Tag: snippet

  • wordpress Snipr – Collaborative Code Editor (Utilities)

    wordpress Snipr – Collaborative Code Editor (Utilities)

    Add live code snippet previews to your website. WP Snipr makes it easy to show code previews anywhere on your website, posts, pages, custom post types, …

    Snipr lets you line up your goals and share them with everyone.
    Others can help, adjust and improve your code to lift it up to the next level!

    Start working as a team!

  • wordpress Snipr – Collaborative Code Editor (Utilities)

    wordpress Snipr – Collaborative Code Editor (Utilities)

    Add live code snippet previews to your website. WP Snipr makes it easy to show code previews anywhere on your website, posts, pages, custom post types, …

    Snipr lets you line up your goals and share them with everyone.
    Others can help, adjust and improve your code to lift it up to the next level!

    Start working as a team!

  • My Customized Kinds PRO (Utilities)

    My Customized Kinds PRO (Utilities)

    “My Custom Styles PRO” is a premium WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to easily and safely add your custom styles (CSS code) to WordPress website’s <head> section, directly out of your WordPress Dashboard, without any need of an external editor. This is a “PRO” version of the plugin “My Custom Styles”. More features, more power. Unlimited number of snippets, Trigger for temporary disable the certain snippets, Automatic backup of all snippets to a file, CSS minifier, etc.

    It’s purpose is to provide a familiar experience to WordPress users. No need anymore to editing a files of your theme and/or plugins for to add custom CSS code. Just add your CSS code in the field on the plugin page and this plugin will do the rest for you.

    It’s really useful in case of any theme/plugin update, because your custom CSS code would never be overwritten. Your custom CSS code will keep on working, no matter how many times you upgrade or switch your theme.

    On the plugin page you find the CSS editor powered by CodeMirror. It have syntax highlighting and line numbering options. Also this editor support a tab indentation.


    • Responsive & Mobile optimized settings page
    • Unlimited number of snippets
    • CSS minifier
    • Automatic backup of all snippets to a file
    • Trigger for temporary disable the certain snippets
    • Syntax highlighting (by CodeMirror)
    • Line numbering
    • Active line highlighting
    • Editor allow for tab indentation
    • Button for collapse/expand the field with code
    • Sidebar items can be collapsed or expanded
    • Ready for translation (POT file included)
    • Well documented

    Coming soon:

    • Reload the settings page at same position after pushing the save button
    • Multisite network support
    • Got more ideas? Tell me!


    • English (default)
    • Russian

  • Goo Embrace Me – plugin (Miscellaneous)

    Goo Embrace Me – plugin (Miscellaneous)

    Include custom JavaScript, CSS files and custom HTML codes in a front-end of your WordPress installation, controlling their placement and insertion in various ways.

    Insert with ease (but not limited to):

    • Google – Analytics tracking code, Page Level Ads code, AdSense code
    • Facebook Comments code
    • Third party social buttons and scripts code
    • Custom JavaScript and/or files
    • Custom CSS and/or files
    • Custom SEO meta tags
    • Custom HTML elements

    This plugin is designed to provide additional functionality to the WordPress site, both for beginners and advanced users. The main purpose of this plugin is to include in a safe and proper way third party (or your own) JavaScript & CSS files and HTML code without modifying theme core files. Included resources become part of the plugin itself, ensuring no customization override will occur due theme or WordPress update.

    From plugin admin panel control how your resources will be deployed: across all pages, only particular page/post (by post ID or multiple IDs), only selected post types (page, post, attachment or custom post type created by your theme or any other plugin), with exclusion rule marked by selected post IDs or create SHORTCODE and insert in the content wherever you desire.

    By controlling which pages to include your custom resources, you are actually speeding up your site, ensuring deployment occur only where resources actually needed.

