Tag: search

  • Tablenator – Developed Tables for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Tablenator – Developed Tables for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Welcome to Tablenator – Advanced Tables for Visual COmposer

    Creating tables for Visual Composer has never been easier. With an advanced table editor in a spreadsheet format, you will be able to easily and quickly provide your table data.
    The dedicated element for Visual Composer, or the built-in shortcode generator, will then allow you to embed your table anywhere on your site, while giving you full control over table features and scope.

    • Visual Composer v4.9.x or higher
    • WordPress v4.4.x or higher
    • PHP v5.4.x or higher
    • 128M of PHP memory or higher
  • Revolution Video Participant With Backside Playlist WordPress Plugin – YouTube/Vimeo/Self-Hosted Improve (Media)

    Revolution Video Participant With Backside Playlist WordPress Plugin – YouTube/Vimeo/Self-Hosted Improve (Media)


    IF YOU NEED ONLY THE JQUERY PLUGIN FOR THIS PRODUCT , YOU CAN DOWNLOAD IT FROM HERE : https://codecanyon.net/item/revolution-video-player-with-bottom-playlist-youtubevimeoselfhosted-support/18093161


    Revolution Video Player supports YouTube, Vimeo and Self-Hosted videos and is a top-notch responsive HTML5 plugin compatible with all major browsers and mobile devices.


    video tutorial

    Installation – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8E9SuQOoMQ
    Create a new player and manage the player settings – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iI8S_X_o5I
    Manage the playlist and categories – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zICQ-KSie0w

    Insert The Shorcode in a page or post – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfjaMaOIbH4



    YouTube, Vimeo and Self-Hosted support

    It plays YouTube, Vimeo and Self-Hosted video files. For YouTube and Vimeo, all you need to use is the video ID

    Responsive Design

    The plugin can be used in websites which are responsive. Optional parameter to disable responsive behavior in order to integrate it in non-responsive websites.

    Mobile Compatible

    It is compatible with IOS and Android operating systems.

    Google Analytics

    Option to activate Google Analytics tracking. You’ll be able to see how many times each video was played.

    Customizable Color Scheme

    Any color scheme possible, customizable from parameters, so you can integrate this audio player in any design.

    Playlist With 3 Versions

    You can show the playlist thumb, title & description or hide one of them. Also parameters for playlist size and color.

    Playlist Search

    You have the option to search the playlist. The results will be displayed as you type the search term.


    The playlist items can be structured in categories. A video can belong to multiple categories.

    Two Skins

    You can choose from the 2 skins available: back & white. Also, from parameters you can create any color scheme, having the possibility to integrate it in any design.

    Download Option

    Available button to download the current playing file (only for self-hosted videos). You have the option to hide the download button.


    You can share your video player on Facebook and Twitter. Parameters to customize the share title and description.

    Show/Hide Playlist

    Button to show or hide the playlist. Also option to load the player with the playlist hidden.


    Option to shuffle the playlist.


    You can define a logo in the top & left corner. Also, option to set the link and target_self or _blank.

    Multiple Parameters

    Autoplay, loop, colors, dimensions etc. Over 90 parameters from where you can customize the player.


    The JS file has around 59KB

    Free Updates

    Once you’ve bought the product, you can download for free, from your account, all the updated versions.


    Keywords: self hosted, vimeo, search, wordpress, media, html5, plugin, mobile, player, playlist, responsive, video, video player, youtube, categories

    If you need additional information don’t hesitate to contact us at office@lambertgroup.ro. We’ll try to answer you as quickly as possible.



    ***Version 1.0 Release Date: October 05, 2016
  • Picture Core – WordPress Picture Processing Plugin (Utilities)

    Picture Core – WordPress Picture Processing Plugin (Utilities)

    Plugin Introduction Video – main features of the plugin.

    Auto-Tagging Demo – preview of the auto-tagging and color extraction technologies.


    Image Core helps you manage your image content in an automated fashion by assigning tags to images, extracting their colors and generating beautiful thumbnails. With the metadata coming in the form of tags and colors you can search for your images based on what is in them and by using the smart cropping you don’t have to worry about cropping images by hand. The technology behind it is developed by Imagga and with the plugin you will receive a Promo Code for 25% discount for 6 months on all of their predefined processing plans. You can evaluate it by using their free plan, which includes 2000 image processings per month.


