Tag: seo

  • Panopticon – Your Own Search Engine – Plugin for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    Panopticon – Your Own Search Engine – Plugin for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    You will Love this item!

    Panopticon WordPress Search Engine Plugin for WordPress

    What Can You Do With This Plugin?

    Panopticon WordPress Search Engine Plugin for WordPress is a powerful tool to generate a custom search engine on your web site, without your further intervention. . It will turn your website into a money making machine!

    Using this plugin, you can automatically generate a fully customizable search engine on your website, with your custom ads! You can create your own version of AdSense!

    The resulting search engine is fully customizable and rich in content. List of customizable content in the search engine:

    • Result title, URL, description
    • Ability to display an image
    • Ability to ad custom ads between search results
    • Ads can be links, images or custom ads from ad providers, like AdSense (or any HTML code)
    • Fully customizale appearance (CSS)
    • Add or remove content from the search results

    Other plugin features:

    • Suggestions while you are typing
    • Search related results displaying
    • Advanced Search and Site Search supported!
    • Shorte.st link shortener support – it will allow you to earn a passive income
    • Ability to log visitor search queries
    • Fully customizable search results
    • Filter results – banned words list, allowed words list
    • Maximum words count in title and description
    • Search engine is fully translatable and customizable
    • Ability to use a proxy for requests
    • Detailed plugin activity logging
    • Random sentence generator

    Plugin requirements

    • PHP curl

    Try it out now

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    Extended License

    Need support?

    Please check our knowledge base, it may have the answer to your question or a solution for your issue. If not, just email me at kisded@yahoo.com and I will respond as soon as I can.



    Version 1.0 Release Date 2018-11-01

    First version released!

    Are you already a customer?

    If you already bought this and you have tried it out, please contact me in the item’s comment section and give me feedback, so I can make it a better WordPress plugin!

    WordPress 4.9 Tested!

    Purchase this item now!

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    Do you like our work and want more of it? Check out this plugin bundle!

    mega bundle by CodeRevolution

  • Kutak – Creative Blog & Minimal Magazine WordPress Theme (Blog / Magazine)

    Kutak – Creative Blog & Minimal Magazine WordPress Theme (Blog / Magazine)

    Beautifully minimal, content focused, modern personal WordPress theme for bloggers & writers

    Lightning fast page speed with lazy loading images. Beautiful typography made for readability to offer readers the best reading experience. Fully responsive and retina ready makes it looks beautiful and optimized for all devices.

    Few Features

    • Big Bold Menu – no dropdown
    • Infinite Scroll
    • Lazy loading images
    • Trending Posts Option
    • Beginner Friendly
    • Mobile Sharing
    • Related Posts
    • Tagmap Page Template
    • Easy Updates Using Envato Market Plugin
    • Demo Content Included! (xml file)
    • Ultra Responsive Design
    • WPML Ready (.po files included)
    • Retina Ready Design
    • SEO Optimized
    • Child Theme Ready
    • 5 Star Customer Support

    Read the documentation here


    The sample images viewed in the live preview are for demo purposes only and are not included with your purchase. These files are courtesy of Unsplash

  • FAQ Revolution – WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    FAQ Revolution – WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    FAQ Revolution tries improving the classical qusetion-to-static-answer scheme by introducing a choice-based system. Features a great search system allowing custom keywords definition and brings also a Knowledge-base section for your site. Everything focusing on SEO!



    Features list

    • FAQ system:
      • FAQ subjects categorization with optional child-subject
      • Optional image for first-level subjects
      • Standard question-to-answer FAQ
      • Choice-based FAQ. Each FAQ note could bring to a custom text, a predefined text or a new question
      • Each FAQ node may have an associated photogallery with lightbox
      • Each FAQ node may have associated Knowledge-base articles or associated external links
      • Each FAQ has got a standalone page, to be better indexed by search engines
      • FAQ search helper, manually defining custom keywords to help users find the right answer
      • Custom FAQ sorting (by default are sorted alphabetically)
      • Theme template choice for FAQ pages

    • FAQs search & display shortcode:
      • (optional) forced subject selection
      • (optional) forced child-subject selection
      • (optional) “search mode”, to show FAQs only after a textual search
      • Complete deeplink system over each action (in targeted pages using a single searchbox)
      • Elementor and Visual Composer native integration

    • Knowledge-base section:
      • Knowledge-base tags, grouping articles and to optionally be shown at the end of the article
      • Article tags archive (using your theme’s template)
      • Theme template choice for KB articles

    • External links database: record links to be attached to FAQ nodes
    • Base-URL control over FAQs, KB and KB tags
    • Complete control over font sizes and colors
    • Customizable fixed texts
    • 100% translatable, WPML or Polylang ready
    • Dev-friendly API to fetch or search FAQs

    Why should it be a revolution?

