Tag: social media

  • MonsterTV – plugin to create good banners with movement photos for WordPress (Promotion)

    MonsterTV banners are based on the elementary scheme: attraction of users attention through nice animated graphics, hitting the target audience through the informative text and offering the Target-Action.

    It is almost like LEGO. You don’t need to worry about details. Just be engaged in creative activity – choose and combine. The thematic presets and library of fresh resourceful motion graphics can save your time and money. Look at Screenshots
    or Live preview.

    If you don’t found suitable animation, you can create it by yourself by using Adobe After Effects. Tutorial is included in plugin files.

    Or can write to me in the comments. I will do what you want.

    Any banner can be displayed as a widgetbox or as a modal window (popup). Enter the shortcode between existing text content of any WordPress page for local displaying or inside of standard “Text widget” for global displaying.

    The Tracker calculate the number of successful clicks on target links. It’s only effective indicator of users conversion.

    New animated graphics. New banner compositions. My interest is a development of motion design skills and improvement of this product for users.

    Feature list of actual plugin version.

    • 13 banner layouts are built in the three-colored scheme
    • Special layout that displays animation without additional elements. 100% in width of parent container until full screen state.
    • 3 overlay styles:
      – Light (The site content looks colourless, blurry and light).
      – Dark (Looks like previous one but dark).
      – Colored (experimental style with an animated color of background).
    • 50 unique vector illustrations with small looped animation on topics:
      – Youtube, 15.
      – Vimeo, 8.
      – Facebook, 2.
      – Donation, 8.
      – Downloads, 6.
      – Message, 9.
      – Other, 2.
    • Information about animation:
      – File format: JSON SVG.
      – Average file size: 70 Kb.
      – Rendering method: canvas (default) or dynamic SVG.
      – Animation loops: infinite (default) or a custom number.
      – Frames frequency: around 60 FPS on modern devices
        (it’s better than GIF, especially for mobile devices).
      – Ideal clarity of the image because this is vector graphics.
    • Cloud-based delivery of all animation files (CDN technology).
    • Opportunity to use customized animation. You can upload your own animation file to the MonsterTV. Tutorial “How to do it” is included in plugin files.
    • Opportunity to use external pics. You can provide a link to any external animation file in the Internet. For example, you can use any GIF image from giphy.com.
    • 20 ready-to-use banner presets on topics:
      – To attract new subscribers to your Youtube, Vimeo and Facebook profile.
      – To support yours Startups.
      – To pay attention to some of yours digital products.
      – To offer a bonus for your website users.
      – The Social advertisement.
      – To publish any important message.
      – To say something nice for humanity.
    • Any quantity of ad campaigns with separated banners and popups.
    • Mobile first – a strategy for adaptivity of banner layouts. Focus on mobile traffic.

    • Hernan Torrisi for the great bodymovin plugin under the MIT License.

  • Instaposter Bills scheduler – PHP Script (Social Networking)

    Instaposter is a lite and easy web-based tool that helps you to manage your posts to your multi instagram accounts. from any devices ( Desktop, Mobile phone or tablets ).

    Support / Questions / Suggestions

    Please Email us using the Support contact form


    – Multi-User system
    – Multi-facebook accounts
    – No Mysql DB needed
    – No Instagram Application needed
    – Super Easy and simple installation
    – Super Easy user interface
    – Instagram post preview before posting in real
    – Schedule posts
    – Save post

    Note : You cannot charge users for using this script with the Regular license. Kindly buy the Extended license for commercial use of this script.

    DEMO – http://instaposter.net/demo

    -- Admin --
    Username: admin
    Password : admin
    -- User --
    Feel free to create your own account :)

    Update history

    Version 1.0.0 (Nov 20, 2016):

    Initial Release

    Tags : facebook,fb,auto poster, autoposter, compaign, facebook, facebook group poster, facebook post, facebook poster, group poster, post planner, poster, posters, shedule post, social networking, social, post, facebook auto post, Facebook Multi Group ,Multi Group Poster, Erning money, instagram, marketing, schedule,Social tool, instagram tool, instagram, instagram auto post, instagram schedule, instagam

  • wordpress Put up Instruments – Totally computerized search engine marketing helper on your auto blogging plugin! (Utilities)

    wordpress Put up Instruments – Totally computerized search engine marketing helper on your auto blogging plugin! (Utilities)


    There are several auto blogging plugins that can be used with WordPress. An auto blogging plugin, such as an RSS plugin or WP Content Crawler, is used to automatically get content from other sites to your WordPress site. You can get content from other sites, but, most of the time, you cannot automatically edit those automatically saved posts. WP Post Tools offers a few tools that can be used to automatically edit those posts. The plugin can work with any auto blogging plugin.

