Welcome to Cumulo – Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme !
Cumulo is a perfect solution for businesses and individuals that you can use for any type of website.
It is clean, responsive and super flexible. Based on Visual Composer and comes with two premium sliders – Slider Revolution and LayerSlider.
Cumulo is very scalable and offers hundreds customization options you can use to build your corporate landing pages to small/medium studios and personal pages.
Now has 22 unique home demos, more will be added in no time.

22 Unique Home Demos
Cumulo comes with 16 unique home demos and 3 home demos added for different industrial and personal purposes. More demos will be added soon.
Additional Pages
Cumulo also have many more pages for general purposes.
3 Blog styles – classic, masonry and modern,
5 About us, 5 Services and 2 Team members pages,
4 Contact us, 4 Coming soon and 2 FAQ pages,
7 Post Formats for Blogging – Standard, Image, Gallery, Link, Quote, Video, Audio
Premium Plugins
Cumulo includes Most widely used plugins: Visual Composer, Slider Revolution, LayerSlider and you will be saving 71$ just purchasing Cumulo.
Different Layout and Styles
Cumulo provides wide and boxed layout with multiple views for blogs and portfolios.
Also 6 Header styles and 4 Footer styles included.
Detailed Global Theme Options with Customizer
Cumulo provides you superbly detailed theme options with live preview. It gives you the infinite possibilities to customize every aspect of your dream website.
Specific Page Options
Each page can also be customized differently for your specific purpose. Detailed page options will let you simply override or inherit settings from theme options.
Page Builder With Amazingly Detailed/Easy To Use 40+ Shortcodes
Cumulo comes with amazing Visual Composer plugin and provide 40+ amazing shortcodes for building beautiful, feature-rich pages with detailed options.
Light Mega Menu
Light yet beautiful mega menu which is able to put background image and different colors is built with Cumulo.
Custom Background with Parallax, Youtube/Vimeo Video Background
Easily use images, patterns, colors and Youtube/Vimeo videos for body and each elements with professional smooth parallax effect.
700+ Google Fonts
Cumulo comes with 700 Google Fonts, you will be able to build your website with tons of font faces.
Icon Fonts
Cumulo uses icon fonts for faster performance and better look with more than 500 icons.
Unlimited Colors
With Cumulo there is no boundary for colors, you can use any color for each element.
CSS Animations
Cumulo includes beautiful CSS animation for best animation performance by utilizing browsers core graphic process capabilities.
WPML.org compatible and translation ready
Cumulo is totally compatible with WPML.org and support multi-lingual site.
Custom Style and Javascript
Cumulo have option to add custom styles and scripts without modifying any codes for better look and performance.
Limitless Sidebars and Widgets
You can create as many sidebars as you want and supports beautiful default WordPress widgets, WooCommerce widgets.
Fully Responsive
Cumulo is absolutely ready for any devices: desktop, laptop, tablet and mobile.
Retina Ready
Cumulo is ready for retina devices, you just need to provide double size images.
Ready for Popular Free Plugins.
Cumulo is compatible with WooCommerce, BBPress, BuddyPress, Contact Form 7, Really Simple Twitter Feeds, MailPoet Newsletter Subscription, YITH QuickView, Easy Property Listings plugins and more compatibility will be added.
Maximum compatibility with modern web browsers
Cumulo is compatible with modern browsers, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE10+, Edge
Layered PSD included ( 12$ for free )
Original layered PSD files are included in price
Just shoot us an email and we will send you the direct link for downloading.
SEO Ready
Cumulo is developed by top authors with standards to optimize for search engines.
Clean and Structured Coding
Cumulo code is very clean and structured and you can easily find and customize code if you know what you are doing.
Well Documented
Cumulo is well documented in super detail for every aspect of theme.
LESS files included
Cumulo includes LESS file for developers for further customization
Outstanding customer support, like always
Do you need our help for Cumulo? Do not hesitate to contact us and allow us to help you to archive your dream.
Regular Updates
We consistently update our theme for more security, seo, demos, functionalities and stunning design.
