Tag: slider

  • MISC – Multi-Goal One-Web page Responsive wordpress Theme (Miscellaneous)

    MISC – Multi-Goal One-Web page Responsive wordpress Theme (Miscellaneous)

    Video Walk-through

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    From a product landing page to a wedding announcement site, MISC is robust enough to function in many different ways using built-in WordPress features.

    What Buyers Are Saying

    Loving it! This is a great item.” – chipperson (bought 500-999 items)

    “Fantastic theme” – Yanavuth (bought 10-49 items)

    Showcase of User Sites


    • Responsive
    • Translation ready (.POT file included)
    • Retina ready
    • 300+ Font Awesome Icons
    • Shortcodes
    • Custom full screen image background support
    • AJAXed pagination for each page
    • Parallax background effect
    • WP menu support
    • WP theme customizer support
    • WP featured thumbnail support (no TimThumb)
    • WP widgets support
    • Advanced jQuery animations and effects
    • Demo content XML included
    • Looks pretty on an iPad :-)
    • Free Support: http://themolitor.com/forums

    Video Resources:


    • Self-hosted WordPress installation, NOT WordPress.com


    • v1.0.1 – 22 May 2013 – Added sticky menu support.
    • v1.0.0 – 21 May 2013 – Initial release.

    Need Support?

    Please use my support forums: http://themolitor.com/forums

    Need a Customization?

    Anything beyond what you see in the item description, demo site and video walk-through would be considered a customization. You can submit a request for customizations here: http://themolitor.com/custom

    THE MOLITOR WordPress Themes

  • WebCinema (Galleries)

    WebCinema (Galleries)

    WebCinema is an easy to use WordPress Video Plugin with responsive design that gives you the possibility to display your videos or video playlists on your website.

    • Supports Vimeo or Youtube videos
    • Ability to import YouTube playlists
    • Ability to import Vimeo albums
    • Does not require YouTube or Vimeo API keys or registrations
    • Uses Shortcode
    • Responsive Design
    • Videos can be displayed in Popup
    • Video player can be adjusted for 100% Width
    • Draggable Vertical or Horizontal slider playlist. Works on mobile devices such as iPad Retina Display
    • Supports multiple instances of the plugin on one page

    From your Admin Panel go to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload -> Browse and pick the WebCinema archive file. Click “Install Now” button. Click “Active Now” after the plugin has been installed. A new menu should now appear in your Admin Menu called “WebCinema”.

    From your Admin Panel go to WebCinema -> Local Playlists -> Create New PLaylist. Enter Playlist Name and click “Save Playlist”.

    From your Admin Panel go to WebCinema -> Local Playlists.
    Hover over the newly created playlist and click the “Browse” button.
    Click “Add Video” and enter Vimeo or YouTube video link.
    Optionally you can specify the Title and Thumbnail link for the Video or you can leave them blank to be automatically filled.
    After that, click the “Save Video” button.

    The plugin currently only supports YouTube and Vimeo videos.

    From your Admin Panel go to WebCinema -> YouTube Playlists.
    Enter the YouTube User ID in the “YouTube User ID” Field and click change user.

    The plugin will display list with the user’s playlists. Hover over the playlist and click the “Import” button to copy the playlist to the local database. These imported playlists can later be edited. Editing the imported playlists (changing names, deleting vidoes etc…) won’t affect the originals.

    From your Admin Panel go to WebCinema -> Vimeo Playlists.
    Enter the Vimeo User ID in the “Vimeo User ID” Field and click change user.

    The plugin will display list with the user’s albums. Hover over the album and click the “Import” button to copy the playlist to the local database. These imported albums can later be edited. Editing the imported albums (changing names, deleting vidoes etc…) won’t affect the originals. You can import up to a maximum of 60 videos per album in Vimeo.

    To display the plugin simply add the shortcode [webcinema] to the page or post.
    If you want to add it directly to the html, paste the following code where you want the plugin to be displayed:
    <?php echo do_shortcode("[webcinema]"); ?>

    [webcinema playlist=1,2,3]
    [webcinema video=1,2,3]
    [webcinema playlist=1,2,3 video=1,2,3]
    webcinema::enqueue_scripts(); // place before wp_head(); hook
    echo do_shortcode("[webcinema]"); // place where you want to display the html part

    Where playlist=1,2,3 and video=1,2,3 are ID numbers. IDs are visible in the admin section of the plugin.

  • Multipurpose Prior to After Slider (Galleries)

    Multipurpose Prior to After Slider (Galleries)

    Want to showcase your case studies and demonstrate difference between original Vs. new image?
    This plugin can help you do that easily and effectively.

    1. Responsive
    2. Touch & Swipe enabled
    3. Create unlimited sliders
    4. Add as many “original Vs. new” image sets in slider as you want
    5. Update existing images, mess with setting or do anything you want with novice friendly admin panel
    6. Integrate slider gallery on pages, posts or in widgets as well.
    7. No critical shortcodes to edit or documentation to study. Get started at first sight.

    Multipurpose Before After Slider plugin is designed to compare two different images, considering simplicity at it’s core. We, ourself needed this kind of plugin for one of our ambitious project. However current existing other solutions were too confusing and difficult to implement. Hence here is our genuine attempt to create something simple and easy to use.

    Few important differentiators which are not offered by any other similar WordPress plugin –

    1. Can be integrated in widgets as well
    2. Extended license for theme developers
    3. Offers two ways to compare images – Traditional & jQuery Effect
    4. No clicking & dragging; just hover and move. Better user experience

    5. Easiest to get started with. You will not have to play with complicated shortcodes

    We enjoyed working on this project and hope you will like it as much as we do!


    November 20, 2013 – Version 2.1

    - Improvement: Documentation
    - Improvement: Default Settings
    - New: Added Component for Visual Composer

    October 19, 2013 – Version 2.0

    - Front-end design of the slider is revamped completely
    - More settings for the admin to control display of the front-end
    - Design changes in the admin settings panel

    Note: Old buyers should redownload the the plugin and replace all files in wp-content/plugins/baslider folder to enjoy the updates :-)

  • Responsive Slide Down Portfolio Plugin (Galleries)

    Responsive Slide Down Portfolio Plugin (Galleries)


    Slide Down Portfolio WordPress Plugin is a complete portfolio management system for wordpress with a google images like slide down effect to view project information.

    The portfolio is rendered on the front end using a simple shortcode [slide_down_portfolio width=”900”]


    Main Features of the Slide Down Portfolio WordPress Plugin are:-

    • Easy to use
    • Form validation
    • Includes a shortcode
    • Add/edit/delete projects function.
    • Exhaustive Documentation

    Demo Credentials

    Demo User Username: demo
    Demo User Password: password

    The above accounts shouldn’t be edited. All data entered will be removed in a day or two.

    Support and Documentation

    Please drop us a line on appsupport@built-app.com with any questions you may have, full documentation is included with the program to help you with your projects.