Tag: timer

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Safari OSX 9+ & iOS 9+

    Read about all Tick’s features BROWSER SUPPORT Chrome Firefox Edge Opera Internet Explorer 11+ Safari OSX 9+ & iOS 9+

  • Time Primarily based Content material For Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    What is it?

    Time Based Content for Visual Composer is an add-on for the popular drag and drop WordPress plugin Visual Composer. It allows you to set the dates & times you would like your content rows to be shown to your visitors. This allows you to schedule out changes to your pages at the dates & times you want rather than having to go in and make those changes manually.

    How does it work?

    Time Based Content for Visual Composer integrates directly into Visual Composer. Once installed it will add a “Show When” option dropdown to the Row and Inner Row elements settings. This will allow you to select when you would like to show each Row or Inner Row and the content placed within those Rows and Inner Rows to your visitors. There are 5 options you can choose from.

    • Always Show
    • Show before a date & time
    • After a date & time
    • Between 2 dates & times
    • Not Between 2 dates & times

    Once you select the option you would like to use the necessary additional fields you will need to fill out will appear below. After you complete these fields with the necessary information just save your changes and your ready to go! To learn more about how each option works read on to the Getting Started section.


    Time Based Content for Visual Composer makes showing or hiding content quick and easy. Here are just some of the great features you get!

    • Direct integration into Visual Composer
    • Point and click selection with no code needed
    • 5 options for showing or hiding time based content
    • Full compatibility with all Themes, Plugins and other Visual Composer add-ons
    • Great Support & Detailed Documentation

    Common Uses

    The ways to use Time Based Content for Visual Composer are truly endless! There are so many unique and innovative ways that we just don’t have room to list them all. So instead here are some of the great way that Time Based Content For Visual Composer can be used on your WordPress site…

    • As a way to show content or hide content at the end of a countdown
    • Create dynamic landing pages with limited time offers
    • A way to show Contests & Promotions only while they are running
    • To hide a countdown clock once it’s reaches zero
    • List Upcoming events & have them disappear after they occur
    • A way to schedule Holiday and Seasonal Specials to show or hide automatically
    • Create Holiday Greetings through out the year for your site
    • Show time sensitive content & messages to your visitors
    • A great way to List upcoming open houses for Realestate agents and remove them after they happen

    And any other time you have content that you want shown or hidden based on a date & time or a set of dates & times!


  • Mega Countdown – The Absolute best Timer Plugin with Session Monitoring & Highly effective Triggers (Utilities)

    Mega Countdown – The Absolute best Timer Plugin with Session Monitoring & Highly effective Triggers (Utilities)

    One-of-a-kind on the market, honestly a breakthrough plugin for creating superb, conversion-boosting countdowns. Utilize session tracking, count randomizer & flexible triggers to CONVERT & SELL LIKE NEVER BEFORE!

    Main features:

    • Create unlimited amount of timers & countdowns
    • Enable session tracking to make countdowns look realistic
    • Enable randomizer to make countdowns look even more realistic
    • Setup powerful triggers to hide offers after the countdown runs out
    • Or setup the triggers to show offers after the countdown runs out
    • Countdown types: To a Certain Date; For a Certain Time; For a Certain Time, with Session Tracking; Certain Amount; Certain Amount, with Session Tracking

    wordpress countdown timer plugin best of 2015
    ulti forms is a recommended forms plugin to use with the Mega Countdown plugin
    ultimate modal windows - 5 star rated plugin for popups, flyout and slideout panels
    we provide high quality support for our premium wordpress plugins
    top rated countdown timer wordpress plugin on the market. WOW!

    What can you use the Mega Countdown for?

    Tap into the buying drivers

    • Create scarcity effect with limited amount of whatever you are offering
    • Create urgency effect with limited time offers
    • Create social proof by showing how popular your offer is & how many people are rushing in to buy it

    Setup limited-time offers. Setup limited-amount offers.
    Increase conversion by limiting your offers with amount or time-based countdowns
    Have the timers start over on page refresh or enable session tracking and the timer will not refresh
    Set the amount to end at a low number, like 2, to let users act
    Hide the offer or leave it be after the timer runs out

    Time anything
    Show timed ads
    Give users access to your content after they view the ad
    Redirect users after they view the ad

    All features

    To A Certain Date
    Just specify a certain date for your countdown.

