Tag: tweet

  • TweetMe! Professional (Social Networking)

    TweetMe! Professional (Social Networking)

    TweetMe! Pro for WordPress easily transforms any text portions of your contents in twittable links with unmistakable style. TweetMe! Pro will encourage people to click on them and so increasing traffic on your web site.

    Appearence and behavior

    Appearence and behavior of Twittable links are fully customizables.

    In the plugin settings you can easily set:

    • Icon style
    • Tooltip on hover
    • Tooltip text
    • Sound on hover
    • Sound type
    • Animation on hover
    • Border
    • Background
    • Font style
    • Capitalize first tweet letter
    • Shortener URL

    Shortcode button

    With integrated Shortcode button in the post editor, you can add twittable links in one click.

    If you need, can customize the tweet url, add other hashtags and specifies a custom username for any twittable links.

    Default settings

    In the plugin settings you can set default username to associate any tweet and choose default hashtags for any tweet.

    Choose default hashtags for any tweet, easily caught from your wordpress post tag list.

    Extra feature

    An extra plugin feature allows you to intercept any hash plain texts in post content and parse them as Hashtag Twitter links.


    For any need contact me using the form on my envato profile page here. I’ll be happy to help you.


    # Update 1.0 (Mar/10/2017)
    - Initial release
  • Tweet to release for wordpress (Social Networking)

    Tweet to release for wordpress (Social Networking)

    With Tweet to unlock you lock content on your website page or even lock download links to premium content.

    Why forcing your visitors to see popups and not ask them to Tweet instead! This solution give you access to over 100 million Twitter users and generate ultimate marketing solutions. Get the most out of Twitter without any code. Just install the plugin and your done!

    More Tweets = more exposure = more traffic = more money


    The plugin let you hide all content between shortcode tags locker_shortcode
    No difficult settings or configurations. Just install the plugin and your done.
    Support for Twitter without any problem or hard work.
    Gain widespread popularity with minimal efforts!
    Light weight and very fast loaded for perfect SEO scores.
    All share count will be shown including individual sharing count.
    Simple and easy to use.
    Add shortcodes on the go from WordPress-Editor itself.

    The plugin is fully compatible with the recent versions of WordPress (4.5.3)
    Compatible with older WordPress versions, down to 3.2.


    No configuration is needed. Just install the plugin, create a locker shortcode in one click and your done. Now move to your WordPress Posts and add the content locker from the editor.

  • Twitter Playing cards Supervisor (Social Networking)

    Twitter Playing cards Supervisor (Social Networking)

    Why Twitter Cards are important?

    Twitter Cards allows you to go beyond the usual 140 character limit and give to your viewers a preview of your content.

    By using cards you enable your tweets to stand out from the crowd, so you can greatly increase the number of impressions, the clicks received and as a consequence your overall number of followers.

    Why this plugin?

    This WordPress plugin allows you to easily associate cards with your articles with a meta box in your post editor and also provides more advanced features, like the ability to automatically generates cards based on the content of your posts, an option to create cards associated with categories, tags or post types, and more.

    Which cards are supported?

    Twitter Cards Manager supports the two cards that any company which regularly share content from a blog should have, the Summary Card and the Summary Card with Large Image.

    Twitter Cards Manager Features

    Drive more Engagement

    Tweet like a Pro with stunning Twitter Cards and greatly increase the number of impressions and clicks received by your Tweets. Use relevant, bright and eye-catching, funny or odd images and your Tweets will not be ignored.

    Extremely Easy to use

    The Twitter Card meta box will be added to your post editor, in most cases you have to simply select the type of card, the related image and save your post. If specified through the options, the additional metadata will be automatically handled by the plugin.

    With the manually created cards you will not only be able to associate a Twitter Card with a specific URL, you will also have to possibility to associate cards to categories, tags or post types.

    Learn how to manually create cards with this video series:

    Automatic Cards

    If you want results with no effort use the Default Card feature to automatically generated cards based on the post title, post excerpt, on the post thumbnail or on the images included in the post content.

    With the Default Card you will be able to associate an automatically generated Twitter Card to all the pages that don’t have a more specific card associated. In other words, all the pages of your website that are not covered by the manually created cards will be associated with the Default Card.

    To automatically generate the cards the plugin will make use of:

    • The post title as the card title
    • The post excerpt or an auto-generated excerpt for the card description
    • The post thumbnail, the first image found in the post content, the last image found in the post content or a fallback image as the card image
    • The site and creator values defined through the plugin options as the card site and card creator

    Learn how to enable the Default Card with this video:

    Import and Export

    Store your entire archive of Twitter Cards in the CSV format, so that in case of future changes or updates to your website infrastructure you will be able to keep all your cards.

    Do you care about your website’s SEO?

    Improve your internal links structure and get more visits on your WordPress website with the Interlinks Manager plugin.

