Tag: stylesheet

  • Easy Custom JS and CSS – Theme Customization for WordPress (Utilities)

    Easy Custom JS and CSS – Theme Customization for WordPress (Utilities)


    Customize your WordPress site’s appearance by easily adding custom CSS and JS code without even having to modify your theme or plugin files. This is perfect to tweak your site.

    Often when a theme or plugin updates it overwrites an old version of styles. That means anything you’d customized right in the code would be lost, potentially breaking your site depending on just what you’d changed. WordPress Easy Custom JS & CSS plugin lets you add custom javascript code, css custom styles and html markup to your site separately.

    If you don’t use a child theme and need to insert some customizations, you can take advantage of the inbuilt editor and easily create and insert custom css and js code into the header or footer. Once code is saved, it immediately influences the workings of your site.

    Since the code contained within the plugin is separate from your theme, it will be unaffected by the theme updating. If you do break something playing around, all you have to do is go back into the plugin interface and change a wrong item.


    Also the plugin has a powerful filter editor for creating complex rules. They are convenient to use when you want to include your custom code for a specific url, post, page, device, os, browser, also it will be useful to execute js or css at a concrete date, time, day of week and etc.


    Well, it’s a good theme and plugin customizer and a perfect solution to add additional styles and js codes to your site.

    Feature List

    • The code editor with syntax highlighting
    • The rich filter builder to construct inclusion rules
    • Include custom css and js code on the basis of a filter
    • Use inline embed method or include code as an external file
    • Custom css and js code can be in the header or footer area
    • Use custom javascript code and css styles inside the user or admin side or both
    • Minify JasaScript code and CSS styles to reduce file size
    • Support SCSS and LESS preprocessors
    • All editors use AJAX saving to avoid reloading
    • Create as many codes as you want
    • The code is served from the filesystem instead of the database for better performance
    • Help via Email
    • and so more..

    [thank you]

    Version 1.1.0 12/06/2018

    - First release

  • WordPress JS & CSS Everywhere! (Utilities)

    WordPress JS & CSS Everywhere! (Utilities)

    The WordPress JS & CSS Everywhere! allows you to add CSS, Javascript code directly in any post, page or custom post! The custom codes will rendered in frontend page!

    Note: The plugin, like WordPress, requires a minimum 5.5 PHP version.


    user: demo
    pass: demo

    How it works

    The plugin allows you to embed CSS and Javascript code into any page (or just in the selected ones). It can be done through the <stron>Global code feature or directly by editing the page/post/custom post you need. Main features:

    1. Text editor with syntax highlighting
    2. Print the code inline or included an external file
    3. Print the code in the header or the footer
    4. Add as many codes as you want in any frontend page
    5. Keep your changes also when you change the theme

    Global code

    Through the main Js & CSS Everywhere! you will be able to create Code objects by which you can define the:

    1. Custom Javascript/CSS code and where it has to be included (footer or header)
    2. External Javscript/CSS libraries that have to be included (footer or header>
    3. Visibility options: Optionally you can specify where have to be included and specify a visibility filter (by page, post, url, …)

    Pages, Posts and Custom pots!

    Code can be included by directly editing any page, post or custom post (like WooCommerce products, BuddyPress, etc.). You will find the Js & CSS Everywhere! metaboxes that allow you to embed the code you need!


    Global code


    Meta boxes added to pages


    Meta boxes added to any custom post (Example: posts, woocommerce products, etc.)


    = 1.0 - 14.05.18 =
    * First release
  • WordPress JS & CSS Everywhere! (Utilities)

    WordPress JS & CSS Everywhere! (Utilities)

    The WordPress JS & CSS Everywhere! allows you to add CSS, Javascript code directly in any post, page or custom post! The custom codes will rendered in frontend page!

    Note: The plugin, like WordPress, requires a minimum 5.5 PHP version.


    user: demo
    pass: demo

    How it works

    The plugin allows you to embed CSS and Javascript code into any page (or just in the selected ones). It can be done through the <stron>Global code feature or directly by editing the page/post/custom post you need. Main features:

    1. Text editor with syntax highlighting
    2. Print the code inline or included an external file
    3. Print the code in the header or the footer
    4. Add as many codes as you want in any frontend page
    5. Keep your changes also when you change the theme

    Global code

    Through the main Js & CSS Everywhere! you will be able to create Code objects by which you can define the:

    1. Custom Javascript/CSS code and where it has to be included (footer or header)
    2. External Javscript/CSS libraries that have to be included (footer or header>
    3. Visibility options: Optionally you can specify where have to be included and specify a visibility filter (by page, post, url, …)

    Pages, Posts and Custom pots!