    Documentations & Demo

    documentation at official page: Goo Include Me

    Demo & “How to” examples:
    Insert Google Analytics code with Goo Include Me plugin,
    Insert Google AdSense code to all posts with Goo Include Me plugin,
    Apply Datepicker (jQuery UI) with Goo Include Me plugin,
    Include Facebook Comments Plugin in every post with Goo Include Me plugin,

  • My Customized Features PRO (Add-ons)

    My Customized Features PRO (Add-ons)

    “My Custom Functions PRO” is a premium WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to easily and safely add your custom functions (PHP code) for execution in WordPress environment directly out of your WordPress Dashboard and without any need of an external editor. This is a “PRO” version of the plugin “My Custom Functions”. More features, more power. Unlimited number of functions, Trigger for temporary disable the snippet, and Automatic backup of all functions to a file.

    It’s purpose is to provide a familiar experience to WordPress users. No need anymore editing the functions.php file of your theme. Just add your PHP code in the field on the plugin page and this plugin will do the rest for you.

    This is a simple and perfect tool to use as your site’s functionality plugin.

    It’s really useful in case of any theme update, because your custom PHP code would never be overwritten. Your custom PHP code will keep on working, no matter how many times you upgrade or switch your theme.

    On the plugin page you find the PHP editor powered by CodeMirror. It have syntax highlighting and line numbering options. Also this editor support a tab indentation.


    • Responsive & Mobile optimized settings page
    • Checks the entered code for fatal errors (simple checks)
    • Unlimited number of functions
    • Automatic backup of all functions to a file
    • Trigger for temporary disable the certain functions
    • Easy disable option for WSOD
    • Syntax highlighting (by CodeMirror)
    • Line numbering
    • Active line highlighting
    • Editor allow for tab indentation
    • Button for collapse/expand the field with code
    • Sidebar items can be collapsed or expanded
    • Ready for translation (POT file included)
    • Well documented

    Coming soon:

    • Reload the settings page at same position after pushing the save button
    • Multisite network support
    • Got more ideas? Tell me!


    • English (default)
    • Russian
  • World Content material Plugin for WordPress (Add-ons)

    World Content material Plugin for WordPress (Add-ons)

    Global content is an easy to use plugin for WordPress, which allows you to create content and share it on pages and posts throughout your website as you need.

    Global content works with all posts types and allows you to insert almost any type of content you need; from a simple phone number or date displayed inline in existing copy, to more complex elements such as announcements, tables or terms and conditions.

    Quick guide:

    1. Go to Plugins, then Add New
    2. Upload zip file
    3. Activate plugin
    4. Create new content block “Add New Global Content”
    5. Add title (just for your use)
    6. Add the content (text and/or HTML)
    7. Select styles (including colour? / use dropdown container? / etc.)
    8. Select animation (if any)
    9. Select inline or blocked content
    10. Click the “Generate Shortcode” button
    11. Copy shortcode from below the button
    12. Paste shortcode everywhere you want it to appear on your site
    13. That’s it! Now when that needs to be changed, just change the Global Content

    To get the most out of the plugin we recommend enabling Bootstrap and / or Font Awesome.

    Edit once, update all

    Global content is a custom post type and as such can be made of simple text and HTML elements. If you can create it in WordPress, then it can become a Global Content block.

    Creating a global content block is easy, it’s just like creating a new post. Once your content block is created you can simply copy the auto-generated shortcode and paste it where you’d like it to appear.

    Every time you update a global content block, it’ll auto update that content everywhere it appears on the site.

    Great for contact details, special dates and even prices.

    Nested content

    You can even nest content blocks! For example: create a content block for a special date, you can use this date in your main content but also add it to other content blocks which require the date to display. If the date changes, simply update the relevant content block and not only is the site content updated, but so are the other content blocks using the date.

    No more having to search your content for specific information to update.

    Adding your own styles to your content is easy, just add CSS classes or inline styles as you would with any content or select from built in animations and styles.

    Global content supports the Bootstrap framework, but is widely compatible across WordPress themes.

    No more out of date information

    Add often updated information such as phone numbers, names, prices, dates and even images to your content. Update the original Global content post and see your entire site updated instantly. No more worries about missed pages or posts.