We welcome all ratings you give us, but if you’d like to give less than 5 stars, we’d like to know why so we can improve and be better. You can send your comments to annapx0909@gmail.com. Thank you!
Clients testimonials:
“Thank you for this amazing theme you have developed its one of the best real estate themes we have seen. Well done again on this fantastic theme!”
“I have bought this theme and it’s great, I recommend it 100%. Their support is amazing too. Go for it!”
“What can I say about this theme? Is it smooth? Yes! Is it responsive? Yes! Is it easy to modify? Yes! Is it SEO friendly? Yes! Do you get great support? Yes! With this theme you don’t have to be a whiz kid to have a perfect website.
But there is more than this. I have been looking for a while for a great Real Estate theme that offered what we needed. WP Estate has everything we could wish for, excellent design, great features and above all a unique concept with the integrated Google Maps feature. This allows us to start our new concept with ease.
I Would like to take this moment to thanks Anna for the great help and support.”
“Again, this is one of the best theme available on the market.”
Edward Lui, www.MarsHillVirginia.com”
“I just purchased this and Anna has been a wonderful help. I have very beginner-intermediate level skills for wordpress, but Anna has helped me to build my website and is always willing to help. I highly recommend this wordpress theme if you are in the real estate business. Thanks Anna!
“Hi Anna!!! I want to say what a great job you have done on this theme. I love the functionality and extensive page layouts. The features are awesome and the support is the fastest I have seen from most developers I deal with. Once again thank you for a being the best at what you do, you are truly in a league of your own.”
johnagdelo PURCHASED
“I recently purchased this theme for a new realtor client. I was and am impressed with the features and attention to detail that this theme provides. I am most impressed with the support I have received for Anna.”
WP Estate features list
WP Estate is a premium fully responsive WordPress theme designed for Real Estate companies and independent agents. Our theme offers you the possibility to standout with an elegant theme that you can use out-of-the-box or customize up to to the smallest details.
WP Estate features 27+ shortcodes, 7 custom widgets, advanced Google Maps search, full width slider on properties, custom page and post templates for Agents and Properties and other controls to help you design the theme as you desire.
Please email us any question or comment about the WP Estate theme and demo. Your input is the most valuable to us and we will offer you our assistance and all the answers you’re looking for promptly.
Some of the most interesting options are detailed next, followed by a complete feature list.
Fully Responsive Design – WP Estate adapts on all the devices on which it is opened: iPhones, iPads, tablets, Smartphones or desktop computers.
Google Maps – WP Estate includes an advanced search system for properties, integrated with Google Maps.
Intuitive Admin Panel – WP Estate Theme Options panel features intuitive controls to customize the theme colors and its general settings.
Full Width Slider & Small Width Slider for properties–
Blog Post Slider – In this slider you can also add a Vimeo/YouTube video. You may also turn this slider on/off for each post from Admin.
Custom Post & Page Templates – WP Estate features custom posts for Properties and Agents, each with their own custom settings required by the Real Estate industry.
SEO optimized – WP Estate code structure is clean and organized, allowing search engines to index your website pages correctly.
Complete list of features:
- Dedicated Support Team to answer all your questions, comments and requests promptly.
- WordPress 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 compatibility.
- Built with HTML5 and CSS3.
- Cross Browser compatible, tested on Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, IE9, IE10.
- Clean design suitable for real estate companies
- 100% Responsive on all Smartphones, tablets and desktop computers.
- Demo Content included in the default set-up for out-of-the-box installation. All images are free for commercial and personal use.
- Extensive manual with detailed instructions (http://help.wpestatetheme.org)
- Google Maps API integrated with distinctive pins.
- FlexSlider third plugin integrated in the slider shortcode (Flexslider plugin is free for personal and commercial use).
- Translation Module with POEdit.
- 2 level menu navigation, with full control over its colors.
- Intuitive Admin Panel with all the controls you need to customize the theme.
- Full control over theme’s colors with unlimited color options.
- An easy way to change Logo, footer logo & favicon from Theme Options.
- Hundreds of Google Fonts available in Admin Panel.
- Google Analytics field available in Theme Options. All you have to do is copy/paste the code from your own account.
- 4 Column Widget Footer that you can customize from Admin.
- Copyright Footer Text editor available in Theme Options.
- Social Share buttons integrated in Blog Post.
- Social Accounts buttons for Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus integrated in the header and on the Contact page.