    For A Certain Time
    Just specify the amount of days, hours and minutes, insert the shortcode and let it run down!.

    For A Certain Time, With Session Tracking
    The regular time countdown always reloads on refresh. In this mode, the countdown will stop whenever the user leaves the site and will resume when the user comes back. You can also specify after how many days to reset it for the user.

    Certain Amount
    Specify the starting amount. Specify the ending amount.

    Certain Amount, With Session Tracking
    In regular amount-based countdown, the amount reloads every time the user refreshes the page / comes back to the page. So it looks pretty fake. But with the cookie control enabled, the countdown continues & does not reload when the user comes back! You can also specify after how many days to reset it for the user.

    Enable Triggers
    Powerful triggers let you control your offers in accordance with your countdowns! You can enable up to a 5 triggers for a countdown that fire when the countdown finishes. You can:
    • Create with the built-in editor & show any content
    • Redirect to a url
    • Show modal window (with UMW plugin)
    • Show or hide forms (with Ulti Forms plugin)
    • Show or hide anything by pasting element’s id or class

    Enable Randomizer
    Randomizer is the unique feature that lets your countdowns appear extremely realistic.

    Show Or Hide The Titles
    You can choose which titles you want to show & which to hide: days, hours, minutes & seconds. You can enter your own titles, so if you want to make them shorter or translate to another language, go ahead! You can also change title colors and title font size.

    Show Or Hide Certain Parts Of The Timer
    You can which part of the timer you want to show: days, hours, minutes, seconds. Show everything or only a part that makes sense in your case.

    Specify When To Stop
    For the amount-based countdowns, specify the amount at which the timer will stop. In the examples here, we pretend that that the tickets will remain at the amount of 3 and 5.

    Count Downwards Or Upwards
    You can choose the amount countdowns to count downwards or upwards.

    Style Them
    You can hide particular parts: days, hours, minutes or seconds. You can specify the background color (including the transparency setting), change text colors, choose among 5 delimiter types, specify font size, specify padding, specify border width, border radius, border color.

    Unlimited Amount Of Timers & Placement With Shortcodes
    You can create any amount of timers you want with this plugin. You can place them anywhere you want with a shortcode. You can have multiple timers on one page.

    Ongoing Support
    We really care about you and we are supporting our customers promptly & responsibly. When you encounter a problem, we are eager to help.

    Constantly Evolving
    We are listening to your feedback and add features regularly! Let us know what else you would like to have in this plugin


    This plugin requires an easy verification. See how to verify it.

  • Stachethemes Experience Calendar (Calendars)

    Stachethemes Experience Calendar (Calendars)

    Stachethemes Event Calendar allows you to create and manage detailed online events for your website users.

    Every event can contain detailed information like event description, map, photo gallery, event guests, schedule, file attachments, attach theme icons to the event and even weather forecast for the area where the event is located. You can invite people to attend or set reminders for calendar events.


    From Dashboard go to Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin.
    Click “Browse” and pick Event Calendar archive.
    Click “Install Now”.
    After installation click “Active plugin”.
    A new menu should appear named “Stachethemes Event Calendar

    Creating Calendar

    From Dashboard go to Stachethemes Event Calendar > Calendars.
    Fill Calendar Name, Color, Timezone and Visibility (public or private).
    Click on “Create Calendar” button.
    A new calendar should appear under “List with your created calendars”.

    Creating Event

    From Dashboard go to Stachethemes Event Calendar > Events.
    Select Calendar from the list or create one if you haven’t created one yet.
    Click on “Add Event” button.
    Fill desired event details and click “Add Event”. Most event tabs are optional.

    Displaying the Calendar on the front-end

    The plugin uses the shortcode [stachethemes_ec]

    From Dashboard go to Pages or Posts
    Add New Page or Post
    Fill desired Post/Page title
    Inside the Post/Page content write [stachethemes_ec]
    Click Publish. This page will display the calendar when visited. You can place the shortcode in any existing Page or Post as well.

