Tag: share

  • MyTube – Video WordPress Theme (Leisure)

    MyTube – Video WordPress Theme (Leisure)

    Easily Embed Video And Share Youtube, Vimeo and Daily Motion video clips using MyTube WordPress theme.

    Video publishing is the most growing trend to earn money using video advertisements. There are couples of sources websites where you can upload your recorded videos like youtube, vimeo and daily motion for advertisement purpose and earn handsome money. But there is a challenge to get the best theme when you think that you have to have your own video channel or magazine website where you can upload your clips, movies or embed your videos from youtube, daily motion, vimeo and other sources.

    MyTube is the best, powerful and high quality WordPress theme to embed video directly from youtube, vimeo and daily motion with single click.


    MyTube A Powerful & Light Weight Video Theme

    There are many factors that make MyTube a powerful, useful and most selling theme.


    Multiple Home Page Versions



    There are more than 12 home page versions with various look and feels that give you flexibility to use any of the versions that fits to your demand. Those all versions are made by keeping in mind the necessary of your video industry like sports, video magazines, fun videos, songs publishing, movies website theme. So, whatever you niche is, just make buy this video template and make your website quickly without any problem.


    Responsive & Retina Ready Designs

    This is mobile era, so, you must have to have a 100% responsive website that works excellent on all digital devices. We created this movie & video theme using bootstrap. Every single video displays on your digital devices with fully responsive view similar like Youtube.

    Flexible Header & Navigation Styles

    Headers and Navigation are also most important parts of your web page. We developed different styles of headers so that you have flexibility to select the categories or videos using those awesome header and navigation styles.

    5+ Supple Slider Sections

    Different types of sliders give you more flexibility to change the look and feel of the top part of your video theme.


    Most elegant Features

      Embed YouTube videos with one click
      Embed Vimeo videos with one click
      Embed Daily motion videos with one click
      Multiple headers
      Responsive layout
      Different movie clips display pages

    MyTube is modern and high quality HTML video template for yourtube, vimeo and daily motions video sharing . This video template is used for creating video magazine, video blog, video portal, cinema, movies promotion, theaters and movie community websites. This video template design is very stylish and eye-catching. This template comes with complete responsive layout & retina ready display which means your website will adapt automatically in any screen. This video template has a lot of features like beautiful hover effects, Smooth animations, unique design, and multiple style page templates, working contact form, video gallery, video preview, and video sliders, share your album video in social media with your friends & much more. This Video template will be helpful for you to find a best one for your next Video project.

  • Smart4y Straightforward Share – Responsive wordpress Plugin (Social Networking)

    Smart4y Straightforward Share – Responsive wordpress Plugin (Social Networking)

    Animated and responsive sharing plugin, written in pure Javascript. Share images with other people. Advantages: fully responsive, sharing of images in 18 most popular social networks, copy link to the clipboard and much more.

    example with expended menu

    General features

    • Optimized for Desktop and Mobile devices.
    • Responsive, no Javascript library dependencies, include Sass style source codes.
    • Sharing of images in 18 most popular social networks.
    • Visibility: Desktop – on hover, mobile devices – always.
    • Possibility to define minimum allowed image size that will be used by plugin.
    • Possibility to change default poll texts like image title text, image description text and much more.
    • Copy link to the clipboard, two modes of share dialog.
    • Ajax support.

    Social networks

    • Share to images in 18 most popular social networks: Buffer, Delicious, Digg, Evernote, Facebook, Google+, Linked In, Messenger, Odnoklassniki, Pinterest, Pocket, Reddit, Skype, Stumbleupon, Tumblr, Twitter, Vkontakte, Viadeo, Weibo and Xing.


    • You can easily share specific images or you can share full page with anchor to specific media – with auto scroll media to the visible area of the page.
    • The order can be changed by drag and drop.

    Image description

    Each image can display the title and description of the image. You can define the same description for all images in Smart4y Easy Share Settings Page or you can define content by using shortcodes: IMAGE_ALT and IMAGE_SIZE .

    title and description

    Ajax support

    Plugin allows two modes:

    • Automatic mode: Automatically initialize plugin after AJAX call. Works only in modern browsers.
    • Manual mode: After every ajax page update you must call inicialization of Smart4y Share Image Plugin.

    Share dialog

    There are two modes available:

    • tab: Open share dialog in new tab.
    • window: Open share dialog in new window with specified width and height. You can change the window size in the plugin administration.