    -Save up to $523 from Imagga’s subscriptions with the provided Promo Code
    -Automatically assign tags (keywords) to images on upload
    -Automatically extract colors from images on upload
    -Replace WordPress cropping with smart cropping that analyzes images and crops them leaving what matters in the thumbnails
    -True Responsive Images – plug into WordPress srcset and sizes generation to use cropped images as well
    -Set Responsive Breakpoints for 4 resolutions and desired image sizes
    -Makes your image content searchable
    -Technology behind plugin is ever evolving so it only gets better with time
    -Get tags in different languages
    -Shortcodes for displaying images with certain tags or colors
    -Shortcodes for displaying tags and colors alongside your images
    -Colors and tags are in custom taxonomies, so they don’t mess up your data
    -Display tags and colors in media library
    -Added search support to default WordPress search to find images by their tags and colors (accepts only 1 search term)
    -When searching for images by their color also find images with child colors (e.g. enter ‘brown’ and get images with ‘cinnamon’, ‘latte’, ‘chocolate’ and ‘espresso’ colors as well)
    -When publishing a post adds keywords and colors from images within it + feature image to the post tags for better search visibility
    -Archive page for custom taxonomies shows images having the same colors or tags like wordpress tags and categories (some themes might not show the images, but only their titles – contact your theme developer)
    -Option to upload images to the API or let the API download them from you (useful for localhost testing)

    Note: Feature requests that are reasonable for the plugin to further integrate it into WordPress are accepted and might be added in later versions of the plugin, but we can’t make any promises.

    About the technology:

    The technology empowering Image Core is developed by Imagga. The auto-tagging, smart cropping and color extraction are based on artificial intelligence techniques and as such can introduce errors in the form of irrelevant tags, misplaced crops and wrong colors. The colors and tags are added to images and posts in such a way that you can easily edit or remove them if need be. As for the cropping, if it delivers a not so great crop, since it crops each size only once, if you substitute the cropped image with your own, it will not change it. Also if your images are in the same size as the desired thumbnail, they won’t be altered. If you feel the need, you can contact Imagga for support on improving their technology so that it suits your needs.

    Version Log

    Version 1.0.0
    -Initial release

    Full Documentation

    How to Install Plugin
    Installation of Image Core is very simple. It can installed on your blog in two ways – from the dashboard, or by using an FTP client. If you use the FTP method, you upload the plugin’s .zip file using an FTP software such as FileZilla, activate it and configure it. Installing from the dashboard on the other hand is simpler – you upload the .zip file, install it and activate the plugin.

    1. Installing from WordPress Dashboard
    Login to your blog dashboard and click on Plugins > Add new. There is an option to upload. Click on it and upload the plugin’s .zip file.

    2. Installing from FTP
    Unzip the plugin’s .zip file and upload it to your WordPress plugin upload folder using FTP software. Normally, the folder is located under …/wp-content/plugins. Once you are done uploading the unzipped files, you can simply go to the WordPress Dashboard and activate the plugin.

    WordPress Limitations
    If tags and colors from images in a post don’t get applied to it when it is published, it is because WordPress doesn’t account for images that are used in more than 1 post.

  • Picture Core – WordPress Picture Processing Plugin (Utilities)

    Picture Core – WordPress Picture Processing Plugin (Utilities)

    Plugin Introduction Video – main features of the plugin.

    Auto-Tagging Demo – preview of the auto-tagging and color extraction technologies.


    Image Core helps you manage your image content in an automated fashion by assigning tags to images, extracting their colors and generating beautiful thumbnails. With the metadata coming in the form of tags and colors you can search for your images based on what is in them and by using the smart cropping you don’t have to worry about cropping images by hand. The technology behind it is developed by Imagga and with the plugin you will receive a Promo Code for 25% discount for 6 months on all of their predefined processing plans. You can evaluate it by using their free plan, which includes 2000 image processings per month.


