Tag: shortcode generator button

  • WordPress Are living Content material Filter (Utilities)

    WordPress Are living Content material Filter (Utilities)

    This plugin provide an input box to filter a specified DOM element (like ”.products li” or ”.item”).

    User start writing into the input box and the plugin start filtering the DOM elements, hiding those who does not contain filter text.

    The plugin work with a shortcode which let the user customize the target DOM element, the text displayed as placeholder into the input box, the effect to hide the items (slide or fade) and a class to be applied to the filter input box (for styling purpuoses).

    It is possible to integrate the filter into the Woocommerce product page: in this case the customization can be made via configuration page (filter class and effect).

    This plugin require Redux Framework plugin to work. TGMPA plugin is provided to install required plugin on activation.

    Feature list

    • Customizable shortcode filter input box (input box text, custom class and filtering effect)
    • TinyMCE content editor shortcode button generator
    • Woocommerce product page integration
    • Built on WordPress Plugin Boilerplate by Tom McFarlin.
    • ReduxFramework-made configuration page
    • TGM-Plugin-Activation dependancy installer