Tag: products

  • Future15 – Multipurpose WordPress Theme (Inventive)

    Future15 – Multipurpose WordPress Theme (Inventive)


    future15 is a tech savvy multipurpose responsive wordpress theme, powered by famous redux framework, ready to go with woocommerce. Composite of all requirements for the stylish website, your corporate portfolio, your business site and much more. Modifiable in every aspects of your needs.

    Future15 Multipurpose WordPress Theme

    The Theme comes with two must have plugins worth $46.

    1. Revolution Slider – Save $18 with this theme
    2. Visual Composer – Save $28 with this theme.

    Theme Features

    • 06 Color Pre-Options
    • 02 Availabel Home Page Layouts
    • Revolution Slider
    • Drag & Drop Page Builder
    • WordPress 4.0+ Ready
    • Latest Woocommerce
    • Redux Options Panel
    • Unlimited Color & Background
    • Animated Revolution Slider Option
    • Short code Generator (Columns, Buttons, Toggles, Tabs)
    • Full Localisation Support (contains .po/.mo files)
    • WordPress 4.0+ Ready (Menus & Featured Images)
    • Page Templates (Blog, Home Page, Contact us etc.)
    • Working PHP Ajax Contact Form
    • Optimized Source Code Included
    • Filterable Portfolio (Supports Images, Video & Audio etc.)
    • Well Organized Codes
    • Cross browser Compatible
    • Extensive Documentation
    • Clean, Minimal Design
    • Custom Widgets (footer Widgets)
    • Simple Theme Options
    • Active and Hover Options
    • Sorting Gallery

    More Features

    • HTML5 and CSS3
    • Layered PSDs files for Customisation – (Home Page)
    • Fully Responsive with Bootstrap 3.1
    • Grid System and Responsive Design
    • Easy to Use and Easy to Customize
    • SEO Optimized
    • Google Fonts
    • Bootstrap Components Compatible
    • 100% Support
    • All files are well commented and organized

    Photo, Fonts, Script, & Icon Credits

    I’ve used the following framework:

    Please note that images used in live preview are not included in the package. If you have any questions please feel free to email via my user page contact form here. Thank you!


    Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this theme. As I said at the beginning, I’d be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this theme. No guarantees, but I’ll do my best to assist. If you have a more general question relating to the themes on ThemeForest, you might consider visiting the forums and asking your question in the “Item Discussion” section.

    Flag Counter

  • MWI Shortcodes for WordPress (eCommerce)

    MWI Shortcodes for WordPress (eCommerce)

    The MWI Shortcodes plugin for WordPress is an add-on for my free Magento WordPress Integration plugin. It allows you to display Magento products, layout blocks, and static blocks in your WordPress site using shortcodes.

    You can use the Shortcode generator button to create your shortcodes, making it easier than ever to show your local Magento products, layout blocks, or static blocks on your WordPress website.

    Your Magento and WordPress websites should reside on the same server, but do not need to utilise the same domain name.

  • Envato Referral Booster – Affiliate Plugin (Merchandising)

    Envato Referral Booster – Affiliate Plugin (Merchandising)

    Envato Referral Booster is a WordPress Plugin designed to help boost your referrals by including Envato Products on your WordPress site. You can decide which products are displayed and your referral link will be automatically added to the products. It also comes with a Keyword System that allows you to specify Keywords with URLs and they will then be automatically linked to when your Posts/Pages are displayed.


    • WordPress Version 3.5 or greater
    • PHP Version 3 or greater
    • PHP CURL library


    • Display any Envato Product on your site with your referral link automatically included!
    • You earn $ for each referred user that purchases an item on Envato. You can view the amount earned in your Earnings page. For more information on Envato’s Affiliate System, go to: http://codecanyon.net/make_money/affiliate_program.
    • Easily add your Username in the options page to make sure your Referral Link is included in every product you display.
    • Widget
      • Display Widget which allows you to show off Envato products.
      • Display newest items from a specific author.
      • Display weekly popular items from the Marketplaces.
      • Display newest items from categories in specific Marketplaces (e.g. all site templates from ThemeForest).
      • Display specific items by specifying their productids.
      • Display items based on Search keywords.
      • Limit the amount of items you display.
    • ShortCode
      • Simple shortcode allows you to display any product in any post/page anywhere.
    • Posts/Pages
      • Each post/page can have it’s own specific list of items added, includes all the options of the Widget.
      • Can display products above/below post or overwrite the Widget area.
      • Easily select the options from a meta-box added in the Admin Area when creating a new post/page.
    • Keywords
      • Specify Keywords and the URLs that should be used to link them.
      • Can add an unlimited amount.
      • Each keyword you specify will be looked for in post/pages and automatically turned into links based on the URLs you set. Automatically adds your Referral username.
      • Easily add new articles/content without having to worry about making sure you provide referral links.
      • Can easily disable Keywords via Options page.
      • When you disable the plugin, all keywords will be removed from your posts/pages.
    • Uses the Envato Marketplace API to grab data from products so it keeps them accurate and up-to-date.
  • iDesign – The last word in wordpress net design tool (Utilities)

    iDesign – The last word in wordpress net design tool (Utilities)

