Tag: replace text

  • Gravity Types Auto Formatter (Kinds)

    Gravity Types Auto Formatter (Kinds)

    Automatic capitalization/case formatting, blacklist validation, text replacement, and before/after text appending ..all per individual field! Let Gravity Forms Auto Formatter sanitize, and neatly format your form entries with quick and easy setup!

    See Full Feature List Below!

    Gravity Forms Auto Formatter adds automatic upper and lower casing/capitalization of input text as well as first character per input or word capialization. The plugin also has per field selectable custom blacklist validation with custom validation errors and the option to reveal the blocked terms/characters to the user. The plugin can also automatically replace specified submitted text with custom text per field.

    Whether you would like to just neatly format the address or name with first letters capialized, block problematic characters or offensive words, add custom charachters or text before or after the input text, or replace custom text/charachters with other text/charachters ..this is the plugin for you! Super easy to use and set up for hands off automatic formatting!

    -Text replacement can also simply remove specified text/characters.

    -For those who need parse the notification e-mails the before and after text can be used to easily add parsing indicators to find certain field data.

    Supported field types: text, text area, name, email, website, address, post_title, post_content, post_excerpt, post_tags, post_custom_field


    Automatic case/capitalization options for submitted text per individual field

    Automatic custom text/charachter replacement with per field on/off

    Automatic custom text appending to submitted text per individual field. Both before and after text are customizable per individual field

    Custom blacklist validation checks with per field on/off

    Custom blacklist validation error message option

    Option to reveal the blacklisted terms being blocked to submitting user

    Additional custom blacklist validation error message for when terms are revealed option

    Uses both strict and normal text replacement options which can be used at the same time

    Uses both strict and normal blacklists which can be used at the same time

    Option to save existing plugin settings during uninstallation/plugin deletion

    Show/Hide button in form field options to keep field settings tidy

    Simple instructions are directly inside the options page and inline field general option help markers.

    Supported Field Types: text, textarea, date, name, number, email, phone, website, address, dropdown, radio, multi select, checkbox.

    Please see support page for plugin F.A.Q

    Item is supported though the comments page

    + means “or any higher version”

    -WordPress 4.6+
    -PHP 5.6+ (5.5 and 5.4 should also function but are NOT SUPPORTED)
    -Gravity Forms Version 2.0.7+

    Installation / Upgrade
    IMPORTANT: Please refer to the plugin’s readme file for detailed instructions on upgrading between versions or initial install.

    Current Available Version

    Changelog (including near future versions)

    Version 1.3 (current available version)
    * Added “Reveal Blacklisted Terms/Phrases” option with custom before message option.
    * Added collapsible plugin options button to form field options to keep things tidy

    Version 1.2
    * Added “Strict Blacklist” and “Strict Text Replacement” features for additional control.

    Version 1.1
    * Added “Before Text” and “After Text” features to allow prefixing and suffixing field data.

    Version 1.0
    * Initial version

  • Fast Textual content Substitute WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Fast Textual content Substitute WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    You find yourself in troubles when trying to change a simple text of a theme you’ve just bought? How can you replace a text in search result page with a better description? Or change the WooCommerce’s default message when your shopping cart is empty? Changing theme’s or plugin’s PHP file directly? No, that’s not recommended because you’ll lose all your changes when theme or plugin is updated. Creating a child theme, then copy file from parent theme and modify it? No, because that’s too much work for you and it doesn’t always work with themes and absolutely doesn’t work with plugins.

    So, Quick Text Replacement is born to solve this problem. Quick Text Replacement, as its name says, is a WordPress plugin that can help you replace ANY text in a WordPress theme or plugin just in 10 seconds!

    The plugin offers an intuitive interface for you to replace a text with another. You also can use the plugin to translate or fix translation of a WordPress theme or plugin. Optimized by ajax, your replacement manipulation is done extremely fast.

    Quick Text Replacement Features

    • Replaces any text in a WordPress theme or plugin, can be used to quick translate a theme / plugin (localization)
    • Can replace even translated text, thus can be use to fix theme / plugin translation
    • Runs fast when scan text, add text replacement, update text, etc.
    • Easy to use with friendly interface, follows WordPress style
    • Supports live search
    • Supports context and file references, e.g. where the text comes from (for better replacement / translation)
    • Supports singular and plural forms for English and similar languages
    • Works BOTH in the frontend and backend (admin area)
    • High performance: plugin is coded by experienced WordPress developer with care of speed, loading effect and WordPress standards.