Tag: share

  • WordPress Social Sidebar (Social Networking)

    WordPress Social Sidebar (Social Networking)


    Quickly and easily add social links to the side of your WordPress site!


    Automatic Integration
    The link code and stylesheet automatically append to the header and footer of your site’s theme using the wp_head and wp_footer functions.

    WordPress Configuration
    Set your links and styles through a settings page in the WordPress admin panel, modify as needed.

    HTML5 / CSS3
    Works on all the newest browsers, properly tagged and contains transitions.

    605 Icons
    Uses Font Awesome, the best free to use font icon library available.

    2 Sides
    Set your bar on the left or right side of the page.

    2 Shapes
    Defaults to blocks on the side, but you can also set the style to show circles.

    4 Color Themes
    Default, light, transparent, and color themes available plus custom options.

    4 Label Styles
    Square, curved, rounded, and fancy label styles for just the right fit when the icons are moused over.

    General Display Options
    Choose from general page and post types to display the bar on (or not) as well as a manual mode for more customized integration.

    Share Links
    Share your site pages out with this link type and choose from a wide array of services powered by AddThis.com. Sharing defaults, overrides, and AddThis Publisher ID options also available.

    Mobile Display
    Choose to hide or turn the sidebar into buttons and at what width to make the sidebar more mobile friendly.

    Custom Link Settings
    Control settings like never before! Popup windows, custom colors, icons or images, the sky is the limit!


    Installable plugin file.

    HTML file with instructions on the installation, use, and configuration of the plugin.


    Font Awesome – Font icons used in the plugin and demo.

    CodeMirror – Custom CSS editor in the settings panel.

    Change Log

    VERSION 1.0.0 [2/6/2016]
    - Initial Release
  • Arfaly Gold – Add & Obtain without a limits (Media)

    Arfaly Gold – Add & Obtain without a limits (Media)

    Arfaly Gold is a professional WordPress plugin that adds unlimited responsive and cohesive upload and share capabilities to your website, with Arfaly Gold you can create and build beautiful forms and uploaders; and, also you can select, archive, export, and securely share files to the social media with advance protection options.

  • SNIPR – Visible Code Supervisor for wordpress (Utilities)

    SNIPR – Visible Code Supervisor for wordpress (Utilities)

    wp sniper visual code editor

    Visual Code Manager – Speed up your coding!

    Coding has never been easier! The Visual Code Manager helps you create any kind of project with ease. Instead of wasting time creating default setup code for your project, Snipr now handles all basic elements for you! That way you just need to focus on what’s really important.

    Another amazing Snipr feature is the option to share your code online, open source or private. Today teams need the ability to work together dynamically. They need a place to centralize all code, files, documents and keep everyone focused on what matters. Wherever you are located keep working together on the same files, help each other and See exactly what your team is working on any time of the day!


    Work Faster! Use Templates

    Snipr already includes multiple default project templates. Need a child theme for your website? 1 click and you have all the files you need. WordPress Plugin? 1 click and your up and running. No more setup delay time, Just focus on your own code and your own ideas!


    Just Starting?

    No Coding Experience is needed! Together with Snipr you can create any kind of project and learn coding along the way. Snipr already knows multiple coding languages and has predefined code available. So you only have to click, drag and drop it into place. If you have trouble you can easily share your code online and allow anyone to work on your project files from wherever they are.


    Want More?

    So does Snipr! Snipr is super passionate and wants to know more! Use his API and help him learn new languages, create extra add-ons, add more templates, … the sky is the limit, together we can make coding even easier and earn some coffees on the go!

    Visual Composer Ready

    Add code snippets to your website. Create documentation or API’s. It all get much easier together with the Vidual Composer. Snipr has its code integrated and allows you to use it with Visual Composer.


  • 1-Click on Fb Reposter (Social Networking)

    1-Click on Fb Reposter (Social Networking)

    One-click Facebook Reposter is an easy to use WordPress Plugin which enables Facebook Page admins to Repost or Schedule any previous post as a NEW POST on their page with one click.


