Tag: uploader

  • Filetrip – The straightforward solution to backup and switch digital information to cloud (Utilities)

    Filetrip – The straightforward solution to backup and switch digital information to cloud (Utilities)

    Filetrip is the number one choice for website owners

    To know how to activate Dropbox & Google Drive after installation, go to Demo Website

    Be completely secured with Filetrip

    Your content, database and website will never be lost accidentally again.

    Filetrip will be your loyal and valuable servant plugin, that not only allow users to upload files and integrates your website content into the cloud, but, it can also automate full backups for your website through archiving either or both (Content & Database), and then trip them to your desired cloud destination.


    Filetrip is a very unique and powerful wordpress plugin that not only help you acquire & manage digital information (Files, Videos, Music, Audio, Documents and Archives), the plugin mainly integrates your website to the cloud and let you sync almost any digital files into the two top cloud storage services available on the internet (Dropbox & Google Drive), where you can almost forward and distribute all of your website Media and acquired digital content to whatever channel you want.

    The plugin also provides a complete management features and allow wordpress admins to instantiate unlimited uploaders that connect priori and individually to a specific selected folder through either (Dropbox, or Google Drive) channels or the WordPress channel with a singleton media folder. Moreover, the plugin is responsive and highly configurable with a contemporary design and native UX animation for swiftness and maximum usability in both backend and frontend.

    The plugin by default will add the capability of sending any native Media file to whatever selected cloud channel supporting a maximum size of 1GB per file, where the default targeted cloud folder can be configured from Filetrip settings.

    Website owners also will have the privilege of scheduling either complete or specific backup (SQL, Files, and SQL+Files) for their website, in which it can be done manually, or automatically through WP cron jobs. The awsome feature here is that whenever a backup is generated a full configurable automation process of email notification and backup content transmission to either Dropbox, or Google Drive, or both could be configured to be handled gracefully and seamlessly in the background using chuncked upload, letting you easily upload a multi-gigabyte archived backup file.

  • Filetrip – The straightforward method to backup and switch digital information to cloud (Utilities)

    Filetrip – The straightforward method to backup and switch digital information to cloud (Utilities)

    Filetrip is the number one choice for website owners

    To know how to activate Dropbox & Google Drive after installation, go to Demo Website

    Be completely secured with Filetrip

    Your content, database and website will never be lost accidentally again.

    Filetrip will be your loyal and valuable servant plugin, that not only allow users to upload files and integrates your website content into the cloud, but, it can also automate full backups for your website through archiving either or both (Content & Database), and then trip them to your desired cloud destination.


    Filetrip is a very unique and powerful wordpress plugin that not only help you acquire & manage digital information (Files, Videos, Music, Audio, Documents and Archives), the plugin mainly integrates your website to the cloud and let you sync almost any digital files into the two top cloud storage services available on the internet (Dropbox & Google Drive), where you can almost forward and distribute all of your website Media and acquired digital content to whatever channel you want.

    The plugin also provides a complete management features and allow wordpress admins to instantiate unlimited uploaders that connect priori and individually to a specific selected folder through either (Dropbox, or Google Drive) channels or the WordPress channel with a singleton media folder. Moreover, the plugin is responsive and highly configurable with a contemporary design and native UX animation for swiftness and maximum usability in both backend and frontend.

    The plugin by default will add the capability of sending any native Media file to whatever selected cloud channel supporting a maximum size of 1GB per file, where the default targeted cloud folder can be configured from Filetrip settings.

    Website owners also will have the privilege of scheduling either complete or specific backup (SQL, Files, and SQL+Files) for their website, in which it can be done manually, or automatically through WP cron jobs. The awsome feature here is that whenever a backup is generated a full configurable automation process of email notification and backup content transmission to either Dropbox, or Google Drive, or both could be configured to be handled gracefully and seamlessly in the background using chuncked upload, letting you easily upload a multi-gigabyte archived backup file.

  • Arfaly Press (Media)

    Arfaly Press (Media)

    Arfaly Press is a wordpress plugin that helps website administrator to acquire digital information (Files, Videos, Music, Audio, Documents and Archives) with ease, by providing a complete management features and allow wordpress admins to infinite number of diffrenetly configured instances of multi-file uploaders accross their sites. This plugin is responsive and highly configurable with a contemporary design and native UX animation for swiftness and maximum usability.