Change Log
Version 1.2 - 2015-10-09
[Added] Restaurant Demo
[Added] Fitness Demo
[Added] Creative 2 Demo
[Updated] Google Map Shortcode Icon
[Added] Heading Weightlifting Separator
[Added] Restaurant Menu Item Shortcoded
[Updated] Cumulo Logo updated
[Updated] Demo Contents Updated
Version 1.1.5 - 2015-10-05
[Fixed] Portfolio bug fix
[Fixed] Post Option show comment bug fix
[Updated] Visual Composer Updated to 4.7.4
[Added] Custom Google Map Shortcode Added
Version - 2015-09-25
[Fixed] Bug fix by removing use of theme defined constant in plugin
[Fixed] Bug fix for easy-property-listing integration
Version 1.1.4 - 2015-09-24
[Updated] TGM Plugin Updated to 2.5.2 from 2.4.2
[Updated] Revolution Slider 5.0.9
[Updated] Visual Composer 4.7.2
[Fixed] avoided using array_map function for backward compatibility
[Fixed] Easy-Property-Listing integration bug
Version 1.1.3 - 2015-09-08
[Updated] Revolution Slider 5.0.6
[Updated] Layer Slider 5.6.2
[Updated] Visual Composer 4.7
[Added] Page/Theme Option for Breadcrumbs Background Color, Background Repeat, Enable/Disable Overlay
[Added] Page/Theme Option for Header Bg Color, Background Image Repeat
[Fix] Header Style 2 Background Image
[Update] Documentation Updated
Version 1.1.2 - 2015-09-04
[Added] Theme Option for Preloader Enable / Disable
Version 1.1.1 - 2015-09-03
[Added] New 3 Home Demos
[Fixed] MetaBox Layer Slider Listing
[Added] Easy Property Listing Plugin Support for real estate listings.
[Fixed] Localization Ready
[Updated] WPML Ready
[Added] Shortcode Feature Box
[Updated] Shortcode Progress Bar
[Updated] Shortcode Team Member (Style only)
Version 1.1 - 2015-08-27
[Updated] Documentation, Description Image, Preview Image has updated
[Added] Child theme support and theme directory
[Updated] Layerslider 5.5.1
[Updated] Visual Composer VC_Row Fixed Background Image
[Fix] Contact Form Styling Fix
[Added] [cmo_typing] Text based shortcode added for typing effect
[Updated] WordPress 4.3 upgrade/compatible
[Removed] Custom favicon functionality removed because 4.3 has site icon by default
[Updated] Slider Revolution
[Updated] Importing google fonts in a correct way ( http://themeshaper.com/2014/08/13/how-to-add-google-fonts-to-wordpress-themes/ )
[Updated] Use string 'cumulo' instead of defined value for translators like PoEditor work correctly
[Updated] Use string 'cumulo_plugin' instead of defined value for same purpose
[Updated] Moved Cumulo Settings and Demo Importer under Appearance
[Updated] Renamed Customizer Manager -> Settings Manager
[Fix] Removed Mega Menu Options from Customizer->Menu editor. Megamenu setting is valid only on Menu Page
[Added] Scroll To Top
[Update] Remove really simple twitter feed from TGM plugins installation list and Versions updated for TGM
[Added] Audio/Video Post Format with local/remote file
[Added] Audio Post Format with Featured Image
[Update] Latest version of MediaElement JS used due to bug from Firefox, IE and Edge
[Fix] Bug fix for weird animation of standard visual composer parallax effect.
[Added] Color Palette Thumbnails
Version 1.0.3 - 2015-08-17
[Added] BuddyPress Compatible
[Update] Demo URL changed for faster performance (demo.theme-paradise.com/cumulo -> cumulo.wpengine.com)
[Update] Update WooCommerce templates for latest version 2.4.4
Version 1.0.2 - 2015-08-08
[Update] Revolution Slider 5.0.1 -> 5.0.2
[Update] Update Demo Contents for new version of rev slider
Version 1.0.1 - 2015-08-07
[Added] Boxed Layout with Image Background and Width. Theme Option and Page Option for Boxed Layout
[Added] Favourite Woocommerce Product
[Added] Megamenu Image Background
[Fix] Megamenu Select2 Bug Fix
[Fix] Replaced PHP5.4 specific functionality for backward compatability
[Update] Revolution Slider 4.6.93 -> 5.0.1
[Added] BBPress Compatible
[Fix] Accordion / Tabs colors & borders correction
[Fix] Minor fixes in demo content
Version 1.0.0 - 2015-08-07
Initial Release