    Interlinks Manager plugin for WordPress

  • Tweet Wheel Professional – Computerized Tweeting for WordPress (Social Networking)

    Tweet Wheel Professional – Computerized Tweeting for WordPress (Social Networking)

    Tweet Wheel Pro is a simple and yet powerful tool that every website owner will fall in love with. The idea behind Tweet Wheel is to automatically tweet posts from users’ website and take the burden off their shoulders and let them focus on the thing they are best at. Turn your website into a traffic-and-business-driving tool in no time!

    First, install and activate the plugin. You may notice not many options visible at start, but it’s only until you authorise our Twitter app to access your Twitter account. Once authorised, you can enjoy your website gaining on social media attention even when you are not looking.

    Unlike other Twitter plugins, this one works automatically and does not require your constant care. You can get up and running in a few clicks, but if you want to make more out of our solution, you can add multiple, interesting templates for each post. This will reduce your chance of sounding robotic and will let you test headings to see which one comes the most engaging.

    Amazing Features:

    • Automated queueing system, which is the core of the plugin. It handles all the automation.
    • Multi-templating for posts helps you to specify limitless amount of tweet variations for each post.
    • Advanced scheduling gives you more control over time of tweetings. Specify days and times at which you want your post published.
    • Handling of custom post types – fully compatible with woocommerce shop products!
    • Customising the queue let’s you to supervise the order in which posts are tweeted.
    • Looping is optional, but very useful. If on, it will automatially append just tweeted post at the end of queue. Keeps going infinitely this way.
    • Queue posts on their publishing. When you create a new post you can ask plugin to automatically queue it for you.
    • Pausing and resuming queue comes useful when you need a bit more control. No need to deactivate the plugin to put it on hold.
    • Convenient bulk actions – queue, dequeue and exclude multiple posts at once.
    • Option to tweet instantly without waiting for post’s turn – perfect for hot news!
    • Simple view which minifies the queue look so you can fit more items on your screen – helpful for shuffling!
    • Health check tab that let’s you know if your website is ready for Tweet Wheel and what to fix.
    • Attach featured images to your tweets with one click
    • Use your favorite domain for shortening URLs (by Bit.ly)
    • Track clicks and tweets history to improve performance
    • Automated updates – no more manual labor!
    • Plenty minor improvements which overally boost user experience and easy of use


    USERNAME: demo
    PASSWORD: demo

    Want regular updates? Follow us on Twitter.

  • Waft-Glide — Social Streams for WordPress (Social Networking)

    Waft-Glide — Social Streams for WordPress (Social Networking)

    Premium WordPress plugins at Looks AwesomeFollow Looks Awesome on EnvatoFollow Looks Awesome on TwitterKnowledge Base Flow Flow Social Stream

    Flow-Flow Social Streams for WordPress is premium WordPress social plugin to display social feeds in beautiful grid with optional filters and live search. Plugin is responsive and also can be slider depending on device or layout chosen. Smart caching allows to deliver content almost instantly without long page loading, it’s especially useful when many networks are pulled. It’s great to use this plugin for streaming your news, photos, social reviews and any other purpose you can imagine. Make portfolio, show client testimonials by your company’s tag etc. We’re focusing on increasing the number of use cases for plugin.

    With shortcode support you can put your stream in any block of your site or whole page. It either works in compact mode within narrow blocks like sidebar.


    • All popular social networks and their number is growing.
    • Smart server caching
    • Intuitive and clean interface of admin panel with live preview.
    • Shortcodes support.
    • Responsive design with swipes support for sliding on mobiles.
    • Attractive animations and hover effects.
    • Tons of options to make your design personal and awesome.
    • Colorpicker for everything!
    • Unlimited feeds per one stream. Unlimited streams per one site.
    • Special design for sidebar.
    • Two card templates and a lot of presets.

    Plugin is developing and already has great potential so if you like it but it lacks important feature you need please request it!.


    • More social networks.
    • More use cases.
    • More design layouts.
    • More animations.
    • More customizations.
    • More EVERYTHING (request!).

    Flow Flow multiple social feeds banner

    Feeds to stream

    • Twitter: home timeline, user feed, hashtags.
    • Facebook: home timeline, any public profile.
    • Google+: any public profile.
    • Instagram: home timeline, user or hashtag.
    • Pinterest: user or board.
    • WordPress: posts, comments.
    • RSS: any valid feed.
    • Request your social nerwork or feed!

    Additional feed options

    • Twitter: show/hide retweets, show/hide replies.
    • Facebook: show/hide attached content.
    • Google+: show/hide attached content.
    • Pinterest: show/hide text description.
    • Instagram: show/hide text description.

    Design and styling options

    Flow-Flow provides a great customization for design and stylings. Nice-looking professionally made layouts, different styles. Flow-Flow has many to choose from! Here’s a few examples you can try.