    Username: demo
    Password: demo
    URL: http://quadcorp.co/p-facebook-reposter/wp-admin/


    • The application complies with all Facebook terms and conditions
    • Developed using Facebook API v2.5 API and SDK package v5.0 (included in the plugin)
    • Supports unlimited Facebook Pages
    • Supports the following post types: Videos, Photos, Statuses and Links
    • Scheduled Facebook Page Posts IDs are stored in database for reference
    • Repost – Repost any previous Facebook Page post as a NEW POST with one click
    • Schedule – Schedule any previous Facebook Page post as a NEW POST . You can remove scheduled posts before they are published
    • Share – Share any previous Facebook Page post with one click
    • Filters – Filter between different post types such as: Videos, Photos, Statuses and Links
    • Settings – button is available for inserting or updating Facebook App ID and Secret values


    This plugin requires that you have or create a Facebook App.

    User Guide with Screenshots:

    Please follow these steps only after you have installed and activated the plugin:

    • Go to your WordPress Admin Panel and click on Fb Reposter tab – See Screenshot
    • Insert your Facebook App ID and Secret and click Save Details button. -Please refer to Other Important Notes about your Facebook App on the right side for Facebook app requirements necessary for this plugin or if you need help creating a Facebook App – See Screenshot
    • After you add your Facebook App details, click Add Profile to connect your first Facebook account (make sure you grant all required Facebook permissions in order for this plugin to work effectively) – See Screenshot
    • After you add your Facebook account, now you should click on the recently added account to see your Facebook Pages and respective page posts – See Screenshot
    • Next you can click on either one of the plugin funcionalities such as: Repost, Schedule or Share – See Screenshot
    • Filter through different post types – See Screenshot
    • Click e.g RepostSee Screenshot
    • Click e.g ScheduleSee Screenshot

    You are done! Simply follow the same steps if you need to add another account, or use either one of repost functionalities implemented in this plugin.

  • Img Add – Picture Webhosting for WordPress (Utilities)

    Img Add – Picture Webhosting for WordPress (Utilities)

    Img Upload PRO is the only image upload plugin for WordPress that allows you to build your own image hosting site like tinypic.com, imageshack.com and others. With powerful options like auto-resize, white list extensions, share this links and admin a single or multiple images at the same time.

  • Leadeo – WordPress Plugin for Video Advertising and marketing (Promotion)

    Leadeo – WordPress Plugin for Video Advertising and marketing (Promotion)

    Leadeo – WordPress Plugin for Video Marketing

    Did you know that using video on your landing page can increases conversions by up to 80%? And on sales pages up to 46%?
    Leadeo can help you get more leads and more sales from people who watch video on your blog.

    Imagine this scenario
    You created valuable and useful video for your target audience. You shared that video with your social media following, your email list, you ran some ads. People are watching your video and they love it!

    Now, based on your desired goal with the video, imagine if people could:
    – Sign up for your mailing list to get a freebie
    – Contact you
    – Share something smart you said on the video
    – Share the video with their friends or
    – Click your call-to-action button

    Imagine if you could show them the desired call to action at the exact time you want, and at the exact time they’re most excited to take action!

    Introducing… LEADEO

    Grow Your Mailing List

    Some studies and tests show that using video on a landing page can increase conversion rate for up to 80%! And that’s by having a video beside opt-in form. And imagine this: how much would your conversion increase if your opt-in would show directly over the video? That’s exactly what Leadeo Optin Box does: at the time you want, it stops the video and shows your opt-in form!

    Get People to Contact You

    Imagine this: you have a video on your About Me page (or Contact page). And at the end of the video, you want people to contact you. Well, guess what! With Leadeo Contact Box you can show contact form over the video, at the exact time you want. Just like with opt-in form, the video will pause at the time you want, and display contact form so that people can contact you.

    Let People Share Your Quotes

    Do you usually say some smart things in your videos? Or some smart things that other people said? With Leadeo Share-a-Quote Box you can let your viewers tweet a quote you said in a video. You enter the quote, and the time at which you say it and, with a push of a button, your viewers can share that qoute on Twitter and send you more traffic.

    Let’s say that you mention some cool link in your video. Why not let people open that link right away in a new tab. Do you use video to sell your products? You should try. And you know that inmost sales videos, the buy button shows at a certain point, and not before that? That’s EXACTLY what you can do with Leadeo New Link Box. Unlike Opt-in and Contact, New Link Box won’t pause a video. Instead, it will show a call to action button at the bottom of the video, at the exact time you want.

