Tag: utilities

  • Placeholder Picture Generator and Replacer for WordPress Issues (Utilities)

    Placeholder Picture Generator and Replacer for WordPress Issues (Utilities)

    Replace your copyright images in your WordPress Themes automatically in three clicks.
    The plugin automatically searches for the images, measures the dimensions and generates placeholder images, replaces them in your WordPress Theme beautifully.
    No need to spend hours creating placeholder images in different sizes.

    Imagine you have used 100 + copyright images in your WordPress theme. And you have to replace the images with placeholders one by one manually.

    Save time. Just install the plugin. Search and replace with three clicks.

    Key features

    • Automatically finds the dimension of the image and replaces with a placeholder of the same size.
    • Ajax based batch processing. So it can work even in servers with low memory
    • Allows you to control the number images to be processed per batch
    • Bakckup your original images automatically before replacing them with placeholders

    System Requirements

    • PHP 5.5 +
    • Imagick or GD extension for PHP enabled (Most servers will have this by default). Xampp, Mamp, Wamp all have this pre-installed.


    - 20/01/2017 
    Initial release
  • wordpress Malware Scanner (Utilities)

    wordpress Malware Scanner (Utilities)

    We know that an open source script is vulnerable to all sorts of attacks. But even then you shouldn’t blame WordPress for that.
    Because it’s your responsibility to take care of your website the right way!

    There’re many tips and tricks that help you check and detect threats regularly.
    We know it takes up most of your time, that’s why we create this useful plugin. So you don’t have to go through all your daily tasks to protect your website.

    WP Malware Scanner has all features you ever need to secure your website:


    • Detect malware in just a few minutes
    • You can custom your keywords to scan
    • You can select themes, plugins or WP core to scan
    • Modern UI and nice UX
    • Free Full Support for 6 months
    • Easy to use
    • And more…


    Get WP Malware Scanner Now

    NinjaTeam Support Center

    Give Us a Review

    Follow me on Envato Follow me on Twitter Follow me on Facebook Email me FREE plugin monthly


    12/09/2016: (version 1.0)

    - Version 1.0 Initial Release

  • Vicons – Font Icons for WordPress (Utilities)

    Vicons – Font Icons for WordPress (Utilities)

    Vicons is a premium WordPress plugin. You can easily add font icons to your WordPress site with a click of a button.

    WordPress 4.4 Ready!

    Vicons adds support for over 2000 icons. It can be used for different purposes on your WordPress site by simply inserting shortcodes into posts, pages, menus, widgets, menus & custom post types.

    Easy to use

    Vicons Plugin Features

    • 2000+ Font Icons to Choose
    • Insert Icons Directly Into Posts/Pages/Widgets/Menus/Custom Post Types
    • Easy to use Shortcodes
    • Animated Icons (Spinning)
    • Easily Customize Color and Size of icons
    • Responsive Ready
    • No need to write a single line of code


    Version 1.0

    -First Release [12.01.2016]

  • Provider Ajax Api (Utilities)

    Provider Ajax Api (Utilities)

    Service AJAX API is easy to use ajax interface for any plugin you have in mind.

    Features includes

    Available API Service:
    • PublicAPI – Which AJAX api that can be serve publicly.
    • ProtectedAPI – Which AJAX api that can only be serve when a user is logged in.
    • AdminAPI – Which AJAX api that can only be accessed by Admin accounts.

    So far this 3 suffice WordPress needs.

    • SVCdb (static) – Query Helper class, which uses wpdb so this is a drop in class.
    • SVCHelper (static) – Some helper functions that will get updated as the library requires it.
    • SVCService (static) – Service API Class
    • SVCSQLConstructor – Used by SVCdb for creating a SQL statements.
    • SVCStore (static) – Common WordPress store functions, this also serves as an example of how to use the SVCdb class. This will also be updated as the library requires it.
    3rd Party:

    JSMin – Used to minify the javascript that is generated by service.

    Folder structure:

    Note: The services/**.php folder is where you will put your services scripts (api) it will auto included every time the plugin is initialised. Although it is not advisable, make it as minimum.


    Requires jQuery and it uses jQuery ajax promise.

    > API.fetch('servertime', ['Y-m-d']).success(function (response) 

    More example can be found on plugin documentation or you can view them online here

  • Lorem Generator – Dummy Random Content material with 1click (Utilities)

    Lorem Generator – Dummy Random Content material with 1click (Utilities)

    It’s extremly useful for people who want to make presentation of their theme with real-feel content. Normally it would require a lot of creating new posts, copy-pasting some dummy ‘lorem ipsum’ content and taking care of making all the posts looking a little different. With plugin you can do all this with few clicks.

    When you will not need dummy content anymore – you can remove all dummy items with 1 click.

    Here is main view of plugin.

    Screen of plugin

    Generated content is rich – it’s not only plain Lorem ipsum – it have images, lists, quotes, bolds or italics etc.

    All generated items can be also easly deleted with one click if you want to return to normal content.

    You can select some categories or tags that will be automatically added to generated posts

    Also, you can select different post types than posts (including your custom post types).

    Generated posts can have random comments with random english names of authors.

  • SmartRSS (Utilities)

    SmartRSS (Utilities)

    SmartRSS is a premium plugin programming for wordpress
    the main purpose of it is saved your favorite rss feed to your wordpress DB (database) so you can (view, edit, delete, …etc) any of this rss items in any time.

  • New or Up to date Submit Notifications (Utilities)

    New or Up to date Submit Notifications (Utilities)

    Edit New or Updated Post Notifications is a useful WordPress plugin which lets you configure when email are sent.

    For example, you can send notification emails:

    • To Subscribers when a new post is published
    • To Admin when a new post is pending review
    • To a Shop Manager when a new WooCommerce product is uploaded

    You can use a rich text edit to send emails using the recipients name, the modified post’s title, its content, the author’s name, etc.

    Notifications can be sent not only for Posts and Pages but also for custom post types like WooCommerce’s Products.

    This makes it easy and quick to approve posts which are saved as “pending-review” or to keep in touch with your subscribers.

    You can use multiple rules to configure multiple emails depending on post type, category/tag/taxonomy, post status and author roles.

    Change Log

    Version 1.4
    Improvement - Php fix
    Version 1.3
    New Feature - Subscribe Widget
    Version 1.0
  • Caretta Icons Shortcode (Interface Components)

    Caretta Icons Shortcode (Interface Components)

    Caretta Icons for WordPress is a new way to include icons to your site. No more need to customize images, now all is done in your WordPress editor. Icons can be any color, any position, any rotation and any size.


    • Easy to use
    • Full customization
    • 251 basic icons
    • Vector icons
    • Multiple uses on page

    Demo http://demo.morfim.net

    Give us your support

    If you’ve purchased the plugin and like it, please, rate the plugin . It would be the greatest help.

    This shortcode works with:


    • 1.0
      First Release