Tag: schedule

  • KenthaRadio – Addon for Kentha Music WordPress Theme To Add Radio Station and Schedule Functionality (Add-ons)

    KenthaRadio – Addon for Kentha Music WordPress Theme To Add Radio Station and Schedule Functionality (Add-ons)

    Boost your Kentha WordPress Theme with full radio station capabilities and transform your website in the perfect radio station.


    This is not a generic WordPress stand-alone plugin. It only works with the Kentha theme.



    1) Radio Player

    • Add unlimited mp3 stream channels to the Kentha Player
    • Non stop music navigation
    • Mobile ready
    • SHOUTcast, IceCast, Radio.co, Airtime, Radionomy, MP3

    2) Song title feed

    • Display current song title and artist
    • SHOUTcast2
    • IceCast
    • Radio.co
    • Airtime
    • Radionomy
    • MP3

    3) Radio Show Schedule

    • Fast Setup
    • Auto date/time detection
    • Upcoming show slider
    • Upcoming show carousel
    • Current show hero banner
    • Current show mini info

    4) Radio Show Page

    • Automatic Timetable
    • Show social links
    • Tagline
    • Team member association

    5) Top10 Charts

    • Unlimited tracks
    • SoundCloud, YouTube, MP3 preview
    • Track buy link
    • Shortcode ready
    • 2 templates

    6) Team Members

    • Custom taxonomy
    • tagline / subtitle
    • Connected to radio shows
    • Custom social links

    7) Custom widgets

    • Now on air show
    • Upcoming shows
    • Chart widget

    8) Special Shortcodes

    • schedule
    • onair
    • onair mini
    • upcoming shows carousel
    • upcoming shows slider
    • appicons
    • chart
    • playbutton
    • songtitle

    9) Extra

    • Detailed documentation
    • Professional and fast support
    • Lifetime free updates

    OnAir2 WP Theme Compatibility

    Already using OnAir2? You can migrate to Kentha and KenthaRadio and keep all your data, schedule and radio channels.
    The custom fields and post types are specifically created in a compatible way, allowing to switch between the 2 systems (OnAir2 / Kentha+KenthaRadio).


    Fully documented with screenshots.
    Please see our documentation here:


    We provide direct developer support via helpdesk with fast answers and reliable solutions.

  • Time table File For Evolved CF7 DB (Add-ons)

    Time table File For Evolved CF7 DB (Add-ons)


    Schedule Report For Advanced CF7 DB is an addon of Advanced Cf7 DB based on automatically report generation based on the schedule time defined.

    This plugin will not work with out Advanced Cf7 DB plugin. You can find the plugin from here

    The plugin has the functionality same as the corn schedule for scheduling the reports.

    It will create the report based on filters set while creating the schedule for the particular report. Schedule can be set for a particular single contact form only at a time. The schedule added will be added to wordpress cron schedule and accordingly will be fired when time is be set.


    1. Automatically generating the report and scheduling based on the schedule time set while adding the schedule.
    2. Filter the contact for 7 data while generating the report by adding the rules.
    3. Multiple rules can be added to filters the records.
    4. Schedule added automatically adds to wordpress cron events and works accordingly.
    5. Different mail content can be set for each schedule.
    6. Multisite compatibility.
  • DateRange Picker – Multipurpose Date Vary Picker – WordPress Plugin (Calendars)

    DateRange Picker – Multipurpose Date Vary Picker – WordPress Plugin (Calendars)

    DateRange Picker is a Full Responsive Multipurpose Date Range Picker WordPress plugin. It can be simply integrated at your site easily and can be used with the proper documentation help. It looks great with all types of devices. Try out the demo.


    • Full Calendar Date Range Picker
    • Easy month and year switch
    • Multi language (Included Instructions in Documentation)
    • 100% Responsive & Mobile-Friendly Layout
    • Browser Compatibility
    • Fully Customizable
    • Easy integration into your site
    • Well Documentation ( proper help instructions )
    • Dedicated Support
    • and Much More!