- Custom Widgets that can be applied on the sidebar and in the footer:
- Mortgage Calculator
- Featured Listing
- Social Links Widget
- Contact Widget
- Facebook Widget
- Twitter Widget
- Flick Widget
- Login/User Dashboard Widget
- SEO Optimized and compatible with any third party SEO plugin you’d like to add.
- Custom Page Templates:
- Contact page
- Blog List Page
- Properties List page with property filter options
- Agent List page
- Compare Properties Page
- Advanced Search Results page
- User Dashboard templates
- Page Settings:
- Show Title Yes/No
- Sidebar Position: Left, Right or None
- Select what Sidebar displays if enabled
- Revolution Slider name
- Static Header Image
- Custom coordinates for Google Maps and Google Maps zoom control
- Custom 404 Not Found page included
- Property Page custom settings:
- Agent responsible
- Default settings: County, State, Zip, Country, City, Area, Type, Category, Lot size, Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Rooms, Price, after price label.
- Custom fields which you can edit, delete or add yourself.
- Property Status – with edit controls in admin panel
- Google Maps position (Latitude, Longitude, Google Street View)
- Embed Video Code (for the full width slider)
- Amenities and Features – edited by you
- Agent Page custom settings:
- Agent description
- Agent Sale Pitch
- Email
- Phone
- Mobile
- Skype ID
- Contact Form (automatically added). This contact form sends all messages received through agent page directly to agent email
- 27+ shortcodes visual in the WordPress Content Editor:
- Slider supported by FlexSlider plugin
- Buttons (4 colors)
- Google Maps
- Icon Content Box
- Recent Properties and Recent Articles
- Standard Table
- Lists (10 types)
- Tagline (2 types)
- Testimonial (2 types)
- Toggle (4 color options)
- Accordion (4 color options)
- Tabs
- Typography (dropcaps, headings, highlight, blockquote, spacer)
- Threaded Comments
- Unlimited Sidebars
- Well organized code and files
- And many more attractive features!
Theme Updates
WP ESTATE 2.01 – Released on December 2
NEW: Confirmed support for the YOAST WordPress SEO plugin
EDIT: Contact Page - added fax number
EDIT: Updated the order of properties in Recent Items shortcode, Properties List and taxonomy list: Featured are always first, next come properties by publish date (recent first)
EDIT: PayPal Currencies - added RUB as currency
EDIT: Remove Price Mandatory from submit form
FIX: Show default fields in Advanced Search Mobile - when custom fields are set to NO
FIX: Small updates to PO file
FIX: In property Small Slider featured image shows first
FIX: New Property custom fields update in Compare page as well FIX
WP ESTATE 2.0 – Released on November 18
NOTICE: After upgrade theme files to 2.0 version go to Themes panel in WP-ADMIN, de-activate and activate the theme again.
NEW: Theme Options have been unified in one panel, with an improved design. Settings have been added (not removed).
NEW: Custom Fields management panel. Most of theme's default property settings are now editable. You can also add new Property Settings.
NEW: Advanced Search management panel, with editable fields. There are 8 spots you can edit with any custom fields and default property settings.
NEW: Google Maps clusterer. The option can be turned off from Theme Options. You can also select at what Google Maps zoom level you activate the clusterer.
NEW: Publish submitted listings from user dashboard automatically, with on/off control in Theme Options. Applies for free submission, paid submission and membership package submission.
NEW: Small Slider is added as an option on front end submission form.
NEW: AJAX filters are added also on taxonomy pages (Property Category, Property Action, Property City and Property Area)
EDITED: text enabled on Agents List and Properties list custom page templates.
FIXED: IE10 display for properties list
FIXED: Filters show properties by selected filter (not mandatory with status Featured)
FIXED: .PO translation for User Submission Form and Admin Theme Options
WP Estate 1.94 – Released November 6, 2013.
This upgrade includes a few IMPORTANT notes.
For clients who are upgrading from an older version, please consider the following:
– Deactivate and activate the theme again for listings to pick up the new FEATURED option and new Zoom Controls on taxonomy pages. If you upgrade from v1.93, Theme Options will be saved. If you upgrade from an older version, Theme Options will be overwritten (like landing address and custom colors).
– If you want to update also the revolution slider as well you must:
1. Connect via FTP manager to WPESTATE/WP-Content/plugins/revslider
2. Go to theme pack in WPESTATE/LIBS/PLUGINGS/REVSLIDER , open the folder and copy the files to your domain, in WPESTATE/wp-content/plugins/revslider
– If you upgrade from an older version and you want to activate NEW Membership packages, package limits will not consider the listings already submitted (paid or free).
