Tag: sql

  • Jsearch – Contacts and Particular person Information Search in JSON File (Miscellaneous)

    Jsearch – Contacts and Particular person Information Search in JSON File (Miscellaneous)

    Pjsear Searchable Autocomplete Elastic Input Plugin

    • Search Contacts, Person Info and e.t.c.
    • Semantic-Ui Framework
    • Elastic SVG Input
    • Search Multiple Variables
    • Datas in From Json File
    • Rtl Support
    • Change Background Easly
    • Using Typeahead.js

    Included Documentation File

  • livecube .NET library (Miscellaneous)

    livecube .NET library (Miscellaneous)

    Livecubelib.net is a .NET general purpose library that has been developed in VB.NET for the framework 4.0 and above.

    What you’ll get

    You get a livecube.dll and a complete source code project developed VB.net using Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition.

    What you’ll find in the library

    You’ll find 85 functions and 5 classes for a total of 90 very useful general purposes tools well designed and explained classificated in:

    • 27 Date and Time Management
    • 23 String Management
    • 11 SQL and Dataset Management
    • 9   Number Management
    • 15 Image Manipulation
    • 5   Classes


    To install simply download the included file livecube_net.zip and include library into your project. The source code has been compiled with .NET Framework 4 and Visual Studio Community Edition 2015.

    For other needs, simply copy the code .vb into your project.
    For any other reason, open a ticket.

    How to use

    All the functions and classes are separated by sections and well explained in the documentation that you can find at Livecube.Net Documentation.


    For any Question and Trouble please open a ticket at http://support.byteproject.it/trouble-tickets/ Please contact us for any suggestion, feedback, new enhancements or bug fixing.


    1.0 - This is the first release
  • Scrum Planner (Undertaking Administration Instruments)

    Scrum Planner (Undertaking Administration Instruments)

    Scrum Planner is the Project management tool to use sprint planning. It includes the Sprint Planning and Task Module.

    1. Management of your day to day project management activities
    2. Clean view of all Sprints, Tasks
    3. Fully Responsive Mobile/Tablet Friendly Design
    4. See which tasks are assigned to whom
    5. Update the status to keep track of Sprints and Tasks.
    6. Cleaver/Advance/Fast Search for Sprint and Tasks.
    7. Everything is build on Angular JS, extremely user friendly.
    8. Single Page to manage your all actions.
    9. Sprint – List of Sprints, Add/Modify Sprints, Delete Sprints, Clear Search
    10. Tasks – Add the tasks for the Sprint, Delete Tasks, List Tasks with cleaver Search

    1. ASP.Net MVC – 4.6+ (Controllers, Models, Views, View Models)
    2. Entity Framework – Database first approach
    3. JQuery, Angular JS MVC
    4. HTML5/CSS 3
    5. Fully mobile/tablet friendly design.

    Please contact us for any suggestion, feedback, new enhancements or bug fixing.

  • SQL Helper (Database Abstractions)

    SQL Helper (Database Abstractions)

    What is SQL Helper?

    I’m sharing this with the world because we need another way to access data – don’t you think? Truthfully – I wanted to see if I could flex the C# stuff and run up data access with a single dll and signle line of functions.


    • Fetch data with signle line of functions
    • Fetch data with custome column’s name
    • Fetch data with sorting
    • Fetch data with diffrent type of joins
    • Fetch data with paging
    • SQL error handling
    • Full dll source code – (You can customize as your own way)
    • Development time saving… :)

    Demo Code

    • Select All Rows With All function

    • Fetch data with Select function

      dTable.Select("TableName", "Columns");
      dTable.Select("TableName", "Columns", "Where");
      dTable.Select("TableName", "Columns", "Sort", "SortType");
      dTable.Select("TableName", "Columns", "Where", "Sort", "SortType");

      Select function is very usefull and it has five overload methods.
      All parameters description is above this function.

    • Fetch data with Where function

      dTable.Where("TableName", "Where");
      dTable.Where("TableName", "Where", "Columns");
      dTable.Where("TableName", "Where", "Columns", "Sort", "SortType");
    • Fetch data with OrderBy function

      dTable.OrderBy("TableName", "Sort", "SortType");
      dTable.OrderBy("TableName", "Sort", "SortType", "Columns");
      dTable.OrderBy("TableName", "Sort", "SortType", "Columns", "Where");
    • Fetch data with Paged function

      dTable.Paged("TableName", "PageIndex", "PageSize");
      dTable.Paged("TableName", "PageIndex", "PageSize", "Columns");
      dTable.Paged("TableName", "PageIndex", "PageSize", "Columns", , "Where");
      dTable.Paged("TableName", "PageIndex", "PageSize", "Columns", , "Where", "Sort", "SortType");

      You can fetch data with paging and you paging result will return with MyResult class.
      PageIndex you require to pass your current page index. which you require to show in list.
      PageSize pass your current page size.


    Once again, As I said at the beginning, I’d be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this code.
    I’ll do my best to assist. If you have a more general question relating to the code on CodeCanyon,
    you might contact me at here. Thanks so much!.

