Tag: role

  • DV Shortcode Whitelist for bbPress, BuddyPress and WordPress Comments (Forums)

    DV Shortcode Whitelist for bbPress, BuddyPress and WordPress Comments (Forums)

    Shortcodes in WordPress comments, BuddyPress activities, bbPress topics and replies are disabled as default.

    For example, let’s say you have a calendar plugin that produces a browsable calendar, which you embed to a page with a shortcode. What if you want to publish this calendar in a sticky topic in a forum? The shortcode will not evaluated, so you will just see literally the shortcode…

    DV Shortcode Whitelist plugin allows you to enable the shortcodes in these fields with ease. You can enable all shortcodes or create whitelists to allow specific shortcodes.

    Also you can enable the shortcodes for specific user roles or capabilities. For example, you can only allow site admins and forum moderators to use shortcodes.

    Easy to use plugin settings allow you to enable or disable everything separately in a few clicks.

  • Mass Customers Password Reset Professional (Utilities)

    Mass Customers Password Reset Professional (Utilities)

    -> Mass Users Password Reset Pro is a WordPress plugin that gives you option for resetting the password of
    users by various ways.
    -> You can group users by their role or by additional custom field values and reset password of that group only.
    -> Individual user’s password reset option and Bulk action of Reset password for multiple selected users can be done in default users page.
    -> An email notification containing new password will be send to users and you can customize email template by using predefined placeholders.
    -> compatible with woocommerce

  • Mass Customers Password Reset Professional (Utilities)

    Mass Customers Password Reset Professional (Utilities)

    -> Mass Users Password Reset Pro is a WordPress plugin that gives you option for resetting the password of
    users by various ways.
    -> You can group users by their role or by additional custom field values and reset password of that group only.
    -> Individual user’s password reset option and Bulk action of Reset password for multiple selected users can be done in default users page.
    -> An email notification containing new password will be send to users and you can customize email template by using predefined placeholders.
    -> compatible with woocommerce

  • Tremendous Types – Password Give protection to & Consumer Lockout & Conceal Add-on (Types)

    Tremendous Types – Password Give protection to & Consumer Lockout & Conceal Add-on (Types)

    With this Add-on for Super Forms you can password protect your forms from being submitted. You will also be able to hide the form from logged out users, and also from specific user roles. You can also display a message based on these conditions to the user.

    Click here to read more about this Add-on.


    Super Forms v2.8+


    Mar 14, 2017 - Version 1.0.0
    - Initial release!
  • Prohibit Content material for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Prohibit Content material for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Restrict Content for Visual Composer helps you manage who can access the Visual Composer elements.

    Keep calm, try Restrict Content for Visual Composer, and enjoy yourself!

    Live Demo: https://demo.ninjateam.org/restrict-content-for-visual-composer/

    NinjaTeam Support Center


    Just select who you want to display content from dropdown from Visual Composer

    We love Visual Composer, and we think you do, too.

    You won’t have to try not to stress out when your codes go wrong.

    You can take less than 30 seconds to restrict content you want in Visual Composer

    Making a form can’t be easier.

    Buy it and experience more functions.

    Follow me on Envato Follow me on Twitter Follow me on Facebook Email me FREE plugin monthly


    01/01/2017: (version 1.0)

    - Version 1.0 Initial Release
  • Consumer Administration (.NET)

    Consumer Administration (.NET)

    User Management is an ASP.NET based web application basically designed to manage users and their respective roles and permissions over a website. It can also be integrated with other projects. For the .NET developers it’s easy to create any web application using this system

    This application is developed on .NET Framework 4.0 using Asp.net, C#, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS and SQL Server 2008 R2

    Basically there are two types of roles in this application, one is “Admin” and other one is “user”


    • Secure user login
    • Remember Me feature on login
    • Interactive Dashboard
    • User-friendly graphical reports
    • Encrypted URL to avoid unwanted users from accessing others users information