    Live Demo wp-admin Credential:
    user: demo
    pass: demo

    Live Demo:

    Rating US

  • Experience Scheduler WordPress (Calendars)

    Experience Scheduler WordPress (Calendars)

    Event scheduler is a WordPress plugin to let you bind events to a specific date. All dates are shown in a tape-look box which is scrollable using the arrows or a mouse wheel. Clicking on a specific date opens the event container below the date container in which are listed all the events that are happening at the given day. An event contains a title, date, time, place, description, link and line color (not all fields are mandatory).

    The plugin has a modern look and may be used for any kind of scheduling events (concerts, meetings, festivals and even in business purposes). As the width of the component is adjustable, you can feel free to use the scheduler on a full width as a single page or fit it in some small corner.

    Responsive and adjustable width

    The plugin is responsive and provides pretty much the same design/look on any kind of resolution and device. As for the width, it is fully adjustable and it’s all up to a user to set a desirable width. The width can be set through various ways hence you can use the number of pixels, percentage or ‘auto’ option. ‘auto’ option calculates width all by itself so that all dates would fit in the date container so that a user don’t need to scroll. ‘auto’ option can also used be used as an addition to the width in pixels or percentage (for example: ‘500px – auto’). This would mean that if width of 500px cuts one of the date boxes (dates) on half, the ‘auto’ option would change the width so slightly so that none of the date boxes is cut.


    The component comes with 8 different color schemes which can be changed very easily. The colors are: blue, black, red, green, orange, purple, cyan and pink. Adding a new color is only a 1 minute job.

    Highly customizable

    The plugin is highly customizable and enables their users to fit their needs. As already explained earlier, it provides functionalities to change the width and the color, however these are only two of many other options. You can set the beginning date (in case you want event scheduler to start on some day in the past), alignment, whether you want or do not want the arrows, date type (to show the day in a week or a name of a month), localization and some more. Read the documentation for more information.

  • EasyDigitalDownloads Export (eCommerce)

    EasyDigitalDownloads Export (eCommerce)

    Easy Digital Downloads Export is WordPress plugin that allows to get all data about any downloads from your shop by one click. Also you can setup and sorted fields which you need, create template and get daily email report.

    This plugin allows you to export Downloads Data from Easy Digital Downloads to Excel, CSV or PDF file. It also provides creating and schedule reports which send by email or upload to your Dropbox account.

    User friendly interface allows you to export data with the least effort. In addition, the plugin looks great on all devices without custom coding needed for each device or screen size.

    This plugin gives you a great selection of features, which are often updated.

    Main Features

    • Quick installation and setup.
    • Export all data about Downloads.
    • Use the flexible filter for data.
    • Easy to change the order of columns.
    • Allows you to modify the title of columns.
    • Export data to Excel, CSV and PDF file.
    • Ability to set separator for CSV file.
    • Ability to choose page size and orientation for PDF file.
    • Possibility to save profile (template).
    • Easily Download Profiles by 1 click.
    • Send report by email or upload to your Dropbox account.
    • You can setup a daily or weekly, monthly email report.

    Features Overview

    • Easy Digital Downloads Export also provides filter of data by different parameters.
    • Filter of Downloads Data by status and date.

    If you need special features or some field doesn’t export, please contact me by email www.makerise.net@gmail.com and I’ll add it. I’m ready to implement new functions to the plugin to make it better.

  • Glafor (search engine marketing)

    Glafor (search engine marketing)

    Please don’t purchase this item until will be available the demo. The demo will be available in max 24 hours and you will be able to test any feed there. The plugin will allow you to parse content from almost any website.

    What is Glafor?

    Glafor is an original plugin for WordPress which provides a new way to generate content for your WordPress’s websites. Now with Glafor you can convert a copied post to be up to 50% original but in less than a month with Glafor you will be able to convert any copied post to be up to 80% original.

    How works Glafor?

    First you have to save all RSS Feeds you want in Glafor. Than, Glafor will use Spintax to make the posts up to 50% original. Depends how many words you have added in the Spintax. You have even the option in Glafor to copy full post from RSS link and publish.

    How many times I can publish a copied post with Glafor?