    -Save up to $523 from Imagga’s subscriptions with the provided Promo Code
    -Automatically assign tags (keywords) to images on upload
    -Automatically extract colors from images on upload
    -Replace WordPress cropping with smart cropping that analyzes images and crops them leaving what matters in the thumbnails
    -True Responsive Images – plug into WordPress srcset and sizes generation to use cropped images as well
    -Set Responsive Breakpoints for 4 resolutions and desired image sizes
    -Makes your image content searchable
    -Technology behind plugin is ever evolving so it only gets better with time
    -Get tags in different languages
    -Shortcodes for displaying images with certain tags or colors
    -Shortcodes for displaying tags and colors alongside your images
    -Colors and tags are in custom taxonomies, so they don’t mess up your data
    -Display tags and colors in media library
    -Added search support to default WordPress search to find images by their tags and colors (accepts only 1 search term)
    -When searching for images by their color also find images with child colors (e.g. enter ‘brown’ and get images with ‘cinnamon’, ‘latte’, ‘chocolate’ and ‘espresso’ colors as well)
    -When publishing a post adds keywords and colors from images within it + feature image to the post tags for better search visibility
    -Archive page for custom taxonomies shows images having the same colors or tags like wordpress tags and categories (some themes might not show the images, but only their titles – contact your theme developer)
    -Option to upload images to the API or let the API download them from you (useful for localhost testing)

    Note: Feature requests that are reasonable for the plugin to further integrate it into WordPress are accepted and might be added in later versions of the plugin, but we can’t make any promises.

    About the technology:

    The technology empowering Image Core is developed by Imagga. The auto-tagging, smart cropping and color extraction are based on artificial intelligence techniques and as such can introduce errors in the form of irrelevant tags, misplaced crops and wrong colors. The colors and tags are added to images and posts in such a way that you can easily edit or remove them if need be. As for the cropping, if it delivers a not so great crop, since it crops each size only once, if you substitute the cropped image with your own, it will not change it. Also if your images are in the same size as the desired thumbnail, they won’t be altered. If you feel the need, you can contact Imagga for support on improving their technology so that it suits your needs.

    Version Log

    Version 1.0.0
    -Initial release

    Full Documentation

    How to Install Plugin
    Installation of Image Core is very simple. It can installed on your blog in two ways – from the dashboard, or by using an FTP client. If you use the FTP method, you upload the plugin’s .zip file using an FTP software such as FileZilla, activate it and configure it. Installing from the dashboard on the other hand is simpler – you upload the .zip file, install it and activate the plugin.

    1. Installing from WordPress Dashboard
    Login to your blog dashboard and click on Plugins > Add new. There is an option to upload. Click on it and upload the plugin’s .zip file.

    2. Installing from FTP
    Unzip the plugin’s .zip file and upload it to your WordPress plugin upload folder using FTP software. Normally, the folder is located under …/wp-content/plugins. Once you are done uploading the unzipped files, you can simply go to the WordPress Dashboard and activate the plugin.

    WordPress Limitations
    If tags and colors from images in a post don’t get applied to it when it is published, it is because WordPress doesn’t account for images that are used in more than 1 post.

  • Quartz- A Responsive Multi-goal WordPress Theme (Ingenious)

    Quartz- A Responsive Multi-goal WordPress Theme (Ingenious)

    Quartz- A Responsive Multi-purpose WordPress Theme

    Quartz is a responsive Multi-purpose theme with slick and elegant design, drag and drop page builder, shortcode generator, powerful admin panel, demo XML content and many many more.

    Video guides for installation and setting up.


