Tag: social locker

  • Aparg SmartSocial – WordPress Social Media Plugin (Social Networking)

    Aparg SmartSocial – WordPress Social Media Plugin (Social Networking)

    Aparg SmartAd Features

    Want to be more active in social media, you are in the right place! Aparg SmartSocial is a next level social WordPress plugin that offers exclusive features. 100+ social networks are included with all activities (share, like, follow, subscribe & widgets). Aparg SmartSocial is the only one of a kind plugin that has social form builder with preview that will allow to create stunning social forms using integrated templates with drag & drop. Hard and soft content lockers will help to lock the content until a visitor has not liked your pages. Exported PDF stats with graphs will optimize your SMM campaign. Great documentation and our quick support will solve your problems on the fly. So, don’t linger & start using Aparg SmartSocial.

    Check live preview

    100+ social networks included

    Choose among more than 100 social networks. All activities such as share, like, follow, subscribe and widgets are available. Counters for share, follow or other activities can be enabled.

    Social form builder with preview

    Create stunning social forms using integrated templates with drag & drop. Check the result on different devices before publishing with preview feature.

    Hard & soft content locker

    Lock your content until a visitor has not performed any activity (like, share & etc.) on your social page. Both hard and soft lock methods are available. Hard lock will also hide content from search engines.

    Smart social forms controlling

    Create special audience for any social form or campaign by selecting desired categories, tags, pages, posts, languages (WPML, Polylang, qTranslate X and qTranslate) and device types.


    Enable social forms rotation and other automated features even with caching plugins enabled. Make social forms work without losing performance.


    Check and export stats with graphs for any social form, campaign or for all items. Also check any period of time for better analyze.

    Campaigns & Social forms

    Create multiple campaigns and social forms with automatic rotation and scheduled start. Also select deadline by activity, views and date to automatically suspend social forms.

    Easy customizable

    Bunch of unique options for each campaign and social form will let you fully customize plugin to match all your requirements.

    Ease of use

    Minimum setup time, native WordPress UI/UX, documentation and our quick support will provide you with great experience.

    Check video quick start guide

    Included social networks

    Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Linkedin, Tumblr, Digg, StumbleUpon, Reddit, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Buffer, Weibo, Xing, Skyrock, MySpace, Amazon, Kakao, LiveJournal, RenRen, Gmail, HackerNews, Flipboard, Baidu, Yummly, Hootsuite, Evernote, DesignFloat, Google Bookmark, Telegram, Skype, Diigo, Scoop.it, Douban, Viber, QQ, WhatsApp, Line, SMS, Plurk, Email, Aol Mail, ManageWP, Taringa, Meneame, Pocket, QZone, Yahoo Mail, Tuenti, Mendeley, Mixi, Flattr, Viadeo, Facebook Messenger, Slashdot, Mail.RU, Blogger, Print, Comments, Youtube, Quora, SlideShare, Vimeo, Dribbble, Github, Envato, ebay, SoundCloud, Behance, Steam, The Dots, Instagram, RSS Feed, DeviantArt, REVEBNATION, bandcamp, DISQUS, goodreads, Flickr, Foursquare, Vine, 500px, Twitch, WeHeartit, Feedly, Spotify, last.fm, Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor, Constant Contact, ActiveCampaign, Periscope, StackOverflow, MyHeritage, Tagged, ravelry, care2, IMDb, Newsvine, Badoo, tripadvisor

    All features

    • Advanced form builder with integrated templates and cross device preview
    • Hard/Soft content locker
    • Social network counters
    • Network predefined credentials
    • Available activities: Share, Like, Follow, Subscribe and Widgets
    • Multiple Campaign types (Popup and Embed)
    • Auto social forms rotation in campaigns (with drag & drop reordering)
    • Smart form controlling by categories, tags, posts, pages, languages(WPML, Polylang, qTranslate X and qTranslate) and device types
    • Social form auto suspend by date, views and other activities
    • Scheduled start
    • Social form alignment
    • 43 popup animations
    • 34 embed animations
    • 25 overlay patterns
    • Anti-Cache
    • Auto social form placement (before/after post)
    • Output via shortcode or a widget
    • SmartSocial Visual Composer element
    • Multisite ready
    • Fully responsive
    • Native WordPress UI/UX
    • Ultra customizable with unique options for each type
    • Advance statistics for any selected period (with PDF export)
    • Detailed documentation
    • Quick support
    • Translation ready

    Aparg - Web and Mobile Development

  • Social Locker for WordPress (Social Networking)

    Social Locker for WordPress (Social Networking)

    The Social Locker plugin is a set of social buttons that lock your content and ask your users to pay with a share/like/tweet/1 your website to get access to hidden content, to get discount, to download or so. The plugin will help you to get more likes, tweets, google, subscribers, customers and traffic!