    If you are uncomfortable writing shortcodes the plugin supports Visual Composer as well.

    Shortcode default usage:


    Displaying specific calendar only:

    [stachethemes_ec cal=1,2,3]

    where 1,2,3 are calendar ids

  • Quickly Countdown Percent Responsive Cornerstone Plugin (Add-ons)

    Quickly Countdown Percent Responsive Cornerstone Plugin (Add-ons)

    Beautifully animated countdowns for everyone.

    Soon allows you to create the most stunning countdowns your visitors have ever seen. Using the the embedded Visual Builder Soon has you configuring any countdown you want. Pick one of the 15 Preset Templates as a starting point or start from scratch and design your unique counter.

    Soon will always look great, it is mobile friendly, fast and responsive and will automatically scale to the available space around it.

    Premium Quality

    Soon is build using the latest HTML 5 and CSS 3 techniques. With regular updates and new feature releases Soon keeps getting better and better.

    Professional Support

    Just contact me through my CodeCanyon profile, I’m happy to help you out with any questions or problems.

    Visual Builder

    Soon ships with lots of options. The Visual Builder creates a clear overview of which options are available and directly updates and shows you a preview of your counter when you change their values.


    Visual Builder

    Just drag the sliders, pick a color, choose a due date, and presto, you’ve created your first Soon Counter. It’s really as easy as that, save your counter and use it on any page.

    15+ Preset Templates

    Soon ships with 15 unique and responsive counter templates. You can use them as is, or tweak them to fit your style. All templates can be viewed on the Soon Live Preview landing page.


    Soon is responsive and works on a wide range of modern mobile, tablet and desktop browsers. Soon will automatically measure the available space of the parent container and resize the different counters accordingly.

    3 Clock Faces

    Soon contains 3 different clock faces. Flip, Matrix and Text. Each face has it’s own animations and customization options. Combined with the two visual styles there’s bound to be a configuration that suits your specific needs.

    2 Progress Indicators

    You can combine the 3 clock faces with 2 different progress visualisations. There’s a circular and a fill visualiser which each have rich customization and animation options.


    JavaScript’s default timer will lag behind when it’s active for longer time periods. Soon contains a correction algorithm to make sure each second actually is a second.

    Duration Modes

    Set duration mode to have Soon count down a fixed amount of minutes or seconds since page load. In day mode it will count to a certain time on a certain day of the week.

    Server Time

    Set server time to make Soon synchronize with the server.

    You can configure Soon to count down towards a date or count up since a date. Useful for counting time since an event.

    If no due date is set, Soon will render a Clock instead of a countdown. Perfect for testing if Soon has been setup correctly.

    All content wrapped by the Soon shortcode will be automatically hidden till the clock runs out.

    You can choose between hiding, redirecting, showing content, or running scripts once the timer hits zero.

    Each face and visual has it’s own animation options to make your counters look extra professional.

    Still cool right?
    Available for every counter type.


    Visual Builder
    Use the Visual Builder to build your own counters. Pick a preset or a blank canvas, select colours, counter types, fonts, sizes. Just copy and paste the resulting snippet and you’re ready to roll.

    All labels Soon uses below the counters are customisable to your language or liking.

    Animations & Special Effects
    All Soons counters are animated. For instance the text counter can be tweaked with different animation types like slide, roll, twirl and fade. On top of these animations Soon brings reflections to the table.

    Soon scales to the available space around it. It’s as simple as that. It does not matter where you place it, Soon will make sure it looks great.

    JavaScript’s default timer will lag behind when it’s active for longer time periods. Soon contains a correction algorithm to make sure each second actually is a second.

    There’s three different clock faces to choose from. Of course you’ve got your basic Text style, but there’s also the classic Flipper and as a bonus there’s the Dot Matrix counter. All three faces can be animated in various ways and have all kinds of ways to make them match your sites look and feel.