    Copy to Clipboard

    Direct support for copying the share link to the clipboard. Possibility to change default texts – successful and failed copying text.


    It is possible to define image selector for specific page?
    Yes. Every page has specific css class in body element. For example single post type page uses the class single-post.

    • img: All images in the page.
    • .single-post img: All images in the single post page type.

    It is possible to share any media types like audio or video?
    No. You can share only images.


    Installation and Instruction manual can be found at the download package. If you can’t find what you need please do not hesitate to contact me at support@smart4y-plugins.com.

  • Sticky Header on Scroll for WordPress (Interface Parts)

    Sticky Header on Scroll for WordPress (Interface Parts)

    Sticky Header on Scroll WordPress Plugin
    Sticky Header on Scroll WordPress Plugin
    Quick facts about Bonfire Themes

    Sticky Header on Scroll is a super easy way to add a slide-down header to your site that appears only when the user scrolls down. This modern navigation method is becoming wildly popular, and now you can add it to your site without having to switch themes or alter your current theme in any way.

    Simply install the plugin and your WordPress site will immediately have a floating ‘scroll down header’ complete with menu and logo positions, share buttons on posts etc.

    Sticky Header on Scroll is fully responsive, ensuring a comfortable browsing experience on all devices and screen sizes. And thanks to the flexibility of the included customization options, you can make sure the sticky header fits well into any theme.

    Please be sure to visit the demo site here to see a live example of Sticky Header on Scroll.


    • Header:
      • Appears after user scrolls down
      • Customize appearance distance
      • Change background color
      • Change background opacity
    • Dropdown menu:
      • Add custom button label (optional)
      • Customize all colors
      • Optionally hide
    • Logo:
      • Display as text or upload logo image
      • Customize logo size
      • Customize all colors
      • Optionally hide
    • Post title display:
      • Customize all colors
      • Displayed on blog posts
      • Optionally hide
    • Share buttons:
      • Displayed on blog posts
    • ‘Next post’ button:
      • Customize all colors
      • Displayed on blog posts
      • Optionally hide
    • Misc:
      • Optionally display the floating header at specified resolutions only (useful if you’d like to show it desktop but hide on mobile)
      • Live Customizer integration (make changes and preview them in real-time)
      • Fully responsive from desktop all the way down to mobile screens
      • Clean and well-marked code
      • Thoroughly tried and tested across a range of devices
      • Proven author with fast and friendly support
      • Lifetime free updates
      • Jargon-free documentation
  • HTML5 Radio Gamers WordPress Plugins Bundle (Media)

    HTML5 Radio Gamers WordPress Plugins Bundle (Media)


    It contains 3 Radio Players WordPress Plugins with ShoutCast & IceCast support.



    Radio Player Shoutcast & Icecast WordPress Plugin – $19 value find out more

    Radio Player Shoutcast & Icecast WordPress Plugin


    Hero – Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History – WordPress Plugin – $19 value find out more

    Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History - WordPress Plugin


    Sticky Radio Player WordPress Plugin – Full Width Shoutcast and Icecast HTML5 Player – $18 value find out more

    Sticky Radio Player WordPress Plugin - Full Width Shoutcast and Icecast HTML5 Player



    If you need additional information don’t hesitate to contact us at office@lambertgroup.ro. We’ll try to answer you as quickly as possible.


  • Smart4y Share Picture – Responsive WP Plugin (Social Networking)

    Smart4y Share Picture – Responsive WP Plugin (Social Networking)

    A flexible and responsive sharing plugin, written in pure Javascript. Share images or part of page with other people. Advantages: fully responsive, sharing of the content in 15 most popular social networks, sharing of images or any HTML content. Demo on smart4y-plugins.com.


    General features

    • Optimized for Desktop and Mobile devices.
    • Responsive, no Javascript library dependencies, include Sass style source codes
    • Sharing of images or any HTML content.
    • Diffrent method of sharing.
    • Fully Customisable: Possibility to add showing filter effect, change button appearance and much more
    • Possibility to define minimum allowed media size that will be used by plugin.
    • Visibility of share button: Always or on hover.
    • Social Button Appearance: Asymmetric, circle, rounded and square.