    For new features:

    Though we will never discourage users from developing solutions that solve their needs,
    the goals of the SQL Helper are very focused. If you are looking to get new features merged back into the SQL Helper DLL,
    we highly encourage you to contact me at ajmerainfo@gmail.com or write
    comment on my CodeCanyon this product page.


    hit counters
    hit counter

  • Consumer Administration (.NET)

    Consumer Administration (.NET)

    User Management is an ASP.NET based web application basically designed to manage users and their respective roles and permissions over a website. It can also be integrated with other projects. For the .NET developers it’s easy to create any web application using this system

    This application is developed on .NET Framework 4.0 using Asp.net, C#, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS and SQL Server 2008 R2

    Basically there are two types of roles in this application, one is “Admin” and other one is “user”


    • Secure user login
    • Remember Me feature on login
    • Interactive Dashboard
    • User-friendly graphical reports
    • Encrypted URL to avoid unwanted users from accessing others users information


    • Can perform any operation (has all permissions)
    • Access dashboard
    • Donut chart do display user statistics
    • Line chart to display registered users
    • View activities of users
    • Create new users
    • Delete users
    • Edit user details
    • Upload user photo
    • View all users
    • Search users
    • Setting up permissions for the users over selected web pages
    • Suspend /Resume users


    • Users have access over the web pages within the web application based on the permission / privileges assigned to them
    • View their own profile
    • Modify personal information
    • Modify / Remove photo
    • Modify password

    Customers Review

    “Very good quality. I like so much because it’s very simple for use and implementation. Thank you so much. I support your code in future because it’s very useful and pretty.”

    by Marcello Savorani for Code Quality

    Give it a test run


    Admin login credentials:
    Username: admin
    Password: admin

    User login credentials:
    Username: user

  • Roles Primarily based Get admission to Keep watch over(RBAC) in ASP.NET MVC (Membership or Authentication Instruments)

    Roles Primarily based Get admission to Keep watch over(RBAC) in ASP.NET MVC (Membership or Authentication Instruments)

    Roles Based Access Control (RBAC) is an approach to restricting system access to authorised users. This mechanism can be used to protect users from accessing parts of the system that they do not need. It also can be used to restrict access to data which they do not need to see.

    Using technologies :
    ASP.NET MVC 4, MS SQL, EntityFramework, Boostrap 3, JQuery

    Features :
    Roles Base Acces Control, ASP .NET MVC Acl Management, Create, Edit, Delete Users, roles, permissions,
    Change/Reset Users password, Assign and manage Roles and permissions

    For the test just enter the url : http://medodesign-001-site1.ctempurl.com (admin/123456; demo/1234; test/1234)

  • FSQM Professional Simple SQL – Export Submissions to Database (Add-ons)

    FSQM Professional Simple SQL – Export Submissions to Database (Add-ons)

    Online Admin DemoDocumentation & Startup GuideOnline Support

    FSQM Pro Easy SQL is an addon for our WordPress Feedback, Survey & Quiz Manager Pro plugin. It allows you to directly export submissions to a dedicated database table on the go.

    Easy SQL Addon works alongside with FSQM Pro, without modifying the core. If active, during every form submission and updation, it checks for its relevant entry on the export table, and if not found or required, it adds or updates the record corresponding to the submission. Each question element of the form gets its own column and every row of the table represents a submission.

    Once the submissions are saved in their own database table, you can perform a bunch of SQL operations on them directly. This essentially removes all limitations you’ve had with FSQM’s own serialized data storage system.

    Key Features:

    • Record directly to a database table as submissions occur.
    • Every column would represent a question element and rows would represent submissions.
    • Optionally limit to keep past n days records to the database.
    • Optionally limit total number of records to be kept in the database.
    • Browse and search through submissions directly from administrator area.
    • Export database to XLSX file on the go.


    Version 1.0.0 (1 Feb, 2016)

    * Initial Release
  • WordPress to CSV Export Plugin (Utilities)

    WordPress to CSV Export Plugin (Utilities)

    WordPress to CSV Export plugin is a very useful tool for anybody who wants to export data from WordPress to CSV file. Plugin works on all recent AitThemes starting from Creator theme upwards, ending with Business Finder theme. You can export data from any WordPress Custom Type we have. For example plugin can be used to export Directory Theme items, Ristorante Theme menus, Testimonials and so on. Plugin can be also used to export posts and pages.

    Please note that this plugin will only import data to AIT WordPress Themes from Creator theme upwards, ending with Business Finder theme. Import to other 3rd party themes will not work.

    Fully tested on our directory themes:

    CSV to WordPress bulk import plugin available for Directory theme:

    CSV to WordPress Import plugin is a very useful tool for anybody who wants to bulk import data from CSV file to Directory WordPress Theme. Plugin works on all recent AIT WordPress Themes starting from Creator theme upwards. Plugin is not included in the package, it needs to be purchased separately.

    Google Maps and Category Icon sets custom built for Directory & Business Finder WordPress Themes


    115 unique custom built business Google Maps pins and Category Icons in 12 or 15 different colors. 1380 or 1725 PNG icons in total ready to be uploaded to your Directory or Business Finder website. Icons are specially designed for our Directory and Business Finder WordPress Themes look and feel. You can however use it on any website.

    Plugin Features:

    • One click export data from WordPress to CSV
    • Plugin will automatically generates CSV file for current theme
    • Supports all AIT custom types
    • Supports Custom type Categories
    • Supports multiple Categories and Locations
    • Exported CSV can be imported with CSV to WordPress Import Plugin without any modification
    • Fully working in our last 26+ themes, starts with creator theme
    • Online and Offline Documentation
    • Free support via support forum
    • Free plugin updates

    WordPress Plugins by AitThemes.com

  • Multi-Publish Importer Plugin (Utilities)

    Multi-Publish Importer Plugin (Utilities)

    XLSX or XLS to WordPress Import plugin is a very useful tool for anybody who wants to bulk import data from XLSX or XLS file to WordPress.
    This plugin can be used by SEO specialists and bloggers who need automatic process with importing data from Excel (xls, xlsx) files to WordPress posts.
    Use of this plugin you can add a many Posts and its features at one time: publishing date and time, title, author, tags, custom fields, destination website screenshots. Also, plugin can import any number of posts without limitation and additional server setting-up or its files (e.g. php.ini).
    You don’t have to wait for plugin ending operation but you always can check current plugin status on the main plugin page.