    Introducing iDesign:

    The Ultimate in WP Web Design Software

    iDesign was built ground up on new principles to bring an enhanced experience to the design builder genre with a single aim – make creative web design fun, intuitive and efficient like never before. Here is a canvas that fits in anywhere and brings to life amazing designs with splendid ease that blends work into play.

    You can use this plugin for developing specific sections that you require, for filling out gaps in your website with creative web designs. Or simply make it your new page builder to create awesome pages. Just browse iDesign’s vast array of presets here to get an idea of how refreshingly capable the plugin is at creating unique and requirement specific web design elements.

    Truly Endless Possibilities:

    The plugin was created to give users immense designing power. With zero lines of code, and an intuitive user interface experience you’ll be able to create and visually integrate a wide variety of web elements such as:

    • Tile Grids
    • Product Showcase
    • Portfolios
    • Metro
    • Testimonials
    • Feature Sections
    • Text Bubbles
    • Banners
    • Team View
    • Buttons
    • Post Teasers
    • Sliders
    • Filters
    • And More…

    Most importantly, you’ll be getting the means to conveniently create highly custom sections and pages that would simply not be possible otherwise without a cumbersome amount of coding. For the first time, you’ll do this without struggling with the tyranny of rows and columns and receive a vast amount of customization options and presets to jump start your projects!

    Freedom of an amazing DIY (Do-it-Yourself) tool!

    For non-programmers, and those keen on quick productivity, iDesign brings the amazing opportunity to conveniently build your web visions into reality without code and via an easy to use platform that facilitates creatively experimentation. It’s interface was created to remain newbie friendly and offers more and more power to advanced skills. Another great facility relevant here is iDesign’s vast array of presets that can be found here. These can be used to quickly jump start your projects, saving you time and energy by laying down the foundation, and to better understand the design capabilities of the plugin. iDesign offers easy and vast creative control over your web designs, and can be counted on time and again while you build various sections of your website. Mastering this tool means gaining incredible and easy creative control over your website and it can be counted on time and again while you build design elements for various sections of your website – be it the main content area, sidebar, widgets, footer – basically wherever your theme permits shortcodes without restrictions. In this way, iDesign helps you truly customize your website to your specific needs amd bring your web visions to reality.

    Capabilities & Chief Features

    • Ajax Pagination: For native posts as well as WooCommerce! Add elegance and smarter your designs with this nifty feature, awesome for hooking your traffic.
    • LightBox: Lightbox can have different image than the tile, background color, pattern image and opacity can also be controlled individually for each tile.
    • FreeFlow Blueprint: Step up to the amazing feel of a liquid like blueprint where you create designs with amazing ease without struggling against rows within columns within columns…
    • Native Slider: Very convenient to use, size it as per convenience and it will blended anywhere within the layout. Great for purposes where a simple slider or carousel is needed such as reviews, teasers, products.
    • Filtering: Attractively display portfolios with filters. The filter tabs themselves are also highly customization friendly in terms of their visual styling.
    • Font Awesome Integrated: Choose from over 400 beautiful icons for your tiles and enjoy detailed customization for them including shadow and hover colors.
    • 24 Tile Types: Each tile type comes with a unique markup structure, most with custom animation, covering a wide range of purposes. Different tile types can be used within the same set.
    • WooComm. Integrated: But ofcourse! Attractively display your woo products, style mini shop sections, add to sliders, paginate, use presets and generally pump up the value of your wares with iDesign.
    • Custom Classes: Give different custom class to each set or even each tile within a set in order to target them individually for targeting via JS or CSS.
    • Separate Hover Image: Provide a different image on hover if needed. Hovered font awesome icons can have different style properties to create smart hover effects.
    • Appear Animations: Detects when set is within screen view and applies appear animation decided by the user. Select from 6 different animations to style your sets.
    • Mulitiple Links / Tile: Add multiple links per tile, and for weight, choose different dimensions / animations per link, per tile.
    • Import/Export Supported: Import/Export all designs via ‘Resources’ page or do it for individual designs, sets and even tiles for great convenience and efficient re-use of past material.
    • Google Fonts Integrated: The ‘Resources’ page offers a panel for conveniently managing your Google Fonts. The process is super simple and over 600 fonts wait to spoil you for choice!
    • In-Depth Customization: You’ll have no complaints going hands on with a boat load of styling options made available for each element of the tile, the tile itself and even the set and design.