  • Tremendous Social Content material Locker (Social Networking)

    Tremendous Social Content material Locker (Social Networking)

    All in one Plugin for your next social locker

    Super Social Content Locker is all in one social locker plugin with most popular features. It could be your next social locker with most amazing features, let’s think if you can lock your content with different options, Some content locked by follow or share us on social media and some are forced to watch your advertisement video and some are want to fill out the form and some or just play a game by voting. How its Sound? Awesome!!!

    How to use Super Social Content Locker (SSCL)

    This plugin can be used by two ways:

    1-Sidebar Widget – SSCL can be used as standalone sidebar widget by selecting content locker type from WordPress widget section.

    2-Anywhere in website using SHORTCODE – SSCL also can be used individually anywhere in website by using its shortcode which are generating when you define your content locker in SSCL admin area.

    What content can be unlocked?

    Currently sscl is supporting two type of content to unlock

    1-Image Content – This content type will unlock image after its meet your locker Criteria

    2-URL Content – This content could be your download link or url of any secret website, After Content Locker successful it will reveal downloading url or website url.

    1-Follow us to unlock Content
    2-Share us to unlock Content
    3-Rate us to unlock content
    4-Vote X times to unlock content
    5-Fill out the form to unlock content
    6-Play an advertisement video to unlock content
    7-Become an member to unlock content

    Follow us to unlock Content

    This feature of sscl will allow your visitors to follow you on social media to unlock content, and it will increase your Social media appearance and will get a lot of traffic for you. We are using the most powerful social media tycoons for unlock content such as Facebook, twitter and Google plus.

    Share us to unlock Content

    This feature of sscl will allow your visitors to share your post on social media to unlock content, and it will increase your Social media appearance and will get a lot of traffic for you. We are using the most powerful social media tycoons for unlock content such as Facebook, twitter and Google share.

    Rate us to unlock content

    This amazing feature is worth your website and post in Google search and also for visitors. Just use this feature to unlock content by giving your rate for a post and then it will manage all rating for a post and shows separate in a page where you want to display. This rating will also show in Google search results with your url which impact positive position in Google and bring new traffic.

    Vote X times to unlock content

    This feature is added for a fun lover or gamer who wants some gamification in their websites or having a website which is weekly or monthly or daily showing a contest, for example Celebrity of the week or Picture of the week. By using sscl you can achieve your goal. Simple select content type vote x times to unlock and then set total no of votes to unlock the image or url and set the restriction for a user who cannot vote after XX minute like same user cannot vote again until it reaches the restriction limit of vote. After votes equal to total no of votes you defined it reveals the contest.

    Fill out the form to unlock content

    If you are using Email Marketing then this feature can help you to get peoples/visitors emails id and you can run your email marketing successfully. This feature will force your visitors to fill out the form if they want to unlock content and those form stored in your plugin admin area to get who filled the form. After form fill it will unlock the content, content can be image or url.

    Play an advertisement video to unlock content

    This plugin is so good for those who want to earn something from YouTube or daily motion and wants to increase their views on video. It simply forces visitors to play and watch complete advertisement video to unlock the content and after video complete it opens the content.

    Become an Member to unlock content

    This plugin has an incredible feature of become an member of website and then it will unlock content of image or url. Good for a website who wants to increase their register members in their website, such as videos website…

    Time to get Reward

    How’s SSCL is worth for you?? Just let me know by giving a reviews/rating to SSCL plugin to support me for enhancing this plugin and also motivate me to make new good plugins.

  • Straightforward Social Locker (Social Networking)

    Straightforward Social Locker (Social Networking)

    Easy Social Locker is easy to use social locker which allows you to automatically lock any page, post, custom post type or selected content. Your content is hidden and only way to reveal it is to like or share your page. This functions gives you more likes, shares, in’s, tweets or +1’s.