    A relevant part of the web is about questions & answers.
    Just think about it: how many times you search for answers?

    It’s up to websites answering in the best way possible and give users what they are searching for. Normally FAQ systems are composed by collapsible accordions containing static text, but are they really efficient?

    FAQ revolution inherits LCweb support site’s experience (serving more than 37.000 customers since 2015) and makes a step further, introducing new concepts such as semantic search helper and choice-based FAQs.

    Plus, it adds a real knowledge-base section to your website. You can link articles as well as external links to each FAQ, creating an unbeatable user experience!

    Choice-based FAQs​

    Static answers can’t be efficient with questions involving many variables  or leading to sub-questions. Here’s where choice-based FAQs makes the difference: giving users targeted answers to their questions!

    Through an intuitive buider you can shape-up your cases tree, analyzing user’s situation. Just as you were talking face to face! 

    Each answer may end with a custom or predefined text… or you can also continue querying the user to better understand its situation.

    As you can see in this demo, each answer may also contain a photogallery and links leading to inherent pages. Everything has been thought to give the best answer in the easiest way possible.

    FAQs search helper​

    What really makes the difference is how efficiently you can give users what they are searching for and, in most cases, different users won’t use the same keywords.

    By default FAQ Revolution considers FAQ’s title and description, however this might not be enough. Here’s where search helper comes handy:

    You can specify extra words to be matched by the plugin, helping different people finding the same answer.

    Users education above all.
    Teached users won’t have trivial questions and will enjoy  your services!

    However is also important to have a clean and exhaustive site’s section explaining how things work. FAQ Revolution automatically creates this section!

    You just have to focus on articles creation, maybe tagging them to be quickly grouped!

    Sometimes you may also want to insert external references to existing web pages: the plugin also brings a links database section meant to keep them in the cleanest and quickest way possible!

    WP builders integration

    The whole plugin is designed to give you the maximum SEO score over FAQs and KB articles. Each FAQ has also got its own page you can include into sitemaps to be quickly indexed.

    FAQ Revolution gives you the complete control over FAQ, KB and tags URL: this means you can also set their base-URL along with their slug.

    Finally, deeplink: you may have multiple “FAQ search” pages where each search step is deeplinked, allowing direct links to be made on the fly!

    WP builders integration

    Stop wondering what hides behind complex shortcodes and start using real-time previews! They are the state-of-the-art of modern wordpress page building, speeding up development.

    The plugin natively integrates with Elementor and Visual Composer, to give you the best user experience available today on wordpress.

    Your style, your colors

    As per LCweb’s philosophy, each font and color can be managed, perfectly adapting to every website!

    Obviously the plugin is completely responsive: perfect on any device.

    100% Multilanguage

    FAQ Revolution is also completely translatable on both front and back ends.

    You will be able to localize it creating your .po file, using WPML or Polylang!

    API Functions

    Do you have a support system and want to integrate FAQs search?

    You can count on two dev-oriented PHP functions to query and search them!


    Please note that, at the moment, deeplink can’t be used in more than a language.



    See the changelog here—>

  • Keyword SEO Rank Tracker – WordPress SERP Rank Tracker (SEO)

    Keyword SEO Rank Tracker – WordPress SERP Rank Tracker (SEO)