– The most recommended way is to start a new account for all users, to have an accurate package limit number.
– PayPal IPN account details must be updated for Membership to work (please see our manual above). Recurring is supported only by the OLD API, so you must add IPN – API info in Theme Options. If you want to test with Sandbox, you must add Sandbox API. If you want to test with LIVE API, you must add LIVE API info.
- NEW: If you change from Paid or Free Submission to MEMBERSHIP, the default package (FREE MEMBERSHIP) will not consider listings added before the switch (only the new listings are substracted from the package).
- NEW in Theme Options - Pay per membership (alternative to Pay per listing or FREE listings submission)
- NEW in WP-ADMIN - Membership packages (ADD NEW PACKAGE and EDIT PACKAGE)
- NEW in Theme Options, FREE MEMBERSHIP free listings included and free featured listings included in the default package (assigned at registration).
- NEW: A Membership package includes: Name, payment cycle (day, week, month or year), payment cycle value (x days, x weeks and so on), listings included, featured listings included (deduct from total listings), package price and option to display package or not.
- NEW: Users see all packages in My Profile and can select to upgrade/downgrade package from the same page.
- NEW: Deleted listings deduct from package listings. User package will always consider deleted listings when counting package remaining listings.
- NEW: Users can choose to have a package recurring (the payment repeats every x day/week/month/year, as you've set for the package).
- NEW: If user's package expires because he didn't renew or he doesn't have money in account, the package returns to FREE MEMBERSHIP by default. All his listings will have status EXPIRED (expired won't show in listings). If user decided to renew package, he can re-submit listings for approval. He'll be able to re-submit only the number of listings allowed by his package.
- NEW: INVOICE MENU - a system to see what users have purchased different packages
- NEW: EDIT USER - the possibility to assign a package manually to an user by adding the Package ID, listings included and featured listings included.
- NEW in Theme Options - Add an extra fee for Featured Listing Option (a fee which will be paid though PayPal for each property if paid listing is enabled)
- NEW: Featured listings have a green Featured label on thumbs and show first in line in all listings.
- NEW: New notification for Admin if a user pays for a listing to be featured (includes the name of the property paid in the email).
- NEW: Admin can make featured listings from Front End submission. He sees all listings on the website.
- NEW: ON/OFF control in Theme Options to show or not to show EMPTY CITY and AREAS in advanced search
- NEW: Google Maps zoom control in Theme Options that applies for taxonomy pages.
- EDITED: City and Area in front end submission forms show as a drop-down with all cities and areas added in WP-ADMIN
- EDITED: Phone numbers have "call to" so they're clickable on mobile phones
- NEW: Google Maps zoom control in Theme Options that applies for taxonomy pages.
- EDITED: minimum height for property listing to min 345px, to accomodate listings with more info and not brake alignment
- EDITED: registration/forgot password email have client's website details in FROM headers (no WordPress)
- EDITED: added the minim image size requirements for User Profile image
- FIX: update message when user changes user info (not email)
- FIX: click on hover thumbs not working after using filters
WP Estate 1.93 – Released on October 24
New Features:
- Property List template features AJAX filters (Action, Category, City, Area and Order By)
- Login with Facebook, Yahoo and Google
- ON/OFF control for each login button in Theme Options
- IDX PRO support (we had to make changes to the standard IDX PRO version CSS as well, to accomodate both).
- we added Google Zoom map control in WP_ADMIN: Edit Page, Edit Property, Edit Agent and Edit Post
- New sidebar widget for LOGIN/REGISTER (login and register forms are built with Ajax)
- Agent Page header Google Maps shows the listings assigned to Agent - from My Listings. Because of this new improved login, we removed the custom coordinates for this custom post.
- Added Property ID on front end, under price (Property Details). The ID is taken from wp-admin - Edit Property (given by WordPress) and shows Listing Id: LST-Property ID.
- Advanced Search ON/OFF control for REvolution Slider and Images in header
Current features updates:
- Scrolling option added in Drop Down filters
- When submitting property user types in City & Area (so Admin doesn't have to pre-add all cities * areas)
- User Dashboard colors are taken from Agent Border custom color set in Theme Options - Design.
- Contact Widget updated (URL with text link and email with mailto:)
- My Profile - Changing Password (new notification if the email is already saved for another account).