    • Can perform any operation (has all permissions)
    • Access dashboard
    • Donut chart do display user statistics
    • Line chart to display registered users
    • View activities of users
    • Create new users
    • Delete users
    • Edit user details
    • Upload user photo
    • View all users
    • Search users
    • Setting up permissions for the users over selected web pages
    • Suspend /Resume users


    • Users have access over the web pages within the web application based on the permission / privileges assigned to them
    • View their own profile
    • Modify personal information
    • Modify / Remove photo
    • Modify password

    Customers Review

    “Very good quality. I like so much because it’s very simple for use and implementation. Thank you so much. I support your code in future because it’s very useful and pretty.”

    by Marcello Savorani for Code Quality

    Give it a test run


    Admin login credentials:
    Username: admin
    Password: admin

    User login credentials:
    Username: user

  • NextGen – Web page and Menu controller for WordPress (Utilities)

    NextGen – Web page and Menu controller for WordPress (Utilities)

    Page and Menu controller for WordPress plugin is used to define rules for hiding, appending, replacing content for pages and generating, controlling shortcodes and lot more feature…

    You can now control pages and menus like never before. Zero Coding and solves unlimited number of usecases.

    Demo: Click here for demo:

    Click here to know how this plugin works

    Important Features:

    Page Rules are used to define rules for Pageing based on the selected logical rule. Below are the Page rule feature.

    Pages and Menu hiding:

    • User Profile : Hide pages or Menus using User Id, User Role, Email Id and Guest User.
    • Geolocation : Hide pages or Menus using Geolocation like Continent, Country, Region and City.
    • Date and Time : Hide Pages using date and time, Month, year, day.
    • Page by Request URL: Hide Pages using request URL.
    • Soft Page and Menu Hide: Pages are hidden logically but are accessible using direct URL.
    • We can control page like never before, define unlimited rules to hide pages and menus.

    Append dynamic content to Pages:
    Content can be appended dynamically using rules like (User Profile, Geo-location, Date and Time etc.)

    • Append dynamic content to the top/bottom of the page, we can also include html tags in dynamic content, more one the supported tags.
    • Append dynamic image of different sizes to the top/bottom of the page.
    • Append dynamic content with image background.
    • Append dynamic content at any location using generated “Shortcode”.
    • Show dynamic modal dialog with dynamic content.
    • Show dynamic image as modal dialog.
    • Show modal dialog with dynamic content and image background.

    Special features:

    • Complext Rule Support : Using this plugin we can define a very complex rule for hiding or appending content. i.e. Hide or append page content using logical rule like User is from US and accesing between dates and having user role as Editor etc
    • Generate Shortcode : This plugin has an unique feature of generating the short code dynamically. This feature is very helpful if you would like to control page content dynamically using short code.
    • Controlling Third-Party Shortcode : Control Third-Party shortcodes dynamically using logical rule. This feature is very useful if you would do not like render the Third-Party shortcode on some pages.
    • Redirect URL : Support Redirect URL for the pages which are hidden.
    • Exclude from Search : Excludes hidden pages from search.
    • Replace page content : Replaces complete page content.
    • Activate or Deactivate : Acitivate or deactivate a Rule.

    How it works:


    Click here to know how this plugin works

  • Google Analytcis with the aid of Customers and Roles (Utilities)

    Google Analytcis with the aid of Customers and Roles (Utilities)

    This plugin will not only allow you to place Google Analytcis tracking code in all your pages but will also allow you to exclude traffic generated by handpicked users or users with specific roles (also compatible with custom roles) so that you can be sure your reports are accurate and trustworthy and can make the right decisions to grow your online business.

    Accurately tracking the traffic to your site is key to make the right business, design and development decisions. Google Analytcis is ana amazing free tool (thanks Google!) that allows you track the traffic to your site and analyze that data in many different ways, but if you are tracking your own visits to the site or the visits from those who work in your team you will be polluting your data. This might lead to an incorrect interpretation of what is going on in your site.

    There are several different ways to exclude your own traffic from Google Analytics itself, but these are generic solutions that not only are unreliable (you might exclude traffic from your office IP today, but your IP might change tomorrow without you even noticing) but also don’t offer all the possibilities a WordPress admin would hope for.