    The auto blog plugin has to use WordPress’ wp_insert_post function to save the posts or trigger the save_post hook after it saves a post. Since this is the WordPress way to create a post, most of the plugins probably do it that way. If you have concerns about this, please ask the developer of the auto blog plugin you use about this to make sure.

    How it works

    When your auto blogging plugin creates a post on your site, WP Post Tools interrupts the save operation by making the post’s status ‘draft’. Then, it applies the edits you configured, and turns the status of the post back to its original, which is most probably ‘publish’. So, it edits automatically saved posts and publish them, automatically.

    Video tutorials

    The video tutorials that you can find in the playlist below cover almost every aspect of the plugin and they will help you understand how the plugin works.

    Available in two languages, ready for translation

    Existing tools

    There are several tools which can be grouped as templates, images, videos, social media, and advertisements.

    1. Templates

    A template is a text that can contain short codes that the plugin offers or any other text or HTML you want. For example, you can use a post title template to create/change a post title, or post content template to create/change a post content. Inside those templates, you can use several short codes. You can define more than one template for a, let’s say, post title. In that case, the plugin will use one of the templates you defined randomly. So, you can define, for example, 10 post title templates.

    1.1 Short codes

    The plugin makes it possible to include almost any post data into almost any template. For example, you can use post categories in the title, post content in meta description, post tags in meta keywords, or even post content in post title and so on. The short codes can have several attributes. For example, you can make the post title all uppercase, make only the first chars of the words uppercase, cut the text by words, word percentage or even sentence percentage, add ellipsis to cut texts, limit the number of categories a post can have and a lot more.

    One of the most powerful short codes is “conditional phrase” short codes. You can use those to conditionally show something. For example, you can show “code canyon” when the post content contains “wordpress”. Again, you can use that short code in any template. So, you can add “wordpress” tag to a post when the post content contains “envato”. The only limit is your imagination when you use this short code.

    Another powerful short code is “random phrase” short code. You can define several random phrases for a short code. Then, when you include the short code in a template, it will be replaced with one of the phrases you defined for that short code. Again, how you will use this depends on your imagination.

    2. Images

    The plugin can add a related image for a post. You can define image folders and relate them with a keyword or phrase. For example, you can create an image folder named as “health”, put some apple or doctor photos in it, and use that folder when a post’s title contains “health”. So, in case that there is a post whose title contains “health”, the plugin can add one of the images in “health” folder.

    It can also write some texts onto the image. You can use the short codes to define the text that will be written onto the image. There are several styling options available as well. Please watch the video tutorial to understand the image creation better.

    3. Videos

    The plugin can create a video for a post and upload it to YouTube. For this to work, you need to install FFmpeg library to your server and include a few libraries for it as well. You can make sure the libraries are activated properly using “system check” page of the plugin.

    So, the plugin can use the images you defined in “images” section along with the images inside a post and make them a slideshow video by adding a background audio and some text. Again, you can define the texts using the short codes. There are several styling options available as well. Please watch the video tutorial to understand the video creation better.

    4. Social Media

    The plugin is able to share the posts on Facebook and Twitter. You can define the share texts using the templates and short codes. Since you might not want to share every post on social media, the plugin offers you a “popular posts” option, using which you can define the minimum number of views that a post should have so that it can be published. Please watch the video tutorial to understand the social media options better.

    5. Advertisements

    This tool can be used to show related affiliate products or any other advertisements for a post. The plugin can show manually created advertisement codes, or it can show products from a web site. For example, you can configure the plugin to show “android figures” from Amazon when the post content contains “android”. Please watch the video tutorial to understand the advertisements better.

    Other things

    The plugin can also

    • spin texts
    • find and replace (it is possible to use regex as well) in post content, excerpt, title, tags, meta title, description and keywords
    • add links to defined phrases
    • remove unwanted phrases
    • boost related posts
    • change post category depending on phrases
    • add tags depending on phrases
    • extract tags from post title
    • use custom RSS feed to export edited content to another site
    • show bonus videos
    • make different configurations for different categories

    and do several other handy things.


    • Ready to translate (.po file)
    • Get updates from your WP admin panel

    Final notes

    This plugin makes it possible to fully automate post editing. It offers several tools to help you implement your SEO techniques. How you can use the provided tools depends on your imagination. With combination of WP Post Tools and an auto blog plugin, you can fully automate your blog.

