Tag: social media

  • Tweet Spotlight – Tweetable wordpress Shortcode (Social Networking)

    Tweet Spotlight – Tweetable wordpress Shortcode (Social Networking)

    Tweet Highlight is a WordPress plugin. It allows you to make tweetable highlight text. It is:

    • Plug & Play – without needless settings at the start. Install plugin and make your site more social
    • Lightweight – if jQuery is loaded, Tweet Highlight don’t include it
    • Simple – one shortcode without properties
    • Customizable – you can set your own default tweets

    Features and documentation

    • Highlight important text
    • Make highlight tweetable
    • Allow you to use formatting text in shortcode (except links)
    • If text inside shortcode is to long for tweet, plugin shorten it
    • Tweets template – you can customize tweets from your site
    • Default Twitter user – pasted in each tweet
    • Auto resize Twitter icon – depending on the font size
    • Shortcode in single posts and pages
    • Codecanyon update checker based on Envato API (beta)

    Documentation is included in ZIP file with plugin but you can read it online.


    • WordPress 3.0+

    Usage example

    When you want make tweetable highlight text use shortcode like this:

    [tweetable]Interesing text to tweet.[/tweetable]


    v1.2.2 (4 December 2013)
    * Changed: Plugin makes Tweetable "span" instead of "a" tags - more resists on unwated template's interactions
    v1.2.1 (8 October 2013)
    * Added: Deactivation of plugin remove plugin's data from database
    * Changed: Encoding tweet to URL format is performed on the server side
    * Changed: Allow to break line in tweet template
    * Changed: Few changes of option page look
    * Changed: New names of a few plugin's functions
    * Fixed: Bug with quotes in templates
    * Fixed: Wrong version of plugin in update checker notification
    v1.2 (18 September 2013)
    * Added: Settings page
    * Added: Tweet templates in settings
    * Added: Default Twitter user in settings
    * Added: Codecanyon update checker (beta)
    * Changed: Tweet shortening is performed on the server side
    v1.1 (8 September 2013)
    * Added: The possibility of formatting text in shortcode (except links)
    * Fixed: problem with hashtags
  • TweetDis – Make Any Phrase Tweetable (Social Networking)

    TweetDis – Make Any Phrase Tweetable (Social Networking)

    Thank you for choosing TweetDis!

    TweetDis is a WordPress plugin, that will display a floating “call-to-action” above any piece of text you choose.
    And once you click on the text, the plugin will automatically create a tweet out of it.
    (In other words, TweetDis makes any piece of text “tweetable”)

    99% of people won’t tweet anything, but the title of the post! Unless you MAKE THEM TWEET SOMETHING ELSE!

    You should put “call-to-actions” in your article, if you think that a specific phrase deserves to be tweeted. Otherwise people will just pass by all your awesome ideas and quotes.

    TweetDis hints people to tweet certain phrases… and people can tweet them in 2 clicks!

    While WITHOUT TweetDis it’s really a pain to tweet a certain phrase from your article. Do you really think anyone will go through the following 7 steps?

    Please Note: This plugin uses shortcodes to make phrases “tweetable”. And it doesn’t interfere with your regular social buttons.

    Key Features:

    • Configure how the “tweetable” phrase looks – the plugin lets you pick the color of the phrase you want people to tweet, define if it should be underlined or not and pick the style of the underline.
    • Pick from 5 different “call-to-action” designs – we have 5 designs of that floating “call-to-action” that should fit any blog design. But you can go even further and configure the colors, the size of the text and write your own call-to-action there.
    • Define the resulting tweet – you can specify a default twitter account to be used in all the tweets as well as the preposition.

    Make Any Phrase “Tweetable” In WordPress

  • Tweet Spotlight – Tweetable WP Shortcode (Social Networking)

    Tweet Spotlight – Tweetable WP Shortcode (Social Networking)

    Tweet Highlight is a WordPress plugin. It allows you to make tweetable highlight text. It is:

    • Plug & Play – without needless settings at the start. Install plugin and make your site more social
    • Lightweight – if jQuery is loaded, Tweet Highlight don’t include it
    • Simple – one shortcode without properties
    • Customizable – you can set your own default tweets

    Features and documentation

    • Highlight important text
    • Make highlight tweetable
    • Allow you to use formatting text in shortcode (except links)
    • If text inside shortcode is to long for tweet, plugin shorten it
    • Tweets template – you can customize tweets from your site
    • Default Twitter user – pasted in each tweet
    • Auto resize Twitter icon – depending on the font size
    • Shortcode in single posts and pages
    • Codecanyon update checker based on Envato API (beta)

    Documentation is included in ZIP file with plugin but you can read it online.


    • WordPress 3.0+

    Usage example

    When you want make tweetable highlight text use shortcode like this:

    [tweetable]Interesing text to tweet.[/tweetable]


    v1.2.2 (4 December 2013)
    * Changed: Plugin makes Tweetable "span" instead of "a" tags - more resists on unwated template's interactions
    v1.2.1 (8 October 2013)
    * Added: Deactivation of plugin remove plugin's data from database
    * Changed: Encoding tweet to URL format is performed on the server side
    * Changed: Allow to break line in tweet template
    * Changed: Few changes of option page look
    * Changed: New names of a few plugin's functions
    * Fixed: Bug with quotes in templates
    * Fixed: Wrong version of plugin in update checker notification
    v1.2 (18 September 2013)
    * Added: Settings page
    * Added: Tweet templates in settings
    * Added: Default Twitter user in settings
    * Added: Codecanyon update checker (beta)
    * Changed: Tweet shortening is performed on the server side
    v1.1 (8 September 2013)
    * Added: The possibility of formatting text in shortcode (except links)
    * Fixed: problem with hashtags