Tag: results

  • PixieFreak | eSports gaming theme for teams & tournaments (Entertainment)

    PixieFreak | eSports gaming theme for teams & tournaments (Entertainment)

    PixieSquad - PixieHuge Theme

    PixieFreak is an ultimate solution for eSports teams, tournament organizators and all gaming enthusiasts. The theme is designed with a goal to provide multiple options, to allow a wide range of different capabilities. You can use the theme to setup your eSports team website, gaming clan, news portal or to host a tournament. If you’re dedicated and really into eSports, you’re free to use all of these options at once.

    The structure of the theme provides you with maximum flexibility. With PixieFreak you can easily hide, show or reorder sections. You can change the style, colors and many other things. The most important thing is that you don’t need any developer skills, everything can be done through the simple PixiePanel which comes with the theme itself.

    List of matches, teams, player profiles, tournaments, sponsors and streams are one of the multiple options which are included in the theme with a goal to make your job easier and more practical. Each page is done through a modular design, so changing the layout and content on the page is not hard at all. Speaking of design trends, it’s up to date on the latest ones. Not just that, it is responsive for all devices, so accessing the amazing website you have setup through an iPad or iPhone you have ensured quality on both devices!

    Besides having a super awesome theme that’s easy to use, we have video tutorials, documentation and we are a five star rated author. In our documentation you can find each option, title, image covered and explained with screenshots so you can have a clear image in your head what the word is about. If you have any questions at all you’re in good hands, we take care of our users and make sure that they receive the support they deserve. The whole PixieSquad team will have your back always!

    Main Features

    • Fully color customizable
    • Easy to manage sections/content
    • Unlimited teams for various games
    • List of players with their profiles
    • Upcoming matches and results
    • Watch live streams
    • Sponsor promotion
    • News Posts/ Blog, Categories, post archive
    • About us
    • Tournaments
    • Brackets
    • Fully responsive
    • Twitter Feed
    • No code knowledge required

    List of pages

    • Home
    • News
    • Single news
    • About
    • Sponsors
    • Matches
    • Single Match
    • Streams
    • Single Stream
    • Tournaments
    • Single tournament
    • Brackets
    • Teams
    • Single team
    • Player profile
    • Gallery
    • Shop
    • Forums

    Support: support.pixiesquad.com

    Documentation: documentation.pixiesquad.com

    Please note: the images that can be seen in the preview images will not be included in the download. These are for preview purposes only.

    If you love it, please don’t forget to rate it!

    Sources and credits

  • FunWithQuestions WP Plugin (Types)

    FunWithQuestions WP Plugin (Types)

    FunWithQuestions is a plugin that helps you to easily create different types of tests.

    Test Modes:

    • Voting
    • Showing result content depending on answers
    • Quiz
    • Quiz without showing correct answers

    Things you might like:

    • Drag&Drop answers anywhere you want. You can also change the sorting order with this function.
    • Plugin page automatically changes itself to keep things simple. You won’t see confusing inputs at all.
    • There is an IP limitation on voting. There’ll be no fake votes around.
    • Cookies. Visitor’s selections will be saved into cookies to remember on page refresh.
    • Selecting images are directly integrated to WordPress’ media uploader. Either choose from library or just upload a new one.
    • Shortcodes. Paste into wherever you want. Your test will be there.



  • Soccer Motion (Utilities)

    Soccer Motion (Utilities)

    Soccer Action is a Drag & Drop editor of Soccer/Football actions and
    tactics based on The
    Soccer Set – Kicker Icons, Field and Elements
    , the high quality
    soccer assets created by Orange

    With this plugin you can finally talk about soccer and at the same time
    visually represent the actions on your posts.

    An example of Soccer Action

    How does it work

    You can include soccer actions and tactics in two easy

    1. Create an actions from the Soccer Action menu
    2. Include the actions in your posts, pages or custom post types with the
      generated shortcode

    I created two videos where you can see exactly how this plugin works,
    check them out:

    Key Features

    High quality graphical assets from Orange Box

    The 104 graphical assets included in this plugin have been generated
    using the best pack of soccer assets available in the market.

    The Soccer Set

    Easy to use Drag & Drop editor

    This plugin is extremely intuitive and easy to use, you can include the
    elements on the field with a single mouse click and move them wherever you
    want until you are satisfied with the position. If you want to remove an
    item from the field simply double click on it.

    Works great with desktop and mobile devices

    The actions and tactics generated by this plugin are
    responsive and made to be displayed on every device, desktop, tablets and

    Multilanguage Ready

    Soccer Action comes by default in English and Italian, if you want to
    translate the plugin in another language simply create a translation file
    and you are ready to go.

  • Soccer Formation VE (Utilities)

    Soccer Formation VE (Utilities)

    Soccer Formation VE is an advanced editor of soccer formations, with this plugin you will be able to create formations in your posts, pages and custom post types.