- Changed Similar Lisitngs to include the last 3 properties from the same category and/or action (opposite to category, as it was until this version)
- When de-activating and activating the theme, custom Map Settings and Color Settings are kept.
- Google Maps updated for 3G internet connections
WP Estate 1.92 – Released on October 11
- Remove CAPTCHA from contact forms
- Contact Forms with AJAX
- Added Remove Favorites button in User Dashboard
- Small Slider alternative for Property Pages. When Small Slider is selected the header opens with the Google Maps address and Property Info Box open
- Added default categories in Advanced Search and Advanced Search widget: All Listings, All Types, All Cities, All Areas
- Filter Areas by City in Advanced Search
- Attach Area to a City in wp-admin
- Advanced Search shows in google maps only the listings from results. The same applies to listings by City, by Area, by Action or by Category.
- Added switch button for PayPal Sandbox and LIVE in Theme Options
- In email received by property agent or user, we added the link of the page from where email is sent.
WP Estate 1.9.1 – Released on September 25
- Ajax Login/Register Forms
- AJAX Property Submission FORM
- User Profile with profile image, contact info
- Assign User profile to properties submitted by user. People can contact the user from Property Page
- Favorite Listings with Login/Register AJAX pop-up forms
- Forget Password
- Change Password
- Homepage Google Maps control to be smaller (like in internal pages). Turn this option ON from Theme Options - Appearance
-Pin a property to Google Maps from Address (it is a new button in Admin and Front end submission). This is a second alternative to typing latitude & longitude.
WP Estate 1.9 – Released on September 18 (available for download)
- 3 new Advanced Search Layouts
- Advanced Search Type 2: vertical, with Ajax contact form
- Advanced Search Type 3: vertical
- Advanced Search Type 4: horizontal
- ON/OFF control in wp-admin for the Map Filters on Google Maps
- Added all PayPal currencies for paid submissions
WP Estate 1.8 available for download starting September 10
- Paid Submission via PayPal
- Enable Paid Submissions from Theme Options
- Set the price for 1 submission from Theme Options
- Set the currency for 1 submission from Theme Options (EURO or USD)
- Added email notification for Admin when new user submits a property
- Added email notification for Admin when user edits a submitted property
- Added email notification for Admin when user pays for a property submission
- Added ON/OFF control to show or not all Features and Amenities (including those that don't apply for a property)
- Added Filter Button on Property Page List template
- If user clicks on Filters like TYPE Bedrooms NO and doesn't add info, the text shows again after user goes to next filter
WP Estate 1.7 available for download
Front End user submission with dedicated plugin and 2 dedicated shortocodes (for Login and Register forms)
Property Pins & Icon submission
Removed the need to have an action for a property
Revolution Slider integration ($15 value integration)
Advanced Search Widget plugin
Zillow Estimate widget plugin
New colors controls for second menu, new widgets, hover effect
Removed Yellow Man (Google Street View) from Homepage and Internal Pages google maps
Recent Items shortcode updated to filter latest listings and articles by category ID
New shortcode added to filter articles and listings by post ID
Geolocation on Google Maps with on/off control in Admin.
Added Radius control for Geolocation in Theme Options
WP Estate 1.6 – second release August 10 2013 which includes:
- Google Street View angle camera control
- Property price disappears if none is set
- After price label added to edit Properties
- Property status management added
- Features & Amenities management added
- dsIDXpress WordPress Plugin compatibility added (with a custom css that resembles the general theme design) - <a href="http://wordpress.org/plugins/dsidxpress/">http://wordpress.org/plugins/dsidxpress/ </a>
- IDX listings to show on header map, if IDX widget exists on the sidebar (works with dsIDXpress only)
- Property Page title labels management added
- Floating Menu labels management added
- Custom CSS can be used with Custom Colors set to NO
- Improved Contact Form behavior (show message status)
- Fixed edit Actions - to not create new actions automatically
- X close bar added to featured images on Google Maps
- Custom Google Maps coordinates for individual Pages and Posts
- Custom image to replace Google Maps for individual Pages and Posts
Important: If you are upgrading to V1.6 from v1.5, please notice that all custom Theme Options will be overwritten because we’re adding a complex change to theme functionality. After you upgrade, de-activate and activate the theme again from WP-Admin so that the new Page Property Options page populates with the default content. Thank you for your understanding.
WP Estate 1.0 – initial release July 29 2013