    Easily create an awesome circular counter. Use solid colours, gradients, define counter direction and set the offset, length and width of the ring. There’s visual effects like glow and shadow plus the ring progress is animated.

    Next to the ring you’ve got the option to select a background fill. This is sort of like a vertical, horizontal or diagonal progress bar. Animated and colours can be changed.

    Due Modes
    Soon comes with a wide range of countdown modes. Also, well tested support of timezones.

    • 2016—02-25 count down towards a date;
    • 2010—02-25 count up since a date;
    • in 2 hours count down a fixed amount of hours, minutes or seconds ;
    • at 12:30:15 count down repeatedly towards a time;
    • sunday at 10 count down repeatedly towards a time of day;

    Pick between Year, Month, Week, Day, Hour, Minute, Seconds and Milliseconds. The cascade feature allows you to move values between groups, so you can for instance count the total number of seconds till next year.

    Server Time
    You can set Soon to use the server time to do it’s calculations.


    “Very nice plugin with nice designs. Easy to implement and great support!”
    -svanbaaijen123 5 stars

    “This is a great plugin for countdown timers. So much flexibility and the customer support is one of the best I have come across.”
    -Greg1980 5 stars

    “Awesome support responds fast and is very willing to help and fixes issues right away. There are not enough stars to do justice to his devotion to making this program the best it can be. The product works as promised. A lot of choices to get the job done. Works great. Thanks for great work!”
    -haroldko 5 stars

    “Works perfectly! thank you very much!”
    -patriciozuletap 5 stars

    “Few issues my end, not the author, i have a million plug ins and short codes over short codes, his response was great and the plug in works great thank you!”
    -lewisromane 5 stars

    “Awesome product!”
    -DopePixelMG 5 stars


    Browser Support

    • Chrome
    • Safari
    • Firefox
    • Opera
    • iOS
    • Android
    • IE10
    • IE9 (no animations)
    • IE8 (no animations, automatic fallback to text counter)

    Note that the Visual Builder requires a modern browser to function, Chrome is advised.

    Safari on Windows is no longer being maintained by Apple and therefor is currently not supported.


    Will currently not work inside Revolution Slider.


    • Cornerstone plugin zip
    • Installation instructions

    Version History

    1.0.0 20-01-2015

    • initial release of Cornerstone version.
  • Quickly Countdown % Responsive Cornerstone Plugin (Add-ons)

    Quickly Countdown % Responsive Cornerstone Plugin (Add-ons)

    Beautifully animated countdowns for everyone.

    Soon allows you to create the most stunning countdowns your visitors have ever seen. Using the the embedded Visual Builder Soon has you configuring any countdown you want. Pick one of the 15 Preset Templates as a starting point or start from scratch and design your unique counter.

    Soon will always look great, it is mobile friendly, fast and responsive and will automatically scale to the available space around it.

    Premium Quality

    Soon is build using the latest HTML 5 and CSS 3 techniques. With regular updates and new feature releases Soon keeps getting better and better.

    Professional Support

    Just contact me through my CodeCanyon profile, I’m happy to help you out with any questions or problems.

    Visual Builder

    Soon ships with lots of options. The Visual Builder creates a clear overview of which options are available and directly updates and shows you a preview of your counter when you change their values.


    Visual Builder

    Just drag the sliders, pick a color, choose a due date, and presto, you’ve created your first Soon Counter. It’s really as easy as that, save your counter and use it on any page.

    15+ Preset Templates

    Soon ships with 15 unique and responsive counter templates. You can use them as is, or tweak them to fit your style. All templates can be viewed on the Soon Live Preview landing page.


    Soon is responsive and works on a wide range of modern mobile, tablet and desktop browsers. Soon will automatically measure the available space of the parent container and resize the different counters accordingly.

    3 Clock Faces

    Soon contains 3 different clock faces. Flip, Matrix and Text. Each face has it’s own animations and customization options. Combined with the two visual styles there’s bound to be a configuration that suits your specific needs.

    2 Progress Indicators

    You can combine the 3 clock faces with 2 different progress visualisations. There’s a circular and a fill visualiser which each have rich customization and animation options.


