Tag: sleek
Avoova – Inventive Company (Inventive)
Avoova is a clean and minimal WordPress Theme with a simple color make it looks sleek and modern suitable for digital agency, studio, portfolio, designer etc. Avoova designed is modern & unique also perfectly organized. You will find many uses for this theme.
The theme is fully responsive will be an amazing choice!Avoova – Creative Agency
Graceful Visible Composer Addons (Add-ons)
sleek visual composer addons has 6 sleek and modern Design addons.its has service box , pricing table , image hover effect, team showcase,progress bar ,buttons,,,every addons has multiple template design.its totally css3 No JQUERY & JAVASCRIPT, light weight and easy to use.fully responsive.and update forever.
New Model Journal WordPress theme (Wpblog / Journal)
Let’s give your website a fesher look with our New Fashion responsive and multi-purpose WordPress theme, a perfect choice for you to create any kind of website: magazine, business, corporate, agency, portfolio or blog. The theme comes with modern, smart and elegant design that helps you show up different kinds of content at its best as well as catches the attention of those visiting your site at their first sight. Designed using powerful Kopa Framework and aimed towards a user-friendly design, New Fashion is very easy to use and customize, ready to run your site up right away without touching any line of code.
Theme Options make it easy for you to tweak the appearance of your website. From here you can change the color scheme, logo & favicon, font, header options and theme layout to create a kind of website that you love. With our amazing Kopa Page Builder, you can easily create your own layouts based pre-made ones in a short while. Moreover, the theme supports 4 beautiful frontpage styles, 3 blog layouts which are carefully crafted by our accomplished designers in order to make your site truly stand out among thousands of websites created these days. New Fashion – a clean, well-organized coded and multi-functional WordPress along with lifetime updates and top-notch support is believed to bring your site to an entirely new level!
You can get supports through our forum at http://kopatheme.com/forum
In working days (from Monday to Friday, UTC/GMT +7), all the questions or problems relating to our template will be responded within maximum 24 hours. No matter how long it takes, we will support you until the problem is completely fixed. Support request sent during weekends will be processed on next Monday morning.
While you are looking for someone to help you customize your WordPress theme, we offer our customization service to do the job. In case of need, you can send your detailed requirements to sales@kopasoft.com to get the quotation.
NRG – Responsive WP Theme (Inventive)
NRG is website template solution for a growing start-up or a small studio. It contains everything you might want and need for a good presence on the web. The structure is very lightweight, all the code is 100% valid according to the latest standards, all the images are compressed the best way possible. NRG was designed with usability in mind and it’s 100% device independent, which allows it to remain perfectly stable whatever platform it is browsed on.
Krypton – Responsive Multipurpose wordpress Theme (Company)
Krypton is a fully responsive and retina ready wordpress Theme suitable for any kind of creative or business use. Krypton is powered with Twitter Bootstrap 3.0 Framework. With a minimal yet modern look and a creative approach, Krypton will looks nice in any resolution and on any device.
Krypton Main Features
- Clean, Modern Design can be used for any type of website
- Built with HTML5 and CSS3
- WordPress 3.8 compatible
- Built on the latest Boostrap 3
- 100% Fully Responsive WordPress Theme
- 600+ Google Fonts included
- 2000+ Icon Fonts included
- Separator Styles
- LayerSlider included – 18$ Value
- Retina Display Ready
- 2000+ Font Icon included
- Powerful GT3 Page Builder
- Animation Scroll
- Touchable Carousel
- Animated Progress Progress Bar & Chart
- Google Map integration
- Custom Post Type :
- Portfolio
- Testimonial
- Team
- Custom Widget :
- DT Carousel Recent Posts
- DT Recent Portfolio
- DT Tabs
- DT Image Gallery
- DT Recent Posts
- Custom GT3 Module :
- DT Section start/end
- DT Section Separator
- DT Portfolio
- DT Section Heading
- DT Featured Post
- DT Price Table
- DT Icon Box
- DT Accordion
- DT Progress Bar
- DT Circle Bar
- DT Line Chart
- DT Vertical Slider
- DT Sub Slider
- DT Testimonials
- DT Map
- DT Contact Form
- Unlimited Color Options with Backend Color Picker
- SEO Optimized
- Unlimited Portfolio Pages
- Backgrounds with Parallax effect, custom color and pattern
- Unlimited custom sidebars
- Advanced Portfolio Options :
- Masonry
- Masonry with description
- Set up multiple Portfolio Pages
- Automatic pagination
- Filterable categories
- Pages can have left or right sidebar
- Advanced Blog Options :
- Blog with masonry with 2, 3 or 4 columns
- Post format ready
- Auto generated thumbnails
- Pages can have left or right sidebar
- Tons of options to add or remove meta data, featured images, full or excerpt, etc
- Built-in 404 Page
- Full width page
- Working contact form
- Simple yet Powerful Theme Option
- Interactive Logo, Menu & Search Bar
- Sticky Navigations
- Major Browser Compatibility
- Semantic & Clean Code
- HTML Extensive Documentation
Images are not included in download file. The online samples images belong to their respective owners and are only used for demo purposes.
- WordPress (https://wordpress.org/)
- Bootstrap front-end framework (http://getbootstrap.com/)
- Jquery Javascript Library (http://jquery.com/)
- Redux, Simple Options Framework (http://reduxframework.com/)
- GT3 Page Builder WordPress Plugin (http://www.gt3themes.com/)
- Modernizr Javascript Library (http://modernizr.com/)
- Fontello, Icon Fonts Generator (http://fontello.com/)
- Jquery Appear Plugin by Michael Hixson & Alexander Brovikov (https://github.com/bas2k/jquery.appear/)
- Isotope JQuery Plugin by David DeSandro / Metafizzy (http://isotope.metafizzy.co)
- Sequence, The Responsive Slider with Advanced CSS3 Transitions by Ian Lunn (http://www.sequencejs.com)
- Jquery Validation Plugin by Jörn Zaefferer (http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/)
- uisearch.js, cbpTooltipMenu.js, modalEffects.js, Slide Blur, Icon Hover Effects by Codrops (http://www.codrops.com)
- Chart.js by Nick Downie (http://chartjs.org/)
- ”Shades of Grey” Google Maps Style by Adam Krogh (http://snazzymaps.com/style/38/shades-of-grey)
- Owl Carousel (http://www.owlgraphic.com/owlcarousel/)
- jRating : Very flexible jQuery plugin for creating quickly a star rating system (http://www.myjqueryplugins.com/jquery-plugin/jrating)
- Styleable select elements (http://github.hubspot.com/select/docs/welcome/)
- Separators Style (http://tympanus.net/codrops/2013/10/03/a-collection-of-separator-styles/)
- Reset CSS (http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/)