    For more information on how the plugin works or how it is used, you can watch the video tutorials, read the documentation or check out the demo.

    System Requirements


    PHP >= 5.6, mbstring, allow_url_fopen

    Optional for video creation to work

    exec, FFmpeg library (with libraries enabled: gpl, libass, libfdk-aac, libfreetype, libfontconfig, libfribidi, libmp3lame, libopus, libtheora, libvorbis, libvpx, libx264, libx265, nonfree)

    Feature list

    Below are the main but not all features of the plugin.

    • Import/export almost every setting.
    • Test almost every setting.

    1. General

    • Activate/deactivate auto editing
    • Select suitable/unsuitable categories for auto editing
    • Extract tags from post title
    • Set maximum meta title/description length
    • Add ellipsis to long meta titles/descriptions
    • Set maximum number of meta keywords
    • Set maximum number of tags
    • Set maximum number of tags that can be extracted from the title
    • Set maximum number of post categories
    • Set maximum number of phrases that can be linked in the post content
    • Link phrases on run time or hard link them
    • Set minimum and maximum tag/meta keyword length
    • Set post meta keys for meta title, meta description and meta keywords so that you can set meta information of the post for any SEO plugin you have
    • Set suitable post types for auto editing
    • Activate the RSS feed that you can get detailed post information to export auto edited posts to other sites
    • Set post categories depending on the phrases the post has in its title or content.
    • Create templates for post title, excerpt, content, tags, meta title, meta description and meta keywords. You can create unlimited number of templates for each one to randomize.
    • Find and replace in post title, excerpt, content, tags, meta title, meta description and meta keywords.
    • Find and replace using regular expressions.
    • Use “find and replace” options for text-spinning.
    • Set post tags depending on the phrases the post has in its title or content.
    • Add links to phrases in the post content.
    • Create phrases that you can use randomly in the templates.
    • Create phrases for the short code that will show what you want only if some phrases exist in post title, excerpt, content, tags, meta title, meta description or meta keywords.
    • Set unwanted phrases so that they are removed from the content.
    • Boost related posts.
    • Create your own boost post template and add your custom CSS.

    2. Images

    • Activate/deactivate auto image creation.
    • Add a random related image to the posts.
    • Add the image as a featured image.
    • Add the image to the post content.
    • Delete old featured images automatically to use your disk space effectively.
    • Write texts onto the image using templates and short codes.
    • Change color of the texts and text backgrounds, add border to the images, set border color, set the font of the texts.
    • Add a related image to the post depending on the phrases the post has in its title or content.

    3. Videos

    • Activate/deactivate auto video creation.
    • Set suitable/unsuitable categories for auto video creation.
    • Upload videos to YouTube channels.
    • Delete videos after they are uploaded to use the disk space effectively.
    • Set minimum view count for the posts for which a video can be created.
    • Set maximum number of popular posts that can be added to video creation queue each time.
    • Set video title, description and tags using the templates and short codes.
    • Set a text template that will be used to create the text that will be written onto the video.
    • Set minimum display duration for an image.
    • Set duration per word, to make sure the texts are shown long enough for the viewer to read.
    • Add intro/outro videos.
    • Set video size, background color, font, percentage of the area that will be used to show the texts, text color, text background color, font size, image fade color.
    • Add a related background audio to the video depending on the existence of some phrases in the post’s title or content.
    • Upload to several YouTube channels.
    • Set video category.
    • Add bonus YouTube videos to the posts.

    4. Social Media

    • Activate/deactivate automatic sharing.
    • Share on several Facebook and/or Twitter pages/accounts.
    • Set minimum view count for the posts that can be shared.
    • Set maximum number of popular posts that can be added to share queue each time.
    • Create share texts using templates and short codes.

    5. Adverisements

    • Activate/deactivate advertisements
    • Set maximum ad title and text length.
    • Open ads in new window.
    • Add ad links “nofollow”.
    • Add additional CSS to ad codes.
    • Create ad groups.
    • Activate/deactivate an ad group.
    • Set an ad group as fallback.
    • Add additional CSS to ad groups.
    • Show ads of an ad group in specific posts.
    • Show ads depending on the phrases the post’s title, excerpt, content, tags, categories, meta title, meta description and/or meta keywords contain.
    • Show ads/affiliate products from other web sites.
    • Add custom URL parameters to the URLs of the ads retrieved from other web sites.
    • Get an ad from target web site if it contains/starts with/matches the phrases you define.
    • Remove unnecessary elements from the ads retrieved from other web sites.
    • Find and replace in codes of the ads retrieved from other web sites.
    • Add manual ad codes to an ad group.
    • Show an ad full width and single.
    • Import/export ad group settings.
    • Define custom general fallback ad codes.
    • Make custom general fallback ad codes full width and single.