    • Amazing Blog with multiple layouts and 2 single page layouts.
    • Multiple Page Banner options; breadcrumbs, image, video or blank
    • Create a stunning portfolio with loads of layouts, hover effects and single pages.
    • Revolution Slider Included
    • Parallax and Video Backgrounds
    • Unlimited Colours
    • Option to have a transparent header per page
    • Custom Author page
    • Easy Mega menu creation with drag and drop editor
    • Drag and Drop page builder powered by Visual Composer
    • Amazing Ajax Search
    • Easy google maps shortcode integration with different map styles
    • Bulid your own shop with woocommerce, with a beautifully styles integration with the theme.
    • Built-in Likes system
    • Powerful Options Panel
    • Integrated with Yoast’s rich snippets breadcrumbs
    • Compatible with WPML, create a multilingual fully translatable website.
    • Create Infinite number of sidebars easily.
    • Video, Audio, Image, Gallery, Aside, Status, Quote and Link Post Formats
    • Custom widgets for twitter, instagram, social links, recent comments, most viewed posts and most liked posts.
    • Customized author page
    • Apple icon full support available at options panel.
    • Gravity Forms Integration.
    • Beautiful Ajax Commenting system.
    • Shortcodes Generator: Sections, Rows, Columns, Typography, Lists, Buttons, Alerts, Icons, Progress Bars, Tabs & Accordions, Sliders, Tweets Slider, Team Member, Testimonials, Animated Lists, Icon Items, Recent Portfolio, Blog Items and more.
    • Choose between Over 600 Google Fonts for headers and paragraphs easily from the theme options.
    • XML Dummy Content Available to help you start creating pages and content.
    • Easily Choose Number of Footer Columns Throught The Admin Panel.
    • Tons of Vector Icons Available at the short code generator with options to add a circle or square backgrounds and colors.
    • Animation of blocks when appearing on viewport.
    • Page templates with different layouts
    • documentation and quick video screencasts included.

    And more….


  • RealSearch WordPress Search Plugin (Add-ons)

    RealSearch WordPress Search Plugin (Add-ons)

    The RealSearch WordPress Search Plugin replaces the default MySQL based search with a much more powerful Lucene based one, thus, delivering more accurate and relevant search results.

    It is compatible with any kind of content, pages, custom post types, etc. It can even search in attached documents and images.

    Using Google’s Cloud Vision API, it can search for text and features inside images.

    Plugin requirements:
    Requires PHP 5.3.0 (min), PHP 5.4.0 (all)
    32 MB RAM (Depends on index size)
    Search feature works from WordPress 3.8!

  • Reactive Professional – Improve wordpress search, filter & grid (Utilities)

    Reactive Professional – Improve wordpress search, filter & grid (Utilities)

    Reactive Pro is a powerful searching, filtering & grid plugin for your WordPress site. It has a drag n drop “page builder” for the search, filter, and grid. You can choose any kind of “Post Type” and it will work with it. It grabs whole information about the “Post Type” , related Taxonomy, metadata – all values and helps to create a dynamic searching and filtering page.

    It also comes with a different design solution for the grid; it creates an open API, so anyone can create a design and push it without touching the plugin. It has grid design selector so admin can choose which design they want to put into the page.

    It provides “Ajax” based searching too, we coded whole searching system twice, one is for small data and one is for big data. Our test shows it will work with ten thousands of “post types” – that can be anything, WooCommerce product, real estate listings, directory anything. It provides extendable google maps with map marker, info window design overloading option. it supports google marker clusterer, with built in “google geocode” based searching, users own location, radius, and country based searching.

    We have added a geobox so a user can add their geo data easily into every post type, so it will be more searchable. It has SEO friendly URL and ability to change dynamically with the search event, Search function also works with shareable URL.

    We have added ISOTOPE based filter too, Category Grid, WordPress sidebar widget showing capability, Data security option from backend and many things. We used bleeding edge technology like npm, gulp, webpack, react.js, flexbox, ES6, php composer, less etc.

    Feature List

    • Quick & Easy Setup
    • Searching, filtering & grid
    • Works with any post type
    • 10 unique grid style chooser
    • 15 reusable search component
    • Drag & drop block builder
    • 5 block layout for base (Grid, Isotope grid, search, map, category)
    • Big data rendering
    • Data security
    • Built-in lightbox
    • Image lazy loading
    • Google map support
    • Multi-lingual
    • Fully responsive design
    • SEO friendly URl support
    • Data rendering from URL
    • AJAX support
    • Mobile Friendly
    • Up to 12 columns
    • Addons compatability
    • Themes and grid extendable compatability

    Language files included

    • Spanish
    • French
    • Italian
    • German
    • Russian
    • Dutch

    Note: Minimum php version required 5.4 and above.

    v1.0.0 – 12 August 16

    - initial release.

  • FullScreen Search wordpress Plugin (Utilities)

    FullScreen Search wordpress Plugin (Utilities)

    FullScreen Search is a wordpress plugin which allows you to display fullscreen search overlay.

    This plugin was created for wordpress users who have no time for creating the whole search engine on their websites. It’s easy way to make your website look better!