    Live Demo

    Some examples of what you will be able to create with this plugin:

    Create a single formation

    Create two formations

    Key Features

    High Resolution SVG Graphics

    This plugin make use of high resolution SVG graphics, this means that the formations generated by this plugin are always crisp and clean on any device. Don’t worry about SVG support, with old browsers that don’t support the SVG standard ( 1% of the total, IE8 and old versions of the android browser ) the SVG images of the fields and players are automatically replaced with static raster PNG images as a fallback.

    Drag & Drop Editor of Layouts

    With the Layouts Menu you will be able to create the layouts of your formations ( e.g. 4-4-2, 5-3-2, 5-4-1 etc. ) with a drag and drop editor that allows you to create formations for soccer 11 vs 11, 7 vs 7, 6 vs 6, 5 vs 5 or whatever you want from 1 to 11 players.

    Customizable Colors

    The field and the players make use of dynamic SVG images generated by php, with the Options Menu you can customize the colors of the SVG images and create the perfect fields and players for your website, others options available in this menu allow you to change the typeface used for the name of the players and to set the vertical distance of the formations from the other elements of your page.

    CRUD editor of Formations and Layouts

    This plugin allows you to create, edit and delete an unlimited number of formations and layouts, so you can in theory store all the existing soccer formations in the planet and every single Layout that you have in your mind.

    100% Responsive

    The formations generated by this plugin are made to be used with any WordPress Theme, fixed and responsive and with any device, standard desktop devices, tablets, phones and ultra HD screens.

  • WordPress Professional Reside Reporting (Media)

    WordPress Professional Reside Reporting (Media)

    The WP Pro Live Reporting plugin allows you to add live updates to your website. It has many powerful features to create a professional looking live reporting stream! The live streaming plugin is created to work on the frontend of your website but admins are able to manage all updates from the admin area aswel.

  • Soccer Reside Ratings (Miscellaneous)

    Soccer Reside Ratings (Miscellaneous)

    Soccer Live Scores is a new WordPress plugin that allows you to include live soccer scores in your posts, pages and custom posts.

    This plugin uses the latest AJAX technologies to retrieve live the results that you add in the back end of your website and is able to update them in few seconds

    If you want only to show the results of a match without updating in real time the scores and the events ( for example if you are going to create a match review ), Soccer Live Scores can also be used without the AJAX functionalities as a static element not updated in real time.

    Create your first match

    After installing this plugin you will be able to create your first match through the Matches menu, you have simply to enter the following informations:

    • Team 1 name
    • Team 1 icon (optional)
    • Team 1 color (optional)
    • Team 2 name
    • Team 2 icon (optional)
    • Team 2 color (optional)
    • Match Status: Set Live for real time results or Inactive for a static match not updated in real time with ajax
    • Live Message: This is a message displayed only when the match status is set to Live

    Your first match has been created, you can now add events for this match.

    Create events

    Click on Edit under the Events column, you are going to enter in the Events menu, here you can add events related to the selected match. To create an event you should provide the following informations:

    • Select Team: Select one of the two team available for this match, this event will be associated with the selected team
    • Minute: Enter the minute when the event occurred
    • Description: Enter a custom description for the event
    • Event Type: Select one of the five available events between Generic, Goal, Yellow Card, Red Card, Substitution, the match score will be calculated on the number of Goal events associated with a specific match.

    Embed your first match in a post, page or custom post

    When a match is created you can find the shortcode associated with the match in the Matches menu, copy the shortcode and paste it in you post, remember than you can’t use multiple Soccer Live Scores shortcodes in a single post.

    Post content
    [sls id="1"]
    Other post content

    Done, your first match is now displayed in your website.

    Change the plugin look

    Is very important in a professional website that every element displayed is consistent with the rest of the website, for this reason i’ve included many customization options, so you can change every single pixel displayed by this plugin.

    Visit the Options menu and create your custom look, this is a list of the available options related to the aesthetic of the plugin:

    • Live Message Background Color
    • Live Message Font Color
    • Header Background Color
    • Teams Font Color
    • Score Font Color
    • Odd Rows Background Color
    • Even Rows Background Color
    • Rows Font Color
    • Font Family: This is the font family that will be used in all the Soccer Live Scores elements
    • Google Fonts: This option allows you to load Google Fonts
    • Top Margin
    • Bottom Margin

    layouts with different colors

    This plugin supports both responsive and fixed themes

    All the HTML and CSS code used in this plugin has been writted to work with both responsive and fixed themes, i’ve also included an option called Responsive Breakpoint, this option has been created to work with responsive layouts and changes some of the elements of the Soccer Live Scores plugin under a specified width in pixel. If you are using a theme with a fixed layout set this option to zero.


    This plugin make use of the following resources:

    Are you a soccer fan?

    I’m selling on CodeCanyon another great plugin able to generate soccer formations, check out Football Formation.