    6. Tester

    • Test auto edit, video creation, advertisements and bonus videos for a post.
    • See before and after the edit side by side in the tester.

    7. Tools

    • Edit/revert a post.
    • Remove boost post data.
    • Create a video for a post.
    • Remove the video from a post.
    • Remove bonus video data from a post.
    • Remove saved Facebook pages, Twitter accounts and YouTube channels.
    • Create manual ad codes.
    • Invalidate caches for the URLs used to retrieve advertisements.

    8. Logs

    • See almost everything happening in the background.
    • Set a refresh interval to see changes while they are happening.
    • Download logs.

    9. System Check

    • See if your system satisfies the requirements for the plugin.


    v1.0.0 - First release
  • Cuckoo: Viral, Information, Journal WordPress Theme (Wpblog / Journal)

    Cuckoo: Viral, Information, Journal WordPress Theme (Wpblog / Journal)

    Cuckoo is a viral, news, magazine WordPress theme that has full BuddyPress and bbPress integration. Set up a viral website with total user interaction with front-end post submission, front-end login/registration, vote up/down posts, BuddyPress social features and bbPress forums.

    Key Features

    More Key Features

    Trending Posts
    The theme utilises the WordPress Popular Posts plugin to display your trending posts. Unlike most plugins or themes trending posts are based on the number of post views over a specific time range (last day, week etc.) instead of displaying the number of views from all the time.

    Vote Up/Down Posts
    Cuckoo allows you to vote up or down any post/page and order items by most likes.

    Front-end and Social Login
    Cuckoo comes with an entire front-end login, registration and lost password interface so the user never sees the WordPress login page. It also works seamlessly with the WordPress Social Login plugin so your users can login via Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc.

    Profile Link/Notifications Counter
    Cuckoo gives you the ability to add the logged in user’s profile link to your menus and add the BuddyPress notifications counter beside it so users can keep track of who’s sent them a message, friend request etc.

    MailChimp Custom Newsletter Form
    Works with the MailChimp for WordPress plugin and comes with its own custom newsletter form.

    Multiple Advertisement Areas
    Cuckoo allows you to add leaderboard ads in the header and footer of the site which are fully responsive.

    Multiple Page Headers
    Select from 3 different types of page header including standard, fullwidth and full page. You can also add videos in your page header that play in the background and when clicked load a full video.

    Ajax Filtering
    Ajax filtering allows you to move from page to page without reloading the page improving page load time. You can also filter posts by category, date, comments, views, title and date range.

    Sticky Sidebars
    Cuckoo comes with Theia Sticky Sidebar plugin (worth $18) that allows your sidebar to become permanently visible so it moves down the page as the user scrolls through the content. This great for ads and other information that you want to keep in view all the time.

    Retina Ready
    Cuckoo ensures your website looks sharp on high resolution devices by swapping normal resolution for high resolution images and utilises HTML5, CSS3, and icon fonts that don’t distort with larger resolutions displays.

    Search Engine Optimization
    Cuckoo is built with the latest SEO practices in mind. Semantic HTML5 for better search result placement, schema markup of all content, correct use of H tags, main content loaded before secondary content – we have it all covered.

    Translation Ready
    Cuckoo comes with translation files so you can easily translate your site into any language you want. Cuckoo is also WPML Ready so if you want a multilingual site you can easily switch between languages.

    Icon Font
    Why are icon fonts so important? Simple. They are so easy to use, look great at any size and make your content look that much better. Cuckoo includes the Font Awesome library to give you nearly 400 icons to use throughout your navigation, paragraphs, buttons, lists, and just about anything else you can think about.

    Clean Code
    Cuckoo conforms to the best coding practices when it comes to HTML, CSS, PHP and JavaScript. We hate clutter and all our code is simple, clean and easy to read. This is especially important if you want to edit the code yourself. We’ve implemented the latest HTML5 and CSS3 techniques along with cutting edge WordPress standards to ensure that your theme will give you the best possible experience in terms of the latest web features and faster page load times.

