Tag: twitter cards

  • Magnolia – Blogging and Portfolio WordPress Theme (Inventive)

    Magnolia – Blogging and Portfolio WordPress Theme (Inventive)

    Magnolia Layouts

    Magnolia is a theme designed with content-first approach in mind. It uses one wide column layout with prominent typography to make your audience focus on your content.

    Show your work and writings in style with the following features:

    • Responsive layout
    • Filterable portfolio with masonry or rectangle style
    • Full Localisation Support (contains .po/.mo files)
    • SEO optimised design
    • Rich snippets using Schema.org vocabulary
    • Beautiful header block with custom background image
    • Shortcodes to enrich your content
    • Simple Theme Options
    • Extensive Documentation
    • No bloated code

    If you have any questions or want to get in touch, send a message via my profile page. Thanks for checking out my theme and have a lovely day :)

  • Twitter Playing cards Supervisor (Social Networking)

    Twitter Playing cards Supervisor (Social Networking)

    Why Twitter Cards are important?

    Twitter Cards allows you to go beyond the usual 140 character limit and give to your viewers a preview of your content.

    By using cards you enable your tweets to stand out from the crowd, so you can greatly increase the number of impressions, the clicks received and as a consequence your overall number of followers.

    Why this plugin?

    This WordPress plugin allows you to easily associate cards with your articles with a meta box in your post editor and also provides more advanced features, like the ability to automatically generates cards based on the content of your posts, an option to create cards associated with categories, tags or post types, and more.

    Which cards are supported?

    Twitter Cards Manager supports the two cards that any company which regularly share content from a blog should have, the Summary Card and the Summary Card with Large Image.

    Twitter Cards Manager Features

    Drive more Engagement

    Tweet like a Pro with stunning Twitter Cards and greatly increase the number of impressions and clicks received by your Tweets. Use relevant, bright and eye-catching, funny or odd images and your Tweets will not be ignored.

    Extremely Easy to use

    The Twitter Card meta box will be added to your post editor, in most cases you have to simply select the type of card, the related image and save your post. If specified through the options, the additional metadata will be automatically handled by the plugin.

    With the manually created cards you will not only be able to associate a Twitter Card with a specific URL, you will also have to possibility to associate cards to categories, tags or post types.

    Learn how to manually create cards with this video series:

    Automatic Cards

    If you want results with no effort use the Default Card feature to automatically generated cards based on the post title, post excerpt, on the post thumbnail or on the images included in the post content.

    With the Default Card you will be able to associate an automatically generated Twitter Card to all the pages that don’t have a more specific card associated. In other words, all the pages of your website that are not covered by the manually created cards will be associated with the Default Card.

    To automatically generate the cards the plugin will make use of:

    • The post title as the card title
    • The post excerpt or an auto-generated excerpt for the card description
    • The post thumbnail, the first image found in the post content, the last image found in the post content or a fallback image as the card image
    • The site and creator values defined through the plugin options as the card site and card creator

    Learn how to enable the Default Card with this video:

    Import and Export

    Store your entire archive of Twitter Cards in the CSV format, so that in case of future changes or updates to your website infrastructure you will be able to keep all your cards.

    Do you care about your website’s SEO?

    Improve your internal links structure and get more visits on your WordPress website with the Interlinks Manager plugin.

    Interlinks Manager plugin for WordPress

  • TCWP – Supercharged Twitter Card Administration for WordPress (Social Networking)

    TCWP – Supercharged Twitter Card Administration for WordPress (Social Networking)

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    Dedicated Support

    TCWP – Supercharged Twitter Card Management for WP

    The number one problem facing small business and websites today, is the fact that they can’t effectively engage with their audience over social media. Social media services, such as Twitter, are arguably the most important resources to help small businesses grow. TCWP was created to help solve this problem, by allowing you to display your content on Twitter in a professional way, making what you have to say even more eye-catching, and ultimately help it reach the widest audience possible.

    Twitter Cards help you richly represent your content within Tweets across the web and on mobile devices. This gives users greater context and insight into the URLs shared on Twitter, which in turn allows Twitter to send more engaged traffic to your site or app. Twitter cards make it possible for you to attach media experiences to Tweets that link to your content. Users who Tweet links to your content will have a “card” added to that Tweet, which is visible to all of their followers.


    • Create and control individual Twitter Cards for every single one of your posts, as well as creating generic defaults and a specific Twitter Card for your blog’s homepage.
    • Update TCWP right from your Admin Dashboard using WordPress’ default update system and exclusive access to our secure server.
    • Custom Post Type Support
    • Translation Ready (.POT file included)
    • Multisite Compatible
    • Create Photo Twitter Cards (used by sites such as Instagram), Summary Cards, and Summary Cards with Large Images (used by most large news channels).
    • Supports Photo Cards, Summary Cards, Summary Cards with Large Images, Product Cards and Player Cards.
    • WooCommerce Support – Boost your sales through Twitter!
    • Complimentary WPLocation WordPress Plugin at $13 Value!
    • Complimentary Newslette WordPress Plugin at $13 Value!
    • Complimentary Newslette I/O WordPress Plugin at $12 Value!
    • Complimentary InfinityFusion (Version 1.3) WordPress Plugin at $12 Value!
    • Advanced Configuration Panel with Import/Export
    • Fully WordPress 3.6 Compatible
    • Comprehensive HTML Documentation
    • Dedicated Support Desk

    Why Do I Need Such a Plugin?

    • Twitter can make your brand go viral.
    • Easy access to thousands of new potential customers.
    • Drives traffic to your website.
    • Improves your SEO.
    • Helps to strengthen customer relations.
    • Easily promote special deals/products/services/events.

    Case Study

    As a test of the effect that using Twitter Cards has on traffic from Twitter, I use TCWP on my portfolio website: hbt.io

    You can view the effect of installing Twitter Cards on some of my personal tweets: @harribellthomas

    Important Note:

    Setup of TCWP does require you to apply and verfiy your site with the Twitter Developer site, al of which is explained in great detail. Support will also be provided for this if required. Please also note that as the creation of cards is at Twitter’s discretion, they reserve the right to withdraw this ability at any time (although highly unlikely).

    If you want to use the TCWP in your theme on ThemeForest too please purchase 1 Extended License for each theme (as long as there is no Developer License available) you put on the marketplace!
    If you have questions about this agreement please contact us:

    Version 1.1.0 (16/10/13)
    - ADDED Player and Product Card Types
    - NEW Admin Meta Box Layout
    - Bug Fixes
    Version 1.0.1 (13/10/13)
    - Preliminary Big Fixes
    Version 1.0.0 (12/10/13)
    - Initial Release

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