Tag: taxonomies

  • JetEngine — Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor (Add-ons)

    JetEngine — Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor (Add-ons)

    JetEngine Overview

    is a must-=have plugin for Elementor allowing to create custom post types, custom taxonomy, add Elementor-built templates for the custom post type or taxonomy terms. It provides the set of dynamic listing widgets for displaying dynamic content and allows to build grid and listing layouts for the custom posts and terms using the most complex query methods.


    Enjoy creating custom post types and custom meta fields without using CSS and PHP! You’ll be able to introduce new custom posts, taxonomies, and create templates with Elementor using dynamic content widgets without the need to look into the database, or explore coding.

    With JetEngine you’ll be able to accomplish even the most complicated tasks and work on the most difficult projects, keeping everything as simple as it can be!


    Perfect for Adding Custom Post Types

    Create custom post types to add any custom posts you need, form Services and Team Members to Portfolio and Products. You’ll be astonished with how easy you can change the custom post type settings, add meta fields, set hierarchical structure.

    Best Match for Creating Custom Taxonomies

    Add custom taxonomies to any post type or page you need, to allow the more complex query methods. It is a wonder how one can create a custom taxonomy with hierarchy for different post types and use custom fields for adding even more information about the taxonomy terms, including thumbnails, repeaters and timestamps.

    Allows Creating Custom Post Templates

    With JetEngine you can use the set of special widgets for displaying dynamic content with Elementor. You’ll be able to build the fully-fledged Single post page with dynamic fields for displaying post title, content, thumbnail image, and any other type of content added in the meta boxes.

    Makes Working with Terms Templates Easy

    Use the dynamic content widgets to create the single listings for the terms. With the set of widgets for displaying dynamic fields, repeaters and images you’ll be able to make style up your terms according to your needs.

    Dynamic Field

    Dynamic Field widget is made for displaying the content from both meta fields and the post or term data, for posts and taxonomies listing templates. The widget pulls the data and displays it using the set style and content settings.

    Dynamic Image

    Dynamic Image widget provides opportunity to pull the thumbnail image or any other image added as the media in the meta field to showcase it on the pages built with Elementor. This is the dynamic widget that can be easily used for creating templates for custom post types and taxonomies.

    Dynamic Link widget helps in adding the links to the listings, that display the content from the predefined source.

    Dynamic Meta

    Dynamic Meta widget allows displaying the default meta information (usually needed for the posts), such as the publishing date, author and information about comments.

    Dynamic Repeater

    Dynamic Repeater widget is made for displaying repeating blocks set for the custom post types or taxonomies (this can be done in meta boxes or when you create a meta field and select the Repeater content type).

    Dynamic Terms

    Dynamic Terms widget provides opportunity to add the taxonomies to the custom post types. Use this widget to display the terms that are applied to the needed custom post listing.

    Listing and Grid Layouts

    Showcase the custom posts and terms in listing and grid layouts using the complex query methods and different layout structure that is easy to set.

  • Progress Map, Submit Location – WordPress Plugin (Add-ons)

    Progress Map, Submit Location – WordPress Plugin (Add-ons)

    Progress Map, submit location is an extension of Progress Map WordPress Plugin.
    This extension allows you to submit/add locations to the map from the frontend. You can create a form for each of your maps and display the form on the map or anywhere else in your website. The form can be extended by adding new tabs, sections, custom fields and (custom) taxonomies.

    There are more features that i’ll let you discover yourself by trying the demo. Enjoy & have fun!

    To use this plugin, you must install “Progress Map WordPress Plugin v3”!

  • Customized Put up Sorts and Taxonomies for Fusion Builder (Add-ons)

    Customized Put up Sorts and Taxonomies for Fusion Builder (Add-ons)

    Turn you WordPress blog into the Content Management System

    Custom Post Types and Taxonomies For Fusion Builder is a WordPress plugin for the Fusion Builder which is the default visual page builder for the Avada theme. Now you can turn your WordPress site with Fusion Builder (Avada Theme) into the real Content Management System with no custom development.