    Post Formats
    Manage your blog posts better by taking advantage of WordPress custom post formats. The following post formats are included, each with their own unique style and options: Standard, Gallery, Link, Quote, Audio and Video.

    Customer Support
    We offer top notch which means you will receive detailed answers to any questions you may have quickly. Trouble using the theme? Find a bug? We’ll solve it for you.

    Individual & Global Options
    The theme gives you the ability to change the options on each individual post, page, portfolio item or you can do it globally to change them all at once.

    Create Unlimited Sidebars
    Create unlimited sidebars that you can display on any page you want.

    Child Theme
    Comes with a child theme so if you ever want to make any code changes they will not be overwritten when you update the theme.

    Redux Framework
    The theme uses the Redux framework which is a simple, truly extensible options framework for WordPress themes and plugins. This allows you to customize the site live using the WordPress Customizer.

    Full List of Features

    • Front-end post submission
    • BuddyPress integration
    • bbPress integration
    • Responsive
    • Bundled with Visual Composer (worth $34)
    • Tons of customization options
    • One click install
    • Trending Posts
    • Vote Up/Down Posts
    • Front-end and Social Login
    • Profile Link/Notifications Counter
    • MailChimp Custom Newsletter Form
    • Multiple Advertisement Areas
    • Multiple Page Headers
    • Ajax filtering
    • Sticky sidebars
    • Retina ready
    • Search engine optimisation (SEO)
    • Translation ready
    • WPML support
    • Icon font (FontAwesome)
    • Clean code
    • Post formats
    • Individual and global options
    • Create unlimited sidebars
    • Child theme
    • Redux framework
    • Contact Form 7 ready
    • JavaScript fallback
    • Compatible in all major browsers
    • Valid HTML5 and CSS3


    To view the changelog please visit http://ghostpool.com/help/cuckoo/changelog.html

  • Attache Limitless Scrolling WordPress Theme (Wpblog / Journal)

    Attache Limitless Scrolling WordPress Theme (Wpblog / Journal)

    Attache is an ideal theme for bloggers and storytellers. Featuring a Pinterest-like grid, the theme uses unique layouts for supported post formats. Sticky posts are displayed at twice the size of regular posts, giving them an extra visual boost.

    Impress on Every Device

    With Attache, your content will look great on desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

    Post Formats

    Attache supports three post formats: standard, video, and gallery. Each format presents your story in a unique way on the blog index, search, and archive pages.

    Theme Options

    You can make Attache your own by editing the theme options in the Customizer: you can add text to the footer area, add a logo, and change the theme’s colors, background, fonts, and more.

  • TheMotion – Video Wpblog WordPress Theme (Ingenious)

    TheMotion – Video Wpblog WordPress Theme (Ingenious)

    TheMotion is a clean and elegant WordPress theme primarily made for video sites, and it can also be a perfect fit for blogs or portfolio websites. It features a beautiful slider, classy light colors, and a modern appearance. Its stylish and minimalist design makes it multipurpose, ready to fit any kind of website.

    TheMotion is responsive, translation-ready, and provides two different homepage layouts. The theme is highly customizabile, so you just have to go through the many options it provides and make it look exactly the way you want.

    Responsive Multimedia WordPress theme for Video Blogs, video tutorials and lessons.

    Responsive Design

    The theme is mobile-friendly, which means it can perfectly fit any device and screen size.

    Two homepage layouts

    There are two options for displaying the homepage. One comes with a grid style and one with a standard, column-ordered style. Also, the first one comes with a slider, whilst the second layout works with a simple header.

    Social menus

    Include links to your social channels in the menu and connect to your audience socially.

    The theme has a beautiful slider that ensures a very good engagement. Users can easily go through the featured posts and see what is of interest to them. The slider can be replaced with a header if you select the second homepage template.

    Live Customizer

    Fine-tuning your website has never been easier. With TheMotion, you can customize the way your website looks, and see the changes in real time. You can adjust the colors, the design details, the order of sections, and much more.

    Easy to use contact form

    The theme is compatible with most important WordPress contact form plugins. Pirate Forms works flawlessly in this case.

    Left or right sidebar

    You can choose to place your sidebar either on the right or on the left side of your content. It’s up to you!

    Full-width headers and ribbons

    The theme lets you display your content in various ways. You can use headers and ribbons between sections to highlight specific things about your activity or company, such as quotes, testimonials, skills, features etc.

    Beautiful About Us page

    An interactive page where you can write information about you, your company and your team. The page can be customized to your liking, as it has a separate space for stats, a full-width header, ribbons, and nice columns to make content easier to read.