    How multiple feeds actually work

    First of all you can create unlimited Flow-Flow streams on your site. The magic thing is that you then add as much social feeds from one or different social networks as you want. For example, you want to include in one stream 3 twitter accounts, 1 twitter hashtag, 2 google+ accounts and 5 facebook feeds. No problem! Here is a visual scheme:

    Admin panel provides clear indication of important stuff and is very convenient. You can easily manage your streams from one compact list.


    Filter is optional feature of Flow-Flow. If you would like to use plugin with complex streams this feature could be handy.


    Version 1.0

    - Plugin is approved on CodeCanyon

    Please leave your feedback on comments page, I’m interested to improve the product with focus on clients’ satisfaction. If you have issues please send message via contact form I’ll try to update/fix as soon as possible.

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  • wordpress Raffle Plus (Social Networking)

    wordpress Raffle Plus (Social Networking)

    WordPress plugin to run your giveaways, freebies, raffles.

    1. Facebook Like
    2. Tweet
    3. Follow on Twitter
    4. Subscribe to mailing list
    a. MailChimp Integration
    b. Campaign Monitor Integration
    c. Aweber Integration
    d. CSV option for none of the above. Stores emails to wp database and available for export to CSV file from admin side.
    5. Answering a Poll
    6. Commenting on Blog Post
    7. Participate in Survey
    8. Review on Product

    Other features:
    a. Export user entries and their results to CSV file.
    b. Gift Image upload option.
    c. Random Winner(s) choose.
    d. Manual Winner choose.

    It will generate shortcode after publishing Raffle, It won’t work on click of ‘View Post’ button. Just put shortcode in any Page/Post to run Raffle.

    Future enhancement:
    1. LinkedIn share
    2. LinkedIn follow
    3. Pin It button – Pinterest
    4. Follow on Pinterest
    5. Cross-Domain support for Raffle

  • Tweet This – Share on Twitter WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Tweet This – Share on Twitter WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Create inline tweets while publishing posts and pages. Let your visitors share any text or phrase and watch your traffic grow!

    Simply wrap any text or phrase in our shortcode like this:
    [tweet-this]CodeCanyon rules![/tweet-this]

    Even easier, you can use our post editor button to wrap any selected text.

    Once you publish your post or page, your wrapped text will appear as an inline tweet to your visitors, with a Tweet This button appended to it.

    Watch your traffic grow, as their tweet will contain a link to your post or page. If you fill out your Twitter username in the plugin’s settings, their tweet will include your username as well. This will allow you to track shares, as you will see a notification in Twitter once your content gets shared.

    You can change the appearance of your inline tweets in the settings. No coding skills required. Simply change all colors, make your tweet bold or italic, change the button’s text or hide the Twitter icon. The possibilities are endless.

    You can also set a different URL to be shared. Maybe you’d like to drive traffic to an affiliate link, your forum or a product review?

    Simply add a URL parameter to your shortcode, like this:
    [tweet-this url="http://www.codecanyon.com"]I love these plugins[/tweet-this]

  • WordPress Inline Tweet (Utilities)

    WordPress Inline Tweet (Utilities)

    This plugin allows you to make phrases or sections of text within a post sharable through Twitter.

    1. All you have to do is wrap the text you want to be sharable in a shortcode: [iShare]the text...[/iShare]

    2. The text will appear to the reader with one of the a twitter icons appended to it. You can select from 8 options

    3. When the reader clicks on that text they are give the options for sharing through a popup.

    4. Sharable text is highlighted when the reader hovers it. There is an admin settings page to control the colors.

    5. Once you have activated the plugin, simply click on the “WP Inline Tweet” menu to get started.

  • Social Funds (Social Networking)

    Social Funds (Social Networking)

    Lots of plugins and scripts allow you to implement Pay with a Like, or Pay with a Tweet, but some of them are not flexible and they do not allow for total customization. Small code modifications allow the user to edit everything inside.

    For a WordPress site, though, you need dynamic content and you need to be able to display the social payment module just by adding a simple shortcode.

    The Social Payments plugin for WordPress allows customization of Facebook page, Google+ page, Twitter text, link and hashtags details. It also uses HTML5 version of all social scripts and very clean source code for theme compatibility.

  • Socialuttons – The Final Social Button Package (Social Networking)

    Socialuttons – The Final Social Button Package (Social Networking)

    Socialuttons The Ultimate Social Button Kit – WordPress Edition

    62 social icons 4 shapes 18 animations 49 color scheme combinations (7 before, 7 after) 7 shadow styles

    Using combination of these you can achieve different 24.696 styles and 1.531.152 different icons.

    It includes global style changing admin panel – you change style of every button in your website with few simple mouse clicks!

    Adding Socialutton is very simple. Type a shortcode or use WYSIWYG plugin to generate it!