    The plugin has a backend management panel where you can create unlimited number of multi-file uploaders, and use each customized instance using shortcodes, and project them for users to start gathering digital files from users into your website server. Administrator can place multiple multi-file uploaders in whatever location inside of his website; moreover, the plugin can be easily integrated into custom forms.


    • Upload notification sent through EMail
    • Allow diverse MIME (File Types) that are not natively accepted by WordPress
    • Isolated media section for review and approve
    • Accept (Documents, Audio, Video, Music, and Archives)
    • Frontend upload preview and delete
    • Responsive design that will make the uploader works with (Mobile, Tablets, and Desktop)
    • Global setting page
    • Cross browser compatibility (IE 9+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari)
    • Unlimited instantiation of Arfaly uploaders with independent settings
      • Max upload size
      • Max upload limit per session
      • Customize theme and colors
      • Allow guests to upload
      • Filter extensions
      • Enforce title and description submission along with uploads
      • Debug mode
      • more
    • Drag and Drop
    • AJAX progress indicator

  • Closify Press (Media)

    Closify Press (Media)

    (2 in 1) Plugin : Powerful image uploader + Intelligent image optimizer

    Closify is a wordpress plugin, that has a comperhensive image storing and processing features, it comprises of frontend & backend management panels where you can leverage them to create unlimited number of image uploaders, and use its configuration, shortcodes, special wordpress functions easily. Administrator can place multiple multi/single image uploaders in whatever locations inside of his website. The plugin is totally responsive, rich, and intelligent with flexible and intuitive backend control panel.

  • WordPress Dropbox Dropins  (Utilities)

    WordPress Dropbox Dropins (Utilities)

    Plugin Description

    This plugins gives your users the ability to Save files directly from your website to their Dropbox account instantly or the other way around, it gives the users the ability to directly upload files from their Dropbox account into your website.

    Drop-ins are cross-platform UI components that can be integrated in minutes. The Chooser provides your app with instant access to files in Dropbox, and the Saver makes saving files to Dropbox one-click simple.


    • Saver Drop-in: The Saver is the easiest way to add files to your users’ Dropboxes. With two clicks, a user can download files of any size into their Dropbox, making those files available on all their computers and devices as soon as the download completes. The Saver is a Drop-in component that works on web and mobile web
    • Chooser Drop-in:The Chooser is the fastest way to get files from Dropbox into your web app. It’s a small JavaScript component that enables your app to get files from Dropbox without having to worry about the complexities of implementing a file browser, authentication, or managing uploads and storage
    • Shortcode available for Saver & Chooser: [dropbox_saver url=”filepath” filename=”filename_here”] for the chooser [dropbox_chooser]
    • Template tags available as well: dropbox_dropin_chooser() and dropbox_dropin_saver()

    How to use this plugin

    In order to use the plugin, there is two steps to get you up and running:

    1. Create a Drop-in app in your Dropbox account
    2. Grab the App key and save it in the plugin

    1. Create Drop-in App

    1. Go to: Create Drop-in App (you may need to login)
    2. Select: Drop-ins app
    3. Give your app a name: e.g: WordPress Demo
    4. Copy the APP Key somewhere, we’ll need it.

    2. Save the App key in the plugin settings:

    After you install the plugin, Click on “DropinsDB” in the admin panel sidebar menu, paste in your app key, and save! you’re done!

  • Frontend Add (Utilities)

    Frontend Add (Utilities)

    Frontend Upload GT is a a complete uploading plugin solution for WordPress. It can satisfy all your uploading needs. As the name states, it is aimed for frontend uploading, but it can also work wherever you might need!

    It’s fully customizable through a great Backend Settings Manager and it works via AJAX.

  • Rcwd Add for Gravity Varieties (Add-ons)

    Rcwd Add for Gravity Varieties (Add-ons)




    This add-on extends the functionality of the premium WordPress plugin Gravity Forms.

    It allows to add a new single file upload field that is not related to the WP media core.