    You do keyword research. But the stats only shows you the search volume, CPC, Difficulty.
    You need more. You need to know the position of your keyword, the ranking. Is it a good position? Which top?
    Say hello to the new keyword ranking tracker
    CP SEO Keyword Tracker is a WordPress plugin to check rank of keyword on Google with your URL. You can keep following close on your position
    The plugin allows you to gather a list of keyword andregain all of keyword rankings by entering your URL and keyword
    You will understand deeply and clearly where your keyword is standing
    Improving Your Keyword Rankings With CP SEO Keyword Tracker Plugin
    • Check ranking keyword in your url and content
    • Distributing positon of keyword
    • The flow of keyword
    The Biggest Functionality Features Of CP Seo Keyword Tracker
    CP SEO Keyword Tracker is an advanced WordPress plugin that let you to quickly and easily track the keyword in few clicks. There are are too mnay features to list here, so here are the core features:
    Track keyword ranking on Google
    CP SEO Keyword Tracker can track keyword rankings on Goolge with detail information like estimated visit, keyword flow, keyword position distribution, etc
    Multi platforms check
    The one of a kind feature that only CP SEO Keyword tracker is to check the rank of the keyword on many platform on Facebook, Youtube, and so on as long as your keyword is on there.
    Ranking graph will be generated for each keyword being tracked.
    Detail tracking for every post in your site
    Keyword tracker is not only a WordPress ranking tracker plugin but also penetrates each post to indicate the main keyword or making a list of keywords.
    Analyzing the keyword real time
    It updates keyword rank positions in real time
    Generating ranking reports
    You can export data on daily, monthly or even anually reports. It’s up to you.
    The plugin will let you know how ranking is going? Up or Down with rank change. Then leading to estimated visits. It also permits to dowload these reports as Excel.
    Auto notification
    Anything changes on ranking of keyword, an auto email will be sent to you. Your will handle and solve the problem on time.
    In addiion, CP SEO Keyword Tracker will send you a daily email with each position transition up or down.
    Speed up your database
    CP SEO Keyword Tracker is light: To save your database, you can save the information wherever you want. So the plugin will run at ease.
    Multi – Language supported
    CP SEO Tracker is supported in many languages. You can use the plugin for local language or any language (depeding on your target market)
    Variant Users
    CP SEO Keyword Tracker is super easy to use. It is a sleek SEO plugin that is built for online marketer, SEO manager and so on. No matter you are a professional user or beginner, you can use CP SEO Keyword Tracker comfortably.
    Measure success keyword
    The estimated visits let you know how many traffic you will get
    With the detail stats, it is easy to monitor and evaluate your tactic. Does it work well? Is there anything to adjust to go on the right track?
    Competitors on your hands
    You can put competitors’ URLs and CP SEO Keyword Tracker will analyze their keywords.
    Learning the ranking of their keywords, you will have a better strategy to compete them wherever they are.
    You will have understand them deeply and clearly.
    Technical Features

  • Voda – Drag & Drop Creative WordPress Portfolio (Creative)

    Voda – Drag & Drop Creative WordPress Portfolio (Creative)

    Voda – Drag & Drop Creative WordPress Portfolio theme for all sort of projects. Stand out. Make a statement without saying a word. A visually appealing and unique theme. With this release we aim at all sort of creative businesses that need to present their works in an interesting way. Voda is a a multipurpose portfolio theme. Unleash you style. Themes comes with beautiful typography, subtle transitions, interesting use of navigation. Voda is a complete package to mark your online presence. Start creating now. 9 one-click demos included.

    Premium Plugins Included

    • Visual Composer ($34 saved)
    • Revolution Slider ($25 saved)


    • Full WPML support, plugin not included, you can purchase it here.
    • You can translate your theme with *.po/mo using free Poedit app or Loco plugin.

    Key Features

    • Latest WordPress version supported
    • Infinite page layout possibilities
    • Visual Composer for ease of use
    • Great number of custom elements, blog feeds, portfolio feeds etc.
    • Simple, 1-click demo importer with 30 ready to used demos
    • Powerful theme options
    • Hundreds of theme options available
    • Clean code, developer friendly
    • SEO optimised design
    • Fully responsive, beautiful design with attention to details
    • Scattered / Masonry layouts
    • Carousel gallery and portfolio elements
    • Multiple footer options, assiignable per page
    • Single page, one page site capabilities
    • Google fonts compatibility, over 800+ font families to choose from
    • Support WooCommerce
    • Support Contact Form 7, plugin pre-packed
    • Support WPML (plugin not included)
    • Sharp and professional retina image integrations
    • Responsive, powerful grid system
    • Social Icon
    • Social Sharing ready
    • Pixel perfect design
    • Online written documentation
    • Amazing support


    If you heave read our documentation and still need help, please visit our support centre, make sure you provide as much information as possible, screenshot and detailed description. If possible please provide URL and temp pass and login.

    Change log

    * upload 15.06.2018
  • Local Business Schema (SEO)

    Local Business Schema (SEO)

    Why Local Business Schema?

    Structured data adds context to your website content by way of using standardized search engine “vocabulary” at Schema.org. When implemented correctly, structured data increases the chances that search engines like Google will show additional information about your content directly in the search engine results pages (aka SERPs) via “rich snippets”.

    Structured data and schema are becoming more important for search engine optimization.

    Improve your Local SEO in Sort Time. Getting 1st Position in Google Map. Getting more Calls, Store Visits from Google My Business Page.

    Local Business: Address | Business hours | Contact Details. When users search for businesses on Google Search or Maps, Search results may display a prominent Knowledge Graph card with details about a business that matched the query. When users query for a type of business, such as a restaurant, they may see a carousel of listings hosted by restaurant listing providers.

    Corporate Contact Information: Your corporate contact information displayed in the Google Knowledge panel.