    Multiple post formats

    TheMotion is a video theme, but if you want to use it for a different purpose, nothing is standing in your way. You can add standard posts, photo galleries, quotes, audio posts etc.

    Unlimited colors

    The theme comes with a large range of colors and shades, so you can make its design look the way you want.


    The theme is easily translatable into any language you want, so you can use your own language on the site.

    Quality support

    When purchasing TheMotion, you also get access to high-quality support. So if there’s anything we can help you with, just contact us and we will provide the best solution for you.

  • Pinterest Picture Hover Pinner (Social Networking)

    Pinterest Picture Hover Pinner (Social Networking)

    Another great social network integrated with wordpress with the usual high quality of our team, light and clean for fast loading times and error free website.

    Pinterest is a great booming social network that lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web, people use pinboards to plan their events like weddings, decorate their homes, organize their favourite recipes, etc. Pinterest Pinner adds the pin it button to your website images making easier for users and visitors to share “pin it” the page they are reading or follow your pinterest profile.

    No settings required so no coding
    This means just add the plugin and your done. Every image on your website now have the Pinterest Pin It button, like this example:

    How to use
    Just install the plugin and your done.

    Extremely lightweight plugin.


    – Add Smooth hover effects to your images
    – Make them instantly pinable on Pinterest
    – No code required. Automatic pinning
    – Super fast AJAX loaded
    – Works on any device. iOS, iPad, Desktop and more!
    – Pinterest Pin It button to all images

    Bonus feature

    A new cool feature is added now. Not only every image get the Pin It button. But you can now let your visitors share everything from your website page images directly in a cool Pinterest Share Box. They only have to click the Pin button and a new screen hover up to select and share. See the cool example:

    Final words
    Includes full source with documentation.
    The highly requested version puts the power of my revolutionary popup into an easy to use plugin.

    No configuration is needed. Just install the plugin and your done.

  • Like FB to free up for WP (Social Networking)

    The Like FB to unlock for WordPress is a content locker for Facebook, which allows you to lock specified content on a web page until a user clicks the Like Button

    Using the default Facebook Like Button don’t trigger users to share your content or like your site. This content locker is the solution. It force users to Like your website or get access to premium links you offer by simple Liking your site. This is the ultimate solution to drive more social traffic, fans and customers.

    So why forcing your visitors to see Facebook popups and not ask them to Like instead! This solution give you access to over 100 million Facebook users and generate ultimate marketing solutions. Get the most out of Facebook without any code. Just install the plugin and your done!


    The plugin let you hide all content between shortcode tags locker_shortcode
    No difficult settings or configurations. Just install the plugin and your done.
    Support for Facebook without any problem or hard work.
    Gain widespread popularity with minimal efforts!
    Light weight and very fast loaded for perfect SEO scores.
    All share count will be shown including individual sharing count.
    Simple and easy to use.
    Add shortcodes on the go from WordPress-Editor itself.

    The plugin is fully compatible with the recent versions of WordPress (4.5.3)
    Compatible with older WordPress versions, down to 3.2.


    No configuration is needed. Just install the plugin, create a locker shortcode in one click and your done. Now move to your WordPress Posts and add the content locker from the editor.

  • Google Plus +1 Locker for wordpress (Social Networking)

    Google Plus +1 Locker for wordpress (Social Networking)

    Google Plus +1 Locker is the plugin help you to get more Share/Subscribe, traffic and customers.

    Lock any content or premium links on your WordPress block and force users to Google Plus +1 your website first.

    Why forcing your visitors to see Google Plus +1 popups and not ask them to Google Plus +1 instead! This solution give you access to over 100 million Google Plus +1 users and generate ultimate marketing solutions. Get the most out of Google Plus without any code. Just install the plugin and your done!


    The plugin let you hide all content between shortcode tags locker_shortcode
    No difficult settings or configurations. Just install the plugin and your done.
    Support for Google Plus without any problem or hard work.
    Gain widespread popularity with minimal efforts!
    Light weight and very fast loaded for perfect SEO scores.
    All share count will be shown including individual sharing count.
    Simple and easy to use.
    Add shortcodes on the go from WordPress-Editor itself.

    The plugin is fully compatible with the recent versions of WordPress (4.5.3)
    Compatible with older WordPress versions, down to 3.2.


    No configuration is needed. Just install the plugin, create a locker shortcode in one click and your done. Now move to your WordPress Posts and add the content locker from the editor.