    Just copy-paste this code [fullscreensearch] into your php file, wordpress post or page in your chosen container and enjoy your FullScreen Search.

    The management of plugin is very simple. We offer 4 bookmarks to help you fit search to your website.

    First bookmark: Search results

    In this bookmark you can set the various options for the display of search results on your website.

    Let’s see what you can configure in here:

    • – search method (it could be the entire phrase or single words),
    • – way of showing results (loading elements with ‘show more’ button,
    • simple scrolling page or slide results like a gallery),
    • – type of displayed items (posts, pages or both of them),
    • – sorting type (sort by submit date or title/name and sort order),
    • – amount of results on one page (there is 6 elements by default),
    • – you can decide if you want to show posts introduction or not.

    Second bookmark: Search design

    In Search design bookmark you can select the type of animation to display a pop-up search window, you can also select one of our color themes for your search window and hover effect in single post (it could be: underline, outline, bounce effect or changing background color), if you selected ‘slide’ opition in ‘way of showing results’ you can choose the type of your slider animation.

    Third bookmark: Search main page

    Here you can pick elements which you want to see on your main page of FullScreen Search.

    It can be:

    • – search input only,
    • – recent posts,
    • – authors,
    • – post from selected category,
    • – single post
    • – or even your own content.
    • Fourth bookmark: Languages

      Our product to support all your website languages so in this bookmark you can see all of them. It just needs you to enter placeholder text and loading text into inputs (each input has its own flag symbolises particular country/language).

  • Search Supervisor — Plugin for WooCommerce and WordPress (Add-ons)

    Search Manager Plugin — all-in-one solution for managing your WordPress and WooCommerce search. Plugin allows you to track search terms and create redirects for them if needed.

    Key Features

    • Track Site Search
    • Create Redirects for Search Terms
    • See Search Statistics
    • Add Top/Recent Search Widgets
    • Enable Search Autocomplete

    WordPress Search Settings

    • Search by Excerpts
    • Search by Post Comments
    • Search by Post Tags
    • Search by Post Categories

    WooCommerce Search Settings

    • Search by Short Description
    • Search by Product Comments
    • Search by SKU
    • Search by Product Tags
    • Search by Product Categories

    Search Redirect Feature

    Search Redirect feature allows to increase user experience and skip excess steps while performing search. For example, when user searches for a specific product, instead of showing search results, you can direct the user to an appropriate product page.

    Search Redirect allows you to forward a user to the:

    • Product Page
    • Product Category
    • Page
    • Blog Post
    • Any other post type or taxonomy
    • Custom URL

    Plugin Widgets

    Search Manager plugin provides user with several UI elements, that can be used via WordPress widgets, shortcodes or template functions:

    • Recent Search Terms
    • Popular Search Terms
    • Search Terms Cloud
    • Admin Dashboard Widgets: Recent Search Terms and Top Search Terms


    2016-05-16 - ver 3.0
        - Added new features
        - Fixed few bugs
        - Improved admin UI
        - Improved security tips
    2016-04-28 - ver 2.0
        - Added new features
        - Fixed few bugs
        - Improved admin UI
    2016-04-05 - ver 1.0
        - Initial release
  • Growth Map, Listing & Filter – WordPress Plugin (Add-ons)

    Progress Map, List & Filter is an extension of Progress Map WordPress Plugin. The “List & Filter” plugin allows you to switch “Progress Map” carousel to a list but this is not all, the plugin provides various powerful features that will boost up your site. The plugin provide an advanced search tool that allows to explore listings by applying multiple filters. You can filter using multiple taxonomy terms (categories) and/or multiple custom fields.

    Beside the filter, the plugin provide another tool that allows to sort listings based on multiple orders. The sort tool is not limited to the default options (“A to Z”, “Z to A”, …) of the plugin, you can add unlimited custom options based on your custom fields (e.g. “sort by price”, “sort by surface”, etc …).

    List items can be displayed as grid and/or list. Every element in the plugin can be adjusted from the settings pages. All actions are handled using AJAX. There are other features that i’ll let you discover yourself by trying the demo. Enjoy & have fun!

    To use this plugin, you must install “Progress Map WordPress Plugin”!