    Logos: Your organization’s logo in search results and Google Knowledge Graph.

    Social Profile Links: Your social profile information displayed on Google Knowledge panels.

    Local Business Schema plugin which enables web designers and business owners a super-easy way to add schema for:

    • Business Name
    • Business Logo
    • Business Address
    • Business hours
    • Contact Details
    • Business Social Profile
  • WordPress PRO S.E.O Tool (SEO)

    WordPress PRO S.E.O Tool (SEO)


    WordPress PRO SEO Tool plugin is the best WordPress Plugin for SEO, Marketing, tool for Amazon Research (Seller and Affiliate) and Advertiser (GDN & Banner Ads).

    Use PRO SEO Tool to check SERP Rank Checker, Keyword Research with detailed information about CPC, monthly search volume, competitive rate to improve your website ranking and increase revenue from Amazon (sales or affiliate marketing), from membership and advertiser.

    SERP rank position checker tool: Analyze the organic search results

    SERP rank position checker tool allows you to quickly see the strengths and weaknesses of your competition with detailed information about traffic analytics, backlink analytics, domain statics, keyword analytics, social, and you can use the information to achieve better rankings and improve your rankings.

    Page on top 100 in Google results: that allows you to quickly check and tracking keyword ranking for page on top 100 in Google SERP results for multiple domains and keywords.

    You can visits to their website and uncover the keywords they rank see the ranking keywords that your competitors are ranking for in organic search results in Google results and how much traffic this brings them, page ranking on top analysis detailed with title, content, keyword, traffic, backlink, social analysis to improve keyword rankings for your website on the search engines.

    Global & Local SERP Rank Checker

    Check keywords on Google for all languages and countries without a need to use proxies and VPS Mobile devices and desktop results.

    SERP results and check keyword ranking position in Google results both for desktop and mobile devices. Desktop results in Google SERP are usually different from the ones in mobile view. You will receive the SERP position check result after 2s, fastest on the market.

    Domain SEO Statistic

    This SEO plugin helps you get all kind of statistics of your competitor’s domains that keyword ranking for page on top 100 in search engines includes information.

    Domain Seo Statistics is crucial for any website to rank top in any search engines. This tool will help you get all kinds of statistics of a given website that is beneficial for seo analysts, so this information will help you to find the problem and rank better than your competitors.

    • Page authority (PA) is developed by MoZ to determine the search engine ranking score of a specific page (not just the domain). The method predicts how a specific page is ranked on search engines results (SERPs).
    • Domain authority (DA) is a method developed by Moz to determine the search engine ranking score of any domain. Please note that Domain Authirity will only check the domain itself. The method predicts how a domain is ranked on search engines results (SERPs).
    • Mozrank (MR): The higher the MozRank of the linking pages, the higher the MozRank of the page receiving those links.
    • Alexa rank (AR): Alexa sores and analyze data collected from Website Traffic Statistics. The data is provided by Alexa users over 3 month period.
    • Semrush rank
    • Keyword number
    • Equity
    • Links in
    • SR traffic
    • Estimated nesxt month traffic

    Traffic Analytics

    Traffic Analytics is the best competitive tool that provides estimations of a competing domain’s total desktop or mobile devices traffic.

    Give you in-depth insight into how visitors interact with website with keyword ranking for page op top 100 with analytics of traffic such as last month report engage, monthy traffic, traffic refferal source and social traffic.

    so you can see where your competitor’s traffic comes from and how much their audience engages with their site. With multiple reports and deep insights, this is one of the most powerful tools on WordPress for gathering competitive traffic.

    Top ranking keywords

    Show top ranking keyword and you can use the keyword research to check those high ranking keywords with detailed information about CPC, monthly search volume, competitive rate to choose the right keywords, focus on longtail keyword for your content and increase search rankings.


    The Social Sources Report gives you a complete breakdown of what social media networks are sending traffic for page on top. To get an idea how much traffic that social networks send you, this is where you want to be.

    Help you know the page on top 100 in Google results have how many backlink for this page, top backlinks pointing to a specific website. Quality links can help you outrank your competitors and get you additional referrer traffic.

    Keyword Research, Keyword Suggestion with Search volume, CPC, Competition rate

    You would like more people to visit your website, read your content, more time on site and buy your products or services.

    Bring quality articles that match the search of your customers on Googles results, give them content related to high search volume.

    This is more suited to Google’s SEO guideline in 2018, from which your website will be rated Google as one of the sites that bring value and benefits to users and it will increase your ranking on Googles results, and more traffic you get to your website and the higher your rankings.

