Tag: verifier

  • Age Checker for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    Age Checker for WordPress (Miscellaneous)


    Age Checker is an age verification plugin for WordPress. This plugin blocks access to your website content unless the user confirms that they are above the minimum age. The style and settings can be easily configured within the plugin’s preview editor.

    Key Features

    • Custom background color, image, or video
    • Birthday or checkbox verification forms
    • Edit cookie settings
    • Change the text to whatever you want
    • Preview editor makes it easy to customise your style & settings
    • Fully responsive & optimized for all devices
    • SEO friendly

    Any issues or feedback?

    When you require support or want to report a bug please either:

  • EPCV – Envato Buy Code Verifier (PHP Scripts)

    EPCV – Envato Buy Code Verifier (PHP Scripts)

    EPCV – Envato Purchase Code Verifier is an easy way to verify your customer purchase code. This script mainly purpose is to validate if the purchase code that was sent by the customer from envato is still active or not.

    Out-of the box EPCV – Envato Purchase Code Verifier will run in your server without database or any installation process,

    You just copy and paste it and it will run smoothly. You just need to provide API Token and Purchase code and it will do its job.

    It’s a single page php site which created using the following technology.

    • PHP5
    • Angularjs
    • Bootstrap
    • Responsive Design

    Please checkout our demo page.


  • Cellular Quantity Verifier WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Cellular Quantity Verifier WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Mobile Number Verifier WordPress Plugin

    “Mobile Number Verifier WordPress Plugin” – Each and every person in this world have mobile phones So, presenting you the ” Mobile Number Verifier” a amazing plugin that turns your wordpress site to connect remotely to any global mobile number. Very useful for verification of any mobile number, promotional campaigning, promote your site globally.


    • Works for 208 countries
    • Instant Mobile Number Verification
    • Saves Time
    • Independent of Location
    • Available with Pop up validations
    • User data can be downloaded in CSV
    • Works on Secure OTP

    Flag Counter

  • SupportX – Envato API Enabled Reinforce Discussion board (Miscellaneous)

    SupportX – Envato API Enabled Reinforce Discussion board (Miscellaneous)

    SupportX is a one stop support solution specially developed for Envato marketplace authors. SupportX comes with excellent purchase verification mechanism and designed to make it easier for both your buyers and seller himself to manage the tickets. Beside traditional email notification, SupportX features SMS notification, Notification feeds and Real Time popup notification to keep both buyers and sellers alert about the conversation. In line editing with powerful and customized editor makes it pleasing to write the tickets.

    With SupportX, Envato marketplace authors will not have to look for any other third party services or products. Managing tickets were never this easier without SupportX.

  • Good Content material nVerify (Utilities)

    Good Content material nVerify (Utilities)

    Plugin Home Page
    Support Forums
    Follow on Twitter
    Video on Youtube

    Plugin Information

    This plugin is created for all authors selling products through Envato Marketplaces and using WordPress to publish tutorials or documentation for customers. Using Smart Content nVerify, you can set up protection for posts (tutorials, guides, documentation…) from both default post types (posts, pages) and custom post types so that users are required to enter valid purchase code for your Envato products. You can assign one or more products to individual posts.

    Plugin stores purchase codes users entered, and each code needs to be entered only once, and later visits any protected posts will automatically verify that code exists. This way, verification process is not intrusive on your customers and doesn’t require using code with every visit.

    Plugin uses Enavto API to verify purchase codes.

    Plugin is compatible with Smart bbPress nVerify plugin (available here), and purchase code stored for users are shared between two plugins. This makes using both plugins easier, and users don’t need to enter codes to access forum and posts content controled by both plugins.

    Control protection for individual post types (default and custom)

    Control protection for individual post types (default and custom)
    For each public post type (default and custom) you can set up method of protection and list of user roles that will have unrestricted access. Post types registered by bbPress will not be shown here, since they are handled by Smart bbPress nVerify plugin and due to very different method of how protection templates loading is handled.

    Administration panels with list of users with purchase codes

    Administration panels with list of users with purchase codes
    Plugin adds metabox for entering Envato items for each post (belonging to protected post types). You also have extra column displaying assigned items, and support for posts bulk editor. With bulk editor you can assign (or remove) codes to more than one product in the same time.