    You can setup interval for new copied posts. And you have options to publish more time a copied post. You can setup a time interval even for copies of an original post. Each time when Glafor runs its Spintax tool, the synonyms are added in a random way and the post will become again original. In this way, you can publish 1 post even 1000 times and you have the option to decide interval of time(1 per day, week, etc).

    How can I earn with Glafor?

    A lot of blogs and websites earns money with ads. Put your ads in the created blogs and let Glafor to work for you.

    Another way is if you have a business. Glafor will create milions of pages where you will be able to promote your business.

    How about the photos?

    Glafor downloads the post’s images and adds them as featured. For now Glafor can copy only images from RSS, but in the following updates will be able to copy even images from original posts.

    Why Spintax is empty?

    Suppose two Glafor’s users wants to copy posts from a website. If they will have the same list with words in Spintax, many posts will contain the same content. But if one user will create a new list with words and second user will create too a list with words, the posts from the same website will be original for all users. Another reason is in the possibility to create original content in any language.

  • Health time table – Weekly timetable to your health workout routines (Zumba, Physique Assault, Crossfit…) (Calendars)

    Health time table – Weekly timetable to your health workout routines (Zumba, Physique Assault, Crossfit…) (Calendars)

    An easy to use schedule for your fitness classes.
    Create weekly timetables with major workouts as Les Mills body Attack, Pump, Grit, Crossfit and zumba

    – Easy to use

    tired to upload jpg scans of your schedules who doesn’t fit well on small screens ?

    With Fitness schedule create beautiful and customized schedules for your WordPress website and display them wherever you want with a simple shortcode
    Works with every themes and page builders.

    – Natively responsive

    Schedules are natively responsive and will display in an elegant way which fits any screens: Desktop, tablet and smartphone.

    – Customize

    Customize the colors and sizes, days of the week and start/finish hours with ease.
    Directly see the changes with the live preview.
    Developers can also customize CSS.

    – Add your own workout and coachs

    Fitness Schedule comes with 13 majors workouts classes but you can add your own.
    Also add your coachs and assign them to workouts.

    – with Performances in mind

    The plugin is very lightweight and only loads the minimum css/js when needed.

  • Lemonade Social Networks Autoposter: Pinterest (Social Networking)

    Lemonade Social Networks Autoposter: Pinterest (Social Networking)

    This is a based on WP Cron WordPress plugin which works as an autoposter for Pinterest social network.
    Customers can set up intervals, time, weekdays and dates for autoposter to work.
    It is possible to make autoposter working with several streams creating individual settings for each.
    The plugin allows to use shortcodes to manage Pin and Rich Pin templates.
    It supports custom post types and has a lot of filter options, based on posts taxonomies, meta-fields, etc., for to exclude and include posts into streams.
    Live demo on the official site is available!
    Username: lemonade_demo
    Password: lemonade_demo

    We will be glad to help our customers and will try our best to answer any questions about the plugin in 72 hours (if You don’t get an answer for a longer time, please, just send Your question one more time).

  • phpSFP – Fb Auto Poster for WordPress (Social Networking)

    phpSFP – Fb Auto Poster for WordPress (Social Networking)

    phpSFP – Facebook Auto Poster for WordPress is a plugin that helps you to publish your blog post or page automatically on Facebook, with just one click, fast and easy. WordPress post or page can be published on all Facebook connected accounts, groups and pages, so you can reach the most audience and tell all your friends, readers and followers.

    Minimum Requirements

    • WordPress 3.9 or greater
    • PHP version 5.4 or greater
    • cURL
  • phpSFP – Fb Auto Poster for WordPress (Social Networking)

    phpSFP – Fb Auto Poster for WordPress (Social Networking)

    phpSFP – Facebook Auto Poster for WordPress is a plugin that helps you to publish your blog post or page automatically on Facebook, with just one click, fast and easy. WordPress post or page can be published on all Facebook connected accounts, groups and pages, so you can reach the most audience and tell all your friends, readers and followers.

    Minimum Requirements

    • WordPress 3.9 or greater
    • PHP version 5.4 or greater
    • cURL