy to install.


    Using this plugin you can publish ads on your site, this plugin is compatible with sngine 2.3 Thank you for purchasing this plugin. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form here. Thanks so much!

    Features :

    > Admin Plugin Control

    > New plugin for Sngine

    >Your users will win points

    >Well documentation added.

    >All Version Supported.

    > Default and material theme customized

    >Fastest Working