    This plugin extends the Fusion Builder Blog shortcode to work with any Custom Post Types, Custom Taxonomies and Terms. With this plugin you will be able to put your own custom content in any place on the page the same way you can put blog posts with the original Blog shortcode. See the Demo.

    You can also use all the layouts and styles of the standard Blog shortcode with your own Custom Post Types or with the Custom Post Types of the third party plugins.

    Top Features

    • Enhances Fusion Builder Blog shortcode to any Custom Post Type (CPT)
    • Can use different layouts for CPTs (Large, Medium, Grid, Alternative)
    • Builds the list of all installed CPTs
    • Builds the list of all installed Custom Taxonomies
    • Shows only Taxonomies linked to the chosen CPTs
    • Can filter by Custom Terms of selected CPT and Taxonomy
    • Filtering works with both Include and exclude mode
    • Can show any Custom Terms in CPTs listings
    • Two different Taxonomies can be shown
    • Keeps all the other features of the Fusion Builder Blog shortcode

    How To Use

    After installing and activating the plugin go to Fusion Page Builder and drag the Blog shortcode to your Page. Open the schortcode options.

    The Plugin extends Avada’s Blog shortcode with 6 new options. The new options are shown here. Each option has a comment below its name that explains its usage. See example below:

  • Sensible Sitemap.xml Instruments (website positioning)

    Sensible Sitemap.xml Instruments (website positioning)

    Smart Sitemap.xml Tools plugin can build and server sitemap index and sitemap maps with the content of your website links according to Sitemaps specification used by most search engines including Google and Bing.

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    Request Full Demo

    Plugin doesn’t create sitemap files to save on your website, it serves virtual files with the sitemaps contents. This allows better flexibility, doesn’t require special write rights for your website root directory and it allows you to use plugin with multisite network websites.

    Plugin allows you to set rules for post types, taxonomies, date and author archives, custom links. Also, you can set rules for individual posts, terms and users. Plugin has many more useful features to make Sitemaps processing easier.

    Supported data types to use in Sitemap

    There are many things you can include inside the sitemap:

    • Default and custom post types (posts, pages, media)
    • Default and custom taxonomies archives (categories, post tags)
    • Date based archives (yearly, monthly, weekly, daily)
    • User based author archives
    • Custom links you can add through plugin settings

    For post types, you can enable inclusion of images attached to posts. Images inside sitemap are supported by Google search engine.

    Sitemap index and sitemaps that can include images

    Sitemap index and sitemaps that can include images
    Plugin generates basic sitemap index file linking individual sitemaps. All links are split into sitemap with up to 2000 (you can set this in plugin settings) links in a file.

    Transformation file for viewing sitemap in browser

    Transformation file for viewing sitemap in browser
    If you want to view sitemap in browser, plugin can add XSL transformation file that will process XML content of the sitemap into human readable page in browser. Search engines ignore XSLT file.

    Global map settings and invividual sitemaps control

    Global map settings and invividual sitemaps control
    Plugin has many settings you can use for better control over the sitemap generation. And, you can control priority and frequency for links in individual sitemaps. Finally, plugin allows you to set rules for individual posts, users and terms through additional meta boxes added to edit screens.

    Other Plugin Features Included

    • Extra panel to reset plugin settings including all custom rules.
    • Easy to use export and import for transferring settings from one website to another.
    • Support for Multisite WordPress mode, each website can set plugin on it’s own.
    • Support for translation and includes POT file.

    System and WordPress Requirements

    • PHP 5.2.4 or newer
    • WordPress 3.5 or newer
    • WordPress Permalinks enabled


    Plugin contains PDF user guide in the plugin package, inside the ‘docs’ directory. Check out this documentto get information on plugin options, usage and more.