    JavaScript’s default timer will lag behind when it’s active for longer time periods. Soon contains a correction algorithm to make sure each second actually is a second.

    Duration Modes

    Set duration mode to have Soon count down a fixed amount of minutes or seconds since page load. In day mode it will count to a certain time on a certain day of the week.

    Server Time

    Set server time to make Soon synchronize with the server.

    You can configure Soon to count down towards a date or count up since a date. Useful for counting time since an event.

    If no due date is set, Soon will render a Clock instead of a countdown. Perfect for testing if Soon has been setup correctly.

    All content wrapped by the Soon shortcode will be automatically hidden till the clock runs out.

    You can choose between hiding, redirecting, showing content, or running scripts once the timer hits zero.

    Each face and visual has it’s own animation options to make your counters look extra professional.

    Still cool right?
    Available for every counter type.


    Visual Builder
    Use the Visual Builder to build your own counters. Pick a preset or a blank canvas, select colours, counter types, fonts, sizes. Just copy and paste the resulting snippet and you’re ready to roll.

    All labels Soon uses below the counters are customisable to your language or liking.

    Animations & Special Effects
    All Soons counters are animated. For instance the text counter can be tweaked with different animation types like slide, roll, twirl and fade. On top of these animations Soon brings reflections to the table.

    Soon scales to the available space around it. It’s as simple as that. It does not matter where you place it, Soon will make sure it looks great.

    JavaScript’s default timer will lag behind when it’s active for longer time periods. Soon contains a correction algorithm to make sure each second actually is a second.

    There’s three different clock faces to choose from. Of course you’ve got your basic Text style, but there’s also the classic Flipper and as a bonus there’s the Dot Matrix counter. All three faces can be animated in various ways and have all kinds of ways to make them match your sites look and feel.

    Easily create an awesome circular counter. Use solid colours, gradients, define counter direction and set the offset, length and width of the ring. There’s visual effects like glow and shadow plus the ring progress is animated.

    Next to the ring you’ve got the option to select a background fill. This is sort of like a vertical, horizontal or diagonal progress bar. Animated and colours can be changed.

    Due Modes
    Soon comes with a wide range of countdown modes. Also, well tested support of timezones.

    • 2016—02-25 count down towards a date;
    • 2010—02-25 count up since a date;
    • in 2 hours count down a fixed amount of hours, minutes or seconds ;
    • at 12:30:15 count down repeatedly towards a time;
    • sunday at 10 count down repeatedly towards a time of day;

    Pick between Year, Month, Week, Day, Hour, Minute, Seconds and Milliseconds. The cascade feature allows you to move values between groups, so you can for instance count the total number of seconds till next year.

    Server Time
    You can set Soon to use the server time to do it’s calculations.


    “Very nice plugin with nice designs. Easy to implement and great support!”
    -svanbaaijen123 5 stars

    “This is a great plugin for countdown timers. So much flexibility and the customer support is one of the best I have come across.”
    -Greg1980 5 stars

    “Awesome support responds fast and is very willing to help and fixes issues right away. There are not enough stars to do justice to his devotion to making this program the best it can be. The product works as promised. A lot of choices to get the job done. Works great. Thanks for great work!”
    -haroldko 5 stars

    “Works perfectly! thank you very much!”
    -patriciozuletap 5 stars

    “Few issues my end, not the author, i have a million plug ins and short codes over short codes, his response was great and the plug in works great thank you!”
    -lewisromane 5 stars

    “Awesome product!”
    -DopePixelMG 5 stars


    Browser Support

    • Chrome
    • Safari
    • Firefox
    • Opera
    • iOS
    • Android
    • IE10
    • IE9 (no animations)
    • IE8 (no animations, automatic fallback to text counter)

    Note that the Visual Builder requires a modern browser to function, Chrome is advised.

    Safari on Windows is no longer being maintained by Apple and therefor is currently not supported.


    Will currently not work inside Revolution Slider.


    • Cornerstone plugin zip
    • Installation instructions

    Version History

    1.0.0 20-01-2015

    • initial release of Cornerstone version.