    Sweet, Massive Selection of Presets

    A solid presets system is at the heart of iDesign’s ability to provide you with great efficiency and ease of use. iDesign is already backed by a vast selection of presets, including sets and full page templates, covering a variety of purposes, and this selection will only continue to grow. Access the presets by heading over to the presets page here. These presets can be easily imported into your current projects and are a great way to jump start your designs. The “General Use” presets section offers a variety of handy presets you could often rely on to build typically required elements. But do not forget to check out the selection of “Custom Concepts” that showcase how unique your own designs could end up looking with the power offered by this plugin.

    Author’s Note:

    iDesign has been developed with a lot of care and deliberation as a high calibre WordPress tool to assist with the creation of beautiful and smart designs, and its success would be measured in terms of the output it helps its users create. If you would like to share your work developed with iDesign, please send a mail to idesignplugin@gmail.com. A five star rating from satisfied users would be much appreciated for the effort behind put into its development. However, if you face any issues with the plugin, or would like to provide suggestions to enhance it (most welcome), please write in to the same email address for prompt support.

  • Submatic: Listing Subages As Beautiful Galleries (Utilities)

    Submatic: Listing Subages As Beautiful Galleries (Utilities)

    Professionally display your product or service pages as filterable galleries which becomes amazing responsive carousels with preview!
    List subpages With Shortcode

    Subpages as carousel navigation

    Totally customizable

    Custom Columns Number

    Shortcode Instructions Online

    Well Documented

    Full List of Features

    • Easily display list of subpages as filterable gallery
    • Possibility to display subpages of other pages in every page or post
    • Custom taxonomy for filters
    • Amazing responsive carousel of previews with excerpt
    • Totally responsive
    • Easy-To-Use Options Page
    • 11 Color Pickers
    • Customizable elements font size
    • Customizable filters color and shape
    • Customizable label for “show all” filter
    • Customizable filters font size
    • Customizable filters colors
    • Customizable color of the overlay background and texts
    • Add your own CSS
    • Eventually load jQuery if your theme doesn’t have it
    • Super easy to use shortcode
    • 8 Optionsl Shortcode Parameters
    • Works with every theme
    • Excellent documentation
    • Professional email support included

    Perfect to:

    • Display list of services
    • Display list of products
    • Display list of portfolios
    • Display list of pages of any kind

    Fast usage:

    Insert the [QTCHILDS] shortcode in the parent page.

  • Fancy Information – WP plugin (Media)

    Fancy Information – WP plugin (Media)

    With this wordpresss plugin you can create a news slider easily and you can add any type of post to it (except pages). You can also select post by taxonomies and terms. If you would like to load the content of a RSS feed, thats also possible. You can also add the shortcodes to a text widget.


    1. For any type of post (posts, prodcuts etc.)
    2. Filter posts by taxonomies and terms
    3. Use external RSS feeds
    4. Helpful shortcode builder in the admin
    5. Lightweight and easy to use
    6. Responsive and Touch-Enabled
    7. Unlimited color variations
    8. Horizontal and vertical layout
    9. Supports auto-sliding

  • CountDown Professional WordPress Plugin – WebSites/Merchandise/Deals (Utilities)

    CountDown Professional WordPress Plugin – WebSites/Merchandise/Deals (Utilities)

    You can use it as CountDown for WebSites, Events and Products launch or as expiry date for Offers and Discounts


    IF YOU NEED ONLY THE JQUERY PLUGIN FOR THIS PRODUCT, YOU CAN DOWNLOAD IT FROM HERE: http://codecanyon.net/item/countdown-pro-for-websiteseventsproducts-launch/5495472


    video tutorial

    Installation – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vtd2oQA0sRY
    How To Manage the Social Channels – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BAYq9tO5nU
    How To Create a Countdown for Your Website and Enable Maintenance Mode – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLAKvdpdu5Y
    How To Create a Countdown For Product Launch and Include It In Your Pages – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUUJiSFJbxM
    How To Create an Electronic Countdown – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5CD3YBBUHs


    Extremly customizable

    Over 80 options from where you can customize the plugin.