    Showing filter effects

    • Available effects: Blur, brightness, contrast, grayscale, invert, none, opacity and sepia.
    • The effects are based on CSS3 filters (older browsers do not support CSS3 filters).

    filter effects

    Social networks

    • Share to images in 15 most popular social networks: Buffer, Delicious, Digg, Evernote, Facebook, Goolgle+, Linked In, Odnoklassniki, Pinterest, Pocket, Reddit, Stumbleupon, Tumblr, Twitter and Vkontakte.
    • You can easily share specific images or you can share full page with anchor to specific image – with auto scroll media to the visible area of the page.
    • The order can be changed by drag and drop.

    social networks

    Sharing any html content

    You can share any html element by adding class s4ysi-share. Conversely class s4ysi-no-share prevent sharing.


    It is possible to define image selector for specific page?

    Yes. Every page has specific css class in body element. For example single post type page uses the class single-post.

    • img: All images in the page.
    • .single-post img: All images in the single post page type.


    Installation and Instruction manual can be found at the download package. If you can’t find what you need please do not hesitate to contact me at support@smart4y-plugins.com.

  • Smart4y Share Media – Responsive WP Plugin (Social Networking)

    Smart4y Share Media – Responsive WP Plugin (Social Networking)

    A flexible and responsive sharing plugin, written in pure Javascript. Share media or part of page with other people. Advantages: fully responsive, sharing of the content in 15 most popular social networks, sharing of images, iframes (youtube, vimeo, etc), HTML5 videos or any HTML content. Demo on smart4y-plugins.com.


    General features

    • Optimized for Desktop and Mobile devices.
    • Responsive, no Javascript library dependencies, include Sass style source codes
    • Sharing of images, iframes (youtube, vimeo, etc), HTML5 videos or any HTML content.
    • Diffrent method of sharing.
    • Fully Customisable: Possibility to add showing filter effect, change button appearance and much more
    • Possibility to define minimum allowed media size that will be used by plugin.
    • Visibility of share button: Always or on hover.
    • Social Button Appearance: Asymmetric, circle, rounded and square.


    Showing filter effects

    • Available effects: Blur, brightness, contrast, grayscale, invert, none, opacity and sepia.
    • The effects are based on CSS3 filters (older browsers do not support CSS3 filters).

    filter effects

    Social networks

    • Share to media in 15 most popular social networks: Buffer, Delicious, Digg, Evernote, Facebook, Goolgle+, Linked In, Odnoklassniki, Pinterest, Pocket, Reddit, Stumbleupon, Tumblr, Twitter and Vkontakte.
    • You can easily share specific image, iframe, HTML5 video and any HTML content or you can share full page with anchor to specific media – with auto scroll media to the visible area of the page.
    • The order can be changed by drag and drop.

    social networks

    Sharing any html content

    You can share any html element by adding class s4ys-share. Conversely class s4ys-no-share prevent sharing.


    It is possible to define image selector for specific page?

    Yes. Every page has specific css class in body element. For example single post type page uses the class single-post.

    • img: All images in the page.
    • video: All HTML5 videos in the page, including videos generated over wp video shortcodes.
    • [src=youtube], [src=vimeo]: Youtube or Vimeo iframe videos.
    • .single-post img: All images in the single post page type.


    Installation and Instruction manual can be found at the download package. If you can’t find what you need please do not hesitate to contact me at support@smart4y-plugins.com.

  • King – WordPress Theme (Blogging / Journal)

    King – WordPress Theme (Blogging / Journal)

    King WordPress Theme allows community users to submit news, videos, and images. It comes with user profile pages, follow system, sharing buttons, hot, trending listings and multiple ad locations and much more…,


    • 100% responsive design
    • Retina ready
    • User Profiles
    • Post like system
    • Social Logins ( facebook, twitter, google+ )
    • Social Share buttons and share counter
    • Views counter
    • Slider
    • Supports NSFW
    • Frontend submission
    • Cross browser compatibility
    • User follow system
    • Users, Dashboard, Hot, Trending, pages
    • SEO optimized
    • Compatible with SEO plugins
    • Optimized for Google PageSpeed
    • Translation ready
    • Support for multi page articles
    • Custom widgets,

    Technologies Used

  • Simple Audio Participant WP Plugin (Media)

    Simple Audio Participant WP Plugin (Media)

    What is Easy Audio Player WordPress Plugin ?

    Easy Audio Player WordPress Plugin it is a powerful audio / mp3 player for your wordpress website / theme theme with responsive layout and full API spport, it runs with the new HTML5 audio engine and if its not supported, it will use Adobe Flash fallback. Packed with four skins with various styles it can be used in any type of layout and of course the skins can be modified.

