WP Testimonial Pro is a plugins build-ed for wordpress enabled websites which is so clean and flexible and has a 100% responsive design of it’s almost all themes! This plugins sets the new standard with endless possibilities and lifetime free updates with newly requested features from our users. It’s admin interface with all features and settings are beautifully easy to use!
Awesome Features
- Show all or Id specific testimonial listing
- User side testimonial submission
- Deny/Delete/Accept testimonial
- Admin/User notification on user side testimonial submission
- Multiple theme support
- 10 built in theme / layouts
- Custom theme support from active theme directory (So you can create your own theme)
- Display all testimonials in one page
- Beautifully designed Built-in Widget
- Clean, Modern Design can be used to show testimonial on your WP based website
- Advanced Settings for notification email body and other messages
- Easiest and fastest way to display testimonial on your website
- Included admin documentation
- Great online Documentation available http://goo.gl/d9eKpr
- Included FlexSlider
- Fully Tested for WordPress 3.7.x
- Auto Generated Shortcode by Widgets for Page/Post use to display testimonial.
- Testimonial submit form field control via settings, So you can make it hide or rename it with your field
- Appearance Settings available so you can adjust testimonial design with Background, Color
- and ofcourse there are some other features or options which is not mentioned here!
Upcoming Themes on Request!
You can send me a design to show testimonial for your site which you want to use and We will make it available on next release for you!
Version 1.1.0 – 04 Dec, 2013
+ Core Updated
+ Fixed Global Post Thumbnail size issue
+ Admin CSS Updated
+ Widgets Updated
+ Auto generated shortcode by widgets for page/post use to display testimonial.
+ User Testimonial Submission - CSS Fix
+ General Settings additional settigns added to support Testimonial add interface fields and label display and modification control
+ Appearance settings added to adjust testimonial design with Background, Color styling
+ Default Widget Settings Added 10 Documentation Updated
Version 1.0.0 – 25 Oct, 2013
+ Initial Release!