    Simple form for entering purchase code

    Simple form for entering purchase code
    Restriction screen shows list of products assigned to a post (so the users know which plugin license they need), and you have one field to enter purchase code and button to verify it. Depending on the verification (done through AJAX) user will see error or success message. If code is verified, page will refresh and show protected content. If the Envato API is not responding for some reason (maintenance on Envato), message will be displayed and user should wait before attempting verification again.

    Restriction templates can be customized

    Restriction templates can be customized
    Default templates plugin has to display restriction message, also show the user step by step information on how to get the purchase code. All templates plugin have can be overriden by the theme so you can customize further the way those pages look like. You can create templates for each post type to make further customizations.

    Administration panels with list of users with purchase codes

    Administration panels with list of users with purchase codes
    On plugins panel in the administration, you can see list of all users with registered purchase codes. You can filter the list by product and sort it by user ID or username. You can see all the information about each purchase code.

    Other Plugin Features Included

    • Auto revalidation of purchase codes in case the purchase is refunded or reversed.
    • Restrict use of one purchase code for one user account (highly recommended and enabled by default).
    • Allow items from more than one Envato author for individual posts.
    • Support for Multisite WordPress mode, works with individual blogs in the network.

    System and WordPress Requirements

    • WordPress 3.3 or newer
    • PHP 5.2.4 or newer


    • Plugin hooks into WordPress content and comment loading filters. This works fine, but for total control you can also use manual method by modifying teheme templates, as explained in the Developers Guide.
    • Plugin stores purchase information into database connected to users on your website. This means that your customers must register for an account on your website to access protected posts.


    Version 1.0 / 2013.12.30.
    • First version
  • Good bbPress nVerify (Boards)

    Good bbPress nVerify (Boards)

    Plugin Home Page
    Support Forums
    Follow on Twitter
    Video on Youtube

    Plugin Information

    This plugin is created for all authors selling products through Envato Marketplaces and using WordPress with bbPress plugin to provide support for customers. Using Smart bbPress nVerify, you can set up forums protection so that users are required to enter valid purchase code for your Envato products. You can assign one or more products to individual bbPress forums. Plugin requires use of WordPress version 3.3 or newer and bbPress plugin version 2.3 or newer.

    Plugin stores purchase codes users entered, and each code needs to be entered only once, and later visits to support forum will automatically verify that code exists. This way, verification process is not intrusive on your customers and doesn’t require using code with every visit.

    Plugin uses Enavto API to verify purchase codes.

    Control how forums restrictions are applied

    Control how forums restrictions are applied
    You can restrict access to forums using three options: restrict access to forum (hides even the list of topics in protected forum), restrict access to new topic form (user can see list of topics, but form is not available) and restrict access to actual topic content.

    Simple form for entering purchase code

    Simple form for entering purchase code
    Restriction screen shows list of products assigned to a forum (so the users know which plugin license they need), and you have one field to enter purchase code and button to verify it. Depending on the verification (done through AJAX) user will see error or success message. If code is verified, page will refresh and show protected content. If the Envato API is not responding for some reason (maintenance on Envato), message will be displayed and user should wait before attempting verification again.

    Restriction templates can be customized

    Restriction templates can be customized
    Default templates plugin has to display restriction message, also show the user step by step information on how to get the purchase code. All templates plugin have can be overriden by the theme so you can customize further the way those pages look like.

    Administration panels with list of users with purchase codes

    Administration panels with list of users with purchase codes
    On plugins panel in the administration, you can see list of all users with registered purchase codes. You can filter the list by product and sort it by user ID or username. You can see all the information aboout each purchase code.

    Other Plugin Features Included

    • Auto revalidation of purchase codes in case the purchase is refunded or reversed.
    • Restrict use of one purchase code for one user account.
    • Control user roles that will have unrestricted access to protected forums.
    • Allow items from more than one Envato author for individual forums.
    • Support for Multisite WordPress mode

    System and WordPress Requirements

    • WordPress 3.3 or newer
    • bbPress plugin for WordPress 2.3 or newer
    • PHP 5.2.4 or newer


    • Plugin depends on the templates loading system in the core of bbPress plugin. If you use some other system to replace bbPress templates loading and control, you will need to adjust that to work with Smart bbPress nVerify.
    • Plugin stores purchase information into database connected to users on your support forum. This means that your customers must register for an account on your website to access support forum.


    Version 1.0 / 2013.12.11.
    • First version