    Suitable for any website

    You have parameters to change everything: colors, fonts, transparency, borders, dimensions. In this manner you can integrate the plugin in any website

    Responsive Design

    The coundown plugins if fully responsive. Parameter to enable or disable responsive behavior. Please check this responsive example

    Begin Date & End Date

    Parameters to set the interval: Begin Date & End Date. The launching date contains: Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute and Second

    Server Time or Computer Time

    Parameter to use Server Time or Computer time

    CallBack Function

    You can define a CallBack function which will be executed when the CountDown will end.

    Multi Purpose Usage

    You can use it as countdown for WebSites, Events, Products launch or as expiry date for Offers, Discounts

    Two Versions

    ‘Circular’ and ‘Electronic’ versions available. All customizable from parameters.

    Multiple Instances

    You can insert multiple countdowns on your website or on the same page.


    Options to add social icons in order to promote your website on all the available channels.

    Logo Section

    Optional parameter to set your logo. Also, logo link available with parameter for _self or _blank

    Free Updates

    Once you’ve bought the product, you can download for free, from your account, all the updated versions.


    *NOTE: the cirlces are built using HTML5 canvas, so the circles will not appear in IE7 and IE8 since these 2 browsers don’t have HTML5 support.


    If you need additional information don’t hesitate to contact us at office@lambertgroup.ro. We’ll try to answer you as quickly as possible.


  • Grid Gallery with Customized Hyperlinks Professional        (Galleries)

    Grid Gallery with Customized Hyperlinks Professional (Galleries)

    If you have WordPress gallery of images and need to link them to other pages, this plugin is for you.

    • Displays images in a grid.
      Live Preview
    • Responsive.
      Live Preview
    • Mobile friendly.
    • Easy to add to any page or post.
      Live Preview
    • You can add captions and long description to each of the images.
      Live Preview
    • You can add internal or external links to images and captions.
    • Crossfade on Hover and other visual effects.
      Live Preview
    • Fully customizable to match your WordPress theme.
      Live Preview

    On Line
    Documentation and Live Previews

    Perfect plugin to create:

    • Sponsor links page.
    • Portfolio page.
    • Recipes page.
    • Products page.
    • Restaurant menu page.
    • File downloads page.
    • Navigation page.
    • Categories page.
    • External links page.


    • Responsive when used with responsive theme.
    • Easy to add to any page or post. Just insert a shortcode.
    • Integrated with Media Library. It uses WordPress gallery for upload and image management.
    • Not limited to thumbnails. You can select any image size from your Media Library.
    • Images can have different sizes.
    • Unlimited number of images. Add as many images as you wish.
    • You can add captions and long description.
    • A few text layouts to choose from.
    • Image frames, drop shadows, cross-fade on hover and other visual effects.
    • Support for multiple Grid Galleries on a single page.
    • You can add custom JavaScript, to track clicks on outbound links.
    • Mobile friendly. Tested in all major browsers and mobile devices.
    • Highly customizable from the back-end. For full control, you can add custom CSS.
    • Translation Ready.
    • Guaranteed support. We always do our best to help and give support when needed.
    • Regular plugin updates. Grid Gallery with Custom Links Pro is always tested with the latest version of WordPress.


    This plugin requires
    Media Library Custom Fields
    to be installed.

    Media Library Custom Fields is our free plugin available for download from WordPress Plugins Directory. It’s tested and fully compatible with Grid Gallery
    with Custom Links Pro.

    Grid Gallery with Custom Links Pro
    Installation Instructions

  • Paper Grid – Workforce, Products and services and Content material Grid (Interface Parts)

    Paper Grid – Workforce, Products and services and Content material Grid (Interface Parts)

    Paper Grid is a content grid plugin for WordPress. It is extremely light weight, but it’s also very flexible and powerfull, you can edit pretty much anything from the intuitive admin interface.

    You can use it to showcase your team, or your services and products or any other type of content. You can select images, icons, change colors and do much more. Content Grid frontend css file is only 5KB and javascript file is only 2KB so your website performance will remain intact.


    • Very Flexible
    • Responsive
    • Intuitive Admin Panel
    • Lightweight
    • Any number of columns
    • Custom Colors
    • Google Fonts
    • Social Network Icons


    • PHP 5.2+


    • v1.1
      • HTML can now be entered in the description field
      • You can make the whole grid item clicakble
      • Added ability to clone grids
      • Other minor bugfixes
    • v1.0
      • Initial Release