    Easy Audio Player WordPress Plugin can be used in any type of HTML page including WordPress, at this link there is a demo page running in WordPress (Please note that this is NOT a WordPress plugin!, the player must be installed manually, we have inclulded a tutorial about how to install it in WordPress).

    Main features:

    Packed with tone of options allowing you to control the layout and skin in the way that pleases you most.
    Extremely easy to use, setup in less than 3 minutes.

    SHOUTCAST support.

    Fully Responsive & Mobile Optimized (Smartphones & Tablets). Video demonstration on Android or Video demonstration demo on IOS.

    Support for old browsers like IE7 and IE8.

    Full API support, the player has a full set of methods and events / listeners that allows to control the player externally, even more you can hide the entire buttons bar and have an invisible player instance that can be controlled with your own set of buttons.

    All buttons are optional (please note that all buttons includding the background can be hidden).

    Shorcode generator.

    Support for multiple instances of the audio player and different audio (.mp3 files) attached to each instance.

    Autoplay, the audio (.mp3 file) should start playing as soon as it is ready (optional).

    Loop, the audio (.mp3 file) should start over again, when it is finished (optional).

    Volume, the volume can be set.

    Animation intro, the entire skin can have a animation intro once the player is ready (optional).

    Four skins along with the PSD files included!

    Detailed Documentation included!

    Example pages included!

    Special notes:

    For simplicity we have used only two audio files, but is important to note that each audio player instance can play a different audio file (.mp3 file).

    If autoplay is enabled the Easy Audio Player WordPress Plugin instance will try to play the audio file, on most mobile devices this is not allowed by the operating system.

    On mobile devices the volume is always set to maximum and it can’t be modified, this is again a restrction of the mobile operating system… the volume can be modified using the device volume controller.

    What our clients are saying:

    BUY ALL OUR PRODUCTS IN A MEGA BUNDLE WITH A 90% DISCOUNT!!! THIS IS A LIMITED OFFER SO HURRY UP AND GRAB IT!!! : https://codecanyon.net/item/fwd-mega-bundle/19117054

    Tags: audio, download, html5, mp3, music player, plugin, podcast, song, streaming, shoutcast, facebook, share, track, icecast, html5 audio player

  • Social Share Buttons for WordPress (Social Networking)

    Social Share Buttons for WordPress (Social Networking)

    Side menu is a very great wordpress plugin that lets you add amazing side menus to your wordpress website. Use the plugin to delight visitors with extra functionality and content.

  • Tremendous Sidebar (Social Networks)

    Tremendous Sidebar (Social Networks)


    Super Sidebar is a beautiful, powerful, customizable, easy to use sticky social sidebar. It comes with a lot of options that allow it a wide number of different possible configurations while still remaining lightweight and easy to work with.

    Here are some of the important features of the sidebar:

    • It can be positioned either on the left or right sides and vertically on top, center or bottom. Additionally, it can be positioned at exact values or at percentage values.
    • The buttons and the labels can have 4 different shapes: square, round, rounded and rounded out.
    • The labels can have 7 different appearance animation effects, or the effect can be turned off.
    • It comes with 5 different available colors: default, black, blue, red, yellow. Additionally, any color can be added through the CSS file.
    • The colors can be set for mouseover as well so that the buttons and labels change color on mouseover.
    • Visually, the label can either be separated from the button or connected to it, as to appear as an extension of the button.
    • The button labels can be turned on or off.
    • There are settings to have spaces on the side, between buttons or between the label and the button.
    • It can have subbars that open when mousing over a button.
    • The subbar can have 3 different positions: under, on the side, or circular, to have the buttons be displayed in a circle.
    • The subbar also comes with 4 different animation effects either animating the whole bar or each button individually.
    • It is possible for the buttons to open pop-up windows that can have different content.
    • There are 3 built-in windows that the sidebar comes with and other windows can be custom built following the existing examples.
    • The windows can also be dynamically positioned, using keywords, exact values or percentage values.
    • The sidebar comes with 14 built-in social buttons (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Dribbble, Pinterest, Instagram, Behance, Flickr, Twitch, Vimeo, Youtube, Github, Tumblr) and 3 window buttons (Contact, Newsletter, RSS). Other buttons can be added following the existing examples and the instructions in the guide.
    • Continued support and updates.

    But enough talk, have a look over the preview for yourself.


    Future developments and updates will be posted here and the files will be free for anyone who has purchased the sidebar at any time.