    Yes, you will not find the loaded file inside the media manager, also it uses a different folder for every location (based on form id, field id and entry id).

    Also, you can activate the option to let user upload more than 1 file!!!


    Support for image preview before upload (with all modern browsers)
    Options for resizing (clientside and serverside)
    Options for filtering the allowed extensions
    Repeater option! Yes you can let users to upload more to add additional upload fields
    Support for drag&drop
    Useful filters that will let you customize some stuff (new filters will be added to next releases)
    Option for add a title field
    Compatible with “Gravity Forms User Registration” plugin
    Language translation for english and italian

    Gravity Forms compatibility

    This add-on requires Gravity Forms v1.7+ and WordPress v3.5+


    You need support for it? no problem! Send me an email at roberto@cantarano.com.

    No support in comments section. Please use it for presale questions only, thanks :)


    Don’t forget to check the checkbox “Get notified by email if this item is updated” in your Downloads page :)

    To update the plugin: login to CodeCanyon -> Downloads section -> re-download the plugin

    Current version:

    • Added support for GForms User Registration Add-On
    • Fixed an annoying bug that prevents the functionality of field in IE8 and IE10 if the field is initially hidden (this is what happens if conditional fields are used)


    • Fixed a bug for using the field in gform ajax mode
    • Small bug fixes


    • Bug fixes for uploaded image preview


    • Bug fixes for resizing options


    • Added repeater limit (by option or by the new filter “gforms_rcwdupload_repeater_limit)
    • Small bug fixes for new WP version


    • Fixed the correct display (css and js) of the form field in the backoffice preview


    • Added select field for “image preview before upload” option
    • Fixed a bug that did’t hide the image preview after remove or upload
    • Small bug fixes


    • Added image preview before upload(it works on Firefox 3.6+, Chrome 7+, IE 10+, Opera 12.02+, Safari 6.0.2+)


    • fixed a bug that prevent the field to be added to the form in Chrome and IE


    • first version
  • Rcwd Add for Gravity Types (Add-ons)

    Rcwd Add for Gravity Types (Add-ons)




    This add-on extends the functionality of the premium WordPress plugin Gravity Forms.

    It allows to add a new single file upload field that is not related to the WP media core.

    Yes, you will not find the loaded file inside the media manager, also it uses a different folder for every location (based on form id, field id and entry id).

    Also, you can activate the option to let user upload more than 1 file!!!


    Support for image preview before upload (with all modern browsers)
    Options for resizing (clientside and serverside)
    Options for filtering the allowed extensions
    Repeater option! Yes you can let users to upload more to add additional upload fields
    Support for drag&drop
    Useful filters that will let you customize some stuff (new filters will be added to next releases)
    Option for add a title field
    Compatible with “Gravity Forms User Registration” plugin
    Language translation for english and italian

    Gravity Forms compatibility

    This add-on requires Gravity Forms v1.7+ and WordPress v3.5+


    You need support for it? no problem! Send me an email at roberto@cantarano.com.

    No support in comments section. Please use it for presale questions only, thanks :)


    Don’t forget to check the checkbox “Get notified by email if this item is updated” in your Downloads page :)

    To update the plugin: login to CodeCanyon -> Downloads section -> re-download the plugin

    Current version:

    • Added support for GForms User Registration Add-On
    • Fixed an annoying bug that prevents the functionality of field in IE8 and IE10 if the field is initially hidden (this is what happens if conditional fields are used)


    • Fixed a bug for using the field in gform ajax mode
    • Small bug fixes


    • Bug fixes for uploaded image preview


    • Bug fixes for resizing options


    • Added repeater limit (by option or by the new filter “gforms_rcwdupload_repeater_limit)
    • Small bug fixes for new WP version


    • Fixed the correct display (css and js) of the form field in the backoffice preview


    • Added select field for “image preview before upload” option
    • Fixed a bug that did’t hide the image preview after remove or upload
    • Small bug fixes


    • Added image preview before upload(it works on Firefox 3.6+, Chrome 7+, IE 10+, Opera 12.02+, Safari 6.0.2+)


    • fixed a bug that prevent the field to be added to the form in Chrome and IE


    • first version