    • If you have real sitemap.xml file in your folder root directory (from some other plugin or manually made), you need to either remove it, or change sitemap file name Smart Sitemap.xml Tools plugin creates.
    • This plugin can’t work if the Permalinks in WordPress are disabled, because it needs to add custom rewrite rules to serve sitemaps content.


    Version 1.0 / 2015.02.19.
    • First release

    Plugin WebsitePlugin ChangelogFollow on EnvatoAsk any Question

  • Submit Classes through Person for WordPress (Utilities)

    Submit Classes through Person for WordPress (Utilities)

    All support is handled through our online Help Center Like us on FacebookFollow us on TwitterAdd us to your circles on Google+Follow us on EnvatoGet the latest from RightHere

    Easily control which categories users can post to

    Post Categories by User for WordPress is a great little plugin that allow you to configure which Category users on your website can post to.

    We have thousands of customers who love our White Label Branding for WordPress, as it provides you with a wide range of options to customize your wp-admin for each user role.

    However many customers ask if it is possible to restrict which Categories that users on their website can post to. No need to look anywhere else. All you need is our Post Categories by User for WordPress.


    You can configure which Categories users can post to by individual User or by User Role, and we have also made sure that the plugin works with other taxonomies added by third-party plugins.

    After installing the plugin and activating it simply go to Users > Post Categories where you will find the Options.

    The General Settings tab allow you to configure the basic settings of the plugin. You can enable whether you want to restrict by User and/or by User Role.

    You can choose to hide terms in the metabox that the user can not use, and you can choose to automatically post to the restricted term if no term was defined. This is useful if you want to avoid posting without a category (term).

    You can remove the Taxonomy from the menu if this has been restricted from a user or user role, and you can hide the +Add in the category metabox, to prevent the user from creating new categories

    Post Category by User for WordPress - General Settings

    The Taxonomies tab lets you enable the Taxonomies you want to restrict by User Role or User. In the screenshot below you only see the default WordPress “Category”. However if you have other third-party plugins installed that adds their own Taxonomies, these will also show up, and you can enable restriction by User Role or User.

    Post Category by User for WordPress - Taxonomies

    Next step is to select the Categories you want provide access to. This can be done by User Role or by User if enabled.

    Post Category by User for WordPress - Category by Role

    If you have enabled by User restrictions you will see this in the profile of each user. Even Though a user has a specific User Role you can remove all restrictions for the individual user, or you can create specific restrictions for the user. This gives you a lot of flexibility.

    Post Category by User for WordPress - Restrictions by User

    The last tab in the Options panel is the License tab. You will find your License key (Item Purchase Code) on Codecanyon where you purchase the plugin. If you enter the License Key you will be able to update the plugin from inside wp-admin whenever we release updates.

    You will also be eligible for support if you have a valid License Key.

    Post Category by User for WordPress - License tab

    Change log

    Version – January 5, 2015

    • Bug Fixed: Empty categories not showing in user profile page
    • Bug Fixed: Removed some PHP Warnings

    Version – January 3, 2015

    • First release.
  • wordpress Tremendous Search (Utilities)

    wordpress Tremendous Search (Utilities)

    WP Super Search is designed for WordPress users on order to easily control search results for posts, pages, taxonomies and especially Woo Commerce, WP eCommerce and bbPress data and custom fields. Plugin gets all the website data and gives you the possibility to choose how you want to improve your search results.

    Features are:

    • Instant setup & integration
    • ALL kind of Taxonomies and Post Types (Post, Pages etc)
    • Title, Content, Excerpt, Slug, Category, Tags, Comments etc
    • Any Type of Custom Fields
    • WooCommerce Integration
    • WP eCommerce Integration
    • bbPress Integration
    • Able to exclude specific data
    • Work with WordPress Default Search

    No need for any customization in the code, just activate the plugin for your website and choose how you want to show search results.

    Live Demo

    Click here for Demo
    user: demo
    pass: demo