    Code can be included by directly editing any page, post or custom post (like WooCommerce products, BuddyPress, etc.). You will find the Js & CSS Everywhere! metaboxes that allow you to embed the code you need!


    Global code


    Meta boxes added to pages


    Meta boxes added to any custom post (Example: posts, woocommerce products, etc.)


    = 1.0 - 14.05.18 =
    * First release
  • CTL Tweaker – Customise your wp theme with out coding (Utilities)

    CTL Tweaker – Customise your wp theme with out coding (Utilities)

    Are you unsatisfied with your WordPress theme?

    The current colors or fonts are not in line with your corporate image?

    You’d like to modify your theme style but you don’t know where to start?

    You are in the right place!

    CTL Tweaker allows you to customize your theme without coding!

    Before purchasing please read the documentation.

    With CTL Tweaker you can:

    • Customize every single part of your pages
      Surf all the pages disabling the inspector.
    • Edit all you want in few clicks
    • Suited for Beginners and Advanced users
      A css editor along with the visual one, to get the full control of the styles.
    • Edit the WordPress Login Page easily
    • Create unlimited customizations
      You’ll be free to enable/disable your customizations!
    • Import/export your settings
      Import/Export your styles in other websites that are using CTL Tweaker.
    • Responsive Styles
      Set the breakpoints at your styles to get a better multi-devices experience.
    • 50+ CSS Properties
    • 700+ Google Fonts
    • 100% Compatible
      CTL Tweaker works with all themes and plugins.

    Minimum Requirements

    • PHP 4.3
    • WordPress 4.5.3
    • HTML5
    • Javascript / jQuery

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  • My Customized Kinds PRO (Utilities)

    My Customized Kinds PRO (Utilities)

    “My Custom Styles PRO” is a premium WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to easily and safely add your custom styles (CSS code) to WordPress website’s <head> section, directly out of your WordPress Dashboard, without any need of an external editor. This is a “PRO” version of the plugin “My Custom Styles”. More features, more power. Unlimited number of snippets, Trigger for temporary disable the certain snippets, Automatic backup of all snippets to a file, CSS minifier, etc.

    It’s purpose is to provide a familiar experience to WordPress users. No need anymore to editing a files of your theme and/or plugins for to add custom CSS code. Just add your CSS code in the field on the plugin page and this plugin will do the rest for you.

    It’s really useful in case of any theme/plugin update, because your custom CSS code would never be overwritten. Your custom CSS code will keep on working, no matter how many times you upgrade or switch your theme.

    On the plugin page you find the CSS editor powered by CodeMirror. It have syntax highlighting and line numbering options. Also this editor support a tab indentation.


    • Responsive & Mobile optimized settings page
    • Unlimited number of snippets
    • CSS minifier
    • Automatic backup of all snippets to a file
    • Trigger for temporary disable the certain snippets
    • Syntax highlighting (by CodeMirror)
    • Line numbering
    • Active line highlighting
    • Editor allow for tab indentation
    • Button for collapse/expand the field with code
    • Sidebar items can be collapsed or expanded
    • Ready for translation (POT file included)
    • Well documented

    Coming soon:

    • Reload the settings page at same position after pushing the save button
    • Multisite network support
    • Got more ideas? Tell me!


    • English (default)
    • Russian

  • Media Displays CSS (Utilities)

    Media Displays CSS (Utilities)

    Media Screens CSS plugin now allows you to write CSS for any device or screens for any post/page via CSS Query Interface or Visual Composer interface.


    • Write CSS for Devices and/or Media Screens
    • Define Unlimited Media Screens
    • Visual Composer Extension Included
    • Toggle Visual Composer Elements
    • Completely hookable and filterable for developers
  • Visible Styler –  customise your web site straightforward (Utilities)

    Visible Styler – customise your web site straightforward (Utilities)

    VISUAL STYLER allows you to customize any element on your WordPress website using friendly visual interface with live preview.

    You can change almost any CSS rule, eg. color, background, border, font size and so on.
    Also you can set specific CSS rules for mouse-hover state and responsive breakpoints (mobile screens, tablets and large screens).

    You can see history of all changes and edit/disable or delete any change that you have made.

    This plugin is compatible with all WordPress themes, WooCommerce and works fine on WordPress Multisite Installations.


    – Change style of any element on the your website;
    – Friendly visual editor with live preview;
    – Flexible element path editor;
    – Responsive breakpoints for mobile devices;
    – Option panel which allows you to preview your website on mobile devices;
    – Changes history;
    – Works with all themes;
    – Compatible with WooCommerce and WordPress Multisites;
    – Export generated CSS code;