    Use Keyword Research tool is the best WordPress keyword tool to get the keyword statistics with detailed monthly search volume, CPC, PPC, the competition, get relevance keyword suggest and other metrics with trust data.

    Know which keywords on your targeted list have the highest search volume so you can choose the best keywordsand boost your search engine rank.

    Keywords research

    Show top high ranking keywords with detailed information about CPC, monthly search volume, competitive rate to choose the right keywords, focus on longtail keyword for your content and increase search rankings.

    Keyword suggestion

    Get suggest relevance keyword with detailed monthly search volume, CPC, PPC, the competition.

    Check Google SERP

    Allows you to quickly check and tracking page ranking for keyword on top 100 in Google SERP results for multiple domains and keywords.

    You can visits to their website and uncover the keywords they rank see the ranking keywords that your competitors are ranking for in organic search results in Google results.

    How much traffic this brings them, page ranking on top analysis detailed with title, content,… so you can have the ideas for your content and tactics developed by your keywords to improve your keyword rankings for your website.

    Keyword research tool for global and local search: Check keywords on Google for all languages and countries without a need to use proxies and VPS.

    Amazon Affiliate Product Research

    You are an Amazon seller or Amazon Associate – Affiliate?

    Amazon Product Research tool is best alternative to JungleScout, give you analyze real-time products that best for your bussiness.

    Quickly research, find the perfect niche, identify the right products to sell on Amazon, gauge your competition, tracking new product launch, best selling product on amazon, most wished and estimate your sales with marketing place and your keyword.

    Amazon Affiliate Research Features

    • Support All categories: Get access to the Amazon products database with all categories.
    • Best seller products: Research top best selling products on the Amazon market to choose the right product for your needs. (Find products for sale or make affiliate)
    • Most wished products: Research the most wished products which to choose the best amazon product for your business strategy for sale or affiliate marketing
    • New released products: research the new released product, research the current sales trends, what are the competitors doing
    • Best for gift products: Research the best gift amazon product for sale with combo, maximum sales revenue

    Easy to use and export to excel files

    Increase revenue from Google Adsense and banner ads with extra banner ads for each result.

    • Innovative Ads Optimizer: x4 ads view rate per visitor
    • Auto change ADS without refresh page

    Simple Membership

    • Use for specific user role
    • Limit request by user role
    • Custom restrict message
    • Compatible with Ultimate Member and other membership website
  • Recipe Markup – Google Rich Snippets (SEO)

    Recipe Markup – Google Rich Snippets (SEO)


    Links: GoogleData Testing ToolWebsite

    What Is A Rich Snippet?

    Rich snippets were designed to give users more information about search results. Google has always been about the customer experience, so rich snippets provide more information to the customer and either answer their query or give them more insight into a search result before they click it.

    What is Recipe Markup?

    Mark up your recipe content with structured data to provide rich results and host-specific lists for your recipes, such as reviewer ratings, cooking and preparation times, and nutrition information. This content can be eligible to be displayed as a rich result in Search results and guidance with the Google Assistant on Google Home.

    Structured Data’s Effect On Rankings

    Whether structured data affects rankings has been the subject of much discussion and many experiments. As of yet, there is no conclusive evidence that this markup improves rankings. But there are some indications that search results with more extensive rich snippets (like those created using Schema) will have a better click-through rate.

    According to John Mueller, structured data helps a web page rank better in the same way regular content helps a page rank. The heart of search engine optimization is making it easy for a search engine to understand what the web page is about. Structured data is a fantastic way to communicate what products are for sale, where a business selling the product is located, what the hours of operation are, how many people reviewed a product and so on. Structured data makes it easy to communicate important information about a product, a business and a web page.



    Plugin Features

    1. Compatible with GoogleRich Snippets
    2. Google Review Markup
    3. Google Video Markup
    4. Google Recipe Markup
    5. Multilingual
    6. SEO Tool

    About this plugin

    Languages: English.

    This plugin works with all the themes and plugins. You just need to activate the plugin and that it. This plugin is quite fast and will not strain your site. All these settings can be done with one click!

  • IconPress – Icon management for WordPress (Utilities)

    IconPress – Icon management for WordPress (Utilities)

    IconPress – the new standard in WordPress icon usage

    IconPress is a WordPress plugin which provides a managed library with access to tens of thousands of icons and illustrations in all sorts of shapes and colors.

    What makes this tool so special is that any icon can be singlely loaded on demand, meaning your website won’t have to load gigantic font icon libraries that are loaded uselessly because you’re maybe just using only ~5 icons from it.

    Aside from huge performance gains, IconPress is ready for the popular page builders with customization options, for creatively enhance your website.


    v1.0.0 Initial Release