    Make Them to Share Video to Continue Watching

    You have a super useful and valuable video. But, you want to give your viewers something valuable, but keep something only for those who give you something in return. With Leadeo Share-to-Watch Box you can let people watch one part of the video, and ask them to share the video in order to watch the rest of the video. This way, you can boost the social signals of your blog post, and get more visitors to watch your video.

    Let Them Easily Share a Video After Watching

    People watched your entire video. From start to end. And they love it. With Leadeo Thank-You-for-Watching Box you can add a thank you note to all your viewers and ask them to share video with their friends… All that directly from the video.


    All images used in the preview are only for demo purposes. All the images are copyrighted and licensed to their respective authors and owners.

  • NRGnetwork – Your Highly effective Social Community Theme (BuddyPress)

    NRGnetwork – Your Highly effective Social Community Theme (BuddyPress)

    NRGnetwork is a new Social Network theme for your creative online portfolio websites. All the requirements and working behaviour are inherited by Behance and it comes with advanced features including Create online portfolio, Share portfolio, Make portfolio collection, Follow featured authors, Send network messages and much more functions together with BuddyPress social plugin or our custom functions.

    This is not just a social theme and it has all the premium features that can compete popular themes. Except social features it bundled in Visual composer page builder and Revolution slider advanced creative slider. Please meet our full features from the following sections.

    NRG network promo

    NRG network promo

    NRG network promo

    NRG network promo

    NRG network promo

    NRG network promo

    NRG network promo

    Social Features

    • User Registratiion
    • Add portfolio – Frontend Portfolio Editor
    • Collection
    • Follow
    • Statistic
    • Like
    • Share
    • Messages
    • Comments

    Theme Advantages

    • Visual Composer
      • Drag & Drop pagebuilder
      • Frontend editor
      • 45+ content elements
      • 12 columns + Fullwidth & Height rows
      • Parallax background effect
      • Video background
      • And much more premium features
    • Additional 10 Visual Composer elements
      • Blog posts + 3 layouts
      • Contact details
      • Counter slider
      • Advanced Google map
      • Service (icon)box + Slider
      • Team member
      • Testimonial + Testimonial slider
      • Statistic detail
    • Revolution slider
      • Powerful visual editor
      • Multimedia content
      • Fullwidth and responsive slides
      • Timeline and animations
      • Engless possibilities
    • BuddyPress compatibility
    • Live Customize Option
    • Less based style + Custom brand color
    • Advanced Portfolio Features
    • Fully responsive
    • Retina ready
    • One click demo data
    • 600+ Google fonts
    • Additional 5 widgets
    • Post formats: Standard, Image, Gallery, Quote and Video
    • Easy update via Envato toolkit
    • Translation ready
    • WPML ready
    • Child theme supports
    • Extensive documentation
    • Timely & Friendly support

    Acerola - Ultra Minimalist Agency Theme - Portfolio Creative

  • Collections for WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Collections for WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    90% of the world’s data was created in the last two years!!

    We need new and innovative ways to display content to our website visitors. The Collections Plugin for WordPress gives you just that!


    See that little icon next to the category..  that’s the collections plugin! What does it do?! It empowers you or your website users to group your content into cool collections and display them on your website.

    When the icon is clicked, the collections options come to life and our plugin users just love what the plugin lets them do

    Collecting content in a place where I can easily find it for the future is a real plus for my website. Categories are OK to an extent, but they’re just not as cool or as flexible!!

    This plugin is a must have. There’s no reason why you wouldn’t want to at least give your visitors an easy way to access types of content on another level to categories. There’s also huge social sharing power in letting people create their own collections on your website (and share them with their friends!)


    It’s a really great way to engage your users with your content.

    … and it looks SO cool. This is the WordPress Plugin I’ve been searching for.

    There’s a lot more that could be said about this plugin, but head over to the blog and give it a try. It’s amazing and I’m sure you’ll love it


  • Easy Video Participant svPlayer Plugin (Media)

    Easy Video Participant svPlayer Plugin (Media)

    Simple Video Player WordPress Plugin

    • WordPress 3.5+
    • Responsive design
    • Mobile Support
    • Support mp4,ogg,webm
    • All browsers compatibility
    • Support fullscreen video background

    download fonts Ubuntu Titling