    Easy Social Locker has unique functions not provided by lockers on the market that can generate more likes, tweets, shares, in’s or +1’s

    • Automatic blog category lock – you can lock any blog category with just a single click
    • Hiding like counter for all available social networks (even Facebook)
    • Ability to generate unique URL addresses for like and share – when user likes one page he is not able to like it again. This function generates unique address for like each time page is loaded and this makes like of one page available again.
    • Ready made function for template and plugin developers to lock content with one line of code

    Social media and search engine optimization are two of the best ways to get traffic and exposure for your website. Combined, they can create impressive results. SEO came to the forefront in the past decade as websites continued to experiment with new methods of boosting traffic and sales. On the other hand, social media is all about creating a relationship with your followers, including existing and potential clients. When it comes to content creation, promotion, outreach, goal tracking, branding, and other essential sales functions, social media can be a powerful ally. Combining social media with you existing SEO strategy and you can achieve much more!

    How to use unique Easy Social Locker functions to boost your likes or shares

    You have content that users want – video, image, article, audio, download link or something else and you want to use it to boost your likes or shares – you can do this with unique functions of Easy Social Locker not provided by other lockers to do this. What you need to do is:

    • Create message that will attract users and enforce them to click your button.
    • Narrow down unlock time in settings (you can even enter zero to unlock just for current session).
    • Activate unique URL address generation –  when user likes one page he is not able to like it again. This function generates unique address for like each time page is loaded and this makes like of one page available again.
    • Hide like counters for social networks.

    Why Social Networks are important to you

    • 450+ million Tweets are sent each and every day
    • 32% of all Internet users are using Twitter.
    • One out of every seven minutes spent online is on Facebook
    • 23% of Facebook’s users check their account 5 or more times daily.
    • 53% of consumers said they use Twitter to recommend companies or products in their Tweets
    • Over 15M consumers go to social media channels before making purchase decisions
    • 78% of people said that companies’ social media posts impact their purchases
    • 75% of people use social media to find or share information about brands
    • 74% of consumers rely on social networks to guide purchase decisions
    • 81% of US respondents indicated that friends’ social media posts directly influenced their purchase decision

    Give people a reason why they need to click your social buttons and you will be able to get access to 2 BILLION social media users.

    Why you need such plugin

    Features that Easy Social Locker gives you

    • Easy to use and install
    • Choose between like, share or like or share lock snippets.
    • Supporting Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn.
    • Hiding like counter for all available networks (unique locker function not available in other lockers).
    • Ability to generate unique URL addresses for like/share (unique locker function not available in other lockers).
    • Automatic lock post, page or custom post types.
    • Locks any type of content until the user shares it! Images, Videos, Flash, HTML, Forms, etc.
    • Easy to use toolbar plugin to select specific content in editor.
    • Content is fully hidden until social share/like is completed.
    • SEO friendly. Allows you to show content for search bots.
    • Random site page or post like/share to unlock content.
    • Single like or share to unlock all content of site.
    • Ability to share custom message, text or address.
    • You can use only buttons you need.
    • Automatic blog category lock – you are able to lock all post from specific category just with a few clicks (unique locker function not available in other lockers).
    • Messages customization.
    • Remembers users who already unlocked your content (via cookies).
    • W3 Total Cache compatible (demo site is runnig with W3 Total Cache).
    • 5 awesome predefined locker styles.
    • Ready made function for template and plugin developers to lock content or post.
    • Usage statistics to track social activity.

    Click to enlarge

    Click to enlarge

    Click to enlarge


    You can view full Documentation of Easy Social Locker to take look over its full features.

    More Premium Items

    Easy Facebook Fanpage and Promotion Builder

    Easy Facebook Contest


    version 1.0.4 
      (New) You can hide like counters for all services 
    version 1.0.3 
      (New) Improved locker panel with 5 styles 
      (New) Custom share address and message now can be used with lock and share methods 
    version 1.0.2 
      (New) Added developer function to lock content from template or third party plugin 
      (New) Added internal update notifications 
    version 1.0.1 
      (New) Added LinkedIn support 
      (New) Added default like/share method in settings which is used when you create new post/page or in automatic blog category lock 
      (New) Added setting for texts above like and share blocks 
      (Change) Improved statistics
  • Social liker – Social Locker For wordpress (Social Networking)

    Social liker – Social Locker For wordpress (Social Networking)

    Simply allow visitors to exchange a Like, +1 or Tweet for post content, videos, a free download, a coupon code or pretty much anything you want.

    Then, by clicking Like, they’ll promote your site to their friends, followers and colleagues… who may also want to social-liker.

    And the more likes, +1s and tweets you get – the higher your post and sites will appear in Google, making this amazing for SEO too!

    Social Share Wall

    Essentially you are protecting your content behind a Social Share Wall, you get them to share your website with their friends and colleagues instead of asking for cash.

    Its the smartest way to get your site out there, drive traffic and push yourself up Google (which takes these kind of social signals very, very seriously).